{-# Language OverloadedStrings, Rank2Types, RecordWildCards, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Oberon grammar adapted from http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/EBNF.html
-- Extracted from the book Programmieren in Oberon - Das neue Pascal by N. Wirth and M. Reiser and translated by J. Templ.

module Language.Oberon.Grammar (OberonGrammar(..),
                                oberonGrammar, oberon2Grammar, oberonDefinitionGrammar, oberon2DefinitionGrammar) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Char
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)), fromList, toList)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), Endo(Endo, appEndo))
import Numeric (readHex)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Text.Grampa
import Text.Grampa.ContextFree.LeftRecursive (Parser)
import Text.Parser.Combinators (sepBy, sepBy1, sepByNonEmpty)
import Text.Parser.Token (braces, brackets, parens)

import qualified Rank2
import qualified Rank2.TH

import Language.Oberon.AST

import Prelude hiding (length, takeWhile)

-- | All the productions of the Oberon grammar
data OberonGrammar f p = OberonGrammar {
   module_prod :: p (Module f),
   ident :: p Ident,
   letter :: p Text,
   digit :: p Text,
   importList :: p [Import],
   import_prod :: p Import,
   declarationSequence :: p [Declaration f],
   constantDeclaration :: p (Declaration f),
   identdef :: p IdentDef,
   constExpression :: p (Expression f),
   expression :: p (Expression f),
   simpleExpression :: p (Expression f),
   term :: p (Expression f),
   factor :: p (Expression f),
   number :: p (Expression f),
   integer :: p (Expression f),
   hexDigit :: p Text,
   real :: p (Expression f),
   scaleFactor :: p Text,
   charConstant :: p (Expression f),
   string_prod :: p Text,
   set :: p (Expression f),
   element :: p (Element f),
   designator :: p (Designator f),
   expList :: p (NonEmpty (Expression f)),
   actualParameters :: p [(Expression f)],
   mulOperator :: p (BinOp f),
   addOperator :: p (BinOp f),
   relation :: p RelOp,
   typeDeclaration :: p (Declaration f),
   type_prod :: p (Type f),
   qualident :: p QualIdent,
   arrayType :: p (Type f),
   length :: p (Expression f),
   recordType :: p (Type f),
   baseType :: p QualIdent,
   fieldListSequence :: p (FieldListSequence f),
   fieldList :: p (FieldList f),
   identList :: p IdentList,
   pointerType :: p (Type f),
   procedureType :: p (Type f),
   variableDeclaration :: p (Declaration f),
   procedureDeclaration :: p (Declaration f),
   procedureHeading :: p (ProcedureHeading f),
   formalParameters :: p (FormalParameters f),
   fPSection :: p (FPSection f),
   formalType :: p (Type f),
   procedureBody :: p (ProcedureBody f),
   forwardDeclaration :: p (Declaration f),
   statementSequence :: p (NonEmpty (Ambiguous (Statement f))),
   statement :: p (Statement f),
   assignment :: p (Statement f),
   procedureCall :: p (Statement f),
   ifStatement :: p (Statement f),
   caseStatement :: p (Statement f),
   case_prod :: p (Case f),
   caseLabelList :: p (NonEmpty (CaseLabels f)),
   caseLabels :: p (CaseLabels f),
   whileStatement :: p (Statement f),
   repeatStatement :: p (Statement f),
   forStatement :: p (Statement f),
   loopStatement :: p (Statement f),
   withStatement :: p (Statement f)}

newtype BinOp f = BinOp {applyBinOp :: (Expression f -> Expression f -> Expression f)}

instance Show (BinOp f) where
   show = const "BinOp{}"

