{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
-- |
-- Description : PAKE exchange for Magic Wormhole
-- Once a peer is found, and both sides have mailboxes open, the peers need to
-- generate a shared 'ClientProtocol.SessionKey' based on their shared password.
-- 'pakeExchange' has the logic for doing this.
module MagicWormhole.Internal.Pake
  ( pakeExchange
  , PakeError(..)
  -- * Exported for testing
  , spakeBytesToMessageBody
  , messageBodyToSpakeBytes
  ) where

import Protolude hiding (toS)
import Protolude.Conv (toS)

import Control.Monad (fail)
import Crypto.Hash (SHA256(..))
import qualified Crypto.Spake2 as Spake2
import Crypto.Spake2.Group (Group(arbitraryElement))
import Crypto.Spake2.Groups (Ed25519(..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, (.=), object, Value(..), (.:))
import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch)
import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (convertToBase, convertFromBase, Base(Base16))

import qualified MagicWormhole.Internal.Messages as Messages
import qualified MagicWormhole.Internal.ClientProtocol as ClientProtocol

-- | Exchange SPAKE2 keys with a Magic Wormhole peer.
-- Throws an 'Error' if we cannot parse the incoming message.
  :: ClientProtocol.Connection -- ^ A connection to a peer
  -> Spake2.Password -- ^ The shared password. Construct with 'Spake2.makePassword'.
  -> IO ClientProtocol.SessionKey  -- ^ A key that can be used for the remainder of the session
pakeExchange conn password = do
  let protocol = wormholeSpakeProtocol (ClientProtocol.appID conn)
  result <- Spake2.spake2Exchange protocol password sendPakeMessage (atomically receivePakeMessage)
  case result of
    Left err -> throwIO (Error err)
    Right key -> pure (ClientProtocol.SessionKey key)
    sendPakeMessage = ClientProtocol.send conn Messages.PakePhase . spakeBytesToMessageBody
    receivePakeMessage  = do
      -- This is kind of a fun approach, but it means that everyone else has
      -- to promise that they *don't* consume pake messages.
      msg <- ClientProtocol.receive conn
      unless (Messages.phase msg == Messages.PakePhase) retry
      pure $ messageBodyToSpakeBytes (Messages.body msg)

-- | The message we send to negotiate the shared session key.
newtype Spake2Message = Spake2Message { spake2Bytes :: ByteString } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance ToJSON Spake2Message where
  toJSON (Spake2Message msg) = object [ "pake_v1" .= toS @ByteString @Text (convertToBase Base16 msg) ]

instance FromJSON Spake2Message where
  parseJSON (Object msg) = do
    hexKey <- toS @Text @ByteString <$> msg .: "pake_v1"
    case convertFromBase Base16 hexKey of
      Left err -> fail err
      Right key -> pure $ Spake2Message key
  parseJSON unknown = typeMismatch "Spake2Message" unknown

-- | Encode the bytes generated by the SPAKE2 algorithm into a Magic Wormhole
-- message body.
spakeBytesToMessageBody :: ByteString -> Messages.Body
spakeBytesToMessageBody = Messages.Body . toS . Aeson.encode . Spake2Message

-- | Decode a Magic Wormhole message body into bytes that can be used as input
-- into the SPAKE2 algorithm.
messageBodyToSpakeBytes :: Messages.Body -> Either Text ByteString
messageBodyToSpakeBytes (Messages.Body bodyBytes) =
  bimap toS spake2Bytes . Aeson.eitherDecode . toS $ bodyBytes

-- | Construct a SPAKE2 protocol compatible with Magic Wormhole.
wormholeSpakeProtocol :: Messages.AppID -> Spake2Protocol
wormholeSpakeProtocol (Messages.AppID appID') =
  Spake2.makeSymmetricProtocol SHA256 Ed25519 blind sideID
    blind = arbitraryElement Ed25519 ("symmetric" :: ByteString)
    sideID = Spake2.SideID (toS appID')

-- | The version of the SPAKE2 protocol used by Magic Wormhole.
type Spake2Protocol = Spake2.Protocol Ed25519 SHA256

-- | An error that occured during 'pakeExchange'.
newtype PakeError = Error (Spake2.MessageError Text) deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
instance Exception PakeError