{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Data.KdTree.Static
       ( -- * Introduction

         -- $intro

         -- * Usage

         -- $usage

         -- * Variants

         -- ** Dynamic /k/-d trees

         -- $dkdtrees

         -- ** /k/-d maps

         -- $kdmaps

         -- * Advanced

         -- ** Custom distance functions

         -- $customdistancefunctions

         -- ** Axis value types

         -- $axisvaluetypes

         -- * Reference

         -- ** Types
       , SquaredDistanceFn
       , KdTree
         -- ** /k/-d tree construction
       , empty
       , emptyWithDist
       , singleton
       , singletonWithDist
       , build
       , buildWithDist
       , insertUnbalanced
       , batchInsertUnbalanced
         -- ** Query
       , nearest
       , inRadius
       , kNearest
       , inRange
       , toList
       , null
       , size
         -- ** Utilities
       , defaultSqrDist
       ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.DeepSeq.Generics (genericRnf)
import GHC.Generics

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Prelude hiding (null)

import qualified Data.KdMap.Static as KDM
import Data.KdMap.Static (PointAsListFn, SquaredDistanceFn, defaultSqrDist)

-- $intro
-- Let's say you have a large set of 3D points called /data points/,
-- and you'd like to be able to quickly perform /point queries/ on the
-- data points. One example of a point query is the /nearest neighbor/
-- query: given a set of data points @points@ and a query point @p@,
-- which point in @points@ is closest to @p@?
-- We can efficiently solve the nearest neighbor query (along with
-- many other types of point queries) if we appropriately organize the
-- data points. One such method of organization is called the /k/-d
-- tree algorithm, which is implemented in this module.

-- $usage
-- Let's say you have a list of 3D data points, and each point is of
-- type @Point3d@:
-- @
-- data Point3d = Point3d { x :: Double
--                        , y :: Double
--                        , z :: Double
--                        } deriving Show
-- @
-- We call a point's individual values /axis values/ (i.e., @x@, @y@,
-- and @z@ in the case of @Point3d@).
-- In order to generate a /k/-d tree of @Point3d@'s, we need to define
-- a 'PointAsListFn' that expresses the point's axis values as a list:
-- @
-- point3dAsList :: Point3d -> [Double]
-- point3dAsList (Point3d x y z) = [x, y, z]
-- @
-- Now we can build a 'KdTree' structure from a list of data points
-- and perform a nearest neighbor query as follows:
-- @
-- >>> let dataPoints = [(Point3d 0.0 0.0 0.0), (Point3d 1.0 1.0 1.0)]
-- >>> let kdt = 'build' point3dAsList dataPoints
-- >>> let queryPoint = Point3d 0.1 0.1 0.1
-- >>> 'nearest' kdt queryPoint
-- Point3d {x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0}
-- @

-- $dkdtrees
-- The 'KdTree' structure is meant for static sets of data points. If
-- you need to insert points into an existing /k/-d tree, check out
-- @Data.KdTree.Dynamic.@'Data.KdTree.Dynamic.KdTree'.

-- $kdmaps
-- If you need to associate additional data with each point in the
-- tree (i.e., points are /keys/ associated with /values/), check out
-- @Data.KdMap.Static.@'Data.KdMap.Static.KdMap' and
-- @Data.KdMap.Dynamic.@'Data.KdMap.Dynamic.KdMap' for static and dynamic
-- variants of this functionality. Please /do not/ try to fake this
-- functionality with a 'KdTree' by augmenting your point type with
-- the extra data; you're gonna have a bad time.

-- $customdistancefunctions
-- You may have noticed in the previous use case that we never
-- specified what "nearest" means for our points. By default,
-- 'build' uses a Euclidean distance function that is sufficient
-- in most cases. However, point queries are typically faster on a
-- 'KdTree' built with a user-specified custom distance
-- function. Let's generate a 'KdTree' using a custom distance
-- function.
-- One idiosyncrasy about 'KdTree' is that custom distance functions
-- are actually specified as /squared distance/ functions
-- ('SquaredDistanceFn'). This means that your custom distance
-- function must return the /square/ of the actual distance between
-- two points. This is for efficiency: regular distance functions
-- often require expensive square root computations, whereas in our
-- case, the squared distance works fine and doesn't require computing
-- any square roots. Here's an example of a squared distance function
-- for @Point3d@:
-- @
-- point3dSquaredDistance :: Point3d -> Point3d -> Double
-- point3dSquaredDistance (Point3d x1 y1 z1) (Point3d x2 y2 z2) =
--   let dx = x1 - x2
--       dy = y1 - y2
--       dz = z1 - z2
--   in  dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
-- @
-- We can build a 'KdTree' using our custom distance function as follows:
-- @
-- >>> let kdt = 'buildWithDist' point3dAsList point3dSquaredDistance points
-- @

