{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | Utility functions that may be ultimately moved to some library.
module Data.Aeson.AutoType.Util( withFileOrHandle
                               , withFileOrDefaultHandle
                               ) where

import           Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           System.IO                 (withFile, IOMode(..), Handle, stdin, stdout)

-- | Generic function for opening file if the filename is not empty nor "-",
--   or using given handle otherwise (probably stdout, stderr, or stdin).
-- TODO: Should it become utility function?
withFileOrHandle :: FilePath -> IOMode -> Handle -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withFileOrHandle        ""       _         handle action =                      action handle
withFileOrHandle        "-"      _         handle action =                      action handle
withFileOrHandle        name     ioMode    _      action = withFile name ioMode action

-- | Generic function for choosing either file with given name or stdin/stdout as input/output.
-- It accepts the function that takes the corresponding handle.
-- Stdin/stdout is selected by "-".
withFileOrDefaultHandle :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withFileOrDefaultHandle "-"      ReadMode         action = action stdin
withFileOrDefaultHandle "-"      WriteMode        action = action stdout
withFileOrDefaultHandle "-"      otherMode        _      = error $ "Incompatible io mode ("
                                                                ++ show otherMode
                                                                ++ ") for `-` in withFileOrDefaultHandle."
withFileOrDefaultHandle filename ioMode           action = withFile filename ioMode action

-- Missing instances
instance Hashable a => Hashable (Set.Set a) where
  hashWithSalt = Set.foldr (flip hashWithSalt)