{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}

-- | This module contains the types defining an SMTLIB2 interface.

module Language.Fixpoint.Types.Theories (

    -- * Serialized Representation

    -- * Theory Symbol
    , TheorySymbol (..)
    , Sem (..)

    -- * Theory Sorts
    , SmtSort (..)
    , sortSmtSort
    , isIntSmtSort

    -- * Symbol Environments
    , SymEnv (..)
    , symEnv
    , symEnvSort
    , symEnvTheory
    , insertSymEnv
    , insertsSymEnv
    , symbolAtName
    , symbolAtSmtName

    ) where

import           Data.Generics             (Data)
import           Data.Semigroup            (Semigroup (..))
import           Data.Typeable             (Typeable)
import           Data.Hashable
import           GHC.Generics              (Generic)
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Names
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Sorts
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Errors
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Environments

import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.Compat
import qualified Data.List                as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy           as LT
import qualified Data.Binary              as B
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict      as M
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Misc   as Misc

-- | 'Raw' is the low-level representation for SMT values
type Raw          = LT.Text

-- | 'SymEnv' is used to resolve the 'Sort' and 'Sem' of each 'Symbol'
data SymEnv = SymEnv
  { seSort    :: !(SEnv Sort)              -- ^ Sorts of *all* defined symbols
  , seTheory  :: !(SEnv TheorySymbol)      -- ^ Information about theory-specific Symbols
  , seData    :: !(SEnv DataDecl)          -- ^ User-defined data-declarations
  , seLits    :: !(SEnv Sort)              -- ^ Distinct Constant symbols
  , seAppls   :: !(M.HashMap FuncSort Int) -- ^ Types at which `apply` was used;
                                           --   see [NOTE:apply-monomorphization]
  deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

{- type FuncSort = {v:Sort | isFFunc v} @-}
type FuncSort = (SmtSort, SmtSort)

instance NFData   SymEnv
instance B.Binary SymEnv

instance Semigroup SymEnv where
  e1 <> e2 = SymEnv { seSort   = seSort   e1 <> seSort   e2
                    , seTheory = seTheory e1 <> seTheory e2
                    , seData   = seData   e1 <> seData   e2
                    , seLits   = seLits   e1 <> seLits   e2
                    , seAppls  = seAppls  e1 <> seAppls  e2

instance Monoid SymEnv where
  mempty        = SymEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv emptySEnv mempty
  mappend       = (<>)

symEnv :: SEnv Sort -> SEnv TheorySymbol -> [DataDecl] -> SEnv Sort -> [Sort] -> SymEnv
symEnv xEnv fEnv ds ls ts = SymEnv xEnv' fEnv dEnv ls sortMap
    xEnv'                 = unionSEnv xEnv wiredInEnv
    dEnv                  = fromListSEnv [(symbol d, d) | d <- ds]
    sortMap               = M.fromList (zip smts [0..])
    smts                  = funcSorts dEnv ts

-- | These are "BUILT-in" polymorphic functions which are
--   UNININTERPRETED but POLYMORPHIC, hence need to go through
--   the apply-defunc stuff.

wiredInEnv :: M.HashMap Symbol Sort
wiredInEnv = M.fromList [(toIntName, mkFFunc 1 [FVar 0, FInt])]

-- | 'smtSorts' attempts to compute a list of all the input-output sorts
--   at which applications occur. This is a gross hack; as during unfolding
--   we may create _new_ terms with wierd new sorts. Ideally, we MUST allow
--   for EXTENDING the apply-sorts with those newly created terms.
--   the solution is perhaps to *preface* each VC query of the form
--      push
--      assert p
--      check-sat
--      pop
--   with the declarations needed to make 'p' well-sorted under SMT, i.e.
--   change the above to
--      declare apply-sorts
--      push
--      assert p
--      check-sat
--      pop
--   such a strategy would NUKE the entire apply-sort machinery from the CODE base.
--   [TODO]: dynamic-apply-declaration

funcSorts :: SEnv DataDecl -> [Sort] -> [FuncSort]
funcSorts dEnv ts = [ (t1, t2) | t1 <- smts, t2 <- smts]
    smts         = Misc.sortNub $ concat [ [tx t1, tx t2] | FFunc t1 t2 <- ts]
    tx           = applySmtSort dEnv

symEnvTheory :: Symbol -> SymEnv -> Maybe TheorySymbol
symEnvTheory x env = lookupSEnv x (seTheory env)

symEnvSort :: Symbol -> SymEnv -> Maybe Sort
symEnvSort   x env = lookupSEnv x (seSort env)

insertSymEnv :: Symbol -> Sort -> SymEnv -> SymEnv
insertSymEnv x t env = env { seSort = insertSEnv x t (seSort env) }

insertsSymEnv :: SymEnv -> [(Symbol, Sort)] -> SymEnv
insertsSymEnv = L.foldl' (\env (x, s) -> insertSymEnv x s env)

symbolAtName :: (PPrint a) => Symbol -> SymEnv -> a -> Sort -> Symbol
symbolAtName mkSym env e = symbolAtSmtName mkSym env e . ffuncSort env

symbolAtSmtName :: (PPrint a) => Symbol -> SymEnv -> a -> FuncSort -> Symbol
symbolAtSmtName mkSym env e = intSymbol mkSym . funcSortIndex env e

funcSortIndex :: (PPrint a) => SymEnv -> a -> FuncSort -> Int
funcSortIndex env e z = M.lookupDefault err z (seAppls env)
    err               = panic ("Unknown func-sort: " ++ showpp z ++ " for " ++ showpp e)

ffuncSort :: SymEnv -> Sort -> FuncSort
ffuncSort env t      = {- tracepp ("ffuncSort " ++ showpp (t1,t2)) -} (tx t1, tx t2)
    tx               = applySmtSort (seData env)
    (t1, t2)         = args t
    args (FFunc a b) = (a, b)
    args _           = (FInt, FInt)

applySmtSort :: SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> SmtSort
applySmtSort = sortSmtSort False

isIntSmtSort :: SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> Bool
isIntSmtSort env s = SInt == applySmtSort env s

