kleene-0.1: Kleene algebra

Safe HaskellSafe




Kleene algebra.

This package provides means to work with kleene algebra, at the moment specifically concentrating on regular expressions over Char.

Implements ideas from Regular-expression derivatives re-examined by Scott Owens, John Reppy and Aaron Turon https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956796808007090.

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> import Algebra.Lattice
>>> import Algebra.PartialOrd
>>> import Data.Semigroup
>>> import Kleene.Internal.Pretty (putPretty)

Kleene.RE module provides RE type. Kleene.Classes module provides various classes to work with the type. All of that is re-exported from Kleene module.

First let's construct a regular expression value:

>>> let re = star "abc" <> "def" <> ("x" \/ "yz") :: RE Char
>>> putPretty re

We can convert it to DFA (there are 8 states)

>>> let dfa = fromTM re
>>> putPretty dfa
0 -> \x -> if
    | x <= '`'  -> 8
    | x <= 'a'  -> 5
    | x <= 'c'  -> 8
    | x <= 'd'  -> 3
    | otherwise -> 8
1 -> \x -> if
    | x <= 'w'  -> 8
    | x <= 'x'  -> 6
    | x <= 'y'  -> 7
    | otherwise -> 8
2 -> ...

It's also possible to graphically visualise DFAs

λ> writeFile "example.dot' (toDot dfa)
%  dot -Tpng -oexample.png example.dot

And we can convert back from DFA to RE:

>>> let re' = toKleene dfa :: RE Char
>>> putPretty re'

As you see, we don't get what we started with. Yet, these regular expressions are equivalent;

>>> equivalent re re'

or using Equiv wrapper

>>> Equiv re == Equiv re'

(The paper doesn't outline decision procedure for the equivalence, though it's right there - seems to be fast enough at least for toy examples like here).

We can use regular expressions to generate word examples in the language:

>>> import Data.Foldable
>>> import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
>>> import Kleene.RE (generate)
>>> traverse_ print $ take 5 $ generate (curry QC.choose) 42 re

In addition to the "normal" regular expressions, there are extended regular expressions. Regular expressions which we can complement, and therefore intersect:

>>> let ere = star "aa" /\ star "aaa" :: ERE Char
>>> putPretty ere

We can convert ERE to RE via DFA:

>>> let re'' = toKleene (fromTM ere) :: RE Char
>>> putPretty re''

Machine works own ways, we don't (always) get as pretty results as we'd like:

>>> equivalent re'' (star "aaaaaa")

Another feature of the library is an Applciative Functor,

>>> import Control.Applicative
>>> import qualified Kleene.Functor as F
>>> let f = (,) <$> many (F.char 'x') <* F.few F.anyChar <*> many (F.char 'z')
>>> putPretty f

By relying on http://hackage.haskell.org/package/regex-applicative library, we can match and capture with regular expression.

>>> F.match f "xyyzzz"
Just ("x","zzz")

Where with RE we can only get True or False:

>>> match (F.toRE f) "xyyzzz"

Which in this case is not even interesting because:

>>> equivalent (F.toRE f) everything

Converting from RE to K is also possible, which may be handy:

>>> let g = (,) <$> F.few F.anyChar <*> F.fromRE re''
>>> putPretty g
>>> F.match g (replicate 20 'a')
Just ("aa","aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")

We got longest divisible by 6 prefix of as. That's because fromRE uses many for star.


Regular expressions

data RE c Source #

Regular expression

Constructors are exposed, but you should use smart constructors in this module to construct RE.

The Eq and Ord instances are structural. The Kleene etc constructors do "weak normalisation", so for values constructed using those operations Eq witnesses "weak equivalence". See equivalent for regular-expression equivalence.

Structure is exposed in Kleene.RE module but consider constructors as half-internal. There are soft-invariants, but violating them shouldn't break anything in the package. (e.g. transitionMap will eventually terminate, but may create more redundant states if starting regexp is not "weakly normalised").

ToLatin1 RE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


toLatin1 :: RE Char -> RE Word8 Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Complement c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


complement :: RE c -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => TransitionMap c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


transitionMap :: RE c -> Map (RE c) (SF c (RE c)) Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Equivalent c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


equivalent :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Match c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


match :: RE c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: RE c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Derivate c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


nullable :: RE c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> RE c -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => FiniteKleene c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


everything :: RE c Source #

charRange :: c -> c -> RE c Source #

fromRSet :: RSet c -> RE c Source #

dot :: RE c Source #

anyChar :: RE c Source #

notChar :: c -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => CharKleene c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


