matchable-th-0.2.1: Generates Matchable instances using TemplateHaskell
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



derive functions

deriveInstances :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Derive multiple instances of Matchable, Bimatchable, or their superclasses, each written in StandaloneDeriving syntax.

Passing declarations other than standalone deriving instances is an error. Also, passing any instances other than Matchable, Bimatchable or their superclasses is an error. Explicitly, it accepts standalone deriving declarations of the following types:

Passing an Eq or Functor instance declarations does not cause a compilation error and generates the same standalone deriving declaration passed in, but also causes a warning telling you that you can use stock deriving for them.


  {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
  {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
  [-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
  data Foo a b = Foo a b (Either a b)
     deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

To use deriveInstances for Foo, write as below:

  deriveInstances [d|
    deriving instance Eq a => Eq1 (Foo a)
    deriving instance Eq a => Matchable (Foo a)
    deriving instance Eq2 Foo
    deriving instance Bifunctor Foo
    deriving instance Bimatchable Foo

deriveMatchable :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Build an instance of Matchable for a data type.

Note that deriveMatchable generates the Matchable instance only. Because Matchable requires Functor and Eq1 (and Eq transitively) as its superclasses, to actually use the generated instance, it's necessary to provide them too.

Use deriveInstances to generate both Matchable and Eq1 instances at once.


data Exp a = Plus a a | Times a a
deriveMatchable ''Exp

will generate the following instance.

instance Matchable Exp where
  zipMatchWith f (Plus  l1 l2) (Plus  r1 r2) = pure Plus  * f l1 r1 * f l2 r2
  zipMatchWith f (Times l1 l2) (Times r1 r2) = pure Times * f l1 r1 * f l2 r2
  zipMatchWith _ _ _ = Nothing

deriveBimatchable :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Build an instance of Bimatchable for a data type.

Note that deriveBimatchable generates the Bimatchable instance only. Because Bimatchable requires Bifunctor and Eq2 (and Functor, Eq, Eq1 transitively) as its superclasses, to actually use the generated instance, it's necessary to provide them too.

Use deriveInstances to generate all of these instances at once.


data Sum a b = InL a | InR b
deriveBimatchable ''Sum

will create

instance Bimatchable Sum where
  bizipMatchWith f _ (InL l1) (InL r1) = pure InL $ f l1 r1
  bizipMatchWith _ g (InR l1) (InR r1) = pure InR $ g l1 r1

make- functions

makeZipMatchWith :: Name -> ExpQ Source #

Generates an expression which behaves like zipMatchWith for the given data type.

makeBizipMatchWith :: Name -> ExpQ Source #

Generates an expression which behaves like bizipMatchWith for the given data type.

makeLiftEq :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

Generates an expression which behaves like liftEq for the given data type.

makeLiftEq2 :: Name -> Q Exp Source #

Generates an expression which behaves like liftEq2 for the given data type.