{-# LANGUAGE GADTs            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes       #-}
module Puppet.Interpreter
       ( interpretCatalog
       , computeCatalog
       , evaluateStatement
       -- * Utils
       , initialState
       , extractScope
       , containerModName
       , askFact
       , module Puppet.Interpreter.Types
       , module Puppet.Interpreter.Resolve
       , module Puppet.Interpreter.IO
       ) where

import           XPrelude.Extra
import           XPrelude.PP

import           Control.Monad.Operational        hiding (view)
import qualified Data.Char                        as Char
import qualified Data.Graph                       as Graph
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict              as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet                     as Set
import qualified Data.List                        as List
import qualified Data.Maybe.Strict                as S
import           Data.Semigroup                   (Max (..))
import qualified Data.Text                        as Text
import qualified Data.Tree                        as Tree
import qualified Data.Vector                      as V
import qualified System.Log.Logger                as Log

import           Facter
import           Hiera.Server
import           Puppet.Interpreter.Helpers
import           Puppet.Interpreter.IO
import           Puppet.Interpreter.PrettyPrinter ()
import           Puppet.Interpreter.Resolve
import           Puppet.Interpreter.Types
import           Puppet.Parser

{-| Call the operational 'interpretMonad' function to compute the catalog.
    Returns either an error, or a tuple containing all the resources,
    dependency map, exported resources, and defined resources alongside with
    all messages that have been generated by the compilation process.

    The later defined resources (eg. all class declarations) are pulled out of the
    'InterpreterState' and might not be up to date.
    There are only useful for coverage testing (checking dependencies for instance).
interpretCatalog :: Monad m
                 => InterpreterReader m -- ^ The whole environment required for computing catalog.
                 -> NodeName
                 -> Facts
                 -> Container Text -- ^ Server settings
                 -> m (Pair (Either PrettyError (FinalCatalog, EdgeMap, FinalCatalog, [Resource]))  [Pair Log.Priority Doc])
interpretCatalog r node facts settings = do
  (output, _, warnings) <- interpretMonad r (initialState facts settings) (computeCatalog node)
  pure (output :!: warnings)

isParent :: Text -> CurContainerDesc -> InterpreterMonad Bool
isParent cur (ContClass possibleparent) =
  preuse (scopes . ix cur . scopeParent) >>= \case
    Nothing         -> throwPosError ("Internal error: could not find scope" <+> ppline cur <+> "possible parent" <+> ppline possibleparent)
    Just S.Nothing  -> pure False
    Just (S.Just p) -> if p == possibleparent
                           then pure True
                           else isParent p (ContClass possibleparent)
isParent _ _ = pure False

-- | Apply resource defaults, references overrides and expand defines
finalize :: [Resource] -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
finalize rx = do
  scp  <- getScopeName
  resdefaults <- use (scopes . ix scp . scopeResDefaults)
  let getOver = use (scopes . ix scp . scopeOverrides) -- retrieves current overrides
      addResDefaults r = ifoldlM (addAttribute CantReplace) r resdefval
          where resdefval = resdefaults ^. ix (r ^. rid . itype) . resDefValues
      addOverrides r = getOver >>= foldlM addOverrides' r . view (at (r ^. rid))
      addOverrides' r (ResRefOverride _ prms p) = do
          -- we used this override, so we discard it
          scopes . ix scp . scopeOverrides . at (r ^. rid) .= Nothing
          let forb msg  = throwPosError ("Override of parameters ("
                                        <> list (map (ppline . fst) $ itoList prms)
                                        <> ") of the following resource is forbidden in the current context:"
                                        </> pretty r
                                        <+> showPPos p
                                        </> ":"
                                        <+> msg)
          s <- getScope
          overrideType <- case r ^. rscope of
            [] -> forb "Could not find the current resource context" -- we could not get the current resource context
            (x:_) -> if x == s
                       then pure CantOverride -- we are in the same context : can't replace, but add stuff
                       else isParent (scopeName s) x >>= \i ->
                              if i || (r ^. rid . itype == "class")
                                then pure Replace -- we can override what's defined in a parent
                                else forb "Can't override something that was not defined in the parent."
          ifoldlM (addAttribute overrideType) r prms
  -- step 1, apply resDefaults and resRefOverride
  withDefaults <- mapM (addOverrides >=> addResDefaults) rx
  -- There might be some overrides that could not be applied. The only
  -- valid reason is that they override something in exported resources.
  -- it probably do something unexpected on defines, but let's keep it that way for now.
  let keepforlater (ResRefOverride resid resprms ropos) = resModifiers %= (appended : )
          appended = ResourceModifier (resid ^. itype) ModifierMustMatch DontRealize (REqualitySearch "title" (PString (resid ^. iname))) overrider ropos
          overrider r = do
            -- we must define if we can override the value
            let canOverride = CantOverride -- TODO check inheritance
            ifoldlM (addAttribute canOverride) r resprms
  getOver >>= mapM_ keepforlater
  let expandableDefine r = do
        n <- isNativeType (r ^. rid . itype)
        -- if we have a native type, or a virtual/exported resource it
        -- should not be expanded !
        if n || r ^. rvirtuality /= Normal
          then pure [r]
          else expandDefine r
  -- Now that all defaults / override have been applied, the defines can
  -- finally be expanded.
  -- The reason it has to be there is that parameters of the define could
  -- be affected.
  concat <$> mapM expandableDefine withDefaults
    expandDefine :: Resource -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
    expandDefine r =
      let modulename = getModulename (r ^. rid)
      in  isIgnoredModule modulename >>= \case
            True -> pure mempty
            False -> do
              let deftype = dropInitialColons (r ^. rid . itype)
                  defname = r ^. rid . iname
                  curContType = ContDefine deftype defname (r ^. rpos)
              p <- use curPos
              -- we add the relations of this define to the global list of relations
              -- before dropping it, so that they are stored for the final
              -- relationship resolving
              let extr = do
                    (dstid, linkset) <- itoList (r ^. rrelations)
                    linktype <- toList linkset
                    pure (LinkInformation (r ^. rid) dstid linktype p)
              extraRelations <>= extr
              void $ enterScope SENormal curContType modulename p
              (spurious, stmt) <- interpretTopLevel TopDefine deftype
              DefineDecl _ defineParams stmts cp <- extractPrism "expandDefine" _DefineDecl stmt
              let isImported (ContImported _) = True
                  isImported _                = False
              isImportedDefine <- isImported <$> getScope
              curPos .= r ^. rpos
              curscp <- getScope
              when isImportedDefine (pushScope (ContImport (r ^. rnode) curscp ))
              pushScope curContType
              loadVariable "title" (PString defname)
              loadVariable "name" (PString defname)
              -- not done through loadvariable because of override errors
              loadParameters (r ^. rattributes) defineParams cp Nothing
              curPos .= cp
              res <- evaluateStatementsFoldable stmts
              out <- finalize (spurious <> res)
              when isImportedDefine popScope
              pure out