char :: c -> RE c Source #

string :: [c] -> RE c Source #

Eq c => Eq (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


(==) :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool #

(/=) :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool #

Ord c => Ord (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


compare :: RE c -> RE c -> Ordering #

(<) :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool #

(<=) :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool #

(>) :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool #

(>=) :: RE c -> RE c -> Bool #

max :: RE c -> RE c -> RE c #

min :: RE c -> RE c -> RE c #

Show c => Show (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


showsPrec :: Int -> RE c -> ShowS #

show :: RE c -> String #

showList :: [RE c] -> ShowS #

c ~ Char => IsString (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


fromString :: String -> RE c #

Eq c => Semigroup (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


(<>) :: RE c -> RE c -> RE c #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (RE c) -> RE c #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> RE c -> RE c #

Eq c => Monoid (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


mempty :: RE c #

mappend :: RE c -> RE c -> RE c #

mconcat :: [RE c] -> RE c #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c, Arbitrary c) => Arbitrary (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


arbitrary :: Gen (RE c) #

shrink :: RE c -> [RE c] #

CoArbitrary c => CoArbitrary (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


coarbitrary :: RE c -> Gen b -> Gen b #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Lattice (RE c) Source #

WARNING: The /\ is inefficient, it actually computes the conjunction:

>>> putPretty $ asREChar $ "a" /\ "b"
>>> putPretty $ asREChar $ "a" /\ star "a"
>>> putPretty $ asREChar $ star "aa" /\ star "aaa"
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


(\/) :: RE c -> RE c -> RE c #

(/\) :: RE c -> RE c -> RE c #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


bottom :: RE c #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


top :: RE c #

c ~ Char => Pretty (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


pretty :: RE c -> String Source #

prettyS :: RE c -> ShowS Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Kleene (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


empty :: RE c Source #

eps :: RE c Source #

appends :: [RE c] -> RE c Source #

unions :: [RE c] -> RE c Source #

star :: RE c -> RE c Source #

data ERE c Source #

Extended regular expression

It's both, Kleene and Boolean algebra. (If we add only intersections, it wouldn't be Boolean).

Note: we don't have special constructor for intersections. We use de Morgan formula \(a \land b = \neg (\neg a \lor \neg b)\).

>>> putPretty $ asEREChar $ "a" /\ "b"

There is no generator, as intersections makes it hard.

ToLatin1 ERE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE

Complement c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


complement :: ERE c -> ERE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => TransitionMap c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


transitionMap :: ERE c -> Map (ERE c) (SF c (ERE c)) Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Equivalent c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


equivalent :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool Source #

(Ord c, Enum c) => Match c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


match :: ERE c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: ERE c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

(Ord c, Enum c) => Derivate c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


nullable :: ERE c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> ERE c -> ERE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => FiniteKleene c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


everything :: ERE c Source #

charRange :: c -> c -> ERE c Source #

fromRSet :: RSet c -> ERE c Source #

dot :: ERE c Source #

anyChar :: ERE c Source #

notChar :: c -> ERE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => CharKleene c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


char :: c -> ERE c Source #

string :: [c] -> ERE c Source #

Eq c => Eq (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


(==) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool #

(/=) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool #

Ord c => Ord (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


compare :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Ordering #

(<) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool #

(<=) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool #

(>) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool #

(>=) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool #

max :: ERE c -> ERE c -> ERE c #

min :: ERE c -> ERE c -> ERE c #

Show c => Show (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


showsPrec :: Int -> ERE c -> ShowS #

show :: ERE c -> String #

showList :: [ERE c] -> ShowS #

c ~ Char => IsString (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


fromString :: String -> ERE c #

Eq c => Semigroup (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


(<>) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> ERE c #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (ERE c) -> ERE c #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> ERE c -> ERE c #

Eq c => Monoid (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


mempty :: ERE c #

mappend :: ERE c -> ERE c -> ERE c #

mconcat :: [ERE c] -> ERE c #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c, Arbitrary c) => Arbitrary (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


arbitrary :: Gen (ERE c) #

shrink :: ERE c -> [ERE c] #

CoArbitrary c => CoArbitrary (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


coarbitrary :: ERE c -> Gen b -> Gen b #

(Ord c, Enum c) => Lattice (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


(\/) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> ERE c #

(/\) :: ERE c -> ERE c -> ERE c #

(Ord c, Enum c) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


bottom :: ERE c #

(Ord c, Enum c) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


top :: ERE c #

c ~ Char => Pretty (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


pretty :: ERE c -> String Source #

prettyS :: ERE c -> ShowS Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Kleene (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


empty :: ERE c Source #

eps :: ERE c Source #

appends :: [ERE c] -> ERE c Source #

unions :: [ERE c] -> ERE c Source #

star :: ERE c -> ERE c Source #

Equivalence (and partial order)

newtype Equiv r c Source #

Regular-expressions for which == is equivalent.