-- $axisvaluetypes
-- In the above examples, we used a point type with axis values of
-- type 'Double'. We can in fact use axis values of any type that is
-- an instance of the 'Real' typeclass. This means you can use points
-- that are composed of 'Double's, 'Int's, 'Float's, and so on:
-- @
-- data Point2i = Point2i Int Int
-- point2iAsList :: Point2i -> [Int]
-- point2iAsList (Point2i x y) = [x, y]
-- kdt :: [Point2i] -> KdTree Int Point2i
-- kdt dataPoints = 'build' point2iAsList dataPoints
-- @

-- | A /k/-d tree structure that stores points of type @p@ with axis
-- values of type @a@.
newtype KdTree a p = KdTree (KDM.KdMap a p ()) deriving (forall x. KdTree a p -> Rep (KdTree a p) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (KdTree a p) x -> KdTree a p)
-> Generic (KdTree a p)
forall x. Rep (KdTree a p) x -> KdTree a p
forall x. KdTree a p -> Rep (KdTree a p) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall a p x. Rep (KdTree a p) x -> KdTree a p
forall a p x. KdTree a p -> Rep (KdTree a p) x
$cto :: forall a p x. Rep (KdTree a p) x -> KdTree a p
$cfrom :: forall a p x. KdTree a p -> Rep (KdTree a p) x
instance (NFData a, NFData p) => NFData (KdTree a p) where rnf :: KdTree a p -> ()
rnf = KdTree a p -> ()
forall a. (Generic a, GNFData (Rep a)) => a -> ()

instance (Show a, Show p) => Show (KdTree a p) where
  show :: KdTree a p -> String
show (KdTree KdMap a p ()
kdm) = String
"KdTree " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ KdMap a p () -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show KdMap a p ()

instance F.Foldable (KdTree a) where
  foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> KdTree a a -> b
foldr a -> b -> b
f b
z (KdTree KdMap a a ()
kdMap) = ((a, ()) -> b -> b) -> b -> KdMap a a () -> b
forall p v b a. ((p, v) -> b -> b) -> b -> KdMap a p v -> b
KDM.foldrWithKey (a -> b -> b
f (a -> b -> b) -> ((a, ()) -> a) -> (a, ()) -> b -> b
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (a, ()) -> a
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst) b
z KdMap a a ()

-- | Builds an empty 'KdTree'.
empty :: Real a => PointAsListFn a p -> KdTree a p
empty :: PointAsListFn a p -> KdTree a p
empty = KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p)
-> (PointAsListFn a p -> KdMap a p ())
-> PointAsListFn a p
-> KdTree a p
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PointAsListFn a p -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v. Real a => PointAsListFn a p -> KdMap a p v

-- | Builds an empty 'KdTree' using a user-specified squared distance
-- function.
emptyWithDist :: Real a => PointAsListFn a p
                        -> SquaredDistanceFn a p
                        -> KdTree a p
emptyWithDist :: PointAsListFn a p -> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> KdTree a p
emptyWithDist PointAsListFn a p
p2l SquaredDistanceFn a p
d2 = KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PointAsListFn a p -> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v.
Real a =>
PointAsListFn a p -> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> KdMap a p v
KDM.emptyWithDist PointAsListFn a p
p2l SquaredDistanceFn a p

-- | Builds a 'KdTree' with a single point.
singleton :: Real a => PointAsListFn a p -> p -> KdTree a p
singleton :: PointAsListFn a p -> p -> KdTree a p
singleton PointAsListFn a p
p2l p
p = KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PointAsListFn a p -> (p, ()) -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v. Real a => PointAsListFn a p -> (p, v) -> KdMap a p v
KDM.singleton PointAsListFn a p
p2l (p
p, ())

-- | Builds a 'KdTree' with a single point using a user-specified
-- squared distance function.
singletonWithDist :: Real a => PointAsListFn a p
                            -> SquaredDistanceFn a p
                            -> p
                            -> KdTree a p
singletonWithDist :: PointAsListFn a p -> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> p -> KdTree a p
singletonWithDist PointAsListFn a p
p2l SquaredDistanceFn a p
d2 p
p = KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PointAsListFn a p
-> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> (p, ()) -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v.
Real a =>
PointAsListFn a p -> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> (p, v) -> KdMap a p v
KDM.singletonWithDist PointAsListFn a p
p2l SquaredDistanceFn a p
d2 (p
p, ())

null :: KdTree a p -> Bool
null :: KdTree a p -> Bool
null (KdTree KdMap a p ()
kdm) = KdMap a p () -> Bool
forall a p v. KdMap a p v -> Bool
KDM.null KdMap a p ()

