-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}

module Lorentz.ADT
  ( HasField
  , HasFieldOfType
  , HasFieldsOfType
  , NamedField (..)
  , (:=)
  , HasDupableGetters
  , toField
  , toFieldNamed
  , getField
  , getFieldNamed
  , setField
  , modifyField
  , construct
  , constructT
  , constructStack
  , deconstruct
  , fieldCtor
  , wrap_
  , wrapOne
  , case_
  , caseT
  , unsafeUnwrap_
  , CaseTC
  , CaseArrow (..)
  , CaseClauseL (..)
  , InstrConstructC
  , ConstructorFieldTypes

    -- * Useful re-exports
  , Rec (..)
  , (:!)
  , (:?)

    -- * Advanced methods
  , getFieldOpen
  , setFieldOpen

    -- * Definitions used in examples
    -- $setup
  ) where

import Data.Vinyl.Core (RMap(..), Rec(..))
import GHC.Generics qualified as G
import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol, Symbol)

import Lorentz.Base
import Lorentz.Coercions
import Lorentz.Constraints
import Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr
import Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value
import Morley.Util.Label (Label)
import Morley.Util.Named
import Morley.Util.Type (type (++))
import Morley.Util.TypeTuple

{- $setup
>>> import Data.Vinyl (Rec(..))
>>> import Fmt (pretty)
>>> import Lorentz.Base ((#))
>>> import Lorentz.Instr as L
>>> import Lorentz.Zip (ZippedStackRepr(..), ZSNil(..))
>>> import Lorentz.Run.Simple ((-$), (-$?))
>>> import Morley.Michelson.Runtime.Dummy (dummySelf)
>>> import Morley.Michelson.Typed (IsoValue(..))
>>> import Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value (Ticket(..))
>>> import Morley.Tezos.Address (Constrained(..))
>>> :{
data TestProduct = TestProduct
  { fieldA :: Bool
  , fieldB :: Integer
  , fieldC :: ()
  } deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
    deriving anyclass (IsoValue)
data TestProductWithNonDup = TestProductWithNonDup
  { fieldTP :: TestProduct
  , fieldD  :: Ticket () -- non-dupable value
  } deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
    deriving anyclass (IsoValue)
data TestSum
  = TestSumA Integer
  | TestSumB (Bool, ())
  deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
  deriving anyclass (IsoValue)

>>> let testTicket = Ticket (Constrained dummySelf) () 10
>>> let testProduct = TestProduct True 42 ()
>>> let testProductWithNonDup = TestProductWithNonDup testProduct testTicket

-- | Allows field access and modification.
type HasField dt fname =
  ( InstrGetFieldC dt fname
  , InstrSetFieldC dt fname

-- | Like 'HasField', but allows constrainting field type.
type HasFieldOfType dt fname fieldTy =
  ( HasField dt fname
  , GetFieldType dt fname ~ fieldTy

-- | A pair of field name and type.
data NamedField = NamedField Symbol Type
type n := ty = 'NamedField n ty
infixr 0 :=

-- | Shortcut for multiple 'HasFieldOfType' constraints.
type family HasFieldsOfType (dt :: Type) (fs :: [NamedField])
             :: Constraint where
  HasFieldsOfType _ '[] = ()
  HasFieldsOfType dt ((n := ty) ': fs) =
    (HasFieldOfType dt n ty, HasFieldsOfType dt fs)

-- | This marker typeclass is a requirement for the 'getField'
-- (where it is imposed on the /datatype/), and it is supposed to be satisfied
-- in two cases:
-- 1. The entire datatype is 'Dupable';
-- 2. When the datatype has non-dupable fields, they are located so that
-- 'getField' remains efficient.
-- The problem we are trying to solve here: without special care, 'getField'
-- may become multiple times more costly, see 'instrGetField' for the
-- explanation.
-- And this typeclass imposes an invariant: if we ever use 'getField' on a
-- datatype, then we have to pay attention to the datatype's Michelson
-- representation and ensure 'getField' remains optimal.
-- When you are developing a contract:
-- "Lorentz.Layouts.NonDupable" module contains utilities to help you
-- provide the necessary Michelson layout. In case you want to use your
-- custom layout but still allow 'getField' for it, you can define an instance
-- for your type manually as an assurance that Michelson layout is optimal enough
-- to use 'getField' on this type.
-- When you are developing a library:
-- Note that 'HasDupableGetters' resolves to 'Dupable' by default, and when
-- propagating this constraint you can switch to 'Dupable' anytime but this
-- will also make your code unusable in the presence of 'Ticket's and other
-- non-dupable types.
class HasDupableGetters a
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Dupable a => HasDupableGetters a

