{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Mismi.Control (
  , A.Error
  , A.AccessKey
  , A.SecretKey
  , A.SessionToken
  , A.Region (..)
  , runAWS
  , runAWST
  , runAWSTWith
  , runAWSTWithRegion
  , rawRunAWS
  , runAWSWithRegion
  , newEnvFromCreds
  , awsBracket
  , awsBracket_
  , unsafeRunAWS
  , renderError
  , onStatus
  , onStatus_
  , handle404
  , handle403
  , handle301
  , setServiceRetry
  , setRetry
  , configureRetries
  , handleServiceError
  , withRetries
  , withRetriesOf
  , throwOrRetry
  , throwOrRetryOf
  -- * Timeout
  , timeoutAWS
  ) where

import           Control.Exception (IOException)
import           Control.Lens (over, (.~), (^.), (^?))
import           Control.Monad.Catch (Handler (..), MonadCatch, MonadMask, SomeException, bracket, catch, fromException, throwM, try)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Reader (ask, local)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (..), mapExceptT, runExceptT)
import           Control.Retry (RetryPolicyM, RetryStatus)
import           Control.Retry (applyPolicy, fullJitterBackoff, recovering, rsIterNumber)

import           Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import           Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)

import           Mismi.Environment (discoverAWSEnvWithRegion)

import           Network.AWS hiding (runAWS)
import qualified Network.AWS as A
import           Network.AWS.Data
import           Network.AWS.Error

import           Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException (..))
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
import           Network.HTTP.Client (HttpExceptionContent (..), responseStatus, responseTimeoutMicro)
import           Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (mResponseTimeout)
import           Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status (..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP

import           P

import qualified System.Timeout as System

runAWST :: Env -> (Error -> e) -> ExceptT e AWS a -> ExceptT e IO a
runAWST e err action =
  runAWSTWith (runAWS e) err action

runAWSTWithRegion :: Region -> (Error -> e) -> ExceptT e AWS a -> ExceptT e IO a
runAWSTWithRegion r err action =
  runAWSTWith (runAWSWithRegion r) err action

runAWSTWith :: (forall b. AWS b -> ExceptT Error IO b) -> (Error -> e) -> ExceptT e AWS a -> ExceptT e IO a
runAWSTWith run err action =
  joinErrors id err $ mapExceptT run action

joinErrors :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (x -> z) -> (y -> z) -> ExceptT x (ExceptT y m) a -> ExceptT z m a
joinErrors f g =
    first' h =
      either (Left . h) Right

    second' =
    mapExceptT (fmap (join . second' (first' f) . first' g)) . runExceptT

runAWS :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Env -> AWS a -> ExceptT Error m a
runAWS e'' =
    e' = over envManager (\m -> m { mResponseTimeout =
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
        responseTimeoutMicro 60000000
        Just 60000000
      }) e''
    e = configureRetries 5 e'
    ExceptT . try . liftIO . rawRunAWS e

runAWSWithRegion :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Region -> AWS a -> ExceptT Error m a
runAWSWithRegion r a = do
  e <- liftIO $ discoverAWSEnvWithRegion r
  runAWS e a

newEnvFromCreds :: (Applicative m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Region -> AccessKey -> SecretKey -> Maybe SessionToken -> m Env
newEnvFromCreds r ak sk st = do
#if MIN_VERSION_amazonka(1,4,4)
  e <- newEnv $ case st of
    Nothing ->
      FromKeys ak sk
    Just st' ->
      FromSession ak sk st'
  pure $ e & envRegion .~ r
  newEnv r $ case st of
    Nothing ->
      FromKeys ak sk
    Just st' ->
      FromSession ak sk st'

rawRunAWS :: Env -> AWS a -> IO a
rawRunAWS e =
  runResourceT . A.runAWS e

awsBracket :: AWS a -> (a -> AWS c) -> (a -> AWS b) -> AWS b
awsBracket r f a = do
  e <- ask
  liftIO $ bracket (unsafeRunAWS e r) (unsafeRunAWS e . f) (unsafeRunAWS e . a)

awsBracket_ :: AWS a -> AWS c -> AWS b -> AWS b
awsBracket_ r f a =
  awsBracket r (const f) (const a)

unsafeRunAWS :: Env -> AWS a -> IO a
unsafeRunAWS e a =
  either throwM pure =<< runExceptT (runAWS e a)

renderError :: Error -> Text
renderError =
  decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . toLazyByteString . build

setServiceRetry :: Retry -> AWS a -> AWS a
setServiceRetry r =
  local (override (serviceRetry .~ r))

setRetry :: Int -> AWS a -> AWS a
setRetry =
  local . configureRetries

withRetries :: (MonadCatch m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => Int -> m a -> m a
withRetries =
  withRetriesOf (fullJitterBackoff 500000)