-- | Given a toplevel (type, name),
-- return the associated parsed statement together with its evaluated resources
interpretTopLevel :: TopLevelType -> Text -> InterpreterMonad ([Resource], Statement)
interpretTopLevel toptype topname =
  -- check if this is a known toplevel
  use (nestedDeclarations . at (toptype, topname)) >>= \case
    Just x -> pure ([], x) -- it is known !
    Nothing -> singleton (GetStatement toptype topname) >>= evalTopLevel
    evalTopLevel :: Statement -> InterpreterMonad ([Resource], Statement)
    evalTopLevel (TopContainer tops s) = do
      pushScope ContRoot
      r <- mapM evaluateStatement tops >>= finalize . concat
      -- popScope
      (nr, ns) <- evalTopLevel s
      pure (r <> nr, ns)
    evalTopLevel x = pure ([], x)

-- | Main internal entry point, this function completes the interpretation
computeCatalog :: NodeName -> InterpreterMonad (FinalCatalog, EdgeMap, FinalCatalog, [Resource])
computeCatalog nodename = do
  (topres, stmt) <- interpretTopLevel TopNode nodename
  nd <- extractPrism "computeCatalog" _NodeDecl stmt
  let finalStep [] = pure []
      finalStep allres = do
        -- collect stuff and apply thingies
        (realized :!: modified) <- realize allres
        -- we need to run it again against collected stuff, especially
        -- for custom types (defines) that have been realized
        refinalized <- finalize (toList modified) >>= finalStep
        -- replace the modified stuff
        let res = foldl' (\curm e -> curm & at (e ^. rid) ?~ e) realized refinalized
        pure (toList res)

      mainstage = Resource (RIdentifier "stage" "main") mempty mempty mempty [ContRoot] Normal mempty (initialPPos mempty) nodename

      evaluateNode :: NodeDecl -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
      evaluateNode (NodeDecl _ sx inheritnode p) = do
        curPos .= p
        pushScope ContRoot
        unless (S.isNothing inheritnode) $ throwPosError "Node inheritance is not handled. It is deprecated since puppet v4"
        mapM evaluateStatement sx >>= finalize . concat

  noderes <- evaluateNode nd >>= finalStep . (++ (mainstage : topres))
  let (real :!: exported) = foldl' classify (mempty :!: mempty) noderes
      -- Classify sorts resources between exported and normal ones. It
      -- drops virtual resources, and puts in both categories resources
      -- that are at the same time exported and realized.
      classify :: Pair (HashMap RIdentifier Resource) (HashMap RIdentifier Resource)
               -> Resource
               -> Pair (HashMap RIdentifier Resource) (HashMap RIdentifier Resource)
      classify (curr :!: cure) r =
        let i curm = curm & at (r ^. rid) ?~ r
        in  case r ^. rvirtuality of
              Normal           -> i curr :!: cure
              Exported         -> curr :!: i cure
              ExportedRealized -> i curr :!: i cure
              _                -> curr :!: cure
  verified <- Map.fromList . map (\r -> (r ^. rid, r)) <$> mapM validateNativeType (Map.elems real)
  withResourceDependentRelations <- traverse getResourceDependentRelations verified
  edgemap <- makeEdgeMap withResourceDependentRelations
  definedRes <- use definedResources
  pure (withResourceDependentRelations, edgemap, exported, Map.elems definedRes)

-- This extracts additional relationships between resources, that are
-- dependent on whether some resources are defined. A canonical example is
-- is the owner field in a File, that can create problems if it's
-- defined!
-- For this reason, this function only adds dependencies when the resources
-- are defined.
getResourceDependentRelations :: Resource -> InterpreterMonad Resource
getResourceDependentRelations res =
  $ case res ^. rid . itype of
      "file" -> [depOn "user" "owner", depOn "group" "group"]
      "cron" -> [depOn "user" "user"]
      "exec" -> [depOn "user" "user", depOn "group" "group"]
      _      -> []
    extract actions = do
      newrelations <- fmap (foldl' (Map.unionWith (<>)) (res ^. rrelations)) (sequence actions)
      pure (res & rrelations .~ newrelations)
    depOn :: Text -> Text -> InterpreterMonad (HashMap RIdentifier (HashSet LinkType))
    depOn resType attributeName =
      case res ^? rattributes . ix attributeName of
        Just (PString usr) -> do
          let targetResourceId = RIdentifier resType usr
          existing <- has (ix targetResourceId) <$> use definedResources
          pure $
            if existing
              then Map.singleton targetResourceId (Set.singleton RRequire)
              else Map.empty
        _ -> pure Map.empty

