{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
Copyright   : (c) Christian Gram Kalhauge, 2017
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : kalhuage@cs.ucla.edu

This module contains the 'Constant' type and the 'ConstantPool'. These
are essential for accessing data in the class-file.

module Language.JVM.Constant
  ( Constant (..)
  , constantSize
  , typeToStr

  , Referenceable (..)

  , JValue (..)

    -- * Special constants
  , ClassName (..)

  , InClass (..)

  , AbsMethodId
  , AbsFieldId
  , AbsInterfaceMethodId (..)
  , AbsVariableMethodId (..)

  , MethodId (..)
  , FieldId (..)
  , NameAndType (..)

  , MethodDescriptor
  , FieldDescriptor

  , MethodHandle (..)
  , MethodHandleField (..)
  , MethodHandleMethod (..)
  , MethodHandleInterface (..)
  , MethodHandleFieldKind (..)
  , InvokeDynamic (..)

  -- * re-exports
  , High
  , Low
  ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq          (NFData)
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.String
import           Data.Binary.IEEE754
import qualified Data.ByteString          as BS
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Text                as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE
import           GHC.Generics             (Generic)
import           Numeric                  (showHex)
import           Prelude                  hiding (fail, lookup)

import           Language.JVM.Stage
import           Language.JVM.TH
import           Language.JVM.Type
import           Language.JVM.Utils

-- | A constant is a multi word item in the 'ConstantPool'. Each of
-- the constructors are pretty much self-explanatory from the types.
data Constant r
  = CString !SizedByteString16
  | CInteger !Int32
  | CFloat !Float
  | CLong !Int64
  | CDouble !Double
  | CClassRef !(Ref Text.Text r)
  | CStringRef !(Ref BS.ByteString r)
  | CFieldRef !(InClass FieldId r)
  | CMethodRef !(InClass MethodId r)
  | CInterfaceMethodRef !(InClass MethodId r)
  | CNameAndType !(Ref Text.Text r) !(Ref Text.Text r)
  | CMethodHandle !(MethodHandle r)
  | CMethodType !(Ref MethodDescriptor r)
  | CInvokeDynamic !(InvokeDynamic r)

--deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | Anything pointing inside a class
data InClass a r = InClass
  { inClassName :: !(Ref ClassName r)
  , inClassId   :: !(Ref a r)

-- | A method id in a class.
type AbsMethodId = InClass MethodId

-- | A field id in a class
type AbsFieldId = InClass FieldId

-- | An method which is from an interface
newtype AbsInterfaceMethodId r = AbsInterfaceMethodId
  { interfaceMethodId :: InClass MethodId r

-- | An method which can be from an interface
data AbsVariableMethodId r = AbsVariableMethodId
  { variableIsInterface :: !Bool
  , variableMethodId    :: !(InClass MethodId r)

newtype MethodId = MethodId (NameAndType MethodDescriptor)
  deriving (Eq, Show, NFData, Ord, Generic)

newtype FieldId  = FieldId (NameAndType FieldDescriptor)
  deriving (Eq, Show, NFData, Ord, Generic)

instance IsString FieldId where
  fromString = FieldId . fromString

instance IsString MethodId where
  fromString = MethodId . fromString

-- | The union type over the different method handles.
data MethodHandle r
  = MHField !(MethodHandleField r)
  | MHMethod !(MethodHandleMethod r)
  | MHInterface !(MethodHandleInterface r)

data MethodHandleField r = MethodHandleField
  { methodHandleFieldKind :: !MethodHandleFieldKind
  , methodHandleFieldRef  :: !(DeepRef AbsFieldId r)

data MethodHandleFieldKind
  = MHGetField
  | MHGetStatic
  | MHPutField
  | MHPutStatic
  deriving (Eq, Show, NFData, Generic, Ord)

data MethodHandleMethod r
  = MHInvokeVirtual !(DeepRef AbsMethodId r)
  | MHInvokeStatic !(DeepRef AbsVariableMethodId r)
  -- ^ Since version 52.0
  | MHInvokeSpecial !(DeepRef AbsVariableMethodId r)
  -- ^ Since version 52.0
  | MHNewInvokeSpecial !(DeepRef AbsMethodId r)

data MethodHandleInterface r = MethodHandleInterface
  {  methodHandleInterfaceRef :: !(DeepRef AbsInterfaceMethodId r)

data InvokeDynamic r = InvokeDynamic
  { invokeDynamicAttrIndex :: !Word16
  , invokeDynamicMethod    :: !(Ref MethodId r)