-- | Extract a field of a datatype replacing the value of this
-- datatype with the extracted field.
-- For this and the following functions you have to specify field name
-- which is either record name or name attached with @(:!)@ operator.
-- >>> :{
--  (toField @TestProductWithNonDup #fieldTP -$ testProductWithNonDup) == testProduct
-- :}
-- True
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrGetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> dt : st :-> GetFieldType dt name : st
toField :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrGetFieldC dt name =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : st)
toField = Instr
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
     : ToTs st)
-> (dt : st)
   :-> (LnrFieldType
          (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
          : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
         (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
      : ToTs st)
 -> (dt : st)
    :-> (LnrFieldType
           (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
           : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
               (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
            : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (dt : st)
   :-> (LnrFieldType
          (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
          : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [T]).
InstrGetFieldC dt name =>
Label name -> Instr (ToT dt : st) (ToT (GetFieldType dt name) : st)
instrToField @dt

-- | Like 'toField', but leaves field named.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrGetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> dt : st :-> (name :! GetFieldType dt name) : st
toFieldNamed :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrGetFieldC dt name =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> ((name :! GetFieldType dt name) : st)
toFieldNamed Label name
l = Label name
-> (dt : st)
   :-> (LnrFieldType
          (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
          : st)
forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrGetFieldC dt name =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : st)
toField Label name
l ((dt : st)
 :-> (LnrFieldType
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
        : st))
-> ((LnrFieldType
       (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
       : st)
    :-> (NamedF
              (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
           : st))
-> (dt : st)
   :-> (NamedF
             (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
          : st)
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (c :: [*]).
(a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> a :-> c
# Label name
-> (LnrFieldType
      (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
      : st)
   :-> (NamedF
             (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
          : st)
forall (name :: Symbol) a (s :: [*]).
Label name -> (a : s) :-> ((name :! a) : s)
toNamed Label name

-- | Extract a field of a datatype, leaving the original datatype on stack.
-- >>> :{
--  (getField @TestProduct #fieldB # L.swap # toField @TestProduct #fieldB # mul) -$
--     testProduct { fieldB = 3 }
-- :}
-- 9
  :: forall dt name st.
     (InstrGetFieldC dt name, Dupable (GetFieldType dt name), HasDupableGetters dt)
  => Label name -> dt : st :-> GetFieldType dt name : dt ': st
getField :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name, Dupable (GetFieldType dt name),
 HasDupableGetters dt) =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
getField = Instr
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
  (ToT (GetFieldType dt name) : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
-> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
   (ToT (GetFieldType dt name) : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
 -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
         (ToT (GetFieldType dt name) : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [T]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name,
 DupableScope (ToT (GetFieldType dt name))) =>
Label name
-> Instr (ToT dt : st) (ToT (GetFieldType dt name) : ToT dt : st)
instrGetField @dt
    _needHasDupableGetters :: Dict (HasDupableGetters dt)
_needHasDupableGetters = forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
Dict @(HasDupableGetters dt)

-- | Like 'getField', but leaves field named.
  :: forall dt name st.
     (InstrGetFieldC dt name, Dupable (GetFieldType dt name), HasDupableGetters dt)
  => Label name -> dt : st :-> (name :! GetFieldType dt name) : dt ': st
getFieldNamed :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name, Dupable (GetFieldType dt name),
 HasDupableGetters dt) =>
Label name
-> (dt : st) :-> ((name :! GetFieldType dt name) : dt : st)
getFieldNamed Label name
l = Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name, Dupable (GetFieldType dt name),
 HasDupableGetters dt) =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
getField Label name
l ((dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st))
-> ((GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
    :-> ((name :! GetFieldType dt name) : dt : st))
-> (dt : st) :-> ((name :! GetFieldType dt name) : dt : st)
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (c :: [*]).
(a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> a :-> c
# (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
:-> ((name :! GetFieldType dt name) : dt : st)
forall a (s :: [*]).
Wrappable a =>
(Unwrappabled a : s) :-> (a : s)