$(Rank2.TH.deriveAll ''OberonGrammar)

instance Lexical (OberonGrammar f) where
   type LexicalConstraint p (OberonGrammar f) s = (s ~ Text, p ~ Parser)
   lexicalComment = string "(*"
                    *> skipMany (lexicalComment
                                 <|> notFollowedBy (string "*)") <* anyToken <* takeCharsWhile isCommentChar)
                    <* string "*)"
      where isCommentChar c = c /= '*' && c /= '('
   lexicalWhiteSpace = takeCharsWhile isSpace *> skipMany (lexicalComment *> takeCharsWhile isSpace)
   isIdentifierStartChar = isLetter
   isIdentifierFollowChar = isAlphaNum
   identifierToken word = lexicalToken (do w <- word
                                           guard (w `notElem` reservedWords)
                                           return w)

oberonGrammar, oberon2Grammar, oberonDefinitionGrammar, oberon2DefinitionGrammar
   :: Grammar (OberonGrammar Ambiguous) Parser Text
-- | Grammar of an Oberon module
oberonGrammar = fixGrammar grammar
-- | Grammar of an Oberon-2 module
oberon2Grammar = fixGrammar grammar2
-- | Grammar of an Oberon definition module
oberonDefinitionGrammar = fixGrammar definitionGrammar
-- | Grammar of an Oberon-2 definition module
oberon2DefinitionGrammar = fixGrammar definitionGrammar2

grammar, definitionGrammar :: GrammarBuilder (OberonGrammar Ambiguous) (OberonGrammar Ambiguous) Parser Text

definitionGrammar g@OberonGrammar{..} = definitionMixin (grammar g)

definitionGrammar2 g@OberonGrammar{..} = definitionMixin (grammar2 g)

definitionMixin g@OberonGrammar{..} = g{
   module_prod = Module <$ (lexicalWhiteSpace *> keyword "DEFINITION") <*> ident <* delimiter ";"
                 <*> moptional importList <*> declarationSequence
                 <*> pure Nothing <* keyword "END" <*> ident <* delimiter ".",
   procedureDeclaration = ProcedureDeclaration <$> procedureHeading
                          <*> (pure $ ProcedureBody [] Nothing) <*> pure mempty,
   identdef = IdentDef <$> ident <*> pure Exported <* optional (delimiter "*")}