makeEdgeMap :: FinalCatalog -> InterpreterMonad EdgeMap
makeEdgeMap ct = do
    -- merge the loaded classes and resources
    defs' <- fmap (view rpos) <$> use definedResources
    clss' <- use loadedClasses
    let defs = defs' <> classes' <> aliases' <> names'
        names' = (view rpos) <$> ct
        -- generate fake resources for all extra aliases
        aliases' = ifromList $ do
            r <- ct ^.. traversed :: [Resource]
            extraAliases <- r ^.. ralias . folded . filtered (/= r ^. rid . iname) :: [Text]
            pure (r ^. rid & iname .~ extraAliases, r ^. rpos)
        classes' = ifromList $ do
            (cn, _ :!: cp) <- itoList clss'
            pure (RIdentifier "class" cn, cp)
    -- Preparation step : all relations to a container become relations to
    -- the stuff that's contained. We build a map of resources, stored by
    -- container.
    -- step 1 - add relations that are stored in resources
    let reorderlink :: (RIdentifier, RIdentifier, LinkType) -> (RIdentifier, RIdentifier, LinkType)
        reorderlink (s, d, RRequire)   = (d, s, RBefore)
        reorderlink (s, d, RSubscribe) = (d, s, RNotify)
        reorderlink x                  = x
        addRR curmap r = iunionWith (<>) curmap newmap
               -- compute the explicit resources, along with the container relationship
               newmap = ifromListWith (<>) resresources
               resid = r ^. rid
               respos = r ^. rpos
               resresources :: [(RIdentifier, [LinkInformation])]
               resresources = do
                   (rawdst, lts) <- itoList (r ^. rrelations)
                   lt <- toList lts
                   let (nsrc, ndst, nlt) = reorderlink (resid, rawdst, lt)
                   pure (nsrc, [LinkInformation nsrc ndst nlt respos])
        step1 :: HashMap RIdentifier [LinkInformation]
        step1 = foldl' addRR mempty ct
    -- step 2 - add other relations (mainly stuff made from the "->"
    -- operator)
    let realign (LinkInformation s d t p) =
            let (ns, nd, nt) = reorderlink (s, d, t)
            in  (ns, [LinkInformation ns nd nt p])
    rels <- map realign <$> use extraRelations
    let step2 = iunionWith (<>) step1 (ifromList rels)
    -- check that all resources are defined, and build graph
    let checkResDef :: (RIdentifier, [LinkInformation]) -> InterpreterMonad (RIdentifier, RIdentifier, [RIdentifier])
        checkResDef (ri, lifs) = do
            let checkExists r msg = do
                    let modulename = getModulename r
                    is_ignored <- isIgnoredModule modulename
                    unless (has (ix r) defs || is_ignored) (throwPosError msg)
                errmsg = "Unknown resource" <+> pretty ri <+> "used in the following relationships:" <+> vcat (map pretty lifs)
            checkExists ri errmsg
            let genlnk :: LinkInformation -> InterpreterMonad RIdentifier
                genlnk lif = do
                    let d = lif ^. linkdst
                    checkExists d ("Unknown resource" <+> pretty d <+> "used in a relation at" <+> showPPos (lif ^. linkPos))
                    pure d
            ds <- mapM genlnk lifs
            pure (ri, ri, ds)
    edgeList <- mapM checkResDef (itoList step2)
    let (graph, gresolver) = Graph.graphFromEdges' edgeList
    -- now check for scc
    let sccs = filter ((>1) . length . Tree.flatten) (Graph.scc graph)
    unless (null sccs) $ do
        let trees = vcat (map showtree sccs)
            showtree = indent 2 . vcat . map (mkp . gresolver) . Tree.flatten
            mkp (a,_,links) = resdesc <+> lnks
                   resdesc = case ct ^. at a of
                       Just r -> pretty r
                       _      -> pretty a
                   lnks = pretty links
        throwPosError $ "Dependency error, the following resources are strongly connected!" </> trees
        -- let edgePairs = concatMap (\(_,k,ls) -> [(k,l) | l <- ls]) edgeList
        -- throwPosError (vcat (map (\(RIdentifier st sn, RIdentifier dt dn) -> "\"" <> pretty st <> ttext sn <> "\" -> \"" <> ttext dt <> ttext dn <> "\"") edgePairs))
    pure step2

-- This functions performs all the actions triggered by calls to the
-- realize function or other collectors. It returns a pair of
-- 'FinalCatalog', where the first part is the new catalog, and the second
-- part the map of all modified resources. The second part is needed so
-- that we know for example which resources we should test for expansion
-- (custom types).
realize :: [Resource] -> InterpreterMonad (Pair FinalCatalog FinalCatalog)
realize rs = do
  let -- rma is the initial map of resources, indexed by resource identifier
      rma = ifromList (map (\r -> (r ^. rid, r)) rs)
      -- mutate runs all the resource modifiers (ie. realize, overrides
      -- and other collectors). It stores the modified resources on the
      -- "right" of the resulting pair.
      mutate :: Pair FinalCatalog FinalCatalog -> ResourceModifier -> InterpreterMonad (Pair FinalCatalog FinalCatalog)
      mutate (curmap :!: modified) rmod = do
        let filtrd = curmap ^.. folded . filtered fmod -- all the resources that match the selector/realize criteria
            vcheck f r = f (r ^. rvirtuality)
            (isGoodvirtuality, alterVirtuality) = case rmod ^. rmType of
                RealizeVirtual   -> (vcheck (/= Exported), \r -> pure (r & rvirtuality .~ Normal))
                RealizeCollected -> (vcheck (`elem` [Exported, ExportedRealized]), \r -> pure (r & rvirtuality .~ ExportedRealized))
                DontRealize      -> (vcheck (`elem` [Normal, ExportedRealized]), pure)
            fmod r = (r ^. rid . itype == rmod ^. rmResType) && checkSearchExpression (rmod ^. rmSearch) r && isGoodvirtuality r
            mutation = alterVirtuality >=> rmod ^. rmMutation
            applyModification :: Pair FinalCatalog FinalCatalog -> Resource -> InterpreterMonad (Pair FinalCatalog FinalCatalog)
            applyModification (cma :!: cmo) r = do
                nr <- mutation r
                let i m = m & at (nr ^. rid) ?~ nr
                pure $ if nr /= r
                             then i cma :!: i cmo
                             else cma :!: cmo
        result <- foldM applyModification (curmap :!: modified) filtrd -- apply the modifiation to all the matching resources
        when (rmod ^. rmModifierType == ModifierMustMatch && null filtrd) (throwError (PrettyError ("Could not apply this resource override :" <+> pretty rmod <> ",no matching resource was found.")))
        pure result
      equalModifier (ResourceModifier a1 b1 c1 d1 _ e1) (ResourceModifier a2 b2 c2 d2 _ e2) = a1 == a2 && b1 == b2 && c1 == c2 && d1 == d2 && e1 == e2
  result <- use resModifiers >>= foldM mutate (rma :!: mempty) . reverse . List.nubBy equalModifier
  resModifiers .= []
  pure result

-- Fold all attribute declarations
-- checking for duplicates key locally inside a same resource.
fromAttributeDecls :: Vector AttributeDecl -> InterpreterMonad (Container PValue)
fromAttributeDecls =
  foldM resolve mempty
    resolve acc adcl =
      case adcl of
        AttributeWildcard v -> do
          pv <- resolveExpression v
          case pv of
            PHash h -> foldM (\curacc (attrname, attrvalue) -> go curacc attrname attrvalue) acc (itoList h)
            _ -> throwPosError ("A hash was expected, not" <+> pretty pv)
        AttributeDecl k _ v -> resolveExpression v >>= go acc k
    go acc k pv =
      case acc ^. at k of
        Just _ -> throwPosError ("Parameter" <+> dullyellow (ppline k) <+> "already defined!")
        Nothing -> pure (acc & at k ?~ pv)

saveCaptureVariables :: InterpreterMonad (HashMap Text (Pair (Pair PValue PPosition) CurContainerDesc))
saveCaptureVariables = do
  scp <- getScopeName
  vars <- use (scopes . ix scp . scopeVariables)
  pure $ Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> Text.all Char.isDigit k) vars

