lens-3.7.5: Lenses, Folds and Traversals

MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy







type Prism s t a b = forall k f. (Prismatic k, Applicative f) => k (a -> f b) (s -> f t)Source

A Prism l is a 0-or-1 target Traversal that can also be turned around with remit to obtain a Getter in the opposite direction.

There are two laws that a Prism should satisfy:

First, if I remit or review a value with a Prism and then preview or use (^?), I will get it back:

Second, if you can extract a value a using a Prism l from a value s, then the value s is completely described my l and a:

These two laws imply that the Traversal laws hold for every Prism and that we traverse at most 1 element:

lengthOf l x <= 1

It may help to think of this as a Iso that can be partial in one direction.

Every Prism is a valid Traversal.

Every Iso is a valid Prism.

For example, you might have a Simple Prism Integer Natural allows you to always go from a Natural to an Integer, and provide you with tools to check if an Integer is a Natural and/or to edit one if it is.

 nat :: Simple Prism Integer Natural
 nat = prism toInteger $ \ i ->
    if i < 0
    then Left i
    else Right (fromInteger i)

Now we can ask if an Integer is a Natural.

>>> 5^?nat
Just 5
>>> (-5)^?nat

We can update the ones that are:

>>> (-3,4) & both.nat *~ 2

And we can then convert from a Natural to an Integer.

>>> 5 ^. remit nat -- :: Natural

Similarly we can use a Prism to traverse the left half of an Either:

>>> Left "hello" & _left %~ length
Left 5

or to construct an Either:

>>> 5^.remit _left
Left 5

such that if you query it with the Prism, you will get your original input back.

>>> 5^.remit _left ^? _left
Just 5

Another interesting way to think of a Prism is as the categorical dual of a Lens -- a co-Lens, so to speak. This is what permits the construction of outside.

type APrism s t a b = Overloaded Prismoid Mutator s t a bSource

If you see this in a signature for a function, the function is expecting a Prism, not some kind of alien invader.

Constructing Prisms

class Isomorphic k => Prismatic k whereSource

Used to provide overloading of prisms.

An instance of Prismatic is a Category with a canonical mapping to it from the category of embedding-projection pairs over Haskell types.


prism :: Applicative f => (b -> t) -> (s -> Either t a) -> k (a -> f b) (s -> f t)Source

Build a Prism.

Either t a is used instead of Maybe a to permit the types of s and t to differ.


data Prismoid ab st whereSource

This data type is used to capture all of the information provided by the Prismatic class, so you can turn a Prism around into a Getter or otherwise muck around with its internals.

If you see a function that expects a Prismoid or APrism, it is probably just expecting a Prism.


Prismoid :: Prismoid x x 
Prism :: (CoB x -> CoB y) -> (CoA y -> Either (CoB y) (CoA x)) -> Prismoid x y 

Consuming Prisms

clonePrism :: APrism s t a b -> Prism s t a bSource

Clone a Prism so that you can reuse the same monomorphically typed Prism for different purposes.

See cloneLens and cloneTraversal for examples of why you might want to do this.

remit :: APrism s t a b -> Getter b tSource

Turn a Prism or Iso around to build a Getter.

If you have an Iso, from is a more powerful version of this function that will return an Iso instead of a mere Getter.

>>> 5 ^.remit _left
Left 5
 remit :: Prism s t a b -> Getter b t
 remit :: Iso s t a b   -> Getter b t

review :: MonadReader b m => APrism s t a b -> m tSource

This can be used to turn an Iso or Prism around and view a value (or the current environment) through it the other way.

reviewview . remit
>>> review _left "mustard"
Left "mustard"