-- | Builds a 'KdTree' from a list of data points using a default
-- squared distance function 'defaultSqrDist'.
-- Average complexity: /O(n * log(n))/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worst case time complexity: /O(n^2)/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worst case space complexity: /O(n)/ for /n/ data points.
build :: Real a => PointAsListFn a p
                   -> [p] -- ^ non-empty list of data points to be stored in the /k/-d tree
                   -> KdTree a p
build :: PointAsListFn a p -> [p] -> KdTree a p
build PointAsListFn a p
pointAsList [p]
ps =
  KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PointAsListFn a p -> [(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v.
Real a =>
PointAsListFn a p -> [(p, v)] -> KdMap a p v
KDM.build PointAsListFn a p
pointAsList ([(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()) -> [(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [p] -> [()] -> [(p, ())]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [p]
ps ([()] -> [(p, ())]) -> [()] -> [(p, ())]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ () -> [()]
forall a. a -> [a]
repeat ()

-- | Builds a 'KdTree' from a list of data points using a
-- user-specified squared distance function.
-- Average time complexity: /O(n * log(n))/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worst case time complexity: /O(n^2)/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worst case space complexity: /O(n)/ for /n/ data points.
buildWithDist :: Real a => PointAsListFn a p
                        -> SquaredDistanceFn a p
                        -> [p]
                        -> KdTree a p
buildWithDist :: PointAsListFn a p -> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> [p] -> KdTree a p
buildWithDist PointAsListFn a p
pointAsList SquaredDistanceFn a p
distSqr [p]
ps =
  KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PointAsListFn a p
-> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> [(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v.
Real a =>
PointAsListFn a p
-> SquaredDistanceFn a p -> [(p, v)] -> KdMap a p v
KDM.buildWithDist PointAsListFn a p
pointAsList SquaredDistanceFn a p
distSqr ([(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()) -> [(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [p] -> [()] -> [(p, ())]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [p]
ps ([()] -> [(p, ())]) -> [()] -> [(p, ())]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ () -> [()]
forall a. a -> [a]
repeat ()

-- | Inserts a point into a 'KdTree'. This can potentially
-- cause the internal tree structure to become unbalanced. If the tree
-- becomes too unbalanced, point queries will be very inefficient. If
-- you need to perform lots of point insertions on an already existing
-- /k/-d tree, check out
-- @Data.KdTree.Dynamic.@'Data.KdTree.Dynamic.KdTree'.
-- Average complexity: /O(log(n))/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worse case time complexity: /O(n)/ for /n/ data points.
insertUnbalanced :: Real a => KdTree a p -> p -> KdTree a p
insertUnbalanced :: KdTree a p -> p -> KdTree a p
insertUnbalanced (KdTree KdMap a p ()
kdm) p
p = KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KdMap a p () -> p -> () -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v. Real a => KdMap a p v -> p -> v -> KdMap a p v
KDM.insertUnbalanced KdMap a p ()
kdm p
p ()

-- | Inserts a list of points into a 'KdTree'. This can potentially
-- cause the internal tree structure to become unbalanced, which leads
-- to inefficient point queries.
-- Average complexity: /O(n * log(n))/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worst case time complexity: /O(n^2)/ for /n/ data points.
batchInsertUnbalanced :: Real a => KdTree a p -> [p] -> KdTree a p
batchInsertUnbalanced :: KdTree a p -> [p] -> KdTree a p
batchInsertUnbalanced (KdTree KdMap a p ()
kdm) [p]
ps =
  KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a p. KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
KdTree (KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p) -> KdMap a p () -> KdTree a p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KdMap a p () -> [(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()
forall a p v. Real a => KdMap a p v -> [(p, v)] -> KdMap a p v
KDM.batchInsertUnbalanced KdMap a p ()
kdm ([(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()) -> [(p, ())] -> KdMap a p ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [p] -> [()] -> [(p, ())]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip [p]
ps ([()] -> [(p, ())]) -> [()] -> [(p, ())]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ () -> [()]
forall a. a -> [a]
repeat ()

