{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | This module provides the login interface for Matterhorn.
-- * Overview
-- The interface provides a set of form fields for the user to use to
-- enter their server information and credentials. The user enters
-- this information and presses Enter, and then this module
-- attempts to connect to the server. The module's main function,
-- interactiveGetLoginSession, returns the result of that connection
-- attempt, if any.
-- * Details
-- The interactiveGetLoginSession function takes the Matterhorn
-- configuration's initial connection information as input. If the
-- configuration provided a complete set of values needed to make a
-- login attempt, this module goes ahead and immediately makes a login
-- attempt before even showing the user the login form. This case is
-- the case where the configuration provided all four values needed:
-- server host name, port, username, and password. When the interface
-- immediately makes a login attempt under these conditions, this is
-- referred to as an "initial" attempt in various docstrings below.
-- Otherwise, the user is prompted to fill out the form to enter any
-- missing values. On pressing Enter, a login attempt is made.
-- A status message about whether a connection is underway is shown in
-- both cases: in the case where the user has edited the credentials and
-- pressed Enter, and in the case where the original credentials
-- provided to interactiveGetLoginSession caused an initial connection
-- attempt.
-- The "initial" login case is special because in addition to not
-- showing the form, we want to ensure that the "connecting to..."
-- status message that is shown is shown long enough for the user to
-- see what is happening (rather than just flashing by in the case
-- of a fast server connection). For this usability reason, we have
-- a "startup timer" thread: the thread waits a specified number
-- of milliseconds (see 'startupTimerMilliseconds' below) and then
-- notifies the interface that it has timed out. If there is an initial
-- connection attempt underway that succeeds *before* the timer
-- fires, we wait until the timer fires before quitting the Login
-- application and returning control to Matterhorn. This ensures that
-- the "connecting to..." message stays on the screen long enough to not
-- be jarring, and to show the user what is happening. If the connection
-- fails before the timer fires, we just resume normal operation and
-- show the login form so the user can intervene.
module Matterhorn.Login
  ( LoginAttempt(..)
  , interactiveGetLoginSession

import           Prelude ()
import           Matterhorn.Prelude

import           Brick
import           Brick.BChan
import           Brick.Focus
import           Brick.Forms
import           Brick.Widgets.Border
import           Brick.Widgets.Center
import           Brick.Widgets.Edit
import           Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay )
import           Control.Exception ( SomeException, catch, try )
import           Data.Char (isHexDigit)
import           Data.List (tails, inits)
import           System.IO.Error ( catchIOError )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Graphics.Vty hiding (mkVty)
import           Lens.Micro.Platform ( (.~), Lens', makeLenses )
import qualified System.IO.Error as Err
import           Network.URI ( URI(..), URIAuth(..), parseURI )

import           Network.Mattermost ( ConnectionData )
import           Network.Mattermost.Types.Internal ( Token(..) )
import           Network.Mattermost.Types ( Session(..), User, Login(..), ConnectionPoolConfig(..)
                                          , initConnectionData, ConnectionType(..), UserParam(..) )
import           Network.Mattermost.Exceptions ( LoginFailureException(..) )
import           Network.Mattermost.Endpoints ( mmGetUser, mmGetLimitedClientConfiguration, mmLogin )

import           Matterhorn.Draw.RichText
import           Matterhorn.Themes ( clientEmphAttr )
import           Matterhorn.Types ( ConnectionInfo(..)
                       , ciPassword, ciUsername, ciHostname, ciUrlPath
                       , ciPort, ciType, AuthenticationException(..)
                       , LogManager, LogCategory(..), ioLogWithManager
                       , ciAccessToken

-- | Resource names for the login interface.
data Name =
    | Username
    | Password
    | AccessToken
    deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

-- | The result of an authentication attempt.
data LoginAttempt =
    AttemptFailed AuthenticationException
    -- ^ The attempt failed with the corresponding error.
    | AttemptSucceeded ConnectionInfo ConnectionData Session User (Maybe Text) --team
    -- ^ The attempt succeeded.

-- | The state of the login interface: whether a login attempt is
-- currently in progress.
data LoginState =
    -- ^ No login attempt is in progress.
    | Connecting Bool Text
    -- ^ A login attempt to the specified host is in progress. The
    -- boolean flag indicates whether this login was user initiated
    -- (False) or triggered immediately when starting the interface
    -- (True). This "initial" flag is used to determine whether the
    -- login form is shown while the connection attempt is underway.
    deriving (Eq)

-- | Requests that we can make to the login worker thead.
data LoginRequest =
    DoLogin Bool ConnectionInfo
    -- ^ Request a login using the specified connection information.
    -- The boolean flag is the "initial" flag value corresponding to the
    -- "Connecting" constructor flag of the "LoginState" type.