restoreCaptureVariables :: HashMap Text (Pair (Pair PValue PPosition) CurContainerDesc) -> InterpreterMonad ()
restoreCaptureVariables vars = do
  scp <- getScopeName
  scopes . ix scp . scopeVariables %= Map.union vars . Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> not (Text.all Char.isDigit k))

evaluateStatement :: Statement -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
evaluateStatement r@(ClassDeclaration (ClassDecl cname _ _ _ _)) =
  if "::" `Text.isInfixOf` cname
   then nestedDeclarations . at (TopClass, cname) ?= r >> pure []
   else do
     scp <- getScopeName
     let rcname = if scp == "::"
                    then cname
                    else scp <> "::" <> cname
     nestedDeclarations . at (TopClass, rcname) ?= r
     pure []
evaluateStatement r@(DefineDeclaration (DefineDecl dname _ _ _)) =
  if "::" `Text.isInfixOf` dname
    then nestedDeclarations . at (TopDefine, dname) ?= r >> pure []
    else do
      scp <- getScopeName
      if scp == "::"
        then nestedDeclarations . at (TopDefine, dname) ?= r >> pure []
        else nestedDeclarations . at (TopDefine, scp <> "::" <> dname) ?= r >> pure []
evaluateStatement r@(ResourceCollectionDeclaration (ResCollDecl ct rtype searchexp mods p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  unless (null mods || ct == Collector)
    (throwPosError ("It doesn't seem possible to amend attributes with an exported resource collector:" </> pretty r))
  when (rtype == "class") (throwPosError "Classes cannot be collected")
  rsearch <- resolveSearchExpression searchexp
  let et = case ct of
        Collector         -> RealizeVirtual
        ExportedCollector -> RealizeCollected
  resModifiers %= (ResourceModifier rtype ModifierCollector et rsearch (\r' -> foldM modifyCollectedAttribute r' mods) p : )
  -- Now collected from the PuppetDB !
  if et == RealizeCollected
    then do
      let q = searchExpressionToPuppetDB rtype rsearch
      fqdn <- getNodeName
      -- we must filter the resources that originated from this host
      -- here ! They are also turned into "normal" resources
      res <- toListOf (folded
                      . filtered ( hasn't (rnode . only fqdn) )
                      . to (rvirtuality .~ Normal)
                      ) <$> singleton (PDBGetResources q)
      scpdesc <- ContImported <$> getScope
      void $ enterScope SENormal scpdesc "importing" p
      pushScope scpdesc
      o <- finalize res
      pure o
    else pure []
evaluateStatement (DependencyDeclaration (DepDecl (t1 :!: n1) (t2 :!: n2) lt p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  rn1 <- map (fixResourceName t1) <$> resolveExpressionStrings n1
  rn2 <- map (fixResourceName t2) <$> resolveExpressionStrings n2
  extraRelations <>= [ LinkInformation (normalizeRIdentifier t1 an1) (normalizeRIdentifier t2 an2) lt p | an1 <- rn1, an2 <- rn2 ]
  pure []
evaluateStatement (ResourceDeclaration (ResDecl t ern eargs virt p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  resnames <- resolveExpressionStrings ern
  args <- fromAttributeDecls eargs
  concat <$> mapM (\n -> registerResource t n args virt p) resnames
evaluateStatement (MainFunctionDeclaration (MainFuncDecl funcname funcargs p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  mapM resolveExpression (toList funcargs) >>= mainFunctionCall funcname
evaluateStatement (VarAssignmentDeclaration (VarAssignDecl mt varnames varexpr p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  varval <- resolveExpression varexpr
  mapM_ (resolveDataType >=> (`checkMatch` varval)) mt
  mapM_ (flip loadVariable varval) varnames
  pure []
evaluateStatement (ConditionalDeclaration (ConditionalDecl conds p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  let checkCond [] = pure []
      checkCond ((e :!: stmts) : xs) = do
        sv <- saveCaptureVariables
        result <- pValue2Bool <$> resolveExpression e
        if result
          then evaluateStatementsFoldable stmts <* restoreCaptureVariables sv
          else restoreCaptureVariables sv *> checkCond xs
  checkCond (toList conds)
evaluateStatement (ResourceDefaultDeclaration (ResDefaultDecl rtype decls p)) = do
    curPos .= p
    rdecls <- fromAttributeDecls decls
    scp <- getScopeName
    -- invariant that must be respected : the current scope must be created
    -- in "scopes", or nothing gets saved
    preuse (scopes . ix scp) >>= maybe (throwPosError ("INTERNAL ERROR in evaluateStatement ResourceDefaultDeclaration: scope wasn't created - " <> ppline scp)) (const (pure ()))
    let newDefaults = ResDefaults rtype scp rdecls p
        addDefaults x = scopes . ix scp . scopeResDefaults . at rtype ?= x
        -- default merging with parent
        mergedDefaults curdef = newDefaults & resDefValues .~ (rdecls <> (curdef ^. resDefValues))
    preuse (scopes . ix scp . scopeResDefaults . ix rtype) >>= \case
        Nothing -> addDefaults newDefaults
        Just d -> if d ^. resDefSrcScope == scp
                    then throwPosError ("Defaults for resource" <+> ppline rtype <+> "already declared at" <+> showPPos (d ^. resDefPos))
                    else addDefaults (mergedDefaults d)
    pure []
evaluateStatement (ResourceOverrideDeclaration (ResOverrideDecl t urn eargs p)) = do
  curPos .= p
  raassignements <- fromAttributeDecls eargs
  rn <- resolveExpressionString urn
  scp <- getScopeName
  curoverrides <- use (scopes . ix scp . scopeOverrides)
  let rident = normalizeRIdentifier t rn
  -- check that we didn't already override those values
  withAssignements <- case curoverrides ^. at rident of
    Just (ResRefOverride _ prevass prevpos) -> do
      let cm = prevass `Map.intersection` raassignements
      unless (null cm)
        (throwPosError ("The following parameters were already overriden at" <+> showPPos prevpos <+> ":" <+> pretty cm))
      pure (prevass <> raassignements)
    Nothing -> pure raassignements
  scopes . ix scp . scopeOverrides . at rident ?= ResRefOverride rident withAssignements p
  pure []
evaluateStatement (HigherOrderLambdaDeclaration (HigherOrderLambdaDecl c p)) =
  curPos .= p >> evaluateHFC c
    evaluateHFC :: HOLambdaCall -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
    evaluateHFC hf =
      let runblock :: [(Text, PValue)] -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
          runblock assocs = do
            saved <- hfSetvars assocs
            res <- evaluateStatementsFoldable (hf ^. hoLambdaStatements)
            hfRestorevars  saved
            pure res
      in  case hf ^. hoLambdaFunc of
            LambdaFunc "each" -> do
              varassocs <- hfGenerateAssociations hf
              concat <$> mapM runblock varassocs
            -- we associate each pair of expressions and arguments, and
            -- run the inner code in this scope
            LambdaFunc "assert_type" ->
              case (hf ^.. hoLambdaExpr . folded, hf ^.. hoLambdaParams . folded) of
                ( [utp, uval], [a, b] ) -> do
                  let typecheck_lambda (LambdaParam ltype lvar)
                        = case ltype of
                            Nothing -> pure lvar
                            Just udt -> do
                              dt <- resolveDataType udt
                              if dt == DTType
                                then pure lvar
                                else throwPosError ("The lambda value can only be a type in assert_type, not" <+> pretty dt)
                  mtp <- resolveExpression utp
                  val <- resolveExpression uval
                  varexpected <- typecheck_lambda a
                  varactual <- typecheck_lambda b
                  case mtp of
                    PType expectedType ->
                      if datatypeMatch expectedType val
                        then pure []
                        else runblock [(varexpected, PType expectedType), (varactual, PType (typeOf val))]
                    _ -> throwPosError ("The first argument to assert_type should be a data type, not" <+> pretty mtp)
                _ -> throwPosError "assert_types requires two parameters, and two lambda parameters"
            LambdaFunc "with" -> do
              let expressions = hf ^. hoLambdaExpr
                  parameters = hf ^. hoLambdaParams
              unless (V.length expressions == V.length parameters)
                (throwPosError ("Mismatched number of arguments and lambda parameters in" <> pretty hf))
              assocs <- forM (V.zip expressions parameters) $ \(uval, LambdaParam mt name) -> do
                val <- resolveExpression uval
                -- type checking
                forM_ mt $ \ut -> do
                  t <- resolveDataType ut
                  checkMatch t val
                pure (name, val)
              runblock (V.toList assocs)
            fn -> throwPosError ("This lambda function is unknown:" </> pretty fn)
evaluateStatement r = throwError (PrettyError ("Do not know how to evaluate this statement:" </> pretty r))