>>> let re1 = star "a" <> "a" :: RE Char
>>> let re2 = "a" <> star "a" :: RE Char
>>> re1 == re2
>>> Equiv re1 == Equiv re2

Equiv is also a PartialOrd (but not Ord!)

>>> Equiv "a" `leq` Equiv (star "a" :: RE Char)

Not all regular expessions are comparable:

>>> let reA = Equiv "a" :: Equiv RE Char
>>> let reB = Equiv "b" :: Equiv RE Char
>>> (leq reA reB, leq reB reA)


Equiv (r c) 
Complement c (r c) => Complement c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


complement :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c Source #

Equivalent c (r c) => Equivalent c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


equivalent :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Bool Source #

Match c (r c) => Match c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


match :: Equiv r c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: Equiv r c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

Derivate c (r c) => Derivate c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


nullable :: Equiv r c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c Source #

CharKleene c (r c) => CharKleene c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


char :: c -> Equiv r c Source #

string :: [c] -> Equiv r c Source #

Equivalent c (r c) => Eq (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


(==) :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Bool #

(/=) :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Bool #

Show (r c) => Show (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


showsPrec :: Int -> Equiv r c -> ShowS #

show :: Equiv r c -> String #

showList :: [Equiv r c] -> ShowS #

Semigroup (r c) => Semigroup (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


(<>) :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Equiv r c) -> Equiv r c #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c #

Monoid (r c) => Monoid (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


mempty :: Equiv r c #

mappend :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c #

mconcat :: [Equiv r c] -> Equiv r c #

Lattice (r c) => Lattice (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


(\/) :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c #

(/\) :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c #

BoundedJoinSemiLattice (r c) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


bottom :: Equiv r c #

BoundedMeetSemiLattice (r c) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


top :: Equiv r c #

(Lattice (r c), Equivalent c (r c)) => PartialOrd (Equiv r c) Source #

\(a \preceq b := a \lor b = b \)

Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


leq :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Bool #

comparable :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c -> Bool #

Pretty (r c) => Pretty (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


pretty :: Equiv r c -> String Source #

prettyS :: Equiv r c -> ShowS Source #

Kleene (r c) => Kleene (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


empty :: Equiv r c Source #

eps :: Equiv r c Source #

appends :: [Equiv r c] -> Equiv r c Source #

unions :: [Equiv r c] -> Equiv r c Source #

star :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c Source #

Deterministic finite automaton

data DFA c Source #

Deterministic finite automaton.

A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) over an alphabet \(\Sigma\) (type variable c) is 4-tuple \(Q\), \(q_0\) , \(F\), \(\delta\), where

  • \(Q\) is a finite set of states (subset of s),
  • \(q_0 \in Q\) is the distinguised start state (dfaInitial),
  • \(F \subset Q\) is a set of final (or accepting) states (dfaAcceptable), and
  • \(\delta : Q \times \Sigma \to Q\) is a function called the state transition function (dfaTransition).




Complement c (DFA c) Source #

Complement DFA.

Complement of DFA is way easier than of RE: complement accept states.

>>> let dfa = complement $ fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
>>> putPretty dfa
0 -> \x -> if
    | x <= '`'  -> 3
    | x <= 'a'  -> 2
    | otherwise -> 3
1+ -> \x -> if
    | x <= 'b'  -> 3
    | x <= 'c'  -> 0
    | otherwise -> 3
2+ -> \x -> if
    | x <= 'a'  -> 3
    | x <= 'b'  -> 1
    | otherwise -> 3
3+ -> \_ -> 3 -- black hole
>>> map (match dfa) ["", "abc", "abcabc", "aa","abca", 'a' : 'a' : undefined]
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


complement :: DFA c -> DFA c Source #

Ord c => Match c (DFA c) Source #

Run DFA on the input.

Because we have analysed a language, in some cases we can determine a result without traversing all of the input. That's not the cases with RE match.

>>> let dfa = fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
>>> map (match dfa) ["", "abc", "abcabc", "aa", 'a' : 'a' : undefined]


match (fromRE re) xs == match re xs
all (match (fromRE r)) $ take 10 $ RE.generate (curry QC.choose) 42 (r :: RE.RE Char)
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


match :: DFA c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: DFA c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

Ord c => Derivate c (DFA c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


nullable :: DFA c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> DFA c -> DFA c Source #

Show c => Show (DFA c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


showsPrec :: Int -> DFA c -> ShowS #

show :: DFA c -> String #

showList :: [DFA c] -> ShowS #

Show c => Pretty (DFA c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


pretty :: DFA c -> String Source #

prettyS :: DFA c -> ShowS Source #

fromTM :: forall k c. (Ord k, Ord c, TransitionMap c k) => k -> DFA c Source #

Create from TransitionMap.

