Module      : Crypto.Lol.CRTrans
Description : Functions related to the Chinese Remainder Transform.
Copyright   : (c) Eric Crockett, 2011-2017
                  Chris Peikert, 2011-2017
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : ecrockett0@email.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

  \( \def\C{\mathbb{C}} \)

Classes and helper methods for the Chinese remainder transform
and ring extensions.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}

module Crypto.Lol.CRTrans
( CRTrans(..), CRTEmbed(..)
, CRTInfo
) where

import Crypto.Lol.Prelude
import Crypto.Lol.Reflects

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Identity

-- | Information that characterizes the (invertible) Chinese remainder
-- transformation over a ring \(R\) (represented by the type @r@), namely:
--     (1) a function that returns the \(i\)th power of some
--     /principal/ \(m\)th root of unity
--     (for any integer \(i\))
--     (2) the multiplicative inverse of \(\hat{m}\in R\).

type CRTInfo r = (Int -> r, r)

-- | A ring that (possibly) supports invertible Chinese remainder
-- transformations of various indices.

-- | The values of 'crtInfo' for different indices \(m\) should be
-- consistent, in the sense that if \(\omega_m\), \(\omega_{m'}\) are respectively
-- \(m\)th, \(m'\)th roots of unity where \(m\) divides \(m'\), then
-- it should be the case that \(\omega_{m'}^{m'/m}=\omega_m\).

class (Monad mon, Ring r) => CRTrans mon r where
  -- | 'CRTInfo' for a given index \(m\). The method itself may be
  -- slow, but the function it returns should be fast, e.g., via
  -- internal memoization.
  crtInfo :: Reflects m Int => TaggedT m mon (CRTInfo r)

-- | A ring with a ring embedding into some ring @'CRTExt' r@ that has
-- an invertible CRT transformation for /every/ positive index \(m\).
class (Ring r, Ring (CRTExt r)) => CRTEmbed r where
  type CRTExt r

  -- | Embeds from @r@ to @'CRTExt' r@
  toExt :: r -> CRTExt r
  -- | Projects from @'CRTExt' r@ to @r@
  fromExt :: CRTExt r -> r

-- | Product ring
instance (CRTrans mon a, CRTrans mon b) => CRTrans mon (a,b) where
  crtInfo = do
    (fa, inva) <- crtInfo
    (fb, invb) <- crtInfo
    return (fa &&& fb, (inva, invb))

-- | Product ring
instance (CRTEmbed a, CRTEmbed b) => CRTEmbed (a,b) where
  type CRTExt (a,b) = (CRTExt a, CRTExt b)
  toExt = toExt *** toExt
  fromExt = fromExt *** fromExt

-- | Complex numbers have 'CRTrans' for any index \(m\)
instance (Transcendental a) => CRTrans Identity (Complex a) where
  crtInfo = crtInfoC

-- | For testing ergonomics, we also have a 'Maybe' instance of 'CRTrans'
-- for complex numbers.
instance (Transcendental a) => CRTrans Maybe (Complex a) where
  crtInfo = crtInfoC

crtInfoC :: forall mon m a . (Monad mon, Reflects m Int, Transcendental a)
            => TaggedT m mon (CRTInfo (Complex a))
crtInfoC = let mval = value @m
               mhat = valueHat mval
           in return (omegaPowC mval, recip $ fromIntegral mhat)

omegaPowC :: (Transcendental a) => Int -> Int -> Complex a
omegaPowC m i = cis (2*pi*fromIntegral i / fromIntegral m)

-- | Self-embed
instance (Transcendental a) => CRTEmbed (Complex a) where
  type CRTExt (Complex a) = Complex a
  toExt = id
  fromExt = id

-- | Returns 'Nothing'
instance CRTrans Maybe Double where
  crtInfo = tagT Nothing

-- | Returns 'Nothing'
instance CRTrans Maybe Int where
  crtInfo = tagT Nothing

-- | Returns 'Nothing'
instance CRTrans Maybe Int64 where
  crtInfo = tagT Nothing

-- | Returns 'Nothing'
instance CRTrans Maybe Integer where
  crtInfo = tagT Nothing

-- can also do for Int8, Int16, Int32 etc.

-- | Embeds into the complex numbers \(\C\).
instance CRTEmbed Double where
  type CRTExt Double = Complex Double
  toExt = fromReal . realToField
  fromExt = realToField . real

-- | Embeds into the complex numbers \(\C\).
instance CRTEmbed Int where
  type CRTExt Int = Complex Double
  toExt = fromIntegral
  fromExt = fst . roundComplex

-- | Embeds into the complex numbers \(\C\).
instance CRTEmbed Int64 where
  type CRTExt Int64 = Complex Double
  toExt = fromIntegral
  fromExt = fst . roundComplex

-- | Embeds into the complex numbers \(\C\).  (May not have sufficient
-- precision.)
instance CRTEmbed Integer where
  -- CJP: sufficient precision?  Not in general.
  type CRTExt Integer = Complex Double
  toExt = fromIntegral
  fromExt = fst . roundComplex