-- Class evaluation

loadVariable ::  Text -> PValue -> InterpreterMonad ()
loadVariable varname varval = do
  curcont <- getCurContainer
  scp <- getScopeName
  p <- use curPos
  scopeDefined <- has (ix scp) <$> use scopes
  variableDefined <- preuse (scopes . ix scp . scopeVariables . ix varname)
  case (scopeDefined, variableDefined) of
    (False, _) -> throwPosError ("Internal error: trying to save a variable in unknown scope" <+> ppline scp)
    (_, Just (_ :!: pp :!: ctx)) -> isParent scp (curcont ^. cctype) >>= \case
      True -> do
          debug("The variable"
               <+> pretty (UVariableReference varname)
               <+> "had been overriden because of some arbitrary inheritance rule that was set up to emulate puppet behaviour. It was defined at"
               <+> showPPos pp
          scopes . ix scp . scopeVariables . at varname ?= (varval :!: p :!: curcont ^. cctype)
      False -> throwPosError ("Variable" <+> pretty (UVariableReference varname) <+> "already defined at" <+> showPPos pp
                  </> "Context:" <+> pretty ctx
                  </> "Value:" <+> pretty varval
                  </> "Current scope:" <+> ppline scp
    _ -> scopes . ix scp . scopeVariables . at varname ?= (varval :!: p :!: curcont ^. cctype)

-- This function loads class and define parameters into scope. It checks
-- that all mandatory parameters are set, that no extra parameter is declared.
-- It is able to fill unset parameters with values from Hiera (for classes only) or default values.
loadParameters :: Container PValue -- Resource attributes (resolved)
               -> Parameters -- List of parameters as declared (unresolved)
               -> PPosition -- Current position
               -> Maybe Text --  class name
               -> InterpreterMonad ()
loadParameters attrs classParams defaultPos classname = do
  p <- use curPos
  curPos .= defaultPos
  let class_params   = Set.fromList (classParams ^.. folded . _1 . _1)
      spurious_params  = ikeys attrs `Set.difference` class_params
      pp_classdesc   = maybe mempty (\x -> " when including class" <+> ppline x) classname

      -- the following functions `throwE (Max False)` when there is no value, and `throwE (Max True)` when this value in PUndef.
      check_undef :: S.Maybe UDataType -> Maybe PValue -> ExceptT (Max Bool) InterpreterMonad PValue
      check_undef (S.Just (UDTOptional _)) Nothing = throwE (Max True)
      check_undef _ Nothing = throwE (Max False)
      check_undef _ (Just PUndef) = throwE (Max True)
      check_undef _ (Just v)      = pure v

      check_hiera :: Text -> S.Maybe UDataType -> ExceptT (Max Bool) InterpreterMonad PValue
      check_hiera k dt  = case classname of
        Nothing -> throwE (Max False)
        Just n -> lift (runHiera (n <> "::" <> k) QFirst) >>= check_undef dt

      check_def :: Text -> ExceptT (Max Bool) InterpreterMonad PValue
      check_def k = check_undef S.Nothing (attrs ^. at k)

      check_default :: S.Maybe Expression -> ExceptT (Max Bool) InterpreterMonad PValue
      check_default S.Nothing     = throwE (Max False)
      check_default (S.Just expr) = lift (resolveExpression expr)

  unless (null spurious_params)
    $ throwPosError ("The following parameters are unknown:" <+> tupled (map (dullyellow . ppline) $ toList spurious_params) <> pp_classdesc)

  -- try to set a value to all parameters
  -- The order of evaluation is defined / hiera / default
  unset_params <- fmap concat $ for classParams $ \(varname :!: vartype :!: valexpr) ->
      runExceptT (check_def varname <|> check_hiera varname vartype <|> check_default valexpr) >>= \case
        Right val       -> do
          forM_ vartype $ \utype -> do
            dt <- resolveDataType utype
            unless (datatypeMatch dt val)
              $ throwPosError ("Expected type" <+> pretty dt <+> "for parameter" <+> ppline varname <+> "but its value was:" <+> pretty val)
          loadVariable varname val >> pure []
        Left (Max True)  -> loadVariable varname PUndef >> pure []
        Left (Max False) -> pure [varname]
  curPos .= p
  unless (null unset_params)
    $ throwPosError ("The following mandatory parameters were not set:" <+> tupled (map ppline $ toList unset_params) <> pp_classdesc)