-- | The messages that the login worker thread can send to the user
-- interface event handler.
data LoginEvent =
    StartConnect Bool Text
    -- ^ A connection to the specified host has begun. The boolean
    -- value is whether this was an "initial" connection attempt (see
    -- LoginState).
    | LoginResult LoginAttempt
    -- ^ A login attempt finished with the specified result.
    | StartupTimeout
    -- ^ The startup timer thread fired.

-- | The login application state.
data State =
    State { _loginForm :: Form ConnectionInfo LoginEvent Name
          , _lastAttempt :: Maybe LoginAttempt
          , _currentState :: LoginState
          , _reqChan :: BChan LoginRequest
          , _timeoutFired :: Bool

makeLenses ''State

-- | The HTTP connection pool settings for the login worker thread.
poolCfg :: ConnectionPoolConfig
poolCfg = ConnectionPoolConfig { cpIdleConnTimeout = 60
                               , cpStripesCount = 1
                               , cpMaxConnCount = 5

-- | Run an IO action and convert various kinds of thrown exceptions
-- into a returned AuthenticationException.
convertLoginExceptions :: IO a -> IO (Either AuthenticationException a)
convertLoginExceptions act =
    (Right <$> act)
        `catch` (\e -> return $ Left $ ResolveError e)
        `catch` (\e -> return $ Left $ ConnectError e)
        `catchIOError` (\e -> return $ Left $ AuthIOError e)
        `catch` (\e -> return $ Left $ OtherAuthError e)

-- | The login worker thread.
loginWorker :: (ConnectionData -> ConnectionData)
            -- ^ The function used to set the logger on the
            -- ConnectionData that results from a successful login
            -- attempt.
            -> LogManager
            -- ^ The log manager used to do logging.
            -> BChan LoginRequest
            -- ^ The channel on which we'll await requests.
            -> BChan LoginEvent
            -- ^ The channel to which we'll send login attempt results.
            -> IO ()
loginWorker setLogger logMgr requestChan respChan = forever $ do
    req <- readBChan requestChan
    case req of
        DoLogin initial connInfo -> do
            writeBChan respChan $ StartConnect initial $ connInfo^.ciHostname
            let doLog = ioLogWithManager logMgr Nothing LogGeneral

            doLog $ "Attempting authentication to " <> connInfo^.ciHostname

            cdResult <- findConnectionData connInfo
            case cdResult of
              Left e ->
                do writeBChan respChan $ LoginResult $ AttemptFailed $ OtherAuthError e
              Right (cd_, mbTeam) -> do
                  let cd = setLogger cd_
                      token = connInfo^.ciAccessToken
                  case T.null token of
                      False -> do
                          let sess = Session cd $ Token $ T.unpack token

                          userResult <- try $ mmGetUser UserMe sess
                          writeBChan respChan $ case userResult of
                              Left (e::SomeException) ->
                                  LoginResult $ AttemptFailed $ OtherAuthError e
                              Right user ->
                                  LoginResult $ AttemptSucceeded connInfo cd sess user mbTeam
                      True -> do
                          let login = Login { username = connInfo^.ciUsername
                                            , password = connInfo^.ciPassword

                          result <- convertLoginExceptions $ mmLogin cd login
                          case result of
                              Left e -> do
                                  doLog $ "Error authenticating to " <> connInfo^.ciHostname <> ": " <> (T.pack $ show e)
                                  writeBChan respChan $ LoginResult $ AttemptFailed e
                              Right (Left e) -> do
                                  doLog $ "Error authenticating to " <> connInfo^.ciHostname <> ": " <> (T.pack $ show e)
                                  writeBChan respChan $ LoginResult $ AttemptFailed $ LoginError e
                              Right (Right (sess, user)) -> do
                                  doLog $ "Authenticated successfully to " <> connInfo^.ciHostname <> " as " <> connInfo^.ciUsername
                                  writeBChan respChan $ LoginResult $ AttemptSucceeded connInfo cd sess user mbTeam

-- | Searches prefixes of the given URL to determine Mattermost API URL
-- path and team name
findConnectionData :: ConnectionInfo -> IO (Either SomeException (ConnectionData, Maybe Text))
findConnectionData connInfo = startSearch
    components = filter (not . T.null) (T.split ('/'==) (connInfo^.ciUrlPath))

