{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
Copyright   : (c) Christian Gram Kalhauge, 2017
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : kalhuage@cs.ucla.edu

This module contains the 'Constant' type and the 'ConstantPool'. These
are essential for accessing data in the class-file.

module Language.JVM.Constant
  ( Constant(..)
  , constantSize
  , typeToStr
  , Referenceable(..)

  -- * JValue
  , JValue(..)
  , VInteger
  , VLong
  , VDouble
  , VFloat
  , VString

    -- * Special constants
  , ClassName(..)
  , InClass(..)
  , InRefType(..)
  , parseAbsMethodId
  , AbsFieldId(..)
  , AbsInterfaceMethodId(..)
  , AbsVariableMethodId(..)
  , MethodId(..)
  , FieldId(..)
  , NameAndType(..)
  , MethodDescriptor
  , FieldDescriptor
  , MethodHandle(..)
  , MethodHandleField(..)
  , MethodHandleMethod(..)
  , MethodHandleInterface(..)
  , MethodHandleFieldKind(..)
  , InvokeDynamic(..)

  -- * re-exports
  , High
  , Low

import           Control.DeepSeq                ( NFData )
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.String
import           Data.Binary.IEEE754
import qualified Data.ByteString               as BS
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Text                     as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error      as TE
import           GHC.Generics                   ( Generic )
import           Numeric                        ( showHex )
import           Prelude                 hiding ( fail
                                                , lookup

import           Language.JVM.Stage
import           Language.JVM.TH
import           Language.JVM.Type
import           Language.JVM.Utils

-- | A constant is a multi word item in the 'ConstantPool'. Each of
-- the constructors are pretty much self-explanatory from the types.
data Constant r
  = CString !SizedByteString16
  | CInteger !Int32
  | CFloat !Float
  | CLong !Int64
  | CDouble !Double
  | CClassRef !(Ref Text.Text r)
  | CStringRef !(Ref BS.ByteString r)
  | CFieldRef !(Choice (Index, Index) AbsFieldId r)
  | CMethodRef !(Choice (Index, Index) (InRefType MethodId) r)
  | CInterfaceMethodRef !(Choice (Index, Index) (InRefType MethodId) r)
  | CNameAndType !(Ref Text.Text r) !(Ref Text.Text r)
  | CMethodHandle !(MethodHandle r)
  | CMethodType !(Ref MethodDescriptor r)
  | CInvokeDynamic !(InvokeDynamic r)

--deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | An method which is from an interface
newtype AbsInterfaceMethodId = AbsInterfaceMethodId
  { interfaceMethodId :: InRefType MethodId
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | An method which can be from an interface
data AbsVariableMethodId = AbsVariableMethodId
  { variableIsInterface :: !Bool
  , variableMethodId    :: !(InRefType MethodId)
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

-- | The union type over the different method handles.
data MethodHandle r
  = MHField !(MethodHandleField r)
  | MHMethod !(MethodHandleMethod r)
  | MHInterface !(MethodHandleInterface r)

data MethodHandleField r = MethodHandleField
  { methodHandleFieldKind :: !MethodHandleFieldKind
  , methodHandleFieldRef  :: !(Ref AbsFieldId r)

data MethodHandleFieldKind
  = MHGetField
  | MHGetStatic
  | MHPutField
  | MHPutStatic
  deriving (Eq, Show, NFData, Generic, Ord)

data MethodHandleMethod r
  = MHInvokeVirtual !(Ref (InRefType MethodId) r)
  | MHInvokeStatic !(Ref AbsVariableMethodId r)
  -- ^ Since version 52.0
  | MHInvokeSpecial !(Ref AbsVariableMethodId r)
  -- ^ Since version 52.0
  | MHNewInvokeSpecial !(Ref (InRefType MethodId) r)

newtype MethodHandleInterface r = MethodHandleInterface
  {  methodHandleInterfaceRef :: Ref AbsInterfaceMethodId r

data InvokeDynamic r = InvokeDynamic
  { invokeDynamicAttrIndex :: !Word16
  , invokeDynamicMethod    :: !(Ref MethodId r)

