-- |

-- Module:      Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle

-- Copyright:   (c) 2018 Cedric Liegeois

-- License:     BSD3

-- Maintainer:  Cedric Liegeois <ofmooseandmen@yahoo.fr>

-- Stability:   experimental

-- Portability: portable


-- Types and functions for working with <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_circle Great Circle>.


-- All functions are implemented using the vector-based approached described in

-- <http://www.navlab.net/Publications/A_Nonsingular_Horizontal_Position_Representation.pdf Gade, K. (2010). A Non-singular Horizontal Position Representation>


-- This module assumes a spherical earth.


-- TODO:


--     * alongTrackDistance :: Position -> GreatArc -> Length


--     * intersection :: GreatArc -> GreatArc -> Maybe Position


--     * nearestPoint :: Position -> GreatArc -> Position


--     * area :: [Position] -> Surface


--     * closestApproach


module Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
    -- * The 'GreatCircle' type
    -- * The 'Position' type

    , Position(..)
    -- * Smart constructors
    , greatCircle
    , greatCircleE
    , greatCircleF
    , greatCircleBearing
    -- * Geodesic calculations
    , antipode
    , crossTrackDistance
    , crossTrackDistance'
    , destination
    , destination'
    , distance
    , distance'
    , finalBearing
    , initialBearing
    , interpolate
    , intersections
    , isInside
    , mean
    -- * Misc.
    , meanEarthRadius
    , northPole
    , southPole
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Geo.Jord.Angle
import Data.Geo.Jord.GeoPos
import Data.Geo.Jord.Length
import Data.Geo.Jord.NVector
import Data.Geo.Jord.Quantity
import Data.List (subsequences)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Prelude hiding (fail)

-- | A circle on the surface of the Earth which lies in a plane passing through

-- the Earth's centre. Every two distinct and non-antipodal points on the surface

-- of the Earth define a Great Circle.


-- It is internally represented as its normal vector - i.e. the normal vector

-- to the plane containing the great circle.


-- See 'greatCircle', 'greatCircleE', 'greatCircleF' or 'greatCircleBearing' constructors.


data GreatCircle = GreatCircle
    { normal :: NVector
    , dscr :: String
    } deriving (Eq)

instance Show GreatCircle where
    show = dscr

-- | The 'Position' class defines 2 functions to convert a position to and from a 'NVector'.

-- All functions in this module first convert 'Position' to 'NVector' and any resulting 'NVector' back

-- to a 'Position'. This allows the call site to pass either 'NVector' or 'GeoPos' and to get back

-- the same class instance.

class Position a where
    -- | Converts a 'NVector' into 'Position' instance.
    fromNVector :: NVector -> a
    -- | Converts the 'Position' instance into a 'NVector'.

    toNVector :: a -> NVector

-- | 'GeoPos' to/from 'NVector'.

instance Position GeoPos where
    fromNVector v = latLong lat lon
        lat = atan2' (z v) (sqrt (x v * x v + y v * y v))
        lon = atan2' (y v) (x v)
    toNVector g = nvector x' y' z'
        lat = latitude g
        lon = longitude g
        cl = cos' lat
        x' = cl * cos' lon
        y' = cl * sin' lon
        z' = sin' lat

-- | Identity.

instance Position NVector where
    fromNVector v = v
    toNVector v = v

-- | 'GreateCircle' passing by both given 'Position's. 'error's if given positions are
-- equal or antipodal.
greatCircle :: (Eq a, Position a, Show a) => a -> a -> GreatCircle
greatCircle p1 p2 =
        (error (show p1 ++ " and " ++ show p2 ++ " do not define a unique Great Circle"))
        (greatCircleF p1 p2)

-- | 'GreateCircle' passing by both given 'Position's. A 'Left' indicates that given positions are
-- equal or antipodal.
greatCircleE :: (Eq a, Position a) => a -> a -> Either String GreatCircle
greatCircleE p1 p2
    | p1 == p2 = Left "Invalid Great Circle: positions are equal"
    | p1 == antipode p2 = Left "Invalid Great Circle: positions are antipodal"
    | otherwise =
                 (cross v1 v2)
                 ("passing by " ++
                  show (fromNVector v1 :: GeoPos) ++ " & " ++ show (fromNVector v2 :: GeoPos)))
    v1 = toNVector p1
    v2 = toNVector p2

