module Puppet.Language.NativeTypes.ZoneRecord (nativeZoneRecord) where

import           Puppet.Language.NativeTypes.Helpers

nativeZoneRecord :: (NativeTypeName, NativeTypeMethods)
nativeZoneRecord = ("zone_record", nativetypemethods parameterfunctions validateMandatories)

-- Autorequires: If Puppet is managing the user or group that owns a file, the file resource will autorequire them.
-- If Puppet is managing any parent directories of a file, the file resource will autorequire them.
parameterfunctions :: [(Text, [Text -> NativeTypeValidate])]
parameterfunctions =
  [("name"                , [nameval])
  ,("owner"               , [string])
  ,("dest"                , [string])
  ,("ensure"              , [defaultvalue "present", string, values ["present","absent"]])
  ,("rtype"               , [string, defaultvalue "A", values ["SOA", "A", "AAAA", "MX", "NS", "CNAME", "PTR", "SRV"]])
  ,("rclass"              , [defaultvalue "IN", string])
  ,("ttl"                 , [defaultvalue "2d", string])
  ,("target"              , [string, mandatory])
  ,("nsname"              , [string])
  ,("serial"              , [string])
  ,("slave_refresh"       , [string])
  ,("slave_retry"         , [string])
  ,("slave_expiration"    , [string])
  ,("min_ttl"             , [string])
  ,("email"               , [string])

validateMandatories :: NativeTypeValidate
validateMandatories res =
  case res ^. rattributes . at "rtype" of
    Nothing -> perror "The rtype parameter is mandatory."
    Just (PString "SOA") ->
      foldM (flip mandatory) res ["nsname", "email", "serial", "slave_refresh", "slave_retry", "slave_expiration", "min_ttl"]
    Just (PString "NS") -> foldM (flip mandatory) res ["owner", "rclass", "rtype", "dest"]
    Just (PString _) -> foldM (flip mandatory) res ["owner", "rclass", "rtype", "dest", "ttl"]
    Just x -> perror $ "Can't use this for the rtype parameter" <+> pretty x