-- | Given a 'KdTree' and a query point, returns the nearest point
-- in the 'KdTree' to the query point.
-- Average time complexity: /O(log(n))/ for /n/ data points.
-- Worst case time complexity: /O(n)/ for /n/ data points.
-- Throws an error if called on an empty 'KdTree'.
nearest :: Real a => KdTree a p -> p -> p
nearest :: KdTree a p -> p -> p
nearest (KdTree KdMap a p ()
t) p
  | KdMap a p () -> Bool
forall a p v. KdMap a p v -> Bool
KDM.null KdMap a p ()
t = String -> p
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Attempted to call nearest on an empty KdTree."
  | Bool
otherwise = (p, ()) -> p
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ((p, ()) -> p) -> (p, ()) -> p
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KdMap a p () -> p -> (p, ())
forall a p v. Real a => KdMap a p v -> p -> (p, v)
KDM.nearest KdMap a p ()
t p

-- | Given a 'KdTree', a query point, and a radius, returns all
-- points in the 'KdTree' that are within the given radius of the
-- query point.
-- Points are not returned in any particular order.
-- Worst case time complexity: /O(n)/ for /n/ data points and
-- a radius that subsumes all points in the structure.
inRadius :: Real a => KdTree a p
                   -> a -- ^ radius
                   -> p -- ^ query point
                   -> [p] -- ^ list of points in tree with given
                          -- radius of query point
inRadius :: KdTree a p -> a -> p -> [p]
inRadius (KdTree KdMap a p ()
t) a
radius p
query = ((p, ()) -> p) -> [(p, ())] -> [p]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (p, ()) -> p
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ([(p, ())] -> [p]) -> [(p, ())] -> [p]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KdMap a p () -> a -> p -> [(p, ())]
forall a p v. Real a => KdMap a p v -> a -> p -> [(p, v)]
KDM.inRadius KdMap a p ()
t a
radius p

-- | Given a 'KdTree', a query point, and a number @k@, returns the
-- @k@ nearest points in the 'KdTree' to the query point.
-- Neighbors are returned in order of increasing distance from query
-- point.
-- Average time complexity: /log(k) * log(n)/ for /k/ nearest
-- neighbors on a structure with /n/ data points.
-- Worst case time complexity: /n * log(k)/ for /k/ nearest
-- neighbors on a structure with /n/ data points.
kNearest :: Real a => KdTree a p -> Int -> p -> [p]
kNearest :: KdTree a p -> Int -> p -> [p]
kNearest (KdTree KdMap a p ()
t) Int
k p
query = ((p, ()) -> p) -> [(p, ())] -> [p]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (p, ()) -> p
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ([(p, ())] -> [p]) -> [(p, ())] -> [p]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KdMap a p () -> Int -> p -> [(p, ())]
forall a p v. Real a => KdMap a p v -> Int -> p -> [(p, v)]
KDM.kNearest KdMap a p ()
t Int
k p

-- | Finds all points in a 'KdTree' with points within a given range,
-- where the range is specified as a set of lower and upper bounds.
-- Points are not returned in any particular order.
-- Worst case time complexity: /O(n)/ for n data points and a range
-- that spans all the points.
inRange :: Real a => KdTree a p
                  -> p -- ^ lower bounds of range
                  -> p -- ^ upper bounds of range
                  -> [p] -- ^ all points within given range
inRange :: KdTree a p -> p -> p -> [p]
inRange (KdTree KdMap a p ()
t) p
lower p
upper = ((p, ()) -> p) -> [(p, ())] -> [p]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (p, ()) -> p
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ([(p, ())] -> [p]) -> [(p, ())] -> [p]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ KdMap a p () -> p -> p -> [(p, ())]
forall a p v. Real a => KdMap a p v -> p -> p -> [(p, v)]
KDM.inRange KdMap a p ()
t p
lower p

-- | Returns a list of all the points in the 'KdTree'.
-- Time complexity: /O(n)/ for /n/ data points.
toList :: KdTree a p -> [p]
toList :: KdTree a p -> [p]
toList (KdTree KdMap a p ()
t) = KdMap a p () -> [p]
forall a p v. KdMap a p v -> [p]
KDM.keys KdMap a p ()

-- | Returns the number of elements in the 'KdTree'.
-- Time complexity: /O(1)/
size :: KdTree a p -> Int
size :: KdTree a p -> Int
size (KdTree KdMap a p ()
t) = KdMap a p () -> Int
forall a p v. KdMap a p v -> Int
KDM.size KdMap a p ()