judge- Tableau-based theorem prover.

Copyright(c) 2017 2018 N Steenbergen
Safe HaskellSafe




Plain datastructures, class instances and operations on logical formulas.




data Formula ext Source #

For our purposes, a Formula is a structure that is built upon a formula of classical propositional logic. It has all the standard connectives, plus an optional Extension that may hold quantifiers, modalities, etcetera.

Note that it is generally expected that formulas will be simplifyed before being processed.


Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Formula ext) Source # 


subterms :: Formula ext -> [Term ext] Source #

Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Marked (Formula ext)) Source # 


subterms :: Marked (Formula ext) -> [Term ext] Source #

(Eq ext, Substitutable ext ext) => Substitutable ext (Formula ext) Source # 


substitute :: Monad m => Substitution ext -> Formula ext -> m (Formula ext) Source #

pattern :: Monad m => Formula ext -> Formula ext -> m (Substitution ext) Source #

patternContinue :: Monad m => Substitution ext -> Formula ext -> Formula ext -> m (Substitution ext) Source #

patternM :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> StateFail (Substitution ext) ()

Eq ext => Eq (Formula ext) Source # 


(==) :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Bool #

(/=) :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Bool #

Ord ext => Ord (Formula ext) Source # 


compare :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Ordering #

(<) :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Bool #

(<=) :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Bool #

(>) :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Bool #

(>=) :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Bool #

max :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Formula ext #

min :: Formula ext -> Formula ext -> Formula ext #

HasVariables ext => HasVariables (Formula ext) Source # 
Parseable e => Parseable (Formula e) Source # 
Printable ext => Printable (Formula ext) Source # 
Printable ext => LaTeX (Formula ext) Source # 


latex :: Formula ext -> Doc Source #

data Marked formula Source #

A marked formula is simply a formula with zero or more string annotations. This makes for easy generalisation: marks can carry the polarity of a formula, as well as state information specific to a particular tableau system.





Functor Marked Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Marked a -> Marked b #

(<$) :: a -> Marked b -> Marked a #

Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Marked (Formula ext)) Source # 


subterms :: Marked (Formula ext) -> [Term ext] Source #

(Eq ext, Substitutable ext a) => Substitutable ext (Marked a) Source # 


substitute :: Monad m => Substitution ext -> Marked a -> m (Marked a) Source #

pattern :: Monad m => Marked a -> Marked a -> m (Substitution ext) Source #

patternContinue :: Monad m => Substitution ext -> Marked a -> Marked a -> m (Substitution ext) Source #

patternM :: Marked a -> Marked a -> StateFail (Substitution ext) ()

Eq formula => Eq (Marked formula) Source # 


(==) :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Bool #

(/=) :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Bool #

Ord formula => Ord (Marked formula) Source # 


compare :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Ordering #

(<) :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Bool #

(<=) :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Bool #

(>) :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Bool #

(>=) :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Bool #

max :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Marked formula #

min :: Marked formula -> Marked formula -> Marked formula #

HasVariables term => HasVariables (Marked term) Source # 
Parseable f => Parseable (Marked f) Source # 
Printable f => Printable (Marked f) Source # 
LaTeX a => LaTeX (Marked a) Source # 


latex :: Marked a -> Doc Source #

data Term ext Source #

The term datastructure disambiguates between terms of the logical language and terms of the logical extension language (e.g. justifications).

The alternative to carrying this information at the value level is to have a multi-parameter Substructure sub base class relative to which operations like patterning or the occurs check are defined. Although that seemed prettier in theory, it made the code a whole lot more complicated.


