    Module      :  Numeric.MixedType.Bool
    Description :  Bottom-up typed Boolean operations
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mikkonecny@gmail.com
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable


module Numeric.MixedTypes.Bool
  IsBool, specIsBool
  -- * Conversion to/from Bool
  , HasBools, CanTestCertainly(..), specCanTestCertainly, CanTestCertainlyX
  , isNotTrue, isNotFalse
  , stronglyImplies, stronglyEquivalentTo
  , weaklyImplies, weaklyEquivalentTo
  -- * Negation
  , CanNeg(..), not, CanNegSameType
  -- ** Tests
  , specCanNegBool
  -- * And and or
  , CanAndOr, CanAndOrAsymmetric(..), (&&), (||), CanAndOrWith, CanAndOrSameType, and, or
  -- ** Tests
  , specCanAndOr, specCanAndOrNotMixed

import Numeric.MixedTypes.PreludeHiding
import qualified Prelude as P
import Text.Printf

import qualified Data.List as List

-- import Numeric.CollectErrors
import Control.CollectErrors

import Numeric.MixedTypes.Literals

import Test.Hspec
-- import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import qualified Test.Hspec.SmallCheck as HSC
import qualified Test.SmallCheck as SC
import qualified Test.SmallCheck.Series as SCS
-- import Control.Exception (evaluate)

type HasBools t = (ConvertibleExactly Bool t)

  Tests for truth or falsity.  Beware, when @isCertainlyTrue@ returns @False@,
  it does not mean that the proposition is false.  It usually means that
  we failed to prove the proposition.
class (HasBools t) => CanTestCertainly t
    isCertainlyTrue :: t -> Bool
    isCertainlyFalse :: t -> Bool

isNotFalse :: (CanTestCertainly t) => t -> Bool
isNotFalse = P.not . isCertainlyFalse

isNotTrue :: (CanTestCertainly t) => t -> Bool
isNotTrue = P.not . isCertainlyTrue

  If l is certainly True, then r is also certainly True.
stronglyImplies :: (CanTestCertainly t1, CanTestCertainly t2) => t1 -> t2 -> Bool
stronglyImplies l r =
  (P.not (isCertainlyTrue l) P.|| isCertainlyTrue r)

  If l is certainly True, then r is not certainly False.
weaklyImplies :: (CanTestCertainly t1, CanTestCertainly t2) => t1 -> t2 -> Bool
weaklyImplies l r =
  (P.not $ isCertainlyTrue l) P.|| (P.not $ isCertainlyFalse r)

stronglyEquivalentTo :: (CanTestCertainly t1, CanTestCertainly t2) => t1 -> t2 -> Bool
stronglyEquivalentTo l r =
  stronglyImplies l r P.&& stronglyImplies r l

weaklyEquivalentTo :: (CanTestCertainly t1, CanTestCertainly t2) => t1 -> t2 -> Bool
weaklyEquivalentTo l r =
  weaklyImplies l r P.&& weaklyImplies r l

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanTestCertainly should satisfy.
specCanTestCertainly :: (CanTestCertainly t) => T t -> Spec
specCanTestCertainly (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanTestCertainly %s" typeName) $ do
    it "detects True using isCertainlyTrue" $ do
      isCertainlyTrue (convertExactly True :: t) `shouldBe`  True
    it "does not detect False using isCertainlyTrue" $ do
      isCertainlyTrue (convertExactly False :: t) `shouldBe`  False
    it "detects False using isCertainlyFalse" $ do
      isCertainlyFalse (convertExactly False :: t) `shouldBe`  True
    it "does not detect True using isCertainlyFalse" $ do
      isCertainlyFalse (convertExactly True :: t) `shouldBe`  False

instance ConvertibleExactly Bool Bool where
  safeConvertExactly b = Right b

instance CanTestCertainly Bool where
  isCertainlyTrue = id
  isCertainlyFalse = not

instance (ConvertibleExactly Bool t) => ConvertibleExactly Bool (Maybe t) where
  safeConvertExactly b =
    case (safeConvertExactly b) of
      Left _ -> Right Nothing
      Right r -> Right (Just r)

instance (CanTestCertainly t) => CanTestCertainly (Maybe t) where
  isCertainlyTrue (Just b) = isCertainlyTrue b
  isCertainlyTrue _ = False
  isCertainlyFalse (Just b) = isCertainlyFalse b
  isCertainlyFalse _ = False

instance (CanTestCertainly t, SuitableForCE es) => CanTestCertainly (CollectErrors es t) where
  isCertainlyTrue vCE =
    getValueIfNoErrorCE vCE isCertainlyTrue (const False)
  isCertainlyFalse vCE =
    getValueIfNoErrorCE vCE isCertainlyFalse (const False)

