libGenI-0.16.1: A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser)ContentsIndex
type PolAut = NFA PolState PolTrans
data PolState = PolSt Int [Pred] [(Int, Int)]
type AutDebug = (String, PolAut, PolAut)
type PolResult = ([AutDebug], PolAut, PolAut, Sem)
buildAutomaton :: SemInput -> [TagElem] -> Flist -> PolMap -> PolResult
makePolAut :: [TagElem] -> Sem -> PolMap -> PolResult
fixPronouns :: (Sem, [TagElem]) -> (Sem, [TagElem])
detectSansIdx :: [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
detectPolFeatures :: [TagElem] -> [String]
detectPols :: [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
detectPolPaths :: [[TagElem]] -> [(TagElem, BitVector)]
declareIdxConstraints :: Flist -> PolMap
detectIdxConstraints :: Flist -> Flist -> PolMap
showLite :: ShowLite a => a -> String
showLitePm :: PolMap -> String
showPolPaths :: BitVector -> String
showPolPaths' :: BitVector -> Int -> [Int]
automatonPaths :: (Ord st, Ord ab) => (NFA st ab) -> [[ab]]
finalSt :: NFA st ab -> [st]
data NFA st ab
type PolAut = NFA PolState PolTrans
data PolState
PolSt Int [Pred] [(Int, Int)]position in the input semantics, extra semantics, polarity interval
show/hide Instances
type AutDebug = (String, PolAut, PolAut)
type PolResult = ([AutDebug], PolAut, PolAut, Sem)
intermediate auts, seed aut, final aut, potentially modified sem
buildAutomaton :: SemInput -> [TagElem] -> Flist -> PolMap -> PolResult
makePolAut :: [TagElem] -> Sem -> PolMap -> PolResult
fixPronouns :: (Sem, [TagElem]) -> (Sem, [TagElem])
detectSansIdx :: [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
detectPolFeatures :: [TagElem] -> [String]
detectPols :: [TagElem] -> [TagElem]
detectPolPaths :: [[TagElem]] -> [(TagElem, BitVector)]
declareIdxConstraints :: Flist -> PolMap
detectIdxConstraints :: Flist -> Flist -> PolMap
showLite :: ShowLite a => a -> String
showLitePm :: PolMap -> String
showPolPaths :: BitVector -> String
showPolPaths' :: BitVector -> Int -> [Int]
automatonPaths :: (Ord st, Ord ab) => (NFA st ab) -> [[ab]]
finalSt :: NFA st ab -> [st]
data NFA st ab
Note: there are two ways to define the final states. 1. you may define them as a list of states in finalStList 2. you may define them via the isFinalSt function The state list is ignored if you define isFinalSt
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