Usually review is used in the (->) monad with a Simple Prism or Iso, in which case it may be useful to think of it as having one of these more restricted type signatures:

 review :: Simple Iso s a        -> a -> s
 review :: Simple Prism s a -> a -> s

However, when working with a monad transformer stack, it is sometimes useful to be able to review the current environment, in which case one of these more slightly more liberal type signatures may be beneficial to think of it as having:

 review :: MonadReader a m => Simple Iso s a        -> m s
 review :: MonadReader a m => Simple Prism s a -> m s

reviews :: MonadReader b m => APrism s t a b -> (t -> r) -> m rSource

This can be used to turn an Iso or Prism around and view a value (or the current environment) through it the other way, applying a function.

reviewsviews . remit
>>> reviews _left isRight "mustard"

Usually this function is used in the (->) monad with a Simple Prism or Iso, in which case it may be useful to think of it as having one of these more restricted type signatures:

 reviews :: Simple Iso s a        -> (s -> r) -> a -> r
 reviews :: Simple Prism s a -> (s -> r) -> a -> r

However, when working with a monad transformer stack, it is sometimes useful to be able to review the current environment, in which case one of these more slightly more liberal type signatures may be beneficial to think of it as having:

 reviews :: MonadReader a m => Simple Iso s a        -> (s -> r) -> m r
 reviews :: MonadReader a m => Simple Prism s a -> (s -> r) -> m r

reuse :: MonadState b m => APrism s t a b -> m tSource

This can be used to turn an Iso or Prism around and use a value (or the current environment) through it the other way.

reuseuse . remit
>>> evalState (reuse _left) 5
Left 5
 reuse :: MonadState a m => Simple Prism s a -> m s
 reuse :: MonadState a m => Simple Iso s a        -> m s

reuses :: MonadState b m => APrism s t a b -> (t -> r) -> m rSource

This can be used to turn an Iso or Prism around and use the current state through it the other way, applying a function.

reusesuses . remit
>>> evalState (reuses _left isLeft) (5 :: Int)
 reuses :: MonadState a m => Simple Prism s a -> (s -> r) -> m r
 reuses :: MonadState a m => Simple Iso s a        -> (s -> r) -> m r

outside :: APrism s t a b -> Lens (t -> r) (s -> r) (b -> r) (a -> r)Source

Use a Prism as a kind of first-class pattern.

outside :: Prism s t a b -> Lens (t -> r) (s -> r) (b -> r) (a -> r)

aside :: APrism s t a b -> Prism (e, s) (e, t) (e, a) (e, b)Source

Use a Prism to work over part of a structure.

without :: APrism s t a b -> APrism u v c d -> Prism (Either s u) (Either t v) (Either a c) (Either b d)Source

Given a pair of prisms, project sums.

Viewing a Prism as a co-lens, this combinator can be seen to be dual to alongside.

Common Prisms

_left :: Prism (Either a c) (Either b c) a bSource

This prism provides a traversal for tweaking the left-hand value of an Either:

>>> over _left (+1) (Left 2)
Left 3
>>> over _left (+1) (Right 2)
Right 2
>>> Right 42 ^._left :: String
>>> Left "hello" ^._left

It also can be turned around to obtain the embedding into the Left half of an Either:

>>> 5^.remit _left
Left 5

_right :: Prism (Either c a) (Either c b) a bSource

This prism provides a traversal for tweaking the right-hand value of an Either:

>>> over _right (+1) (Left 2)
Left 2
>>> over _right (+1) (Right 2)
Right 3
>>> Right "hello" ^._right
>>> Left "hello" ^._right :: [Double]

It also can be turned around to obtain the embedding into the Right half of an Either:

>>> 5^.remit _right
Right 5

(Unfortunately the instance for Traversable (Either c) is still missing from base, so this can't just be traverse.)

_just :: Prism (Maybe a) (Maybe b) a bSource

This prism provides a traversal for tweaking the target of the value of Just in a Maybe.

>>> over _just (+1) (Just 2)
Just 3

Unlike traverse this is a Prism, and so you can use it to inject as well:

>>> 5^.remit _just
Just 5


type SimplePrism s a = Prism s s a aSource