-- | 'GreateCircle' passing by both given 'Position's. 'fail's if given positions are
-- equal or antipodal.
greatCircleF :: (Eq a, MonadFail m, Position a) => a -> a -> m GreatCircle
greatCircleF p1 p2 =
    case e of
        Left err -> fail err
        Right gc -> return gc
    e = greatCircleE p1 p2

-- | 'GreatCircle' passing by the given 'Position' and heading on given bearing.
greatCircleBearing :: (Position a) => a -> Angle -> GreatCircle
greatCircleBearing p b =
        (sub n' e')
        ("passing by " ++ show (fromNVector v :: GeoPos) ++ " heading on " ++ show b)
    v = toNVector p
    e = cross northPole v -- easting
    n = cross v e -- northing
    e' = scale e (cos' b / norm e)
    n' = scale n (sin' b / norm n)

-- | Returns the antipodal 'Position' of the given 'Position' - i.e. the position on the surface

-- of the Earth which is diametrically opposite to the given position.

antipode :: (Position a) => a -> a
antipode p = fromNVector (scale (toNVector p) (-1.0))

-- | 'crossTrackDistance'' assuming a radius of 'meanEarthRadius'.
crossTrackDistance :: (Position a) => a -> GreatCircle -> Length
crossTrackDistance p gc = crossTrackDistance' p gc meanEarthRadius

-- | Signed distance from given 'Position' to given 'GreatCircle'.
-- Returns a negative 'Length' if position if left of great circle,
-- positive 'Length' if position if right of great circle; the orientation of the
-- great circle is therefore important:
-- @
--     let gc1 = greatCircle (latLongDecimal 51 0) (latLongDecimal 52 1)
--     let gc2 = greatCircle (latLongDecimal 52 1) (latLongDecimal 51 0)
--     crossTrackDistance p gc1 == (- crossTrackDistance p gc2)
-- @
crossTrackDistance' :: (Position a) => a -> GreatCircle -> Length -> Length
crossTrackDistance' p gc =
    arcLength (sub (angleBetween (normal gc) (toNVector p) Nothing) (decimalDegrees 90))

-- | 'destination'' assuming a radius of 'meanEarthRadius'.
destination :: (Position a) => a -> Angle -> Length -> a
destination p b d = destination' p b d meanEarthRadius

-- | Computes the destination 'Position' from the given 'Position' having travelled the given distance on the

-- given initial bearing (bearing will normally vary before destination is reached) and using the given earth radius.


-- This is known as the direct geodetic problem.

destination' :: (Position a) => a -> Angle -> Length -> Length -> a
destination' p b d r
    | isZero d = p
    | otherwise = fromNVector (add (scale v (cos' ta)) (scale de (sin' ta)))
    v = toNVector p
    ed = unit (cross northPole v) -- east direction vector at v

    nd = cross v ed -- north direction vector at v

    ta = central d r -- central angle

    de = add (scale nd (cos' b)) (scale ed (sin' b)) -- unit vector in the direction of the azimuth

-- | 'distance'' assuming a radius of 'meanEarthRadius'.
distance :: (Position a) => a -> a -> Length
distance p1 p2 = distance' p1 p2 meanEarthRadius

-- | Computes the surface distance (length of geodesic) in 'Meters' assuming a

-- spherical Earth between the two given 'Position's and using the given earth radius.

distance' :: (Position a) => a -> a -> Length -> Length
distance' p1 p2 = arcLength (angleBetween v1 v2 Nothing)
    v1 = toNVector p1
    v2 = toNVector p2

-- | Computes the final bearing arriving at given destination  @p2@ 'Position' from given 'Position' @p1@.

--  the final bearing will differ from the 'initialBearing' by varying degrees according to distance and latitude.

-- Returns 180 if both position are equals.

finalBearing :: (Position a) => a -> a -> Angle
finalBearing p1 p2 = normalise (initialBearing p2 p1) (decimalDegrees 180)

-- | Computes the initial bearing from given @p1@ 'Position' to given @p2@ 'Position', in compass degrees.