See fromRE for a specific example.

fromTMEquiv :: forall k c. (Ord k, Ord c, TransitionMap c k, Equivalent c k) => k -> DFA c Source #

Create from TransitonMap minimising states with Equivalent.

See fromERE for an example.

toKleene :: forall k c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c, FiniteKleene c k) => DFA c -> k Source #

Convert to any Kleene.

See toRE for a specific example.

toDot :: DFA Char -> String Source #

Get Graphviz dot-code of DFA.

>>> let dfa = fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
>>> putStr $ toDot dfa
digraph dfa {
// states
"0" [shape=doublecircle];
"1" [shape=circle];
"2" [shape=circle];
// initial state
"" [shape=none];
"" -> "0";
// transitions
"0" -> "2"[label="a"]
"1" -> "0"[label="c"]
"2" -> "1"[label="b"]


Most operations are defined in following type-classes.

See Kleene.RE module for a specific version with examples.

class Kleene k where Source #

Kleene algebra.

If k is Monoid it's expected that appends = mappend; if k is Lattice it's expected that unions = joins.

Wikipedia: Kleene Algebra.


empty :: k Source #

Empty regex. Doesn't accept anything.

eps :: k Source #

Empty string. Note: different than empty.

appends :: [k] -> k Source #


unions :: [k] -> k Source #


star :: k -> k Source #

Kleene star.

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Kleene (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


empty :: RE c Source #

eps :: RE c Source #

appends :: [RE c] -> RE c Source #

unions :: [RE c] -> RE c Source #

star :: RE c -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Kleene (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


empty :: ERE c Source #

eps :: ERE c Source #

appends :: [ERE c] -> ERE c Source #

unions :: [ERE c] -> ERE c Source #

star :: ERE c -> ERE c Source #

Kleene (M c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Monad


empty :: M c Source #

eps :: M c Source #

appends :: [M c] -> M c Source #

unions :: [M c] -> M c Source #

star :: M c -> M c Source #

Kleene (r c) => Kleene (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


empty :: Equiv r c Source #

eps :: Equiv r c Source #

appends :: [Equiv r c] -> Equiv r c Source #

unions :: [Equiv r c] -> Equiv r c Source #

star :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c Source #

class Kleene k => CharKleene c k | k -> c where Source #

Minimal complete definition



char :: c -> k Source #

Single character

string :: [c] -> k Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => CharKleene c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


char :: c -> RE c Source #

string :: [c] -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => CharKleene c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


char :: c -> ERE c Source #

string :: [c] -> ERE c Source #

CharKleene c (M c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Monad


char :: c -> M c Source #

string :: [c] -> M c Source #

CharKleene c (r c) => CharKleene c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


char :: c -> Equiv r c Source #

string :: [c] -> Equiv r c Source #

class CharKleene c k => FiniteKleene c k | k -> c where Source #

Minimal complete definition

charRange, fromRSet, anyChar


everything :: k Source #

Everything. \(\Sigma^\star\).

charRange :: c -> c -> k Source #

charRange a z = ^[a-z]$.

fromRSet :: RSet c -> k Source #

Generalisation of charRange.

dot :: c ~ Char => k Source #

. Every character except new line \n.

anyChar :: k Source #

Any character. Note: different than dot!

notChar :: c -> k Source #

notChar :: (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => c -> k Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => FiniteKleene c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


everything :: RE c Source #

charRange :: c -> c -> RE c Source #

fromRSet :: RSet c -> RE c Source #

dot :: RE c Source #

anyChar :: RE c Source #

notChar :: c -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => FiniteKleene c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


everything :: ERE c Source #

charRange :: c -> c -> ERE c Source #

fromRSet :: RSet c -> ERE c Source #

dot :: ERE c Source #

anyChar :: ERE c Source #

notChar :: c -> ERE c Source #

class Derivate c k | k -> c where Source #


nullable :: k -> Bool Source #

Does language contain an empty string?

derivate :: c -> k -> k Source #

Derivative of a language.

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Derivate c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


nullable :: RE c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> RE c -> RE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c) => Derivate c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


nullable :: ERE c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> ERE c -> ERE c Source #

Ord c => Derivate c (DFA c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


nullable :: DFA c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> DFA c -> DFA c Source #

(Eq c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Derivate c (M c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Monad


nullable :: M c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> M c -> M c Source #

Derivate c (r c) => Derivate c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


nullable :: Equiv r c -> Bool Source #

derivate :: c -> Equiv r c -> Equiv r c Source #

class Match c k | k -> c where Source #

An f can be used to match on the input.