grammar2 g@OberonGrammar{..} = g1{
   identdef = IdentDef <$> ident <*> (Exported <$ delimiter "*" <|> ReadOnly <$ delimiter "-" <|> pure PrivateOnly),
   procedureHeading = ProcedureHeading <$ keyword "PROCEDURE"
                      <*> optional (parens
                                    ((,,) <$> (True <$ keyword "VAR" <|> pure False)
                                          <*> ident <* delimiter ":" <*> ident))
                      <*> (True <$ delimiter "*" <|> pure False) 
                      <*> identdef <*> optional formalParameters,
   arrayType = ArrayType <$ keyword "ARRAY" <*> sepBy (ambiguous length) (delimiter ",") <* keyword "OF" <*> type_prod,
   statement = statement1 <|> forStatement,
   forStatement = For <$ keyword "FOR" <*> ident <* delimiter ":=" <*> expression <* keyword "TO" <*> expression 
                  <*> optional (keyword "BY" *> constExpression) <* keyword "DO"
                  <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END",
   withStatement = With <$ keyword "WITH" <*> sepByNonEmpty withAlternative (delimiter "|")
                        <*> optional (keyword "ELSE" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END"}
   where g1@OberonGrammar{statement= statement1} = grammar g
         withAlternative = WithAlternative <$> qualident <* delimiter ":" <*> qualident
                                           <*  keyword "DO" <*> statementSequence
grammar OberonGrammar{..} = OberonGrammar{
   module_prod = Module <$ (lexicalWhiteSpace *> keyword "MODULE") <*> ident <* delimiter ";"
                 <*> moptional importList <*> declarationSequence
                 <*> optional (keyword "BEGIN" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END" <*> ident <* delimiter ".",
   ident = identifier,
   letter = satisfyCharInput isLetter,
   digit = satisfyCharInput isDigit,
   importList = keyword "IMPORT" *> sepBy1 import_prod (delimiter ",") <* delimiter ";",
   import_prod = (,) <$> optional (ident <* delimiter ":=") <*> ident,
   declarationSequence = concatMany (keyword "CONST" *> many (constantDeclaration <* delimiter ";")
                                     <|> keyword "TYPE" *> many (typeDeclaration <* delimiter ";")
                                     <|> keyword "VAR" *> many (variableDeclaration <* delimiter ";"))
                         <> many (procedureDeclaration <* delimiter ";"
                                  <|> forwardDeclaration <* delimiter ";"),
   constantDeclaration = ConstantDeclaration <$> identdef <* delimiter "=" <*> ambiguous constExpression,
   identdef = IdentDef <$> ident <*> (Exported <$ delimiter "*" <|> pure PrivateOnly),
   constExpression = expression,
   expression = simpleExpression <**> (pure id <|> (flip . Relation) <$> relation <*> simpleExpression),
   simpleExpression = (Positive <$ operator "+" <|> Negative <$ operator "-" <|> pure id)
                      <*> (term <**> (appEndo <$> concatMany (Endo <$> (flip . applyBinOp <$> addOperator <*> term)))),
   term = factor <**> (appEndo <$> concatMany (Endo <$> (flip . applyBinOp <$> mulOperator <*> factor))),
   factor  =  number
              <|> charConstant
              <|> String <$> string_prod
              <|> Nil <$ keyword "NIL"
              <|> set
              <|> Read <$> ambiguous designator
              <|> FunctionCall <$> ambiguous designator <*> actualParameters
              <|> parens expression
              <|> Not <$ operator "~" <*> factor,
   number  =  integer <|> real,
   integer = Integer <$> lexicalToken (digit <> (takeCharsWhile isDigit <|> takeCharsWhile isHexDigit <> string "H")),
   hexDigit = satisfyCharInput isHexDigit,
   real = Real <$> lexicalToken (digit <> takeCharsWhile isDigit <> string "."
                                 *> takeCharsWhile isDigit <> moptional scaleFactor),
   scaleFactor = (string "E" <|> string "D") <> moptional (string "+" <|> string "-") <> digit <> takeCharsWhile isDigit,
   charConstant = lexicalToken (empty -- CharConstant <$ char '"' <*> anyChar <* char '"'
                                <|> CharCode . fst . head . readHex . unpack
                                <$> (digit <> takeCharsWhile isHexDigit <* string "X")),
   string_prod = lexicalToken (char '"' *> takeWhile (/= "\"") <* char '"'
                               <|> char '\'' *> takeWhile (/= "'") <* char '\''),   -- Oberon2
   set = Set <$> braces (sepBy element (delimiter ",")),
   element = Element <$> expression 
             <|> Range <$> expression <* delimiter ".." <*> expression,
   designator = Variable <$> qualident 
                <|> Field <$> designator <* delimiter "." <*> ident
                <|> Index <$> designator <*> brackets expList
                <|> TypeGuard <$> designator <*> parens qualident
                <|> Dereference <$> designator <* operator "^",
   expList = sepByNonEmpty expression (delimiter ","),
