lens-sop- Computing lenses generically using generics-sop

Safe HaskellNone




Abstract lenses

data AbstractLens r w c a Source

An abstract lens qualifies existentially over the target type of the lens

Sadly, abstract lenses do not form a category, so we provide special identity and composition functions.


forall x . c x => AbstractLens (GLens r w a x) 


Typeable ((* -> * -> *) -> (* -> * -> *) -> (* -> Constraint) -> * -> *) AbstractLens 

abstractId :: (ArrowApply r, ArrowApply w, c a) => AbstractLens r w c a Source

Identity abstract lens

afterGLens Source


:: (ArrowApply r, ArrowApply w) 
=> AbstractLens r w c a
a -> x
-> GLens r w b a
b -> a
-> AbstractLens r w c b
b -> x

Compose with a pointwise lens on the right

Getters and setters

get :: Category r => AbstractLens r w c a -> (forall x. c x => r a x -> b) -> b Source

Getter for computed lenses

get l == runIdentity . getM l . Identity

set :: Arrow w => AbstractLens r w c a -> (forall x. c x => x) -> w a a Source

Setter for computed lenses

set l == runIdentity . setM l . Identity

modify :: Arrow w => AbstractLens r w c a -> (forall x. c x => w x x) -> w a a Source

Modifier for computed lenses

getM :: (Monad m, Category r) => AbstractLens r w c a -> (forall x. c x => r a x -> m b) -> m b Source

Getter with possibility for "compile time" failure

setM :: (Monad m, Arrow w) => AbstractLens r w c a -> (forall x. c x => m x) -> m (w a a) Source

Setter with possibility for "compile time" failure

modifyM :: (Monad m, Arrow w) => AbstractLens r w c a -> (forall x. c x => m (w x x)) -> m (w a a) Source

Modifier with possibility for "compile time" failure

Computing lenses

type Path = [String] Source

A path is a series of field names. For instance, given

data T1 = T1 { a :: Int, b :: Int } deriving Generic
data T2 = T2 { c :: T1,  d :: Int } deriving Generic

valid paths on T2 are

["c", "a"]
["c", "b"]

class CLens r w c a where Source

Compute a lens for a given type and path

The Either is used to indicate "compile time" failure of the computation of the lens (for instance, when this path is invalid for this data type).

Some lenses may of course be themselves effectful, depending on the category. However, the lenses returned by the generic computation are pure and total (as is evident from the type of glens).

Minimal complete definition



Typeable ((* -> * -> *) -> (* -> * -> *) -> (* -> Constraint) -> * -> Constraint) CLens 

Manually constructing lenses

emptyPathOnly :: (ArrowApply r, ArrowApply w, c a) => LensOptions -> Path -> Either String (AbstractLens r w c a) Source

A lens for abstract types (supports empty paths only)

Useful for defining CLens instances for types such as Int, Bool, Text, etc.

instance CLens c Int where lens = emptyPathOnly


data LensOptions Source




lensOptionsMatch :: DatatypeName -> FieldName -> String -> Bool

Match a selector against a path component


defaultLensOptions :: LensOptions Source

Default match just compares field names