Formula (Formula ext) 
Extension ext 
MarkedFormula (Marked (Formula ext)) 


Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Ambiguous (Term ext)) Source # 


subterms :: Ambiguous (Term ext) -> [Term ext] Source #

Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Term ext) Source # 


subterms :: Term ext -> [Term ext] Source #

(Eq ext, Substitutable ext ext) => Substitutable ext (Term ext) Source # 


substitute :: Monad m => Substitution ext -> Term ext -> m (Term ext) Source #

pattern :: Monad m => Term ext -> Term ext -> m (Substitution ext) Source #

patternContinue :: Monad m => Substitution ext -> Term ext -> Term ext -> m (Substitution ext) Source #

patternM :: Term ext -> Term ext -> StateFail (Substitution ext) ()

Eq ext => Eq (Term ext) Source # 


(==) :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Bool #

(/=) :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Bool #

Ord ext => Ord (Term ext) Source # 


compare :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Ordering #

(<) :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Bool #

(<=) :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Bool #

(>) :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Bool #

(>=) :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Bool #

max :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Term ext #

min :: Term ext -> Term ext -> Term ext #

HasVariables ext => HasVariables (Ambiguous (Term ext)) Source # 
HasVariables ext => HasVariables (Term ext) Source # 


variables :: Term ext -> [String] Source #

isVariable :: Term ext -> Bool Source #

isConstant :: Term ext -> Bool Source #

isAtomary :: Term ext -> Bool Source #

size :: Term ext -> Int Source #

Parseable e => Parseable (Ambiguous (Term e)) Source # 
Printable ext => Printable (Term ext) Source # 

newtype Ambiguous term Source #

A parsed term may be ambiguous: S can be parsed as a Formula or as a Justification. Such ambiguous are stored in an Ambiguous type to be resolved later.


Ambiguous [term] 


type Proposition = Formula Classical Source #

Formulas of propositional logic.

type Predicate = Formula Quantifier Source #

Formulas of predicate logic.

type FormulaML = Formula Modality Source #

Formulas of modal logic.

type FormulaJL = Formula Justification Source #

Formulas of justification logic.

type Classical = () Source #

The formula extension for classical propositional logic is empty.

data Quantifier Source #

Predicate logic is extended with quantifiers (and relation symbols, unimplemented).

data Justification Source #

Justification logics are extended with justification terms.


Eq Justification Source # 
Ord Justification Source # 
HasVariables Justification Source # 
Parseable Justification Source # 
Extension Justification Source # 
Printable Justification Source # 
Subterm Justification Justification Source # 
Substitutable Justification Justification Source # 


simplify :: Formula ext -> Formula ext Source #

Simplify formulae to only falsehood, implication and justification. This reduces the number of rules that need implementation.

asTerm :: Marked (Formula ext) -> [Term ext] Source #

Interpret a marked formula as a choice of terms. Note that it is not always clear whether a value from Terms is meant as the marked or the unmarked version — so we offer both.

isFormula :: Term ext -> Bool Source #

Return true if and only if the term is a formula.

isExtension :: Term ext -> Bool Source #

Return true iff the term is a formula extension.

isMarkedFormula :: Term ext -> Bool Source #

Return true iff the term is a marked formula.


class Subterm ext term where Source #

The Subterm class represents a relation between terms based on an extension ext (that is, formulas or extensions of formulas) and subterms that may occur within those ext-terms.

Minimal complete definition



subterms :: term -> [Term ext] Source #

Return all the subterms occurring in a term. Note: May contain duplicates.


Subterm Justification Justification Source # 
Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Formula ext) Source # 


subterms :: Formula ext -> [Term ext] Source #

Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Ambiguous (Term ext)) Source # 


subterms :: Ambiguous (Term ext) -> [Term ext] Source #

Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Marked (Formula ext)) Source # 


subterms :: Marked (Formula ext) -> [Term ext] Source #

Subterm ext ext => Subterm ext (Term ext) Source # 


subterms :: Term ext -> [Term ext] Source #

class HasVariables term where Source #

The HasVariables class is applicable to formulas and formula extensions that consist of substructures with variables and constants, and operators to combine them.

Minimal complete definition

variables, isVariable, isConstant, size


variables :: term -> [String] Source #

Return the variables occurring in a term. Note: May contain duplicates.

isVariable :: term -> Bool Source #

Return true if the term is a variable.

isConstant :: term -> Bool Source #

Return true if the term is a constant.

isAtomary :: term -> Bool Source #

Return true if the term is atomary.

size :: term -> Int Source #

Return the number of operators in the term.