    -- the candidates list is never empty because inits never returns an
    -- empty list
    primary:alternatives =
        [ (T.intercalate "/" l, listToMaybe r)
        | (l,r) <- zip (inits components) (tails components)

    tryCandidate :: (Text, Maybe Text)
                 -> IO (Either SomeException (ConnectionData, Maybe Text))
    tryCandidate (path, team) =
       do cd  <- initConnectionData (connInfo^.ciHostname)
                                    (fromIntegral (connInfo^.ciPort))
                                    path (connInfo^.ciType) poolCfg
          res <- try (mmGetLimitedClientConfiguration cd)
          pure $! case res of
                    Left e  -> Left e
                    Right{} -> Right (cd, team)

    -- This code prefers to report the error from the URL corresponding
    -- to what the user actually provided. Errors from derived URLs are
    -- lost in favor of this first error.
    startSearch =
      do res1 <- tryCandidate primary
         case res1 of
           Left e -> search e alternatives
           Right cd -> pure (Right cd)

    search e [] = pure (Left e)
    search e (x:xs) =
      do res <- tryCandidate x
         case res of
           Left {}  -> search e xs
           Right cd -> pure (Right cd)

-- | The amount of time that the startup timer thread will wait before
-- firing.
startupTimerMilliseconds :: Int
startupTimerMilliseconds = 750

-- | The startup timer thread.
startupTimer :: BChan LoginEvent -> IO ()
startupTimer respChan = do
    threadDelay $ startupTimerMilliseconds * 1000
    writeBChan respChan StartupTimeout

-- | The main function of this module: interactively present a login
-- interface, get the user's input, and attempt to log into the user's
-- specified mattermost server.
-- This always returns the final terminal state handle. If the user
-- makes no login attempt, this returns Nothing. Otherwise it returns
-- Just the result of the latest attempt.
interactiveGetLoginSession :: Vty
                           -- ^ The initial terminal state handle to use.
                           -> IO Vty
                           -- ^ An action to build a new state handle
                           -- if one is needed. (In practice this
                           -- never fires since the login app doesn't
                           -- use suspendAndResume, but we need it to
                           -- satisfy the Brick API.)
                           -> (ConnectionData -> ConnectionData)
                           -- ^ The function to set the logger on
                           -- connection handles.
                           -> LogManager
                           -- ^ The log manager used to do logging.
                           -> ConnectionInfo
                           -- ^ Initial connection info to use to
                           -- populate the login form. If the connection
                           -- info provided here is fully populated, an
                           -- initial connection attempt is made without
                           -- first getting the user to hit Enter.
                           -> IO (Maybe LoginAttempt, Vty)
interactiveGetLoginSession vty mkVty setLogger logMgr initialConfig = do
    requestChan <- newBChan 10
    respChan <- newBChan 10

    void $ forkIO $ loginWorker setLogger logMgr requestChan respChan
    void $ forkIO $ startupTimer respChan

    let initialState = mkState initialConfig requestChan

    startState <- case (populatedConnectionInfo initialConfig) of
        True -> do
            writeBChan requestChan $ DoLogin True initialConfig
            return $ initialState & currentState .~ Connecting True (initialConfig^.ciHostname)
        False -> do
            return initialState

    (finalSt, finalVty) <- customMainWithVty vty mkVty (Just respChan) app startState

    return (finalSt^.lastAttempt, finalVty)

-- | Is the specified ConnectionInfo sufficiently populated for us to
-- bother attempting to use it to connect?
populatedConnectionInfo :: ConnectionInfo -> Bool
populatedConnectionInfo ci =
    and [ not $ T.null $ ci^.ciHostname
        , or [ and [ not $ T.null $ ci^.ciUsername
                   , not $ T.null $ ci^.ciPassword
             , not $ T.null $ ci^.ciAccessToken
        , ci^.ciPort > 0

-- | Make an initial login application state.
mkState :: ConnectionInfo -> BChan LoginRequest -> State
mkState cInfo chan = state
        state = State { _loginForm = form { formFocus = focusSetCurrent initialFocus (formFocus form)
                      , _currentState = Idle
                      , _lastAttempt = Nothing
                      , _reqChan = chan
                      , _timeoutFired = False
        form = mkForm cInfo
        initialFocus = if | T.null (cInfo^.ciHostname) -> Server
                          | T.null (cInfo^.ciUsername) -> Username
                          | T.null (cInfo^.ciPassword) -> Password
                          | otherwise                  -> Server

app :: App State LoginEvent Name
app = App
  { appDraw         = credsDraw
  , appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor
  , appHandleEvent  = onEvent
  , appStartEvent   = return
  , appAttrMap      = const colorTheme