-- | Set a field of a datatype.
-- >>> setField @TestProduct #fieldB -$ 23 ::: testProduct
-- TestProduct {fieldA = True, fieldB = 23, fieldC = ()}
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrSetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> (GetFieldType dt name ': dt ': st) :-> (dt ': st)
setField :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrSetFieldC dt name =>
Label name -> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
setField = Instr
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
     : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
-> (LnrFieldType
      (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
      : dt : st)
   :-> (dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
         (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
      : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
 -> (LnrFieldType
       (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
       : dt : st)
    :-> (dt : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
               (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
            : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (LnrFieldType
      (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))
      : dt : st)
   :-> (dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [T]).
InstrSetFieldC dt name =>
Label name
-> Instr (ToT (GetFieldType dt name) : ToT dt : st) (ToT dt : st)
instrSetField @dt

-- | Apply given modifier to a datatype field.
-- >>> modifyField @TestProduct #fieldB (dup # mul) -$ testProduct { fieldB = 8 }
-- TestProduct {fieldA = True, fieldB = 64, fieldC = ()}
  :: forall dt name st.
     ( InstrGetFieldC dt name
     , InstrSetFieldC dt name
     , Dupable (GetFieldType dt name)
     , HasDupableGetters dt
  => Label name
  -> (forall st0. (GetFieldType dt name ': st0) :-> (GetFieldType dt name ': st0))
  -> dt : st :-> dt : st
modifyField :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name, InstrSetFieldC dt name,
 Dupable (GetFieldType dt name), HasDupableGetters dt) =>
Label name
-> (forall (st0 :: [*]).
    (GetFieldType dt name : st0) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : st0))
-> (dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
modifyField Label name
l forall (st0 :: [*]).
(GetFieldType dt name : st0) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : st0)
i = forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name, Dupable (GetFieldType dt name),
 HasDupableGetters dt) =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
getField @dt Label name
l ((dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st))
-> ((GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
    :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st))
-> (dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (c :: [*]).
(a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> a :-> c
# (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
:-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st)
forall (st0 :: [*]).
(GetFieldType dt name : st0) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : st0)
i ((dt : st) :-> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st))
-> ((GetFieldType dt name : dt : st) :-> (dt : st))
-> (dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (c :: [*]).
(a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> a :-> c
# forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrSetFieldC dt name =>
Label name -> (GetFieldType dt name : dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
setField @dt Label name