-- Enters a new scope, checks it is not already defined, and inherits the
-- defaults from the current scope
-- Inheriting the defaults is necessary for non native types, because they
-- will be expanded in 'finalize', so if this was not done, we would be
-- expanding the defines without the defaults applied
enterScope :: ScopeEnteringContext
           -> CurContainerDesc
           -> Text
           -> PPosition
           -> InterpreterMonad Text
enterScope secontext cont modulename p = do
  let scopename = scopeName cont
  -- This is a special hack for inheritance, because at this time we
  -- have not properly stacked the scopes.
  curcaller <- case secontext of
                   SEParent l -> pure (PString $ Text.takeWhile (/=':') l)
                   _          -> resolveVariable "module_name"
  scopeAlreadyDefined <- has (ix scopename) <$> use scopes
  let isImported = case cont of
                       ContImported _ -> True
                       _              -> False
  -- it is OK to reuse a scope related to imported stuff
  unless (scopeAlreadyDefined && isImported) $ do
      when scopeAlreadyDefined (throwPosError ("Internal error: scope" <+> brackets (ppline scopename) <+> "already defined when loading scope for" <+> pretty cont))
      scp <- getScopeName
      -- TODO fill tags
      basescope <- case secontext of
        SEChild prt -> do
            parentscope <- use (scopes . at prt)
            when (isNothing parentscope) (throwPosError ("Internal error: could not find parent scope" <+> ppline prt))
            let Just psc = parentscope
            pure (psc & scopeParent .~ S.Just prt)
        _ -> do
            curdefs <- use (scopes . ix scp . scopeResDefaults)
            pure $ ScopeInformation mempty curdefs mempty (CurContainer cont mempty) mempty S.Nothing
      scopes . at scopename ?= basescope
  scopes . ix scopename . scopeVariables . at "caller_module_name" ?= (curcaller          :!: p :!: cont)
  scopes . ix "::"      . scopeVariables . at "calling_module"     ?= (curcaller          :!: p :!: cont)
  scopes . ix scopename . scopeVariables . at "module_name"        ?= (PString modulename :!: p :!: cont)
  debug ("enterScope, scopename=" <> ppline scopename <+> "caller_module_name=" <> pretty curcaller <+> "module_name=" <> ppline modulename)
  pure scopename

-- Instantiate/declare a class
loadClass :: Text
          -> S.Maybe Text -- Set if this is an inheritance load, so that we can set calling module properly
          -> Container PValue -- Resource attributes
          -> ClassIncludeType
          -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
loadClass name loadedfrom attrs incltype = do
  let name' = dropInitialColons name
  nodename <- getNodeName
  singleton (TraceEvent ('[' : toS nodename <> "] loadClass " <> toS name'))
  pos <- use curPos
  -- check if the class has already been loaded
  -- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_classes.html#using-resource-like-declarations
  preuse (loadedClasses . ix name' . _2) >>= \case
    Just pp -> case incltype of
      ClassIncludeLike -> pure []
      _ -> throwPosError
           $ "Can't include class" <+> ppline name' <+> "twice when using the resource-like syntax (first occurence at"
             <+> showPPos pp <> ")"
    Nothing -> do
        loadedClasses . at name' ?= (incltype :!: pos) -- set the position of the loaded class
        let modulename = getModulename (RIdentifier "class" name')
        is_ignored <- isIgnoredModule modulename
        if is_ignored
          then pure mempty
          else do
            -- load the actual class, note we are not changing the current position right now
            (spurious, stmt) <- interpretTopLevel TopClass name'
            ClassDecl _ params inh stmts curpos <- extractPrism "loadClass" _ClassDecl stmt
            -- check if we need to define a resource representing the class
            -- This will be the case for the first standard include
            inhstmts <- case inh of
              S.Nothing     -> pure []
              S.Just ihname -> loadClass ihname (S.Just name') mempty ClassIncludeLike
            let !scopedesc = ContClass name'
                secontext = case (inh, loadedfrom) of
                  (S.Just x,_) -> SEChild (dropInitialColons x)
                  (_,S.Just x) -> SEParent (dropInitialColons x)
                  _            -> SENormal
            void $ enterScope secontext scopedesc modulename pos
            classresource <- if incltype == ClassIncludeLike
                               then do
                                 scp <- use curScope
                                 fqdn <- getNodeName
                                 pure [Resource (RIdentifier "class" name') (Set.singleton name') mempty mempty scp Normal mempty pos fqdn]
                               else pure []
            pushScope scopedesc
            loadVariable "title" (PString name')
            loadVariable "name" (PString name')
            loadParameters attrs params curpos (Just name')
            curPos .= curpos
            res <- evaluateStatementsFoldable stmts
            out <- finalize (classresource <> spurious <> inhstmts <> res)
            pure out

-- Resource stuff

addRelationship :: LinkType -> PValue -> Resource -> InterpreterMonad Resource
addRelationship lt (PResourceReference dt dn) r = pure (r & rrelations %~ insertLt)
    insertLt = iinsertWith (<>) (normalizeRIdentifier dt dn) (Set.singleton lt)
addRelationship lt (PArray xs) r = foldlM (flip (addRelationship lt)) r xs
addRelationship _ PUndef r = pure r
addRelationship _ s _ = throwPosError ("Expected a resource reference, not:" <+> pretty s)

addTagResource :: Resource -> Text -> Resource
addTagResource r rv = r & rtags . contains rv .~ True

addAttribute :: OverrideType -> Text -> Resource -> PValue -> InterpreterMonad Resource
addAttribute _ "alias"     r v = (\rv -> r & ralias . contains rv .~ True) <$> resolvePValueString v
addAttribute _ "audit"     r _ = use curPos >>= \p -> warn ("Metaparameter audit ignored at" <+> showPPos p) >> pure r
addAttribute _ "loglevel"  r _ = use curPos >>= \p -> warn ("Metaparameter loglevel ignored at" <+> showPPos p) >> pure r
addAttribute _ "schedule"  r _ = use curPos >>= \p -> warn ("Metaparameter schedule ignored at" <+> showPPos p) >> pure r
addAttribute _ "stage"     r _ = use curPos >>= \p -> warn ("Metaparameter stage ignored at" <+> showPPos p) >> pure r
addAttribute _ "tag"       r (PArray v) = foldM (\cr cv -> addTagResource cr <$> resolvePValueString cv) r (toList v)
addAttribute _ "tag"       r v = addTagResource r <$> resolvePValueString v
addAttribute _ "before"    r d = addRelationship RBefore d r
addAttribute _ "notify"    r d = addRelationship RNotify d r
addAttribute _ "require"   r d = addRelationship RRequire d r
addAttribute _ "subscribe" r d = addRelationship RSubscribe d r
addAttribute b t r v = go t r v
    go = case b of
      CantOverride    -> setAttribute
      Replace         -> overrideAttribute
      CantReplace     -> defaultAttribute
      AppendAttribute -> appendAttribute

