{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
-- |
-- Module       : Sysetem.Process.Lens.CreateProcess
-- Copyright 	: 2019 Emily Pillmore
-- License	: BSD
-- Maintainer	: Emily Pillmore <emilypi@cohomolo.gy>
-- Stability	: Experimental
-- Portability	: TypeFamilies, Rank2Types
-- 'CreateProcess' lenses and combinators
module System.Process.Lens.CreateProcess
( -- * Lenses
, cwd_
, env_
, stdin
, stdout
, stderr
, closefds
, creategroup
, createnewconsole
, delegatectlc
, detachconsole
, newsession
, childgroup
, childuser
, useprocessjobs
  -- * Classy Lenses
, HasStdin(..)
, HasStdout(..)
, HasStderr(..)
  -- * Combinators
, stdoutOf
, stdinOf
, stderrOf
, closing
, inheriting
, piping
, handling
, nostreaming
) where

import Control.Lens

import qualified System.IO as H
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Process
import System.Process.Lens.StdStream

-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Optics

-- | Lens into the 'cmdspec' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
cmdspec_ :: Lens' CreateProcess CmdSpec
cmdspec_ = lens cmdspec (\t b -> t { cmdspec = b })

-- | Lens into the 'cwd' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
cwd_ :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe FilePath)
cwd_ = lens cwd (\t b -> t { cwd = b })

-- | Lens into the 'env' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
env_ :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe [(String, String)])
env_ = lens env (\t b -> t { env = b })

-- | Lens into the 'std_in' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
stdin :: Lens' CreateProcess StdStream
stdin = lens std_in (\t b -> t { std_in = b })

-- | Lens into the 'std_out' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
stdout :: Lens' CreateProcess StdStream
stdout = lens std_out (\t b -> t { std_out = b })

-- | Lens into the 'std_err' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
stderr :: Lens' CreateProcess StdStream
stderr = lens std_err (\t b -> t { std_err = b })

-- | Lens into the 'close_fds' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
closefds :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
closefds = lens close_fds (\t b -> t { close_fds = b })

-- | Lens into the 'create_group' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
creategroup :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
creategroup = lens create_group (\t b -> t { create_group = b })

-- | Lens into the 'delegate_ctlc' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
delegatectlc :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
delegatectlc = lens delegate_ctlc (\t b -> t { delegate_ctlc = b })

-- | Lens into the 'detach_console' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
detachconsole :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
detachconsole = lens detach_console (\t b -> t { detach_console = b })

-- | Lens into the 'create_new_console' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
createnewconsole :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
createnewconsole = lens create_new_console (\t b -> t { create_new_console = b })

-- | Lens into the 'new_session' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
newsession :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
newsession = lens new_session (\t b -> t { new_session = b })

-- | Lens into the 'child_group' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
childgroup :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe CGid)
childgroup = lens child_group (\t b -> t { child_group = b })

-- | Lens into the 'child_user' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
childuser :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe CUid)
childuser = lens child_user (\t b -> t { child_user = b })

-- | Lens into the 'use_process_jobs' entry of the 'CreateProcess' record
useprocessjobs :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool
useprocessjobs = lens use_process_jobs (\t b -> t { use_process_jobs = b })

-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Classes

-- | Classy lens for types with a stdin
class HasStdin a where
  _Stdin :: Lens' a StdStream

instance HasStdin StdStream where
  _Stdin = id

instance HasStdin CreateProcess where
  _Stdin = stdin

-- | Classy lens for types with a stdout
class HasStdout a where
  _Stdout :: Lens' a StdStream

instance HasStdout StdStream where
  _Stdout = id

instance HasStdout CreateProcess where
  _Stdout = stdout

-- | Classy lens for types with a stderr
class HasStderr a where
  _Stderr :: Lens' a StdStream

instance HasStderr StdStream where
  _Stderr = id

instance HasStderr CreateProcess where
  _Stderr = stderr

-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Combinators

-- | Retrieve the stdout handle associated with a 'CreateProcess'
stdinOf :: CreateProcess -> Maybe H.Handle
stdinOf = preview $ stdin . _UsesHandle

-- | Retrieve the stdin handle associated with a 'CreateProcess'
stdoutOf :: CreateProcess -> Maybe H.Handle
stdoutOf = preview $ stdout . _UsesHandle

-- | Retrieve the stderr handle associated with a 'CreateProcess'
stderrOf :: CreateProcess -> Maybe H.Handle
stderrOf = preview $ stderr . _UsesHandle

-- | Close something with a prism into a non-standard 'H.Handle' in a 'CreateProcess'
closing :: IsUseHandle a => Getter CreateProcess a -> CreateProcess -> IO ()
closing l c = case c ^? l . _UsesHandle of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just h -> go h
    go h
      | h /= H.stdin
      , h /= H.stdout
      , h /= H.stderr = H.hClose h
      | otherwise = return ()

-- | Given a lens into a 'StdStream', overwrite to 'Inherit' so that
-- the stream inherits from its parent process
inheriting :: IsInherit a => Lens' a StdStream -> a -> a
inheriting l = set l Inherit

-- | Given a lens into a 'StdStream', overwrite to 'CreatePipe', piping
-- the process
piping :: IsCreatePipe a => Lens' a StdStream -> a -> a
piping l = set l CreatePipe

-- | Given a lens into a 'StdStream' and a handle, set the handle using
-- 'UseHandle'.
handling :: IsUseHandle a => Lens' a StdStream -> H.Handle -> a -> a
handling l = set $ l . _UseHandle

-- | Given a lens into a 'StdStream', set to 'NoStream'
nostreaming :: IsNoStream a => Lens' a StdStream -> a -> a
nostreaming l = set l NoStream