-- | \"Open\" version of 'getField', an advanced method suitable for chaining
-- getters.
-- It accepts two continuations accepting the extracted field, one that
-- leaves the field on stack (and does a duplication of @res@ inside)
-- and another one that consumes the field. Normally these are just @getField@
-- and @toField@ for some nested field.
-- Unlike the straightforward chaining of 'getField'/'toField' methods,
-- @getFieldOpen@ does not require the immediate field to be dupable; rather,
-- in the best case only @res@ has to be dupable.
  :: forall dt name res st.
     (InstrGetFieldC dt name, HasDupableGetters dt)
  => '[GetFieldType dt name] :-> '[res, GetFieldType dt name]
  -> '[GetFieldType dt name] :-> '[res]
  -> Label name
  -> dt : st :-> res : dt ': st
getFieldOpen :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) res (st :: [*]).
(InstrGetFieldC dt name, HasDupableGetters dt) =>
('[GetFieldType dt name] :-> '[res, GetFieldType dt name])
-> ('[GetFieldType dt name] :-> '[res])
-> Label name
-> (dt : st) :-> (res : dt : st)
getFieldOpen '[LnrFieldType
    (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
:-> '[res,
      LnrFieldType (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
contWDup '[LnrFieldType
    (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
:-> '[res]
contWoDup =
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
  (ToT res : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
-> (dt : st) :-> (res : dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
   (ToT res : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
 -> (dt : st) :-> (res : dt : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
         (ToT res : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (dt : st) :-> (res : dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (res :: T) (st :: [T]).
InstrGetFieldC dt name =>
  '[ToT (GetFieldType dt name)] '[res, ToT (GetFieldType dt name)]
-> Instr '[ToT (GetFieldType dt name)] '[res]
-> Label name
-> Instr (ToT dt : st) (res : ToT dt : st)
instrGetFieldOpen @dt (('[LnrFieldType
     (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
 :-> '[res,
         (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
-> Instr
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
HasCallStack =>
(inp :-> out) -> Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out)
iNonFailingCode '[LnrFieldType
    (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
:-> '[res,
      LnrFieldType (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
contWDup) (('[LnrFieldType
     (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
 :-> '[res])
-> Instr
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
     (ToTs '[res])
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
HasCallStack =>
(inp :-> out) -> Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out)
iNonFailingCode '[LnrFieldType
    (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
:-> '[res]
    _needHasDupableGetters :: Dict (HasDupableGetters dt)
_needHasDupableGetters = forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
Dict @(HasDupableGetters dt)

-- | \"Open\" version of 'setField', an advanced method suitable for chaining
-- setters.
-- It accepts a continuation accepting the field extracted for the update and
-- the new value that is being set. Normally this continuation is just @setField@
-- for some nested field.
  :: forall dt name new st.
     InstrSetFieldC dt name
  => '[new, GetFieldType dt name] :-> '[GetFieldType dt name]
  -> Label name
  -> (new ': dt ': st) :-> (dt ': st)
setFieldOpen :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) new (st :: [*]).
InstrSetFieldC dt name =>
('[new, GetFieldType dt name] :-> '[GetFieldType dt name])
-> Label name -> (new : dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
setFieldOpen '[new,
  LnrFieldType (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
:-> '[LnrFieldType
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
cont =
  (ToT new : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
-> (new : dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
   (ToT new : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
 -> (new : dt : st) :-> (dt : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
         (ToT new : GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (new : dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (new :: T) (st :: [T]).
InstrSetFieldC dt name =>
  '[new, ToT (GetFieldType dt name)] '[ToT (GetFieldType dt name)]
-> Label name -> Instr (new : ToT dt : st) (ToT dt : st)
instrSetFieldOpen @dt (('[new,
   LnrFieldType (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
 :-> '[LnrFieldType
         (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
-> Instr
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))])
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
HasCallStack =>
(inp :-> out) -> Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out)
iNonFailingCode '[new,
  LnrFieldType (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]
:-> '[LnrFieldType
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))]

-- | Make up a datatype. You provide a pack of individual fields constructors.
-- Each element of the accepted record should be an instruction wrapped with
-- 'fieldCtor' function. This instruction will have access to the stack at
-- the moment of calling @construct@.
-- Instructions have to output fields of the built datatype, one per instruction;
-- instructions order is expected to correspond to the order of fields in the
-- datatype.
-- >>> :{
--  let ctor =
--        (fieldCtor (push True)) :&
--        (fieldCtor (push 42)) :&
--        (fieldCtor (push ())) :&
--        RNil
-- :}
-- >>> construct @TestProduct ctor -$ ZSNil
-- TestProduct {fieldA = True, fieldB = 42, fieldC = ()}
  :: forall dt st.
     ( InstrConstructC dt
     , RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
  => Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
  -> st :-> dt : st
construct :: forall dt (st :: [*]).
(InstrConstructC dt, RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)) =>
Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
-> st :-> (dt : st)
construct Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
fctors =
  Instr (ToTs st) (ToTs (dt : st)) -> st :-> (dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr (ToTs st) (ToTs (dt : st)) -> st :-> (dt : st))
-> Instr (ToTs st) (ToTs (dt : st)) -> st :-> (dt : st)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall dt (st :: [T]).
InstrConstructC dt =>
Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
-> Instr st (ToT dt : st)
instrConstruct @dt (Rec (FieldConstructor (ToTs st)) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
 -> Instr (ToTs st) (ToT dt : ToTs st))
-> Rec (FieldConstructor (ToTs st)) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
-> Instr (ToTs st) (ToT dt : ToTs st)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  (forall x. FieldConstructor st x -> FieldConstructor (ToTs st) x)
-> Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
-> Rec (FieldConstructor (ToTs st)) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
forall {u} (rs :: [u]) (f :: u -> *) (g :: u -> *).
RMap rs =>
(forall (x :: u). f x -> g x) -> Rec f rs -> Rec g rs
rmap (\(FieldConstructor Instr (ToTs' st) (ToT x : ToTs' st)
i) -> Instr (ToTs' (ToTs st)) (ToT x : ToTs' (ToTs st))
-> FieldConstructor (ToTs st) x
forall k (st :: [k]) field.
Instr (ToTs' st) (ToT field : ToTs' st)
-> FieldConstructor st field
FieldConstructor Instr (ToTs' st) (ToT x : ToTs' st)
Instr (ToTs' (ToTs st)) (ToT x : ToTs' (ToTs st))
i) Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)

