{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Network.Linklater.Types where

import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Ex
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyBytes
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq

import           BasePrelude
import           Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Data.Aeson

-- | The unique 'C<number>' Slack assigns to each channel. Used to
-- 'say' things.
type ChannelID = Text

-- | Where 'slash' commands come from and where 'Message's go.
data Channel = Channel !ChannelID !Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A username: no at-signs, just text!
newtype User = User Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Incoming HTTP requests to the slash function get parsed into one
-- of these babies.
data Command = Command {
  -- | The command name.
  _commandName :: !Text,
  -- | Who ran your slash command.
  _commandUser :: !User,
  -- | Where the person ran your slash command.
  _commandChannel :: !Channel,
  -- | Text for the slash command, if any.
  _commandText :: !(Maybe Text)
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | The icon next to the messages you `say`. (Images unsupported
-- right now, sorry.)
newtype Icon =
  -- | For example, ":stars2:".
  EmojiIcon Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A little DSL for <https://api.slack.com/docs/formatting Slack formatting>.
data Format =
  -- | @"\<\@user|user>"@
    FormatAt !User
  -- | @"\<\@user|user did this and that>"@
  | FormatUser !User !Text
  -- | @"\<http://example.com|user did this and that>"@
  | FormatLink !Text !Text
  -- | @"user did this &amp; that"@
  | FormatString !Text

-- | Here's how you talk: you make one of these and pass it to 'say'.
-- Before the day is done, Linklater will convert this to a JSON blob
-- using 'Data.Aeson'.
--   * Simple messages are parsed by Slack with parse=full (i.e. as if you had typed it into the input box).
--   * Complex messages are parsed according to Slack formatting. See 'Format'.
data Message =
    SimpleMessage !Icon !Text !Channel !Text
  | FormattedMessage !Icon !Text !Channel ![Format]

-- | Like a curiosity about the world, you'll need one of these to
-- 'say' something.
data Config = Config {
  -- | This is the incoming web hook URL that Slack gave you. It's
  -- usually @https://hooks.slack.com/services/...@.
  _configHookURL :: !Text

-- | An API token, either a tester token or one obtained through
-- OAuth.
-- See:
--  * @https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens@
--  * @https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth@
newtype APIToken =
  APIToken Text
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type Response = Wreq.Response LazyBytes.ByteString

-- | Rather than throwing unchecked exceptions from our HTTP requests,
-- we catch all unchecked exceptions and convert them to checked
-- 'RequestError' values.
data RequestError =
  RequestError { _requestErrorException :: !(Maybe SomeException)
                 -- ^ An unchecked exception, typically 'IOException', occurred
               , _requestErrorResponse :: !(Maybe Response)
                 -- ^ Something awry with the response, typically a non-2xx response
               , _requestErrorDecoding :: !(Maybe String)
                 -- ^ Something awry with the JSON decoding
               } deriving Show

unformat :: Format -> Text
unformat (FormatAt user@(User u)) = unformat (FormatUser user u)
unformat (FormatUser (User u) t) = "<@" <> u <> "|" <> t <> ">"
unformat (FormatLink url t) = "<" <> url <> "|" <> t <> ">"
unformat (FormatString t) = foldr (uncurry Text.replace) t (asList [("<", "&lt;"), (">", "&gt;"), ("&", "&amp;")])

commandOfParams :: Map.Map Text Text -> Either String Command
commandOfParams params = do
  user <- userOf <$> paramOf "user_name"
  channel <- Channel <$> paramOf "channel_id" <*> paramOf "channel_name"
  Command <$> (nameOf <$> paramOf "command")
          <*> pure user
          <*> pure channel
          <*> pure (either (const Nothing) Just (paramOf "text"))
    userOf = User . Text.filter (/= '@')
    nameOf = Text.filter (/= '/')
    paramOf key = case params ^. at key of
      Just value -> Right value
      Nothing -> Left ("paramOf: no key: " <> show key)

tryRequest :: (MonadIO m, MonadError RequestError m) => IO Response -> m Response
tryRequest io = do
  either_ <- liftIO $ Ex.try io
  case either_ of
    Left e ->
      throwError (RequestError (Just e) Nothing Nothing)
    Right response -> do
      let code = response ^. Wreq.responseStatus . Wreq.statusCode
      if code >= 200 && code < 300 then
        pure response
        throwError (RequestError Nothing (Just response) Nothing)

promoteEither :: MonadError RequestError m => Response -> (l -> String) -> Either l r -> m r
promoteEither response l2s =
  \case Left l -> throwError $ RequestError Nothing (Just response) (Just $ l2s l)
        Right r -> pure r

promoteMaybe :: MonadError RequestError m => Response -> String -> Maybe r -> m r
promoteMaybe response s =
  \case Nothing -> throwError $ RequestError Nothing (Just response) (Just s)
        Just r -> pure r

asList :: [a] -> [a]
asList = id

instance ToJSON Channel where
  toJSON (Channel cid _) = toJSON cid

instance ToJSON Message where
  toJSON m = case m of
    (FormattedMessage emoji username channel formats) ->
      toJSON_ emoji username channel (Text.unwords (unformat <$> formats)) False
    (SimpleMessage emoji username channel text) ->
      toJSON_ emoji username channel text True
      toJSON_ (EmojiIcon emoji) username channel raw toParse =
        object [ "channel" .= channel
               , "icon_emoji" .= (":" <> emoji <> ":")
               , "parse" .= String (if toParse then "full" else "poop")
               , "username" .= username
               , "text" .= raw
               , "unfurl_links" .= True