-- Returns 0 if both position are equals.

initialBearing :: (Position a) => a -> a -> Angle
initialBearing p1 p2 = normalise (angleBetween gc1 gc2 (Just v1)) (decimalDegrees 360)
    v1 = toNVector p1
    v2 = toNVector p2
    gc1 = cross v1 v2 -- great circle through p1 & p2

    gc2 = cross v1 northPole -- great circle through p1 & north pole

-- | Computes the 'Position' at given fraction @f@ between the two given 'Position's @p0@ and @p1@.


-- Special conditions:


-- @

--     interpolate p0 p1 0.0 => p0

--     interpolate p0 p1 1.0 => p1

-- @


-- 'error's if @f < 0 || f > 1.0@


interpolate :: (Position a) => a -> a -> Double -> a
interpolate p0 p1 f
    | f < 0 || f > 1 = error ("fraction must be in range [0..1], was " ++ show f)
    | f == 0 = p0
    | f == 1 = p1
    | otherwise = fromNVector (unit (add v0 (scale (sub v1 v0) f)))
    v0 = toNVector p0
    v1 = toNVector p1

-- | Computes the intersections between the two given 'GreatCircle's.

-- Two 'GreatCircle's intersect exactly twice unless there are equal (regardless of orientation),

-- in which case 'Nothing' is returned.

intersections :: (Position a) => GreatCircle -> GreatCircle -> Maybe (a, a)
intersections gc1 gc2
    | norm i == 0.0 = Nothing
    | otherwise
    , let ni = unit i = Just (fromNVector ni, fromNVector (antipode ni))
    i = cross (normal gc1) (normal gc2)

-- | Determines whether the given 'Position' is inside the polygon defined by the given list of 'Position's.
-- The polygon is closed if needed (i.e. if @head ps /= last ps@).
-- Uses the angle summation test: on a sphere, due to spherical excess, enclosed point angles
-- will sum to less than 360°, and exterior point angles will be small but non-zero.
-- Always returns 'False' if positions does not at least defines a triangle.
isInside :: (Eq a, Position a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
isInside p ps
    | null ps = False
    | head ps == last ps = isInside p (init ps)
    | length ps < 3 = False
    | otherwise =
        let aSum = foldl (\a v' -> add a (uncurry angleBetween v' (Just v))) (decimalDegrees 0) es
         in abs (toDecimalDegrees aSum) > 180.0
    v = toNVector p
    es = egdes (map (sub v . toNVector) ps)

-- | [p1, p2, p3, p4] to [(p1, p2), (p2, p3), (p3, p4), (p4, p1)]
egdes :: [NVector] -> [(NVector, NVector)]
egdes ps = zip ps ps'
    ps' = tail ps ++ [head ps]

-- | Computes the geographic mean 'Position' of the given 'Position's if it is defined.


-- The geographic mean is not defined for the antipodals positions (since they

-- cancel each other).


-- Special conditions:


-- @

--     mean [] == Nothing

--     mean [p] == Just p

--     mean [p1, p2, p3] == Just circumcentre

--     mean [p1, .., antipode p1] == Nothing

-- @

mean :: (Position a) => [a] -> Maybe a
mean [] = Nothing
mean [p] = Just p
mean ps =
    if null antipodals
        then Just (fromNVector (unit (foldl add zero vs)))
        else Nothing
    vs = map toNVector ps
    ts = filter (\l -> length l == 2) (subsequences vs)
    antipodals =
            (\t -> (fromNVector (antipode (head t)) :: GeoPos) == (fromNVector (last t) :: GeoPos))

-- | a, b,c  => a b, a, c, b, c
-- | Mean Earth radius: 6,371,008.8 metres.
meanEarthRadius :: Length
meanEarthRadius = metres 6371008.8

-- | 'Position' of the North Pole.

northPole :: (Position a) => a
northPole = fromNVector (nvector 0.0 0.0 1.0)

-- | 'Position' of the South Pole.

southPole :: (Position a) => a
southPole = fromNVector (nvector 0.0 0.0 (-1.0))

-- | Angle bteween the tow given 'NVector's.

-- If @n@ is 'Nothing', the angle is always in [0..180], otherwise it is in [-180, +180],

-- signed + if @v1@ is clockwise looking along @n@, - in opposite direction.

angleBetween :: NVector -> NVector -> Maybe NVector -> Angle
angleBetween v1 v2 n = atan2' sinO cosO
    sign = maybe 1 (signum . dot (cross v1 v2)) n
    sinO = sign * norm (cross v1 v2)
    cosO = dot v1 v2