-- | Hack that returns the name of a constant.
typeToStr :: Constant r -> String
typeToStr c = case c of
  CString             _ -> "CString"
  CInteger            _ -> "CInteger"
  CFloat              _ -> "CFloat"
  CLong               _ -> "CLong"
  CDouble             _ -> "CDouble"
  CClassRef           _ -> "CClassRef"
  CStringRef          _ -> "CStringRef"
  CFieldRef           _ -> "CFieldRef"
  CMethodRef          _ -> "CMethodRef"
  CInterfaceMethodRef _ -> "CInterfaceMethodRef"
  CNameAndType _ _      -> "CNameAndType"
  CMethodHandle  _      -> "CMethodHandle"
  CMethodType    _      -> "CMethodType"
  CInvokeDynamic _      -> "CInvokeDynamic"

instance Binary (Constant Low) where
  get = do
    ident <- getWord8
    case ident of
      1  -> CString <$> get
      3  -> CInteger <$> get
      4  -> CFloat <$> getFloat32be
      5  -> CLong <$> get
      6  -> CDouble <$> getFloat64be
      7  -> CClassRef <$> get
      8  -> CStringRef <$> get
      9  -> CFieldRef <$> get
      10 -> CMethodRef <$> get
      11 -> CInterfaceMethodRef <$> get
      12 -> CNameAndType <$> get <*> get
      15 -> CMethodHandle <$> get
      16 -> CMethodType <$> get
      18 -> CInvokeDynamic <$> get
      _  -> fail $ "Unknown identifier " ++ show ident

  put x = case x of
    CString bs -> do
      putWord8 1
      put bs
    CInteger i -> do
      putWord8 3
      put i
    CFloat i -> do
      putWord8 4
      putFloat32be i
    CLong i -> do
      putWord8 5
      put i
    CDouble i -> do
      putWord8 6
      putFloat64be i
    CClassRef i -> do
      putWord8 7
      put i
    CStringRef i -> do
      putWord8 8
      put i
    CFieldRef i -> do
      putWord8 9
      put i
    CMethodRef i -> do
      putWord8 10
      put i
    CInterfaceMethodRef i -> do
      putWord8 11
      put i
    CNameAndType i j -> do
      putWord8 12
      put i
      put j
    CMethodHandle h -> do
      putWord8 15
      put h
    CMethodType i -> do
      putWord8 16
      put i
    CInvokeDynamic i -> do
      putWord8 18
      put i

instance Binary (MethodHandle Low) where
  get = do
    w <- getWord8
    case w of
      1 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHGetField <$> get
      2 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHGetStatic <$> get
      3 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHPutField <$> get
      4 -> MHField . MethodHandleField MHPutStatic <$> get

      5 -> MHMethod . MHInvokeVirtual <$> get
      6 -> MHMethod . MHInvokeStatic <$> get
      7 -> MHMethod . MHInvokeSpecial <$> get
      8 -> MHMethod . MHNewInvokeSpecial <$> get

      9 -> MHInterface . MethodHandleInterface <$> get

      _ -> fail $ "Unknown method handle kind 'x" ++ showHex w "'"

  put x = case x of
    MHField h -> do
      putWord8 $ case methodHandleFieldKind h of
        MHGetField  -> 1
        MHGetStatic -> 2
        MHPutField  -> 3
        MHPutStatic -> 4
      put $ methodHandleFieldRef h

    MHMethod h -> case h of
      MHInvokeVirtual    m -> putWord8 5 >> put m
      MHInvokeStatic     m -> putWord8 6 >> put m
      MHInvokeSpecial    m -> putWord8 7 >> put m
      MHNewInvokeSpecial m -> putWord8 8 >> put m