onEvent :: State -> BrickEvent Name LoginEvent -> EventM Name (Next State)
onEvent st (VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc [])) = do
    halt $ st & lastAttempt .~ Nothing
onEvent st (AppEvent (StartConnect initial host)) = do
    continue $ st & currentState .~ Connecting initial host
                  & lastAttempt .~ Nothing
onEvent st (AppEvent StartupTimeout) = do
    -- If the startup timer fired and we have already succeeded, halt.
    case st^.lastAttempt of
        Just (AttemptSucceeded {}) -> halt st
        _ -> continue $ st & timeoutFired .~ True
onEvent st (AppEvent (LoginResult attempt)) = do
    let st' = st & lastAttempt .~ Just attempt
                 & currentState .~ Idle

    case attempt of
        AttemptSucceeded {} -> do
            -- If the startup timer already fired, halt. Otherwise wait
            -- until that timer fires.
            case st^.timeoutFired of
                True -> halt st'
                False -> continue st'
        AttemptFailed {} -> continue st'

onEvent st (VtyEvent (EvKey KEnter [])) = do
    -- Ignore the keypress if we are already attempting a connection, or
    -- if have already successfully connected but are waiting on the
    -- startup timer.
    case st^.currentState of
        Connecting {} -> return ()
        Idle ->
            case st^.lastAttempt of
                Just (AttemptSucceeded {}) -> return ()
                _ -> do
                    let ci = formState $ st^.loginForm
                    when (populatedConnectionInfo ci) $ do
                        liftIO $ writeBChan (st^.reqChan) $ DoLogin False ci

    continue st
onEvent st e = do
    f' <- handleFormEvent e (st^.loginForm)
    continue $ st & loginForm .~ f'

mkForm :: ConnectionInfo -> Form ConnectionInfo e Name
mkForm =
    let label s w = padBottom (Pad 1) $
                    (vLimit 1 $ hLimit 22 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
        above s w = hCenter (str s) <=> w
    in newForm [ label "Server URL:"     @@= editServer
               , (above "Provide a username and password:" .
                  label "Username:")     @@= editTextField ciUsername Username (Just 1)
               , label "Password:"       @@= editPasswordField ciPassword Password
               , (above "Or provide a Session or Personal Access Token:" .
                  label "Access Token:") @@= editPasswordField ciAccessToken AccessToken

serverLens :: Lens' ConnectionInfo (Text, Int, Text, ConnectionType)
serverLens f ci = fmap (\(x,y,z,w) -> ci { _ciHostname = x, _ciPort = y, _ciUrlPath = z, _ciType = w})
                       (f (ci^.ciHostname, ci^.ciPort, ci^.ciUrlPath, ci^.ciType))

-- | Validate a server URI @hostname[:port][/path]@. Result is either an error message
-- indicating why validation failed or a tuple of (hostname, port, path)
validServer :: [Text] -> Either String (Text, Int, Text, ConnectionType)
validServer ts =

  do t <- case ts of
            []  -> Left "No input"
            [t] -> Right t
            _   -> Left "Too many lines"

     let inputWithScheme
           | "://" `T.isInfixOf` t = t
           | otherwise = "https://" <> t

     uri <- case parseURI (T.unpack inputWithScheme) of
              Nothing  -> Left "Unable to parse URI"
              Just uri -> Right uri

     auth <- case uriAuthority uri of
               Nothing   -> Left "Missing authority part"
               Just auth -> Right auth

     ty <- case uriScheme uri of
             "http:"           -> Right ConnectHTTP
             "https:"          -> Right (ConnectHTTPS True)
             "https-insecure:" -> Right (ConnectHTTPS False)
             _                 -> Left "Unknown scheme"

     port <- case (ty, uriPort auth) of
               (ConnectHTTP   , "") -> Right 80
               (ConnectHTTPS{}, "") -> Right 443
               (_, ':':portStr)
                 | Just port <- readMaybe portStr -> Right port
               _ -> Left "Invalid port"

     let host
           | not (null (uriRegName auth))
           , '[' == head (uriRegName auth)
           , ']' == last (uriRegName auth)
           = init (tail (uriRegName auth))
           | otherwise = uriRegName auth

     if null (uriRegName auth) then Left "Missing server name" else Right ()
     if null (uriQuery uri) then Right () else Left "Unexpected URI query"
     if null (uriFragment uri) then Right () else Left "Unexpected URI fragment"
     if null (uriUserInfo auth) then Right () else Left "Unexpected credentials"

