{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}

-- | Base Functors for standard types not already expressed as a fixed point.
module Data.Functor.Base
  ( NonEmptyF(..)
  ) where

import           Data.Data            (Typeable)
import           GHC.Generics         (Generic, Generic1)

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.Monoid

import           Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1 (..), Eq2 (..), Ord1 (..), Ord2 (..),
                                       Read1 (..), Read2 (..), Show1 (..),
                                       Show2 (..))

import qualified Data.Foldable        as F
import qualified Data.Traversable     as T

import qualified Data.Bifoldable      as Bi
import qualified Data.Bifunctor       as Bi
import qualified Data.Bitraversable   as Bi

import           Prelude              hiding (head, tail)

-- | Base Functor for 'Data.List.NonEmpty'
data NonEmptyF a b = NonEmptyF { head :: a, tail :: Maybe b }
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable
          , Generic
          , Generic1

instance Eq2 NonEmptyF where
  liftEq2 f g (NonEmptyF a mb) (NonEmptyF a' mb') = f a a' && liftEq g mb mb'

instance Eq a => Eq1 (NonEmptyF a) where
  liftEq = liftEq2 (==)

instance Ord2 NonEmptyF where
  liftCompare2 f g (NonEmptyF a mb) (NonEmptyF a' mb') = f a a' `mappend` liftCompare g mb mb'

instance Ord a => Ord1 (NonEmptyF a) where
  liftCompare = liftCompare2 compare

instance Show a => Show1 (NonEmptyF a) where
  liftShowsPrec = liftShowsPrec2 showsPrec showList

instance Show2 NonEmptyF where
  liftShowsPrec2 sa _ sb slb d (NonEmptyF a b) = showParen (d > 10)
    $ showString "NonEmptyF "
    . sa 11 a
    . showString " "
    . liftShowsPrec sb slb 11 b

instance Read2 NonEmptyF where
  liftReadsPrec2 ra _ rb rlb d = readParen (d > 10) $ \s -> cons s
      cons s0 = do
        ("NonEmptyF", s1) <- lex s0
        (a,      s2) <- ra 11 s1
        (mb,     s3) <- liftReadsPrec rb rlb 11 s2
        return (NonEmptyF a mb, s3)

instance Read a => Read1 (NonEmptyF a) where
  liftReadsPrec = liftReadsPrec2 readsPrec readList

-- These instances cannot be auto-derived on with GHC <= 7.6
instance Functor (NonEmptyF a) where
  fmap f = NonEmptyF <$> head <*> (fmap f . tail)

instance F.Foldable (NonEmptyF a) where
  foldMap f = F.foldMap f . tail

instance T.Traversable (NonEmptyF a) where
  traverse f = fmap <$> (NonEmptyF . head) <*> (T.traverse f . tail)

instance Bi.Bifunctor NonEmptyF where
  bimap f g = NonEmptyF <$> (f . head) <*> (fmap g . tail)

instance Bi.Bifoldable NonEmptyF where
  bifoldMap f g = merge <$> (f . head) <*> (fmap g . tail)
    where merge x = maybe x (mappend x)

instance Bi.Bitraversable NonEmptyF where
  bitraverse f g = liftA2 NonEmptyF <$> (f . head) <*> (T.traverse g . tail)