kazura-queue- Fast concurrent queues much inspired by unagi-chan

Safe HaskellNone




WVar is waitable IORef. It is similar to MVar but different at some points.

  • The latest (cached) value can be read while someone is updating the value.
  • Put operation can overwrite the value if the value is fresh and cannot be blocked for waiting empty.
  • WVar is strict. It means that the new value storing into the WVar will be evaluated (WHNF) before actual storing.

There are two states in the user viewpoint.

The WVar is not being updated. This state corresponds to to full state of MVar.
The WVar is being updated by someone. This state corresponds to to empty state of MVar. However, cached previous value can be read while Updating.



data WVar a Source

"a" is the type of data in the WVar.


Eq (WVar a) Source 

newWVar :: a -> IO (WVar a) Source

Create a fresh WVar that contains the supplied value.

takeWVar :: WVar a -> IO a Source

Take the value of a WVar like takeMVar. It blocks when the WVar is being updated.

tryTakeWVar :: WVar a -> IO (Bool, a) Source

Non-blocking version of takeWVar.

putWVar :: WVar a -> a -> IO () Source

Put the supplied value into a WVar. It performs simple "write" when the WVar is Fresh. When the supplied value is already evaluated, it never blocks.

readWVar :: WVar a -> IO a Source

Read the cached value of the WVar. It never blocks.

readFreshWVar :: WVar a -> IO a Source

Read the fresh value of the WVar. It blocks and waits for a fresh value when the WVar is being updated by someone.

tryReadFreshWVar :: WVar a -> IO (Bool, a) Source

Non-blocking version of readFreshWVar


Low level types and functions of WVar.

data WCached a Source

WCached consists of WVar and its cached ticket.




cachedVar :: !(WVar a)
cachedTicket :: WTicket a


type WTicket a = Ticket (WContent a) Source

cacheWVar :: WVar a -> IO (WCached a) Source

Cache the current value of the WVar and create WCached.

recacheWCached :: WCached a -> IO (WCached a) Source

Recache the WCached.

recacheWCached = cacheWVar . cachedVar

readWTicket :: WTicket a -> a Source

Read the value of the WTicket

takeWCached :: WCached a -> IO (WTicket a) Source

Take the value of the WCached like takeMVar. It blocks when the WCached is being updated.

tryTakeWCached :: WCached a -> IO (Bool, WTicket a) Source

Non-blocking version of takeWCached.

putWCached :: WCached a -> a -> IO (WTicket a) Source

Put the value to the WCached. It performs simple "write" when the WVar is Fresh. When the supplied value is already evaluated, it never blocks.

tryPutWCached :: WCached a -> a -> IO (Bool, WTicket a) Source

Put the value to a WCached. It performs simple "write" when the WVar is Fresh. It fails when the cache is obsoleted. When the supplied value is already evaluated, it never blocks.

readWCached :: WCached a -> a Source

Read the cached value of the WCached. It never blocks.

readFreshWCached :: WCached a -> IO (WTicket a) Source

Read the Fresh value of the WCached. It blocks and waits for a Fresh value when the WCached is being updated by someone.

tryReadFreshWCached :: WCached a -> IO (Bool, WTicket a) Source

Non-blocking version of readFreshWCached