liquid-fixpoint- Predicate Abstraction-based Horn-Clause/Implication Constraint Solver
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module has various utility functions for accessing queries. TODO: move the "clients" in Visitors into this module.


Domain of a kvar

kvarDomain :: SInfo a -> KVar -> [Symbol] Source #

Compute the domain of a kvar

Free variables in a refinement

reftFreeVars :: Reft -> HashSet Symbol Source #

Free variables of a refinement

Deconstruct a SortedReft

sortedReftConcKVars :: Symbol -> SortedReft -> ([Pred], [KVSub], [KVSub]) Source #

Split a SortedReft into its concrete and KVar components

Operators on DataDecl

checkRegular :: [DataDecl] -> [DataDecl] Source #

checkRegular ds returns the subset of ds that are _not_ regular

orderDeclarations :: [DataDecl] -> [[DataDecl]] Source #

orderDeclarations sorts the data declarations such that each declarations only refers to preceding ones.