lean-bindings-0.1: Haskell bindings to the Lean Theorem Prover.

Copyright(c) Galois Inc, 2015
Maintainerjhendrix@galois.com, lcasburn@galois.com
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




Operations for universe levels.



data Univ Source

A Lean universe level


Eq Univ Source 
Ord Univ Source 
Show Univ Source 
IsLeanValue Univ (Ptr Univ) Source 
IsList (List Univ) Source

Allow (List Univ) to use OverloadedLists extensions.

Eq (List Univ) Source 
Show (List Univ) Source 
IsListIso (List Univ) Source 
IsLeanValue (List Univ) (Ptr (List Univ)) Source 
data List Univ = ListUniv (ForeignPtr (List Univ)) Source

A list of universes (constructor not actually exported)

type Item (List Univ) = Univ Source 

zeroUniv :: Univ Source

The zero universe

succUniv :: Univ -> Univ Source

Successor of the universe

maxUniv :: Univ -> Univ -> Univ Source

The max of two universes.

imaxUniv :: Univ -> Univ -> Univ Source

The imax of two universes.

paramUniv :: Name -> Univ Source

A universe parameter of the given name.

globalUniv :: Name -> Univ Source

A global universe with the given name.

metaUniv :: Name -> Univ Source

A universe meta-variable with the given name.

explicitUniv :: Integer -> Univ Source

Create an explicit universe level

data UnivView Source

A view of a universe.



The zero universe.

UnivSucc !Univ

Successor of the previous universe.

UnivMax !Univ !Univ

Maximum of two universes.

UnivIMax !Univ !Univ

UnivIMax x y denotes y if y is universe zero, otherwise UnivMax x y

UnivParam !Name

Universe parameter with the given name.

UnivGlobal !Name

Reference to a global universe.

UnivMeta !Name

Meta variable with the given name.

univView :: Univ -> UnivView Source

Create a view of the universe.

showUniv :: Univ -> String Source

Show a universe.

showUnivUsing :: Univ -> Options -> String Source

Show a universe with the given options.

Operations on universe levels

normalizeUniv :: Univ -> Univ Source

Return the normal form for a universe.

instantiateUniv :: Univ -> [(Name, Univ)] -> Univ Source

Instantiate the parameters with universes

instantiateUniv2 :: Univ -> List Name -> List Univ -> Univ Source

Instantiate the parameters with universes using separate lists for names and levels.

univGeq :: Univ -> Univ -> Bool Source

geqUniv x y returns true if y is a larger universe level than x for all possible assignments to the variables in the x and y.

univLt :: Univ -> Univ -> Bool Source

Total ordering over universes using structural equality.