-- | Version of 'construct' which accepts tuple of field constructors.
-- >>> let ctor = (fieldCtor (push True), fieldCtor (push 42), fieldCtor (push ()))
-- >>> constructT @TestProduct ctor -$ ZSNil
-- TestProduct {fieldA = True, fieldB = 42, fieldC = ()}
  :: forall dt fctors st.
     ( InstrConstructC dt
     , RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
     , fctors ~ Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
     , RecFromTuple fctors
  => IsoRecTuple fctors
  -> st :-> dt : st
constructT :: forall dt fctors (st :: [*]).
(InstrConstructC dt, RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt),
 fctors ~ Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt),
 RecFromTuple fctors) =>
IsoRecTuple fctors -> st :-> (dt : st)
constructT = Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
-> st :-> (dt : st)
forall dt (st :: [*]).
(InstrConstructC dt, RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)) =>
Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
-> st :-> (dt : st)
construct (Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
 -> st :-> (dt : st))
-> (IsoRecTuple
      (Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt))
    -> Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt))
-> IsoRecTuple
     (Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt))
-> st :-> (dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. IsoRecTuple (Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt))
-> Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
forall r. RecFromTuple r => IsoRecTuple r -> r

-- | Construct an object from fields on the stack.
-- >>> constructStack @TestProduct -$ True ::: 42 ::: ()
-- TestProduct {fieldA = True, fieldB = 42, fieldC = ()}
  :: forall dt fields st .
  ( InstrConstructC dt
  , fields ~ ConstructorFieldTypes dt
  , ToTs fields ++ ToTs st ~ ToTs (fields ++ st)
  => (fields ++ st) :-> dt : st
constructStack :: forall dt (fields :: [*]) (st :: [*]).
(InstrConstructC dt, fields ~ ConstructorFieldTypes dt,
 (ToTs fields ++ ToTs st) ~ ToTs (fields ++ st)) =>
(fields ++ st) :-> (dt : st)
constructStack =
  Instr (ToTs (fields ++ st)) (ToTs (dt : st))
-> (fields ++ st) :-> (dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (forall dt (stack :: [T]) (st :: [T]).
(InstrConstructC dt, stack ~ ToTs (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)) =>
Instr (stack ++ st) (ToT dt : st)
instrConstructStack @dt @(ToTs fields))

-- | Decompose a complex object into its fields
-- >>> deconstruct @TestProduct # constructStack @TestProduct -$ testProduct
-- TestProduct {fieldA = True, fieldB = 42, fieldC = ()}
  :: forall dt fields st .
  ( InstrDeconstructC dt (ToTs st)
  , fields ~ GFieldTypes (G.Rep dt) '[]
  , ToTs fields ++ ToTs st ~ ToTs (fields ++ st)
  => dt : st :-> (fields ++ st)
deconstruct :: forall dt (fields :: [*]) (st :: [*]).
(InstrDeconstructC dt (ToTs st), fields ~ GFieldTypes (Rep dt) '[],
 (ToTs fields ++ ToTs st) ~ ToTs (fields ++ st)) =>
(dt : st) :-> (fields ++ st)
deconstruct =
  Instr (ToTs (dt : st)) (ToTs (fields ++ st))
-> (dt : st) :-> (fields ++ st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (forall dt (stack :: [T]) (st :: [T]).
(InstrDeconstructC dt st,
 stack ~ ToTs (GFieldTypes (Rep dt) '[])) =>
Instr (ToT dt : st) (stack ++ st)
instrDeconstruct @dt @(ToTs fields))

