-- | Offline mode / RC file / -e support module.  Handles spooling lists
-- of commands (from haskeline, files, or the command line) into the vchat
-- layer.
module Lambdabot.Plugin.Core.OfflineRC ( offlineRCPlugin ) where

import Lambdabot.Config.Core
import Lambdabot.IRC
import Lambdabot.Monad
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util

import Control.Concurrent.Lifted
import Control.Exception.Lifted ( evaluate, finally )
import Control.Monad( void, when )
import Control.Monad.State( gets, modify )
import Control.Monad.Trans( lift, liftIO )
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Console.Haskeline (InputT, Settings(..), runInputT, defaultSettings, getInputLine)
import System.IO
import System.Timeout.Lifted
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String

-- We need to track the number of active sourcings so that we can
-- unregister the server (-> allow the bot to quit) when it is not
-- being used.
type OfflineRCState = Integer
type OfflineRC = ModuleT OfflineRCState LB

offlineRCPlugin :: Module OfflineRCState
offlineRCPlugin = newModule
    { moduleDefState = return 0
    , moduleInit = do
        lb . modify $ \s -> s
            { ircPrivilegedUsers = S.insert (Nick "offlinerc" "null") (ircPrivilegedUsers s)

        void . fork $ do
            cmds <- getConfig onStartupCmds
            mapM_ feed cmds `finally` unlockRC

    , moduleCmds = return
        [ (command "offline")
            { privileged = True
            , help = say "offline. Start a repl"
            , process = const . lift $ do
                histFile <- lb $ findLBFileForWriting "offlinerc"
                let settings = defaultSettings { historyFile = Just histFile }
                _ <- fork (runInputT settings replLoop `finally` unlockRC)
                return ()
        , (command "rc")
            { privileged = True
            , help = say "rc name. Read a file of commands (asynchronously). TODO: better name."
            , process = \fn -> lift $ do
                txt <- io $ readFile fn
                io $ evaluate $ foldr seq () txt
                _ <- fork (mapM_ feed (lines txt) `finally` unlockRC)
                return ()

feed :: String -> OfflineRC ()
feed msg = do
    cmdPrefix <- fmap head (getConfig commandPrefixes)
    let msg' = case msg of
            '>':xs -> cmdPrefix ++ "run " ++ xs
            '!':xs -> xs
            _      -> cmdPrefix ++ dropWhile (== ' ') msg
    -- note that `msg'` is unicode, but lambdabot wants utf-8 lists of bytes
    lb . void . timeout (15 * 1000 * 1000) . received $
              IrcMessage { ircMsgServer = "offlinerc"
                         , ircMsgLBName = "offline"
                         , ircMsgPrefix = "null!n=user@null"
                         , ircMsgCommand = "PRIVMSG"
                         , ircMsgParams = ["offline", ":" ++ encodeString msg' ] }

handleMsg :: IrcMessage -> OfflineRC ()
handleMsg msg = liftIO $ do
    let str = case (tail . ircMsgParams) msg of
            []    -> []
            (x:_) -> tail x
    -- str contains utf-8 list of bytes; convert to unicode
    hPutStrLn stdout (decodeString str)
    hFlush stdout

replLoop :: InputT OfflineRC ()
replLoop = do
    line <- getInputLine "lambdabot> "
    case line of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just x -> do
            let s' = dropWhile isSpace x
            when (not $ null s') $ do
                lift $ feed s'
            continue <- lift $ lift $ gets (M.member "offlinerc" . ircPersists)
            when continue replLoop

lockRC :: OfflineRC ()
lockRC = do
    withMS $ \ cur writ -> do
        when (cur == 0) $ do
            registerServer "offlinerc" handleMsg
            lift $ modify $ \state' ->
                state' { ircPersists = M.insert "offlinerc" True $ ircPersists state' }
        writ (cur + 1)

unlockRC :: OfflineRC ()
unlockRC = withMS $ \ cur writ -> do
    when (cur == 1) $ unregisterServer "offlinerc"
    writ (cur - 1)