   actualParameters = parens (sepBy expression (delimiter ",")),
   mulOperator = BinOp <$> (Multiply <$ operator "*" <|> Divide <$ operator "/"
                            <|> IntegerDivide <$ keyword "DIV" <|> Modulo <$ keyword "MOD" <|> And <$ operator "&"),
   addOperator = BinOp <$> (Add <$ operator "+" <|> Subtract <$ operator "-" <|> Or <$ keyword "OR"),
   relation = Equal <$ operator "=" <|> Unequal <$ operator "#" 
              <|> Less <$ operator "<" <|> LessOrEqual <$ operator "<=" 
              <|> Greater <$ operator ">" <|> GreaterOrEqual <$ operator ">=" 
              <|> In <$ keyword "IN" <|> Is <$ keyword "IS",
   typeDeclaration = TypeDeclaration <$> identdef <* delimiter "=" <*> type_prod,
   type_prod = TypeReference <$> qualident 
               <|> arrayType 
               <|> recordType 
               <|> pointerType 
               <|> procedureType,
   qualident = QualIdent <$> ident <* delimiter "." <*> ident 
               <|> NonQualIdent <$> ident,
   arrayType = ArrayType <$ keyword "ARRAY" <*> sepBy1 (ambiguous length) (delimiter ",") <* keyword "OF" <*> type_prod,
   length = constExpression,
   recordType = RecordType <$ keyword "RECORD" <*> optional (parens baseType)
                <*> fieldListSequence <* keyword "END",
   baseType = qualident,
   fieldListSequence = sepByNonEmpty fieldList (delimiter ";"),
   fieldList = FieldList <$> identList <* delimiter ":" <*> type_prod
               <|> pure EmptyFieldList,
   identList = sepByNonEmpty identdef (delimiter ","),
   pointerType = PointerType <$ keyword "POINTER" <* keyword "TO" <*> type_prod,
   procedureType = ProcedureType <$ keyword "PROCEDURE" <*> optional formalParameters,
   variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration <$> identList <* delimiter ":" <*> type_prod,
   procedureDeclaration = ProcedureDeclaration <$> procedureHeading <* delimiter ";" <*> procedureBody <*> ident,
   procedureHeading = ProcedureHeading Nothing <$ keyword "PROCEDURE" <*> (True <$ delimiter "*" <|> pure False) 
                      <*> identdef <*> optional formalParameters,
   formalParameters = FormalParameters <$> parens (sepBy fPSection (delimiter ";"))
                      <*> optional (delimiter ":" *> qualident),
   fPSection = FPSection <$> (True <$ keyword "VAR" <|> pure False) 
               <*> sepByNonEmpty ident (delimiter ",") <* delimiter ":" <*> formalType,
   formalType = ArrayType [] <$ keyword "ARRAY" <* keyword "OF" <*> formalType 
                <|> TypeReference <$> qualident 
                <|> ProcedureType <$ keyword "PROCEDURE" <*> optional formalParameters,
   procedureBody = ProcedureBody <$> declarationSequence 
                   <*> optional (keyword "BEGIN" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END",
   forwardDeclaration = ForwardDeclaration <$ keyword "PROCEDURE" <* delimiter "^"
                        <*> identdef <*> optional formalParameters,
   statementSequence = sepByNonEmpty (ambiguous statement) (delimiter ";"),
   statement = assignment <|> procedureCall <|> ifStatement <|> caseStatement 
               <|> whileStatement <|> repeatStatement <|> loopStatement <|> withStatement 
               <|> Exit <$ keyword "EXIT" 
               <|> Return <$ keyword "RETURN" <*> optional expression
               <|> pure EmptyStatement,
   assignment  =  Assignment <$> ambiguous designator <* delimiter ":=" <*> expression,
   procedureCall = ProcedureCall <$> ambiguous designator <*> optional actualParameters,
   ifStatement = If <$ keyword "IF"
       <*> sepByNonEmpty ((,) <$> expression <* keyword "THEN" <*> statementSequence) (keyword "ELSIF")
       <*> optional (keyword "ELSE" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END",
   caseStatement = CaseStatement <$ keyword "CASE" <*> expression
       <*  keyword "OF" <*> sepByNonEmpty case_prod (delimiter "|")
       <*> optional (keyword "ELSE" *> statementSequence) <* keyword "END",
   case_prod  =  Case <$> caseLabelList <* delimiter ":" <*> statementSequence
                 <|> pure EmptyCase,
   caseLabelList  =  sepByNonEmpty caseLabels (delimiter ","),
   caseLabels = SingleLabel <$> constExpression 
                <|> LabelRange <$> constExpression <* delimiter ".." <*> constExpression,
   whileStatement = While <$ keyword "WHILE" <*> expression <* keyword "DO" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END",
   repeatStatement = Repeat <$ keyword "REPEAT" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "UNTIL" <*> expression,
   loopStatement = Loop <$ keyword "LOOP" <*> statementSequence <* keyword "END",
   forStatement = empty,
   withStatement = With <$ keyword "WITH"
                        <*> ((:| [])
                             <$> (WithAlternative <$> qualident <* delimiter ":" <*> qualident
                                  <* keyword "DO" <*> statementSequence))
                        <*> pure Nothing <* keyword "END"}