-- | Hack that returns the name of a constant.
typeToStr :: Constant r -> String
typeToStr c =
  case c of
    CString _             -> "CString"
    CInteger _            -> "CInteger"
    CFloat _              -> "CFloat"
    CLong _               -> "CLong"
    CDouble _             -> "CDouble"
    CClassRef _           -> "CClassRef"
    CStringRef _          -> "CStringRef"
    CFieldRef _           -> "CFieldRef"
    CMethodRef _          -> "CMethodRef"
    CInterfaceMethodRef _ -> "CInterfaceMethodRef"
    CNameAndType _ _      -> "CNameAndType"
    CMethodHandle _       -> "CMethodHandle"
    CMethodType _         -> "CMethodType"
    CInvokeDynamic _      -> "CInvokeDynamic"

instance Binary (Constant Low) where
  get = do
    ident <- getWord8
    case ident of
      1  -> CString <$> get
      3  -> CInteger <$> get
      4  -> CFloat <$> getFloat32be
      5  -> CLong <$> get
      6  -> CDouble <$> getFloat64be
      7  -> CClassRef <$> get
      8  -> CStringRef <$> get
      9  -> CFieldRef <$> get
      10 -> CMethodRef <$> get
      11 -> CInterfaceMethodRef <$> get
      12 -> CNameAndType <$> get <*> get
      15 -> CMethodHandle <$> get
      16 -> CMethodType <$> get
      18 -> CInvokeDynamic <$> get
      _  -> fail $ "Unknown identifier " ++ show ident

  put x =
    case x of
      CString bs            -> do putWord8 1; put bs
      CInteger i            -> do putWord8 3; put i
      CFloat i              -> do putWord8 4; putFloat32be i
      CLong i               -> do putWord8 5; put i
      CDouble i             -> do putWord8 6; putFloat64be i
      CClassRef i           -> do putWord8 7; put i
      CStringRef i          -> do putWord8 8; put i
      CFieldRef i           -> do putWord8 9; put i
      CMethodRef i          -> do putWord8 10; put i
      CInterfaceMethodRef i -> do putWord8 11; put i
      CNameAndType i j      -> do putWord8 12; put i; put j
      CMethodHandle h       -> do putWord8 15; put h
      CMethodType i         -> do putWord8 16; put i;
      CInvokeDynamic i      -> do putWord8 18; put i

instance Binary (MethodHandle Low) where
  get = do
    w <- getWord8
    case w of
      1 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHGetField <$> get
      2 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHGetStatic <$> get
      3 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHPutField <$> get
      4 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHPutStatic <$> get

      5 -> MHMethod . MHInvokeVirtual <$> get
      6 -> MHMethod . MHInvokeStatic <$> get
      7 -> MHMethod . MHInvokeSpecial<$> get
      8 -> MHMethod . MHNewInvokeSpecial <$> get

      9 -> MHInterface . MethodHandleInterface <$> get

      _ -> fail $ "Unknown method handle kind 'x" ++ showHex w "'"

  put x = case x of
    MHField h -> do
      putWord8 $ case methodHandleFieldKind h of
        MHGetField  -> 1
        MHGetStatic -> 2
        MHPutField  -> 3
        MHPutStatic -> 4
      put $ methodHandleFieldRef h

    MHMethod h -> do
      case h of
        MHInvokeVirtual m    -> putWord8 5 >> put m
        MHInvokeStatic m     -> putWord8 6 >> put m
        MHInvokeSpecial m    -> putWord8 7 >> put m
        MHNewInvokeSpecial m -> putWord8 8 >> put m

    MHInterface h -> do
      putWord8  9
      put $ methodHandleInterfaceRef h

-- | Some of the 'Constant's take up more space in the constant pool than other.
-- Notice that 'Language.JVM.Constant.String' and 'MethodType' is not of size
-- 32, but is still awarded value 1. This is due to an
-- [inconsistency](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.4.5)
-- in JVM.
constantSize :: Constant r -> Index
constantSize x =
  case x of
    CDouble _ -> 2
    CLong _   -> 2
    _         -> 1

-- | 'Referenceable' is something that can exist in the constant pool.
class Referenceable a where
    :: (Monad m)
    => (forall a'. String -> m a')
    -> Constant High
    -> m a
    :: (Monad m)
    => a
    -> m (Constant High)

instance Referenceable (Constant High) where
  fromConst _ a = return a
  toConst a = return a

instance TypeParse a => Referenceable (NameAndType a) where
  fromConst err (CNameAndType rn txt) = do
    md <- either err return $ typeFromText txt
    return $ NameAndType rn md
  fromConst e c = expected "CNameAndType" e c

  toConst (NameAndType rn md) =
    return $ CNameAndType rn (typeToText md)