-- | 'TheorySymbol' represents the information about each interpreted 'Symbol'
data TheorySymbol  = Thy
  { tsSym    :: !Symbol          -- ^ name
  , tsRaw    :: !Raw             -- ^ serialized SMTLIB2 name
  , tsSort   :: !Sort            -- ^ sort
  , tsInterp :: !Sem             -- ^ TRUE = defined (interpreted), FALSE = declared (uninterpreted)
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance NFData Sem
instance NFData TheorySymbol
instance B.Binary TheorySymbol

instance PPrint Sem where
  pprintTidy _ = text . show

instance Fixpoint TheorySymbol where
  toFix (Thy x _ t d) = text "TheorySymbol" <+> pprint (x, t) <+> parens (pprint d)

instance PPrint TheorySymbol where
  pprintTidy k (Thy x _ t d) = text "TheorySymbol" <+> pprintTidy k (x, t) <+> parens (pprint d)

-- | 'Sem' describes the SMT semantics for a given symbol

data Sem
  = Uninterp      -- ^ for UDF: `len`, `height`, `append`
  | Ctor         -- ^ for ADT constructor and tests: `cons`, `nil`
  | Test          -- ^ for ADT tests : `is$cons`
  | Field         -- ^ for ADT field: `hd`, `tl`
  | Theory        -- ^ for theory ops: mem, cup, select
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance B.Binary Sem

-- | A Refinement of 'Sort' that describes SMTLIB Sorts
data SmtSort
  = SInt
  | SBool
  | SReal
  | SString
  | SSet
  | SMap
  | SBitVec !Int
  | SVar    !Int
  | SData   !FTycon ![SmtSort]
  -- HKT | SApp            ![SmtSort]           -- ^ Representing HKT
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance Hashable SmtSort
instance NFData   SmtSort
instance B.Binary SmtSort

-- | The 'poly' parameter is True when we are *declaring* sorts,
--   and so we need to leave the top type variables be; it is False when
--   we are declaring variables etc., and there, we serialize them
--   using `Int` (though really, there SHOULD BE NO floating tyVars...
--   'smtSort True  msg t' serializes a sort 't' using type variables,
--   'smtSort False msg t' serializes a sort 't' using 'Int' instead of tyvars.

sortSmtSort :: Bool -> SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> SmtSort
sortSmtSort poly env t  = {- tracepp ("sortSmtSort: " ++ showpp t) else id) $ -}  go . unAbs $ t
    m = sortAbs t
    go (FFunc _ _)    = SInt
    go FInt           = SInt
    go FReal          = SReal
    go t
      | t == boolSort = SBool
      | isString t    = SString
    go (FVar i)
      | poly, i < m   = SVar i
      | otherwise     = SInt
    go t              = fappSmtSort poly env ct ts where (ct:ts) = unFApp t

fappSmtSort :: Bool -> SEnv DataDecl -> Sort -> [Sort] -> SmtSort
fappSmtSort poly env = go
-- HKT    go t@(FVar _) ts            = SApp (sortSmtSort poly env <$> (t:ts))
    go (FTC c) _
      | setConName == symbol c  = SSet
    go (FTC c) _
      | mapConName == symbol c  = SMap
    go (FTC bv) [FTC s]
      | bitVecName == symbol bv
      , Just n <- sizeBv s      = SBitVec n
    go s []
      | isString s              = SString
    go (FTC c) ts
      | Just n <- tyArgs c env
      , let i = n - length ts   = SData c ((sortSmtSort poly env <$> ts) ++ pad i)
    go _ _                      = SInt

    pad i | poly                = []
          | otherwise           = replicate i SInt

tyArgs :: (Symbolic x) => x -> SEnv DataDecl -> Maybe Int
tyArgs x env = ddVars <$> lookupSEnv (symbol x) env

instance PPrint SmtSort where
  pprintTidy _ SInt         = text "Int"
  pprintTidy _ SBool        = text "Bool"
  pprintTidy _ SReal        = text "Real"
  pprintTidy _ SString      = text "Str"
  pprintTidy _ SSet         = text "Set"
  pprintTidy _ SMap         = text "Map"
  pprintTidy _ (SBitVec n)  = text "BitVec" <+> int n
  pprintTidy _ (SVar i)     = text "@" <-> int i
--  HKT pprintTidy k (SApp ts)    = ppParens k (pprintTidy k tyAppName) ts
  pprintTidy k (SData c ts) = ppParens k (pprintTidy k c)         ts

ppParens :: (PPrint d) => Tidy -> Doc -> [d] -> Doc
ppParens k d ds = parens $ Misc.intersperse (text "") (d : (pprintTidy k <$> ds))