moptional p = p <|> mempty

delimiter, operator :: Text -> Parser (OberonGrammar f) Text Text

delimiter s = lexicalToken (string s)
operator = delimiter

reservedWords :: [Text]
reservedWords = ["ARRAY", "IMPORT", "RETURN",
                 "BEGIN", "IN", "THEN",
                 "BY", "IS", "TO",
                 "CASE", "LOOP", "TYPE",
                 "DIV", "MODULE", "VAR",
                 "DO", "NIL", "WHILE",
                 "ELSE", "OF", "WITH",
                 "ELSIF", "OR",
                 "END", "POINTER",
                 "EXIT", "PROCEDURE",
                 "FOR", "RECORD",
                 "IF", "REPEAT"]


Module       = MODULE ident ";" [ImportList] DeclSeq
               [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident ".".
ImportList   = IMPORT [ident ":="] ident {"," [ident ":="] ident} ";".
DeclSeq      = { CONST {ConstDecl ";" } | TYPE {TypeDecl ";"}
                 | VAR {VarDecl ";"}} {ProcDecl ";" | ForwardDecl ";"}.
ConstDecl    = IdentDef "=" ConstExpr.
TypeDecl     = IdentDef "=" Type.
VarDecl      = IdentList ":" Type.
ProcDecl     = PROCEDURE [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars] ";" DeclSeq
               [BEGIN StatementSeq] END ident.
ForwardDecl  = PROCEDURE "^" [Receiver] IdentDef [FormalPars].
FormalPars   = "(" [FPSection {";" FPSection}] ")" [":" Qualident].
FPSection    = [VAR] ident {"," ident} ":" Type.
Receiver     = "(" [VAR] ident ":" ident ")".
Type         = Qualident
             | ARRAY [ConstExpr {"," ConstExpr}] OF Type
             | RECORD ["("Qualident")"] FieldList {";" FieldList} END
             | POINTER TO Type
             | PROCEDURE [FormalPars].
FieldList    = [IdentList ":" Type].
StatementSeq = Statement {";" Statement}.
Statement    = [ Designator ":=" Expr 
             | Designator ["(" [ExprList] ")"] 
             | IF Expr THEN StatementSeq {ELSIF Expr THEN StatementSeq}
               [ELSE StatementSeq] END 
             | CASE Expr OF Case {"|" Case} [ELSE StatementSeq] END 
             | WHILE Expr DO StatementSeq END 
             | REPEAT StatementSeq UNTIL Expr 
             | FOR ident ":=" Expr TO Expr [BY ConstExpr] DO StatementSeq END 
             | LOOP StatementSeq END
             | WITH Guard DO StatementSeq {"|" Guard DO StatementSeq}
               [ELSE StatementSeq] END
             | EXIT 
             | RETURN [Expr]
Case         = [CaseLabels {"," CaseLabels} ":" StatementSeq].
CaseLabels   = ConstExpr [".." ConstExpr].
Guard        = Qualident ":" Qualident.
ConstExpr    = Expr.
Expr         = SimpleExpr [Relation SimpleExpr].
SimpleExpr   = ["+" | "-"] Term {AddOp Term}.
Term         = Factor {MulOp Factor}.
Factor       = Designator ["(" [ExprList] ")"] | number | character | string
               | NIL | Set | "(" Expr ")" | " ~ " Factor.
Set          = "{" [Element {"," Element}] "}".
Element      = Expr [".." Expr].
Relation     = "=" | "#" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | IN | IS.
AddOp        = "+" | "-" | OR.
MulOp        = " * " | "/" | DIV | MOD | "&".
Designator   = Qualident {"." ident | "[" ExprList "]" | " ^ "
               | "(" Qualident ")"}.
ExprList     = Expr {"," Expr}.
IdentList    = IdentDef {"," IdentDef}.
Qualident    = [ident "."] ident.
IdentDef     = ident [" * " | "-"].

EBNF definition of a Module Definition ( .Def)

A module definition follows the Oberon grammar. The only differences are in the productions:

module  =  DEFINITION ident ";"  [ImportList] DeclarationSequence END ident ".".

where the body is removed and in:

ProcedureDeclaration  = ProcedureHeading ";"

where ProcedureBody and ident are removed. All the productions from ProcedureBody may be ignored. Depending on the tool (Watson or Browser), the export marks may or may not be included in the output.

12 Jul 2002 - Copyright © 2002 ETH Zürich. All rights reserved.
E-Mail: oberon-web at inf.ethz.ch
Homepage: www.ethoberon.ethz.ch {http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/}