-- | Lift an instruction to field constructor.
fieldCtor :: HasCallStack => (st :-> f : st) -> FieldConstructor st f
fieldCtor :: forall (st :: [*]) f.
HasCallStack =>
(st :-> (f : st)) -> FieldConstructor st f
fieldCtor = \case
  I Instr (ToTs st) (ToTs (f : st))
i -> Instr (ToTs' st) (ToT f : ToTs' st) -> FieldConstructor st f
forall k (st :: [k]) field.
Instr (ToTs' st) (ToT field : ToTs' st)
-> FieldConstructor st field
FieldConstructor Instr (ToTs st) (ToTs (f : st))
Instr (ToTs' st) (ToT f : ToTs' st)
  FI forall (out' :: [T]). Instr (ToTs st) out'
_ -> Text -> FieldConstructor st f
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> a
error Text
"Field constructor always fails"

-- | Wrap entry in constructor. Useful for sum types.
-- >>> wrap_ @TestSum #cTestSumB -$ (False, ())
-- TestSumB (False,())
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrWrapC dt name
  => Label name -> (AppendCtorField (GetCtorField dt name) st) :-> dt : st
wrap_ :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrWrapC dt name =>
Label name
-> AppendCtorField (GetCtorField dt name) st :-> (dt : st)
wrap_ =
  case forall (cf :: CtorField) (st :: [*]).
(AppendCtorFieldAxiom ('OneField Word) '[Int],
 AppendCtorFieldAxiom 'NoFields '[Int]) =>
Dict (AppendCtorFieldAxiom cf st)
appendCtorFieldAxiom @(GetCtorField dt name) @st of
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
Dict -> Instr
           (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
-> AppendCtorField
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
   :-> (dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
 -> AppendCtorField
         (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
    :-> (dt : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
                  (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> AppendCtorField
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
   :-> (dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [T]).
InstrWrapC dt name =>
Label name
-> Instr (AppendCtorField (GetCtorField dt name) st) (ToT dt : st)
instrWrap @dt

-- | Wrap entry in single-field constructor. Useful for sum types.
-- >>> wrapOne @TestSum #cTestSumA -$ 42
-- TestSumA 42
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrWrapOneC dt name
  => Label name -> (CtorOnlyField name dt ': st) :-> dt : st
wrapOne :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrWrapOneC dt name =>
Label name -> (CtorOnlyField name dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
wrapOne = case forall (cf :: CtorField) (st :: [*]).
(AppendCtorFieldAxiom ('OneField Word) '[Int],
 AppendCtorFieldAxiom 'NoFields '[Int]) =>
Dict (AppendCtorFieldAxiom cf st)
appendCtorFieldAxiom @(GetCtorField dt name) @st of
  Dict (AppendCtorFieldAxiom (GetCtorField dt name) st)
Dict -> Instr
  (ToT (CtorOnlyField name dt) : ToTs st)
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
-> (CtorOnlyField name dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
   (ToT (CtorOnlyField name dt) : ToTs st)
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
 -> (CtorOnlyField name dt : st) :-> (dt : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
         (ToT (CtorOnlyField name dt) : ToTs st)
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (CtorOnlyField name dt : st) :-> (dt : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [T]).
InstrWrapOneC dt name =>
Label name
-> Instr (ToT (CtorOnlyField name dt) : st) (ToT dt : st)
instrWrapOne @dt

-- | Lorentz analogy of 'CaseClause', it works on plain 'Type' types.
data CaseClauseL (inp :: [Type]) (out :: [Type]) (param :: CaseClauseParam) where
  CaseClauseL :: AppendCtorField x inp :-> out -> CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)