    MHInterface h -> do
      putWord8 9
      put $ methodHandleInterfaceRef h

-- | Some of the 'Constant's take up more space in the constant pool than other.
-- Notice that 'Language.JVM.Constant.String' and 'MethodType' is not of size
-- 32, but is still awarded value 1. This is due to an
-- [inconsistency](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.4.5)
-- in JVM.
constantSize :: Constant r -> Index
constantSize x = case x of
  CDouble _ -> 2
  CLong   _ -> 2
  _         -> 1

-- | 'Referenceable' is something that can exist in the constant pool.
class Referenceable a where
    :: (Monad m)
    => (forall a'. String -> m a')
    -> Constant High
    -> m a
    :: (Monad m)
    => a
    -> m (Constant High)

instance Referenceable (Constant High) where
  fromConst _ = return
  toConst = return

instance TextSerializable a => Referenceable (NameAndType a) where
  fromConst err (CNameAndType rn txt) = do
    md <- either err return $ deserialize txt
    return $ NameAndType rn md
  fromConst e c = expected "CNameAndType" e c

  toConst (NameAndType rn md) = return $ CNameAndType rn (serialize md)

-- TODO: Find good encoding of string.
instance Referenceable Text.Text where
  fromConst err c = case c of
    CString str -> case sizedByteStringToText str of
      Left (TE.DecodeError msg _) ->
        err $ badEncoding msg (unSizedByteString str)
      Left  _   -> error "This is deprecated in the api"
      Right txt -> return txt
    a -> err $ wrongType "String" a

  toConst = return . CString . sizedByteStringFromText

instance Referenceable BS.ByteString where
  fromConst err c = case c of
    CString str -> return $ unSizedByteString str
    a           -> err $ wrongType "String" a
  toConst = return . CString . SizedByteString

instance Referenceable ClassName where
  fromConst err = \case
    CClassRef r -> case textCls r of
      Right cn -> return cn
      Left msg ->
        err $ "Could not read class name: " <> Text.unpack r <> ": " <> msg
    a -> err $ wrongType "ClassRef" a

  toConst (classNameAsText -> txt) = return . CClassRef $ txt

instance Referenceable JRefType where
  fromConst err = \case
    CClassRef r -> case deserializeWith parseFlatJRefType r of
      Right t -> return t
      Left msg ->
          $  "Could not read the flat reference type: "
          <> Text.unpack r
          <> ": "
          <> msg
    a -> err $ wrongType "ClassRef" a
  toConst = return . CClassRef . serializeWith serializeFlatJRefType

instance Referenceable ReturnDescriptor where
  fromConst err = fromConst err >=> either err return . deserialize
  toConst = toConst . serialize

instance Referenceable MethodDescriptor where
  fromConst err = fromConst err >=> either err pure . deserialize
  toConst = toConst . serialize

instance Referenceable FieldDescriptor where
  fromConst err = fromConst err >=> either err pure . deserialize
  toConst = toConst . serialize

instance Referenceable MethodId where
  fromConst err x = MethodId <$> fromConst err x
  toConst (MethodId s) = toConst s

instance Referenceable FieldId where
  fromConst err x = FieldId <$> fromConst err x
  toConst (FieldId s) = toConst s

instance Referenceable AbsFieldId where
  fromConst err = \case
    CFieldRef s -> return s
    c           -> expected "CFieldRef" err c

  toConst s = return $ CFieldRef s

instance Referenceable (InRefType MethodId) where
  fromConst err = \case
    CMethodRef s -> return $ s
    c            -> expected "CMethodRef" err c

  toConst s = return $ CMethodRef s

instance Referenceable AbsVariableMethodId where
  fromConst err = \case
    CMethodRef          s -> return $ AbsVariableMethodId False s
    CInterfaceMethodRef s -> return $ AbsVariableMethodId True s
    c                     -> expected "CMethodRef or CInterfaceMethodRef" err c