withRetriesOf :: (MonadCatch m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => RetryPolicyM m -> Int -> m a -> m a
withRetriesOf policy n action = do
  recovering policy [httpCondition n, ioCondition n] $ \_ ->

httpCondition :: Applicative m => Int -> RetryStatus -> Handler m Bool
httpCondition n s =
  Handler $ \(e :: HttpException) ->
    pure $
      if rsIterNumber s > n
        then False
        else checkException e False

ioCondition :: Applicative m => Int -> RetryStatus -> Handler m Bool
ioCondition n s =
  Handler $ \(_ :: IOException) ->
    pure $ rsIterNumber s < n

throwOrRetry ::
     (MonadCatch m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
   => Int
   -> SomeException
   -> RetryStatus
   -> m RetryStatus
throwOrRetry =
  throwOrRetryOf (fullJitterBackoff 500000)

throwOrRetryOf ::
     (MonadCatch m, MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
   => RetryPolicyM m
   -> Int
   -> SomeException
   -> RetryStatus
   -> m RetryStatus
throwOrRetryOf policy n ex0 s0 =
    recover = \case
      [] ->
        throwM ex0

      h0 : hs ->
        case h0 s0 of
          Handler h ->
            case fromException ex0 of
              Nothing ->
                recover hs

              Just ex -> do
                ok <- h ex
                if ok then do
                  ms <- applyPolicy policy s0
                  case ms of
                    Nothing ->
                      throwM ex

                    Just s ->
                      pure s

                  throwM ex
    recover [httpCondition n, ioCondition n]

configureRetries :: Int -> Env -> Env
configureRetries i e = e & envRetryCheck .~ err
    err c _ | c >= i = False
    err c v =
      checkException v $ (e ^. envRetryCheck) c v

checkException :: HttpException -> Bool -> Bool
checkException v f =
  case v of
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
    InvalidUrlException _ _ ->
    HttpExceptionRequest _req content ->
      case content of
        NoResponseDataReceived ->
        StatusCodeException resp _ ->
          let status = responseStatus resp in
          status == HTTP.status500 || status == HTTP.status503
        ResponseTimeout ->
        ConnectionTimeout ->
        ConnectionFailure _ ->
        ResponseBodyTooShort _ _ ->
        InternalException _ ->
        InvalidStatusLine _ ->
        InvalidHeader _ ->
        ProxyConnectException _ _ _ ->
        WrongRequestBodyStreamSize _ _ ->
        InvalidChunkHeaders ->
        IncompleteHeaders ->
        HttpZlibException _ ->

        TooManyRedirects _ ->
        OverlongHeaders ->
        TlsNotSupported ->
        InvalidDestinationHost _ ->
        InvalidProxyEnvironmentVariable _ _ ->

        _ ->
    NoResponseDataReceived ->
    StatusCodeException status _ _ ->
      status == HTTP.status500 || status == HTTP.status503
    FailedConnectionException _ _ ->
    FailedConnectionException2 _ _ _ _ ->
    TlsException _ ->
    InternalIOException _ ->
    HandshakeFailed ->
    ResponseTimeout ->
    ResponseBodyTooShort _ _ ->
    _ ->

handle404 :: AWS a -> AWS (Maybe a)
handle404 =
  handleStatus HTTP.status404

handle403 :: AWS a -> AWS (Maybe a)
handle403 =
  handleStatus HTTP.status403

handle301 :: AWS a -> AWS (Maybe a)
handle301 =
  handleStatus HTTP.status301

handleStatus :: Status -> AWS a -> AWS (Maybe a)
handleStatus s m =
  fmap Just m `catch` \(e :: Error) ->
    if e ^? httpStatus == Just s then return Nothing else throwM e

-- | Return a result code depending on the HTTP status
onStatus :: (Status -> Maybe r) -> AWS a -> AWS (Either r a)
onStatus f m =
  fmap Right m `catch` \(e :: Error) ->
    case e ^? httpStatus >>= f of
      Just r1 ->
        return (Left r1)
      Nothing ->
        throwM e

-- | Return a result code depending on the HTTP status
--   for an AWS action returning no value
onStatus_ :: r -> (Status -> Maybe r) -> AWS () -> AWS r
onStatus_ r f m =
  fmap (const r) m `catch` \(e :: Error) ->
    case e ^? httpStatus >>= f of
      Just r1 ->
        return r1
      Nothing ->
        throwM e

handleServiceError :: (ServiceError -> Bool) -> (ServiceError -> a) -> AWS a -> AWS a
handleServiceError f pass action =
  action `catch` \(e :: Error) ->
    case e of
      ServiceError se ->
        if f se
          then pure $ pass se
          else throwM e
      SerializeError _ ->
        throwM e
      TransportError _ ->
        throwM e

timeoutAWS :: Int -> AWS a -> AWS (Maybe a)
timeoutAWS i r = do
  e <- ask
  liftIO $ System.timeout i (unsafeRunAWS e r)