setAttribute :: Text -> Resource -> PValue -> InterpreterMonad Resource
setAttribute attributename res value =
  case res ^. rattributes . at attributename of
    Nothing -> pure (res & rattributes . at attributename ?~ value)
    Just curval -> do
      -- we must check if the resource scope is a parent of the current scope
      curscope <- getScopeName
      i <- isParent curscope (rcurcontainer res)
      if i -- TODO check why this is set
        then pure (res & rattributes . at attributename ?~ value)
        else do
          -- We will not bark if the same attribute is
          -- defined multiple times with identical values.
          let errmsg = "Attribute" <+> dullmagenta (ppline attributename) <+> "defined multiple times for" <+> pretty res
          if curval == value
            then checkStrict errmsg errmsg
            else throwPosError errmsg
          pure res

overrideAttribute :: Text -> Resource -> PValue -> InterpreterMonad Resource
overrideAttribute attributename res value = pure (res & rattributes . at attributename ?~ value)

appendAttribute :: Text -> Resource -> PValue -> InterpreterMonad Resource
appendAttribute attributename res value = do
  nvalue <- case (res ^. rattributes . at attributename, value) of
    (Nothing, _)                -> pure value
    (Just (PArray a), PArray b) -> pure (PArray (a <> b))
    (Just (PArray a), b)        -> pure (PArray (V.snoc a b))
    (Just a, PArray b)          -> pure (PArray (V.cons a b))
    (Just a, b)                 -> pure (PArray (V.fromList [a,b]))
  pure (res & rattributes . at attributename ?~ nvalue)

defaultAttribute :: Text -> Resource -> PValue -> InterpreterMonad Resource
defaultAttribute attributename res value =
  pure $ case res ^. rattributes . at attributename of
    Nothing -> res & rattributes . at attributename ?~ value
    Just _  -> res

modifyCollectedAttribute :: Resource -> AttributeDecl -> InterpreterMonad Resource
modifyCollectedAttribute res attrdecl =
  case attrdecl of
    AttributeDecl attributename arrowop expr -> do
      value <- resolveExpression expr
      let optype = case arrowop of
            AppendArrow -> AppendAttribute
            AssignArrow -> Replace
      addAttribute optype attributename res value
    AttributeWildcard expr -> do
      resolved <- resolveExpression expr
      case resolved of
        PHash hash ->
          foldM (\curres (attrname, attrval) -> addAttribute Replace attrname curres attrval) res (itoList hash)
        _ -> throwPosError ("A hash was expected, not" <+> pretty resolved)

registerResource :: Text -> Text -> Container PValue -> Virtuality -> PPosition -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
registerResource "class" _ _ Virtual p  = curPos .= p >> throwPosError "Cannot declare a virtual class (or perhaps you can, but I do not know what this means)"
registerResource "class" _ _ Exported p = curPos .= p >> throwPosError "Cannot declare an exported class (or perhaps you can, but I do not know what this means)"
registerResource t rn arg vrt p = do
  curPos .= p
  CurContainer cnt tgs <- getCurContainer
  -- default tags
  -- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_tags.html#automatic-tagging
  -- http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/lang_tags.html#containment
  let !defaulttags = {-# SCC "rrGetTags" #-} Set.fromList (t : classtags) <> tgs
      allsegs x = x : Text.splitOn "::" x
      (!classtags, !defaultLink) = getClassTags cnt
      getClassTags (ContClass cn      ) = (allsegs cn,RIdentifier "class" cn)
      getClassTags (ContDefine dt dn _) = (allsegs dt,normalizeRIdentifier dt dn)
      getClassTags  ContRoot            = ([],RIdentifier "class" "::")
      getClassTags (ContImported _    ) = ([],RIdentifier "class" "::")
      getClassTags (ContImport _ _    ) = ([],RIdentifier "class" "::")
      defaultRelation = Map.singleton defaultLink (Set.singleton RRequire)
  allScope <- use curScope
  fqdn <- getNodeName
  let baseresource = Resource (normalizeRIdentifier t rn) (Set.singleton rn) mempty defaultRelation allScope vrt defaulttags p fqdn
  r <- ifoldlM (addAttribute CantOverride) baseresource arg
  let resid = normalizeRIdentifier t rn
  case t of
    "class" -> {-# SCC "rrClass" #-} do
      definedResources . at resid ?= r
      (r:) <$> loadClass rn S.Nothing (r^.rattributes) ClassResourceLike
    _       -> {-# SCC "rrGeneralCase" #-}
      use (definedResources . at resid) >>= \case
        Just otheres -> throwPosError
                        $ "Resource" <+> pretty resid <+> "already defined:"
                          </> pretty r </> pretty otheres
        Nothing -> do
          definedResources . at resid ?= r
          pure [r]