  toConst (AbsVariableMethodId t s) =
    return $ if t then CInterfaceMethodRef s else CMethodRef s

instance Referenceable AbsInterfaceMethodId where
  fromConst _   (CInterfaceMethodRef s) = return . AbsInterfaceMethodId $ s
  fromConst err c                       = expected "CInterfaceMethodRef" err c

  toConst (AbsInterfaceMethodId s) = return $ CInterfaceMethodRef s

instance Referenceable (InvokeDynamic High) where
  fromConst _   (CInvokeDynamic c) = return c
  fromConst err c                  = expected "CInvokeDynamic" err c

  toConst s = return $ CInvokeDynamic s

instance Referenceable (MethodHandle High) where
  fromConst _   (CMethodHandle c) = return c
  fromConst err c                 = expected "CMethodHandle" err c

  toConst s = return $ CMethodHandle s

expected :: String -> (String -> a) -> (Constant r) -> a
expected name err c = err $ wrongType name c

wrongType :: String -> Constant r -> String
wrongType n c = "Expected '" ++ n ++ "', but found '" ++ typeToStr c ++ "'."

badEncoding :: String -> BS.ByteString -> String
badEncoding str bs = "Could not encode '" ++ str ++ "': " ++ show bs

-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''MethodId)
-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''FieldId)

$(deriveBase ''Constant)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandle)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandleField)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandleMethod)
$(deriveBase ''MethodHandleInterface)
$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''InvokeDynamic)

-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsMethodId)
-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsFieldId)
-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsInterfaceMethodId)
-- $(deriveBaseWithBinary ''AbsVariableMethodId)

type VInteger = Int32
type VLong = Int64
type VFloat = Float
type VDouble = Double
type VString = BS.ByteString

instance Referenceable VInteger where
  fromConst err = \case
    CInteger i -> return i
    x          -> expected "Integer" err x
  toConst = return . CInteger

instance Referenceable VLong where
  fromConst err = \case
    CLong i -> return i
    x       -> expected "Long" err x
  toConst = return . CLong

instance Referenceable VFloat where
  fromConst err = \case
    CFloat i -> return i
    x        -> expected "Float" err x
  toConst = return . CFloat

instance Referenceable VDouble where
  fromConst err = \case
    CDouble i -> return i
    x         -> expected "Double" err x
  toConst = return . CDouble

-- instance Referenceable VString where
--   fromConst err = \case
--     CStringRef i -> return i
--     x -> expected "StringRef" err x
--   toConst = return . CStringRef

-- | A constant pool value in java
data JValue
  = VInteger VInteger
  | VLong VLong
  | VFloat VFloat
  | VDouble VDouble
  | VString VString
  | VClass JRefType
  | VMethodType MethodDescriptor
  | VMethodHandle (MethodHandle High)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData)

instance Referenceable JValue where
  fromConst err = \case
    CStringRef s -> return $ VString s
    CInteger   i -> return $ VInteger i
    CFloat     f -> return $ VFloat f
    CLong      l -> return $ VLong l
    CDouble    d -> return $ VDouble d
    CClassRef  r -> case deserializeWith parseFlatJRefType r of
      Right rt -> return $ VClass rt
      Left msg ->
        err $ "Could not parse reftype " <> Text.unpack r <> ": " <> msg
    CMethodHandle m -> return $ VMethodHandle m
    CMethodType   t -> return $ VMethodType t
    x               -> expected "Value" err x
  {-# INLINE fromConst #-}

  toConst = return . \case
    VString       s -> CStringRef s
    VInteger      i -> CInteger i
    VFloat        f -> CFloat f
    VLong         l -> CLong l
    VDouble       d -> CDouble d
    VClass (serializeWith serializeFlatJRefType -> r) -> CClassRef r
    VMethodHandle m -> CMethodHandle m
    VMethodType   t -> CMethodType t
  {-# INLINE toConst #-}