Minimal complete definition



match :: k -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: c ~ Word8 => k -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Match c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


match :: RE c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: RE c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

(Ord c, Enum c) => Match c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


match :: ERE c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: ERE c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

Ord c => Match c (DFA c) Source #

Run DFA on the input.

Because we have analysed a language, in some cases we can determine a result without traversing all of the input. That's not the cases with RE match.

>>> let dfa = fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
>>> map (match dfa) ["", "abc", "abcabc", "aa", 'a' : 'a' : undefined]


match (fromRE re) xs == match re xs
all (match (fromRE r)) $ take 10 $ RE.generate (curry QC.choose) 42 (r :: RE.RE Char)
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


match :: DFA c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: DFA c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

(Eq c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Match c (M c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Monad


match :: M c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: M c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

Match c (r c) => Match c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


match :: Equiv r c -> [c] -> Bool Source #

match8 :: Equiv r c -> ByteString -> Bool Source #

class Derivate c k => TransitionMap c k | k -> c where Source #

Transition map.


transitionMap :: k -> Map k (SF c k) Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => TransitionMap c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


transitionMap :: RE c -> Map (RE c) (SF c (RE c)) Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => TransitionMap c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


transitionMap :: ERE c -> Map (ERE c) (SF c (ERE c)) Source #

class Complement c k | k -> c where Source #

Complement of the language.


match (complement f) xs = not (match f) xs


complement :: k -> k Source #

Complement c (ERE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


complement :: ERE c -> ERE c Source #

(Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Complement c (RE c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


complement :: RE c -> RE c Source #

Complement c (DFA c) Source #

Complement DFA.

Complement of DFA is way easier than of RE: complement accept states.

>>> let dfa = complement $ fromRE $ RE.star "abc"
>>> putPretty dfa
0 -> \x -> if
    | x <= '`'  -> 3
    | x <= 'a'  -> 2
    | otherwise -> 3
1+ -> \x -> if
    | x <= 'b'  -> 3
    | x <= 'c'  -> 0
    | otherwise -> 3
2+ -> \x -> if
    | x <= 'a'  -> 3
    | x <= 'b'  -> 1
    | otherwise -> 3
3+ -> \_ -> 3 -- black hole
>>> map (match dfa) ["", "abc", "abcabc", "aa","abca", 'a' : 'a' : undefined]
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.DFA


complement :: DFA c -> DFA c Source #

Complement c (r c) => Complement c (Equiv r c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Equiv


complement :: Equiv r c -> Equiv r c Source #

class ToLatin1 k where Source #


toLatin1 :: k Char -> k Word8 Source #

ToLatin1 RSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Classes

ToLatin1 RE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.RE


toLatin1 :: RE Char -> RE Word8 Source #

ToLatin1 ERE Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.ERE


Only the type is exported so it can be referred to.

See Kleene.Functor for operations.

data K c a Source #

Applicative Functor regular expression.

Functor (K c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


fmap :: (a -> b) -> K c a -> K c b #

(<$) :: a -> K c b -> K c a #

Applicative (K c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


pure :: a -> K c a #

(<*>) :: K c (a -> b) -> K c a -> K c b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> K c a -> K c b -> K c c0 #

(*>) :: K c a -> K c b -> K c b #

(<*) :: K c a -> K c b -> K c a #

Alternative (K c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


empty :: K c a #

(<|>) :: K c a -> K c a -> K c a #

some :: K c a -> K c [a] #

many :: K c a -> K c [a] #

Alt (K c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


(<!>) :: K c a -> K c a -> K c a #

some :: Applicative (K c) => K c a -> K c [a] #

many :: Applicative (K c) => K c a -> K c [a] #

Apply (K c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


(<.>) :: K c (a -> b) -> K c a -> K c b #

(.>) :: K c a -> K c b -> K c b #

(<.) :: K c a -> K c b -> K c a #

liftF2 :: (a -> b -> c0) -> K c a -> K c b -> K c c0 #

(c ~ Char, IsString a) => IsString (K c a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


fromString :: String -> K c a #

c ~ Char => Pretty (K c a) Source #

Convert to non-matching JavaScript string which can be used as an argument to new RegExp

>>> putPretty ("foobar" :: K Char String)
>>> putPretty $ many ("foobar" :: K Char String)
Instance details

Defined in Kleene.Internal.Functor


pretty :: K c a -> String Source #

prettyS :: K c a -> ShowS Source #