-- functions : this can't really be exported as it uses a lot of stuff from
-- this module ...
mainFunctionCall :: Text -> [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
mainFunctionCall "showscope" _ = use curScope >>= warn . pretty >> pure []
-- The logging functions
mainFunctionCall "alert"   a = logWithModifier Log.ALERT        red         a
mainFunctionCall "crit"    a = logWithModifier Log.CRITICAL     red         a
mainFunctionCall "debug"   a = logWithModifier Log.DEBUG        dullwhite   a
mainFunctionCall "emerg"   a = logWithModifier Log.EMERGENCY    red         a
mainFunctionCall "err"     a = logWithModifier Log.ERROR        dullred     a
mainFunctionCall "info"    a = logWithModifier Log.INFO         dullgreen   a
mainFunctionCall "notice"  a = logWithModifier Log.NOTICE       white       a
mainFunctionCall "warning" a = logWithModifier Log.WARNING      dullyellow  a
mainFunctionCall "contain" includes =
  concat <$> mapM doContain includes
    doContain e = do
      classname <- resolvePValueString e
      use (loadedClasses . at classname) >>= \case
        Nothing -> loadClass classname S.Nothing mempty ClassIncludeLike
        Just _ -> pure [] -- TODO check that this happened after class declaration
mainFunctionCall "include" includes =
  concat <$> mapM doInclude includes
    doInclude e = do
      classname <- resolvePValueString e
      loadClass classname S.Nothing mempty ClassIncludeLike
mainFunctionCall "require" includes = do
    "The require function is not supported ! Calling 'include' instead"
    "The 'require' function is not supported in strict mode."
  mainFunctionCall "include" includes
mainFunctionCall "create_resources" [t, hs] = mainFunctionCall "create_resources" [t, hs, PHash mempty]
mainFunctionCall "create_resources" [PString t, PHash hs, PHash defparams] = do
  let (ats, t') = Text.span (== '@') t
  virtuality <- case Text.length ats of
    0 -> pure Normal
    1 -> pure Virtual
    2 -> pure Exported
    _ -> throwPosError "Too many @'s"
  p <- use curPos
  let genRes rname (PHash rargs) = registerResource t' rname (rargs <> defparams) virtuality p
      genRes rname x = throwPosError ("create_resource(): the value corresponding to key" <+> ppline rname <+> "should be a hash, not" <+> pretty x)
  concat . Map.elems <$> itraverse genRes hs
mainFunctionCall "create_resources" args = throwPosError ("create_resource(): expects between two and three arguments, of type [string,hash,hash], and not:" <+> pretty args)
mainFunctionCall "ensure_packages" args = ensurePackages args
mainFunctionCall "ensure_resource" args = ensureResource args
mainFunctionCall "realize" args = do
  pos <- use curPos
  let updateMod (PResourceReference t rn) =
        resModifiers %= (ResourceModifier t ModifierMustMatch RealizeVirtual (REqualitySearch "title" (PString rn)) pure pos : )
      updateMod x = throwPosError ("realize(): all arguments must be resource references, not" <+> pretty x)
  mapM_ updateMod args
  pure []
mainFunctionCall "tag" args = do
  scp <- getScopeName
  let addTag x = scopes . ix scp . scopeExtraTags . contains x .= True
  mapM_ (resolvePValueString >=> addTag) args
  pure []
mainFunctionCall "fail" [x] = ("fail:" <+>) . dullred . ppline <$> resolvePValueString x >>= throwPosError
mainFunctionCall "fail" _ = throwPosError "fail(): This function takes a single argument"
-- hiera_include does a unique merge lookup for the requested key, then calls the include function on the resulting array.
mainFunctionCall "hiera_include" [x] = do
  ndname <- resolvePValueString x
  classes <- toListOf (traverse . _PArray . traverse) <$> runHiera ndname QUnique
  p <- use curPos
  curPos . _1 . _sourceName <>= " [hiera_include call]"
  o <- mainFunctionCall "include" classes
  curPos .= p
  pure o
mainFunctionCall "hiera_include" _ = throwPosError "hiera_include(): This function takes a single argument"
-- dumpinfos is a debugging function specific to language-puppet
mainFunctionCall "dumpinfos" _ = do
  let prntline = logWriter Log.ALERT
      indentln = (<>) "  "
  prntline "Scope stack :"
  scps <- use curScope
  mapM_ (prntline . indentln . pretty) scps
  prntline "Variables in local scope :"
  scp <- getScopeName
  vars <- use (scopes . ix scp . scopeVariables)
  forM_ (sortOn fst (itoList vars)) $ \(idx, pv :!: _ :!: _) -> prntline $ indentln $ ppline idx <> " -> " <> pretty pv
  pure []
mainFunctionCall "assert_type" [PType dt, v] =
  if datatypeMatch dt v
    then pure []
    else throwPosError $ "assert_type(): the value " <> pretty v <> " doesn't mach type " <> pretty dt
mainFunctionCall "assert_type" _ = throwPosError "assert_type(): Expects two arguments"
mainFunctionCall fname args = do
  p <- use curPos
  let representation = MainFunctionDeclaration (MainFuncDecl fname mempty p)
  rs <- singleton (ExternalFunction fname args)
  unless (rs == PUndef) $ throwPosError ("This function call should pure" <+> pretty PUndef <+> "and not" <+> pretty rs </> pretty representation)
  pure []

ensurePackages :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
ensurePackages [packages] = ensurePackages [packages, PHash mempty]
ensurePackages [PString p, x] = ensurePackages [ PArray (V.singleton (PString p)), x ]
ensurePackages [PArray packages, PHash defparams] = do
    "The use of the 'ensure_packages' function is a code smell."
    "The 'ensure_packages' function is not allowed in strict mode."
  concat <$> for packages (resolvePValueString >=> ensureResource' "package" (Map.singleton "ensure" "present" <> defparams))
ensurePackages [PArray _,_] = throwPosError "ensure_packages(): the second argument must be a hash."
ensurePackages [_,_] = throwPosError "ensure_packages(): the first argument must be a string or an array of strings."
ensurePackages _ = throwPosError "ensure_packages(): requires one or two arguments."

-- Takes a resource type, title, and a hash of attributes that describe the resource.
-- Create the resource if it does not exist already.
-- Takes a resource type, title, and a hash of attributes that describe the resource(s).
ensureResource :: [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
ensureResource [PString t, PString title, PHash params] = do
    "The use of the 'ensure_resource' function is a code smell."
    "The 'ensure_resource' function is not allowed in strict mode."
  ensureResource' t params title
ensureResource [t, PArray arr, params] = concat <$> mapM (\r -> ensureResource [t, r, params]) (V.toList arr)
ensureResource [t,title] = ensureResource [t,title,PHash mempty]
ensureResource [_, PString _, PHash _] = throwPosError "ensureResource(): The first argument must be a string."
ensureResource [PString _, _, PHash _] = throwPosError "ensureResource(): The second argument must be a string."
ensureResource [PString _, PString _, _] = throwPosError "ensureResource(): The thrid argument must be a hash."
ensureResource _ = throwPosError "ensureResource(): expects 2 or 3 arguments."

ensureResource' :: Text -> HashMap Text PValue -> Text -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
ensureResource' t params title = do
  isdefined <- has (ix (normalizeRIdentifier t title)) <$> use definedResources
  if isdefined
    then pure []
    else use curPos >>= registerResource t title params Normal

-- Specific utils functions that depends on this modules

evaluateStatementsFoldable :: Foldable f => f Statement -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
evaluateStatementsFoldable = fmap concat . mapM evaluateStatement . toList

-- A helper function for the various loggers
logWithModifier :: Log.Priority -> (Doc -> Doc) -> [PValue] -> InterpreterMonad [Resource]
logWithModifier prio m [v] = do
  p <- use curPos
  v' <- resolvePValueString v
  logWriter prio (m (ppline v') <+> showPPos p)
  pure []
logWithModifier _ _ _ = throwPosError "This function takes a single argument"

-- Contrary to the previous iteration, this will let non native types pass.
validateNativeType :: Resource -> InterpreterMonad Resource
validateNativeType r = do
  tps <- singleton GetNativeTypes
  case tps ^. at (r ^. rid . itype) of
    Just x -> case (x ^. puppetValidate) r of
      Right nr -> pure nr
      Left err -> throwPosError ("Invalid resource" <+> pretty r </> getError err)
    Nothing -> pure r