jsaddle- High level interface for webkit-javascriptcore

Safe HaskellNone




Interface to JavaScript object



class MakeObjectRef this where Source

Anything that can be used to make a JavaScript object reference

Property lookup

(!) Source


:: (MakeObjectRef this, MakeStringRef name) 
=> this

Object to look on

-> name

Name of the property to find

-> JSM JSPropRef

Property reference

Lookup a property based on its name. This function just constructs a JSPropRef the lookup is delayed until we use the JSPropRef. This makes it a bit lazy compared to JavaScript's . operator.

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "'Hello World'.length"
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" ! "length"

(!!) Source


:: MakeObjectRef this 
=> this

Object to look on

-> Index

Index of the property to lookup

-> JSM JSPropRef

Property reference

Lookup a property based on its index. This function just constructs a JSPropRef the lookup is delayed until we use the JSPropRef. This makes it a bit lazy compared to JavaScript's [] operator.

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "'Hello World'[6]"
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" !! 6

js Source


:: (MakeObjectRef s, MakeStringRef name) 
=> name

Name of the property to find

-> IndexPreservingGetter s (JSM JSPropRef) 

Makes a getter for a particular property name.

js name = to (!name)
>>> testJSaddle $ eval "'Hello World'.length"
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" ^. js "length"

type JSF = MakeObjectRef o => IndexPreservingGetter o (JSM JSValueRef) Source

Java script function applications have this type

jsf :: (MakeStringRef name, MakeArgRefs args) => name -> args -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function

jsf name = js name . to (# args)
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" ^. jsf "indexOf" ["World"]

js0 :: MakeStringRef name => name -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function that expects no arguments

js0 name = jsf name ()
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" ^. js0 "toLowerCase"
hello world

js1 :: (MakeStringRef name, MakeValueRef a0) => name -> a0 -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function that expects one argument

js1 name a0 = jsf name [a0]
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" ^. js1 "indexOf" "World"

js2 :: (MakeStringRef name, MakeValueRef a0, MakeValueRef a1) => name -> a0 -> a1 -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function that expects two arguments

js3 :: (MakeStringRef name, MakeValueRef a0, MakeValueRef a1, MakeValueRef a2) => name -> a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function that expects three arguments

js4 :: (MakeStringRef name, MakeValueRef a0, MakeValueRef a1, MakeValueRef a2, MakeValueRef a3) => name -> a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function that expects four arguments

js5 :: (MakeStringRef name, MakeValueRef a0, MakeValueRef a1, MakeValueRef a2, MakeValueRef a3, MakeValueRef a4) => name -> a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> a4 -> JSF Source

Handy way to call a function that expects five arguments

jsg :: MakeStringRef a => a -> JSM JSPropRef Source

Handy way to get and hold onto a reference top level javascript

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "w = console; w.log('Hello World')"
>>> testJSaddle $ do w <- jsg "console"; w ^. js "log" # ["Hello World"]

Setting the value of a property

(<#) infixr 0 Source


:: (MakePropRef prop, MakeValueRef val) 
=> prop

Property to set

-> val

Value to set it to

-> JSM JSPropRef

Reference to the property set

Call a JavaScript function

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "var j = {}; j.x = 1; j.x"
>>> testJSaddle $ do {j <- eval "({})"; j!"x" <# 1; j!"x"}

Calling JavaSctipt

(#) :: (MakePropRef prop, MakeArgRefs args) => prop -> args -> JSM JSValueRef infixr 2 Source

Call a JavaScript function

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "'Hello World'.indexOf('World')"
>>> testJSaddle $ val "Hello World" ! "indexOf" # ["World"]

new :: (MakeObjectRef constructor, MakeArgRefs args) => constructor -> args -> JSM JSValueRef Source

Use this to create a new JavaScript object

If you pass more than 7 arguments to a constructor for a built in JavaScript type (like Date) then this function will fail.

>>> testJSaddle $ new "Date" (2013, 1, 1)
Fri Feb 01 2013 00:00:00 GMT+1300 (NZDT)

call :: (MakeObjectRef function, MakeObjectRef this, MakeArgRefs args) => function -> this -> args -> JSM JSValueRef Source

Call function with a given this. In most cases you should use '#'.

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "(function(){return this;}).apply('Hello', [])"
>>> testJSaddle $ do { test <- eval "(function(){return this;})"; call test (val "Hello") () }

obj :: JSM JSObjectRef Source

Make an empty object using the default constuctor

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "var a = {}; a.x = 'Hello'; a.x"
>>> testJSaddle $ do { a <- obj; a ^. js "x" <# "Hello"; a ^. js "x" }

Calling Haskell From JavaScript

function Source


:: MakeStringRef name 
=> name

Name of the function

-> JSCallAsFunction

Haskell function to call

-> JSM JSObjectRef

Returns a JavaScript function object that will call the Haskell one when it is called

fun :: JSCallAsFunction -> JSCallAsFunction Source

Short hand ::JSCallAsFunction so a haskell function can be passed to a to a JavaScipt one.

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "(function(f) {f('Hello');})(function (a) {console.log(a)})"
>>> testJSaddle $ call (eval "(function(f) {f('Hello');})") global [fun $ \ _ _ args -> valToText (head args) >>= (liftIO . putStrLn . T.unpack) ]

type JSCallAsFunction Source


 = JSValueRef

Function object

-> JSValueRef


-> [JSValueRef]

Function arguments

-> JSM JSUndefined

Only JSUndefined can be returned because the function may need to be executed in a different thread. If you need to get a value out pass in a continuation function as an argument and invoke it from haskell.

Type used for Haskell functions called from JavaScript.

Object Constructors

There is no good way to support calling haskell code as a JavaScript constructor for the same reason that the return type of JSCallAsFunction is JSUndefined.

Instead of writing a constructor in Haskell write a function that takes a continuation. Create the JavaScript object and pass it to the continuation.


array :: MakeArgRefs args => args -> JSM JSObjectRef Source

Make an JavaScript array from a list of values

>>> testJSaddle $ eval "['Hello', 'World'][1]"
>>> testJSaddle $ array ["Hello", "World"] !! 1
>>> testJSaddle $ eval "['Hello', null, undefined, true, 1]"
>>> testJSaddle $ array ("Hello", JSNull, (), True, 1.0::Double)

Global Object

global :: JSM JSObjectRef Source

JavaScript's global object

Enumerating Properties

propertyNames :: MakeObjectRef this => this -> JSM [JSStringRef] Source

Get a list containing the property names present on a given object

Low level

objCallAsFunction :: MakeArgRefs args => JSObjectRef -> JSObjectRef -> args -> JSValueRefRef -> JSM JSValueRef Source

Call a JavaScript object as function. Consider using '#'.

objCallAsConstructor :: MakeArgRefs args => JSObjectRef -> args -> JSValueRefRef -> JSM JSValueRef Source

Call a JavaScript object as a constructor. Consider using new.

If you pass more than 7 arguments to a constructor for a built in JavaScript type (like Date) then this function will fail.