-- | Provides "case" arrow which works on different wrappers for clauses.
class CaseArrow name body clause | clause -> name, clause -> body where
  -- | Lift an instruction to case clause.
  -- You should write out constructor name corresponding to the clause
  -- explicitly. Prefix constructor name with "c" letter, otherwise
  -- your label will not be recognized by Haskell parser.
  -- Passing constructor name can be circumvented but doing so is not recomended
  -- as mentioning contructor name improves readability and allows avoiding
  -- some mistakes.
  (/->) :: Label name -> body -> clause
  infixr 0 /->

instance ( name ~ ("c" `AppendSymbol` ctor)
         , body ~ (AppendCtorField x inp :-> out)
         ) => CaseArrow name body
                (CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)) where
  /-> :: Label name -> body -> CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
(/->) Label name
_ = body -> CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
forall (x :: CtorField) (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]) (ctor :: Symbol).
(AppendCtorField x inp :-> out)
-> CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)

-- | Pattern match on the given sum type.
-- You have to provide a 'Rec' containing case branches.
-- To construct a case branch use '/->' operator.
-- >>> :{
--  let caseTestSum = case_ @TestSum $
--        (#cTestSumA /-> nop) :&
--        (#cTestSumB /-> L.drop # push 23) :&
--        RNil
-- :}
-- >>> caseTestSum -$ TestSumA 42
-- 42
-- >>> caseTestSum -$ TestSumB (False, ())
-- 23
  :: forall dt out inp.
     ( InstrCaseC dt
     , RMap (CaseClauses dt)
  => Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt) -> dt : inp :-> out
case_ :: forall dt (out :: [*]) (inp :: [*]).
(InstrCaseC dt, RMap (CaseClauses dt)) =>
Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt) -> (dt : inp) :-> out
case_ = RemFail Instr (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs inp) (ToTs out)
-> (dt : inp) :-> out
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
RemFail Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
LorentzInstr (RemFail Instr (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs inp) (ToTs out)
 -> (dt : inp) :-> out)
-> (Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
    -> RemFail Instr (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs inp) (ToTs out))
-> Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
-> (dt : inp) :-> out
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (out :: [T]) (inp :: [T]).
InstrCaseC dt =>
Rec (CaseClause inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
-> RemFail Instr (ToT dt : inp) out
instrCase @dt (Rec (CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out)) (CaseClauses dt)
 -> RemFail Instr (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs inp) (ToTs out))
-> (Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
    -> Rec (CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out)) (CaseClauses dt))
-> Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
-> RemFail Instr (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs inp) (ToTs out)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (forall (x :: CaseClauseParam).
 CaseClauseL inp out x -> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) x)
-> Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
-> Rec (CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out)) (CaseClauses dt)
forall {u} (rs :: [u]) (f :: u -> *) (g :: u -> *).
RMap rs =>
(forall (x :: u). f x -> g x) -> Rec f rs -> Rec g rs
rmap forall (x :: CaseClauseParam).
CaseClauseL inp out x -> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) x
      :: forall clauses.
         CaseClauseL inp out clauses -> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) clauses
    coerceCaseClause :: forall (x :: CaseClauseParam).
CaseClauseL inp out x -> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) x
coerceCaseClause (CaseClauseL (LorentzInstr RemFail Instr (ToTs (AppendCtorField x inp)) (ToTs out)
cc)) =
      RemFail Instr (AppendCtorField x (ToTs inp)) (ToTs out)
-> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
forall (x :: CtorField) (inp :: [T]) (out :: [T]) (ctor :: Symbol).
RemFail Instr (AppendCtorField x inp) out
-> CaseClause inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
CaseClause (RemFail Instr (AppendCtorField x (ToTs inp)) (ToTs out)
 -> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) ('CaseClauseParam ctor x))
-> RemFail Instr (AppendCtorField x (ToTs inp)) (ToTs out)
-> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall {t :: CaseClauseParam}. Proxy t
Proxy @clauses of
        (Proxy ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
_ :: Proxy ('CaseClauseParam ctor cc)) ->
          case forall (cf :: CtorField) (st :: [*]).
(AppendCtorFieldAxiom ('OneField Word) '[Int],
 AppendCtorFieldAxiom 'NoFields '[Int]) =>
Dict (AppendCtorFieldAxiom cf st)
appendCtorFieldAxiom @cc @inp of Dict (AppendCtorFieldAxiom x inp)
Dict -> RemFail Instr (AppendCtorField x (ToTs inp)) (ToTs out)
RemFail Instr (ToTs (AppendCtorField x inp)) (ToTs out)