-- TODO: Find good encoding of string.
instance Referenceable Text.Text where
  fromConst err c =
    case c of
      CString str ->
        case sizedByteStringToText str of
          Left (TE.DecodeError msg _) ->
            err $ badEncoding msg (unSizedByteString str)
          Left _ -> error "This is deprecated in the api"
          Right txt -> return txt
      a -> err $ wrongType "String" a

  toConst =
    return . CString . sizedByteStringFromText

instance Referenceable BS.ByteString where
  fromConst err c =
    case c of
      CString str -> return $ unSizedByteString str
      a           -> err $ wrongType "String" a
  toConst =
    return . CString . SizedByteString

instance Referenceable ClassName where
  fromConst _ (CClassRef r) =
    return . ClassName $ r
  fromConst err a =
    err $ wrongType "ClassRef" a

  toConst (ClassName txt) = do
    return . CClassRef $ txt

instance Referenceable JRefType where
  fromConst err (CClassRef r) =
    either err return $ parseOnly parseFlatJRefType r
  fromConst err a =
    err $ wrongType "ClassRef" a

  toConst =
    return . CClassRef . jRefTypeToFlatText

instance Referenceable MethodDescriptor where
  fromConst err =
    fromConst err >=> either err pure . typeFromText
  toConst = toConst . typeToText

instance Referenceable FieldDescriptor where
  fromConst err =
    fromConst err >=> either err pure . typeFromText
  toConst = toConst . typeToText

-- instance TypeParse f => Referenceable (NameAndType f) where
--   fromConst err =
--     fromConst err >=> either err pure . fromText
--   toConst = toConst . typeToText

instance Referenceable MethodId where
  fromConst err x = MethodId <$> fromConst err x
  toConst (MethodId s) = toConst s

instance Referenceable FieldId where
  fromConst err x = FieldId <$> fromConst err x
  toConst (FieldId s) = toConst s

instance Referenceable (InClass FieldId High) where
  fromConst _ (CFieldRef s) = do
    return $ s
  fromConst err c = expected "CFieldRef" err c

  toConst s =
    return $ CFieldRef s

instance Referenceable (InClass MethodId High) where
  fromConst _ (CMethodRef s) = do
    return $ s
  fromConst err c = expected "CMethodRef" err c

  toConst s =
    return $ CMethodRef s

instance Referenceable (AbsVariableMethodId High) where
  fromConst _ (CMethodRef s) = do
    return $ AbsVariableMethodId False s
  fromConst _ (CInterfaceMethodRef s) = do
    return $ AbsVariableMethodId True s
  fromConst err c = expected "CMethodRef or CInterfaceMethodRef" err c

  toConst (AbsVariableMethodId t s)
    | t =
      return $ CInterfaceMethodRef s
    | otherwise =
      return $ CMethodRef s

instance Referenceable (InvokeDynamic High) where
  fromConst _ (CInvokeDynamic c) = do
    return $ c
  fromConst err c = expected "CInvokeDynamic" err c

  toConst s =
    return $ CInvokeDynamic s

instance Referenceable (MethodHandle High) where
  fromConst _ (CMethodHandle c) = do
    return $ c
  fromConst err c = expected "CMethodHandle" err c

  toConst s =
    return $ CMethodHandle s

instance Referenceable (AbsInterfaceMethodId High) where
  fromConst _ (CInterfaceMethodRef s) = do
    return . AbsInterfaceMethodId $ s
  fromConst err c = expected "CInterfaceMethodRef" err c

  toConst (AbsInterfaceMethodId s) =
    return $ CInterfaceMethodRef s

expected :: String -> (String -> a) -> (Constant r) -> a
expected name err c =
  err $ wrongType name c

wrongType :: String -> Constant r -> String
wrongType n c =
  "Expected '" ++ n ++ "', but found '" ++ typeToStr c ++ "'."

badEncoding :: String -> BS.ByteString -> String
badEncoding str bs =
  "Could not encode '" ++ str ++ "': " ++ show bs

-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''MethodId)
-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''FieldId)

$(deriveBase ''Constant)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandle)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandleField)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandleMethod)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandleInterface)
$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''InvokeDynamic)

$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsMethodId)
$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsFieldId)
$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsInterfaceMethodId)
$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsVariableMethodId)

-- | A constant pool value in java
data JValue
  = VInteger Int32
  | VLong Int64
  | VFloat Float
  | VDouble Double
  | VString BS.ByteString
  | VClass ClassName
  | VMethodType (MethodDescriptor)
  | VMethodHandle (MethodHandle High)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

instance Referenceable JValue where
  fromConst err c = do
    case c of
      CStringRef s    -> return $ VString s
      CInteger i      -> return $ VInteger i
      CFloat f        -> return $ VFloat f
      CLong l         -> return $ VLong l
      CDouble d       -> return $ VDouble d
      CClassRef r     -> return $ VClass (ClassName r)
      CMethodHandle m -> return $ VMethodHandle m
      CMethodType t   -> return $ VMethodType t
      x               -> expected "Expected a Value" err x
  {-# INLINE fromConst #-}

  toConst c =
    return $ case c of
      VString s            -> CStringRef s
      VInteger i           -> CInteger i
      VFloat f             -> CFloat f
      VLong l              -> CLong l
      VDouble d            -> CDouble d
      VClass (ClassName r) -> CClassRef r
      VMethodHandle m      -> CMethodHandle m
      VMethodType t        -> CMethodType t
  {-# INLINE toConst #-}