     Right (T.pack host, port, T.pack (uriPath uri), ty)

renderServer :: (Text, Int, Text, ConnectionType) -> Text
renderServer (h,p,u,t) = scheme <> hStr <> portStr <> uStr
      | T.all (\x -> isHexDigit x || ':'==x) h
      , T.any (':'==) h = "[" <> h <> "]"
      | otherwise = h

    scheme =
      case t of
        ConnectHTTP        -> "http://"
        ConnectHTTPS True  -> ""
        ConnectHTTPS False -> "https-insecure://"

      | T.null u = u
      | otherwise = T.cons '/' (T.dropWhile ('/'==) u)

    portStr =
      case t of
        ConnectHTTP    | p ==  80 -> T.empty
        ConnectHTTPS{} | p == 443 -> T.empty
        _                         -> T.pack (':':show p)

editServer :: ConnectionInfo -> FormFieldState ConnectionInfo e Name
editServer =
    let val ts = case validServer ts of
                   Left{} -> Nothing
                   Right x-> Just x
        limit = Just 1
        renderTxt [""] = str "(Paste your Mattermost URL here)"
        renderTxt ts = txt (T.unlines ts)
    in editField serverLens Server limit renderServer val renderTxt id

errorAttr :: AttrName
errorAttr = "errorMessage"

colorTheme :: AttrMap
colorTheme = attrMap defAttr
  [ (editAttr, black `on` white)
  , (editFocusedAttr, black `on` yellow)
  , (errorAttr, fg red)
  , (focusedFormInputAttr, black `on` yellow)
  , (invalidFormInputAttr, white `on` red)
  , (clientEmphAttr, fg white `withStyle` bold)

credsDraw :: State -> [Widget Name]
credsDraw st =
    [ center $ vBox [ if shouldShowForm st then credentialsForm st else emptyWidget
                    , currentStateDisplay st
                    , lastAttemptDisplay (st^.lastAttempt)

-- | Whether the login form should be displayed.
shouldShowForm :: State -> Bool
shouldShowForm st =
    case st^.currentState of
        -- If we're connecting, only show the form if the connection
        -- attempt is not an initial one.
        Connecting initial _ -> not initial

        -- If we're idle, we want to show the form - unless we have
        -- already connected and are waiting for the startup timer to
        -- fire.
        Idle -> case st^.lastAttempt of
            Just (AttemptSucceeded {}) -> st^.timeoutFired
            _ -> True

-- | The "current state" of the login process. Show a connecting status
-- message if a connection is underway, or if one is already established
-- and the startup timer has not fired.
currentStateDisplay :: State -> Widget Name
currentStateDisplay st =
    let msg host = padTop (Pad 1) $ hCenter $
                   txt "Connecting to " <+> withDefAttr clientEmphAttr (txt host) <+> txt "..."
    in case st^.currentState of
          Idle -> case st^.lastAttempt of
              Just (AttemptSucceeded ci _ _ _ _) -> msg (ci^.ciHostname)
              _ -> emptyWidget
          (Connecting _ host) -> msg host

lastAttemptDisplay :: Maybe LoginAttempt -> Widget Name
lastAttemptDisplay Nothing = emptyWidget
lastAttemptDisplay (Just (AttemptSucceeded {})) = emptyWidget
lastAttemptDisplay (Just (AttemptFailed e)) =
    hCenter $ hLimit uiWidth $
    padTop (Pad 1) $ renderError $ renderText $
    "Error: " <> renderAuthError e

renderAuthError :: AuthenticationException -> Text
renderAuthError (ConnectError _) =
    "Could not connect to server"
renderAuthError (ResolveError _) =
    "Could not resolve server hostname"
renderAuthError (AuthIOError err)
  | Err.isDoesNotExistErrorType (Err.ioeGetErrorType err) =
    "Unable to connect to the network"
  | otherwise = "GetAddrInfo: " <> T.pack (Err.ioeGetErrorString err)
renderAuthError (OtherAuthError e) =
    T.pack $ show e
renderAuthError (LoginError (LoginFailureException msg)) =
    T.pack msg

renderError :: Widget a -> Widget a
renderError = withDefAttr errorAttr

uiWidth :: Int
uiWidth = 60

credentialsForm :: State -> Widget Name
credentialsForm st =
    hCenter $ hLimit uiWidth $ vLimit 15 $
    border $
    vBox [ renderText "Please enter your Mattermost credentials to log in."
         , padTop (Pad 1) $ renderForm (st^.loginForm)
         , hCenter $ renderText "Press Enter to log in or Esc to exit."