-- | Like 'case_', accepts a tuple of clauses, which may be more convenient.
-- If user is experiencing problems with wierd errors about tuples while using
-- this function, he should take look at "Morley.Util.TypeTuple.Instances" and ensure
-- that his tuple isn't bigger than generated instances, if so, he should probably
-- extend number of generated instances.
-- >>> :{
--  let caseTTestSum = caseT @TestSum $
--        ( #cTestSumA /-> nop
--        , #cTestSumB /-> L.drop # push 23
--        )
-- :}
-- >>> caseTTestSum -$ TestSumA 42
-- 42
-- >>> caseTTestSum -$ TestSumB (False, ())
-- 23
  :: forall dt out inp clauses.
     CaseTC dt out inp clauses
  => IsoRecTuple clauses -> dt : inp :-> out
caseT :: forall dt (out :: [*]) (inp :: [*]) clauses.
CaseTC dt out inp clauses =>
IsoRecTuple clauses -> (dt : inp) :-> out
caseT = forall dt (out :: [*]) (inp :: [*]).
(InstrCaseC dt, RMap (CaseClauses dt)) =>
Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt) -> (dt : inp) :-> out
case_ @dt (Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt) -> (dt : inp) :-> out)
-> (IsoRecTuple (Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt))
    -> Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt))
-> IsoRecTuple (Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt))
-> (dt : inp) :-> out
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. IsoRecTuple (Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt))
-> Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
forall r. RecFromTuple r => IsoRecTuple r -> r

type CaseTC dt out inp clauses =
  ( InstrCaseC dt
  , RMap (CaseClauses dt)
  , RecFromTuple clauses
  , clauses ~ Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)

-- | Unwrap a constructor with the given name. Useful for sum types.
-- >>> unsafeUnwrap_ @TestSum #cTestSumA -$? TestSumA 42
-- Right 42
-- >>> first pretty $ unsafeUnwrap_ @TestSum #cTestSumA -$? TestSumB (False, ())
-- Left "Reached FAILWITH instruction with \"BadCtor\" at Error occurred on line 1 char 1."
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrUnwrapC dt name
  => Label name -> dt : st :-> (CtorOnlyField name dt ': st)
unsafeUnwrap_ :: forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [*]).
InstrUnwrapC dt name =>
Label name -> (dt : st) :-> (CtorOnlyField name dt : st)
unsafeUnwrap_ =
  case forall (cf :: CtorField) (st :: [*]).
(AppendCtorFieldAxiom ('OneField Word) '[Int],
 AppendCtorFieldAxiom 'NoFields '[Int]) =>
Dict (AppendCtorFieldAxiom cf st)
appendCtorFieldAxiom @(GetCtorField dt name) @st of
        (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
Dict -> Instr
  (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
           (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))))
     : ToTs st)
-> (dt : st)
   :-> (RequireOneField
             (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
          : st)
forall (inp :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
Instr (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) -> inp :-> out
I (Instr
   (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
            (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))))
      : ToTs st)
 -> (dt : st)
    :-> (RequireOneField
              (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
           : st))
-> (Label name
    -> Instr
         (GValueType (Rep dt) : ToTs st)
                  (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt)))))
            : ToTs st))
-> Label name
-> (dt : st)
   :-> (RequireOneField
             (LNRequireFound name dt (GLookupNamed name (Rep dt))))
          : st)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall dt (name :: Symbol) (st :: [T]).
InstrUnwrapC dt name =>
Label name
-> Instr (ToT dt : st) (ToT (CtorOnlyField name dt) : st)
unsafeInstrUnwrap @dt