{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell  #-}
module Puppet.Parser.Lens
 -- * Prism for 'Statement's
 , _ResDecl
 , _ResDefaultDecl
 , _ResOverrDecl
 , _ResCollDecl
 , _ConditionalDecl
 , _ClassDecl
 , _DefineDecl
 , _NodeDecl
 , _VarAssignDecl
 , _MainFuncDecl
 , _HigherOrderLambdaDecl
 , _DepDecl
 -- * Prism for 'Expression's
 , _Equal
 , _Different
 , _Not
 , _And
 , _Or
 , _LessThan
 , _MoreThan
 , _LessEqualThan
 , _MoreEqualThan
 , _RegexMatch
 , _NotRegexMatch
 , _Contains
 , _Addition
 , _Substraction
 , _Division
 , _Multiplication
 , _Modulo
 , _RightShift
 , _LeftShift
 , _Lookup
 , _Negate
 , _ConditionalValue
 , _FunctionApplication
 , _Terminal
 ) where

import           XPrelude

import qualified Data.Vector         as V

import           Puppet.Parser.Types

makePrisms ''Expression

_ResDecl :: Prism' Statement ResDecl
_ResDecl =
  prism ResourceDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      ResourceDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                     -> Left x

_ResDefaultDecl :: Prism' Statement ResDefaultDecl
_ResDefaultDecl =
  prism ResourceDefaultDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      ResourceDefaultDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                            -> Left x

_ResOverrDecl :: Prism' Statement ResOverrideDecl
_ResOverrDecl =
  prism ResourceOverrideDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      ResourceOverrideDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                             -> Left x

_ResCollDecl :: Prism' Statement ResCollDecl
_ResCollDecl =
  prism ResourceCollectionDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      ResourceCollectionDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                               -> Left x

_ConditionalDecl :: Prism' Statement ConditionalDecl
_ConditionalDecl =
  prism ConditionalDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      ConditionalDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                        -> Left x

_ClassDecl :: Prism' Statement ClassDecl
_ClassDecl =
  prism ClassDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      ClassDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                  -> Left x

_DefineDecl :: Prism' Statement DefineDecl
_DefineDecl =
  prism DefineDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      DefineDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                   -> Left x

_NodeDecl :: Prism' Statement NodeDecl
_NodeDecl =
  prism NodeDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      NodeDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                 -> Left x

_VarAssignDecl :: Prism' Statement VarAssignDecl
_VarAssignDecl =
  prism VarAssignmentDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      VarAssignmentDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                          -> Left x

_MainFuncDecl :: Prism' Statement MainFuncDecl
_MainFuncDecl =
  prism MainFunctionDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      MainFunctionDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                         -> Left x

_HigherOrderLambdaDecl :: Prism' Statement HigherOrderLambdaDecl
_HigherOrderLambdaDecl =
  prism HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                              -> Left x

_DepDecl :: Prism' Statement DepDecl
_DepDecl =
  prism DependencyDeclaration $ \x ->
    case x of
      DependencyDeclaration a -> Right a
      _                       -> Left x

_TopContainer :: Prism' Statement (V.Vector Statement, Statement)
_TopContainer =
  prism (uncurry TopContainer) $ \x ->
    case x of
      TopContainer vs s -> Right (vs, s)
      _                 -> Left x

_Statements :: Lens' Statement [Statement]
_Statements =
  lens (V.toList . sget) (\s v -> sset s (V.fromList v))
    sget :: Statement -> V.Vector Statement
    sget (ClassDeclaration (ClassDecl _ _ _ s _)) = s
    sget (DefineDeclaration (DefineDecl _ _ s _)) = s
    sget (NodeDeclaration (NodeDecl _ s _ _)) = s
    sget (TopContainer s _) = s
    sget (HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration (HigherOrderLambdaDecl (HOLambdaCall _ _ _ s _) _)) = s
    sget _ = V.empty
    sset :: Statement -> V.Vector Statement -> Statement
    sset (ClassDeclaration (ClassDecl n args inh _ p)) s = ClassDeclaration (ClassDecl n args inh s p)
    sset (NodeDeclaration (NodeDecl ns _ nd' p)) s = NodeDeclaration (NodeDecl ns s nd' p)
    sset (DefineDeclaration (DefineDecl n args _ p)) s = DefineDeclaration (DefineDecl n args s p)
    sset (TopContainer _ p) s = TopContainer s p
    sset (HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration (HigherOrderLambdaDecl (HOLambdaCall t e pr _ e2) p)) s =
      HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration (HigherOrderLambdaDecl (HOLambdaCall t e pr s e2) p)
    sset x _ = x