{---- Negation ----}

  This is negation is both the numeric negation as well as the Boolean negation.
  Example of non-standard Boolean negation:

  negate (Just True) = Just False
class CanNeg t where
  type NegType t
  type NegType t = t
  negate :: t -> NegType t

{-| A synonym of 'negate'. -}
not :: (CanNeg t) => t -> NegType t
not = negate

type CanNegSameType t =
  (CanNeg t, NegType t ~ t)

{-| Compound type constraint useful for test definition. -}
type CanTestCertainlyX t = (CanTestCertainly t, Show t, SCS.Serial IO t)

  HSpec properties that each Boolean implementation of CanNeg should satisfy.
specCanNegBool ::
  (Show t, Show (NegType (NegType t)), SCS.Serial IO t,
   CanTestCertainly t, CanTestCertainly (NegType t),
   CanTestCertainly (NegType (NegType t)), CanNeg t,
   CanNeg (NegType t))
  T t -> Spec
specCanNegBool (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanNeg %s" typeName) $ do
    it "ignores double negation" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t) -> (not (not x)) `scEquals` x
    it "negates True to False" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        (isCertainlyTrue x) SC.==> (isCertainlyFalse (not x))
    it "negates False to True" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t) ->
        (isCertainlyFalse x) SC.==> (isCertainlyTrue (not x))

instance CanNeg Bool where negate = P.not

instance CanNeg t => CanNeg (Maybe t) where
  type NegType (Maybe t) = Maybe (NegType t)
  negate = fmap negate

_testNeg1 :: Maybe Bool
_testNeg1 = not (Just True)

  (CanNeg t, SuitableForCE es, CanEnsureCE es t, CanEnsureCE es (NegType t))
  CanNeg (CollectErrors es t) where
  type NegType (CollectErrors es t) = EnsureCE es (NegType t)
  negate = lift1CE negate

{---- And/Or ----}

type CanAndOr t1 t2 =
  (CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t2, CanAndOrAsymmetric t2 t1,
   AndOrType t1 t2 ~ AndOrType t2 t1)

  Binary logical `and' and `or' for generalised Booleans.  For example:

  (Just True) && False = Just False
  (Just (Just True)) || False = (Just (Just True))
class CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t2 where
  type AndOrType t1 t2
  and2 :: t1 -> t2 -> AndOrType t1 t2
  or2 :: t1 -> t2 -> AndOrType t1 t2

type CanAndOrWith t1 t2 = (CanAndOr t1 t2, AndOrType t1 t2 ~ t1)
type CanAndOrSameType t = (CanAndOrWith t t)

infixr 3  &&
infixr 2  ||

{-| A synonym of 'and2'. -}
(&&) :: (CanAndOrAsymmetric a b) => a -> b -> AndOrType a b
(&&) = and2
{-| A synonym of 'or2'. -}
(||) :: (CanAndOrAsymmetric a b) => a -> b -> AndOrType a b
(||) = or2

and :: (CanAndOrSameType t, CanTestCertainly t) => [t] -> t
and = List.foldl' (&&) (convertExactly True)

or :: (CanAndOrSameType t, CanTestCertainly t) => [t] -> t
or = List.foldl' (||) (convertExactly False)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanAndOr should satisfy.
specCanAndOr ::
  (Show t1, Show t2, Show t3, Show (AndOrType t1 t1),
   Show (AndOrType t1 t2), Show (AndOrType t2 t1),
   Show (AndOrType t1 (AndOrType t2 t3)),
   Show (AndOrType (AndOrType t1 t2) t3),
   Show (AndOrType (AndOrType t1 t2) (AndOrType t1 t3)),
   Show (NegType (AndOrType t1 t2)),
   Show (AndOrType (NegType t1) (NegType t2)), SCS.Serial IO t1,
   SCS.Serial IO t2, SCS.Serial IO t3, CanTestCertainly t1,
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t1 t1),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t1 t2),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t2 t1),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t1 (AndOrType t2 t3)),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType (AndOrType t1 t2) t3),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType (AndOrType t1 t2) (AndOrType t1 t3)),
   CanTestCertainly (NegType (AndOrType t1 t2)),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType (NegType t1) (NegType t2)), CanNeg t1,
   CanNeg t2, CanNeg (AndOrType t1 t2), CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t1,
   CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t2, CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t3,
   CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 (AndOrType t2 t3), CanAndOrAsymmetric t2 t1,
   CanAndOrAsymmetric t2 t3, CanAndOrAsymmetric (AndOrType t1 t2) t3,
   CanAndOrAsymmetric (AndOrType t1 t2) (AndOrType t1 t3),
   CanAndOrAsymmetric (NegType t1) (NegType t2))
  T t1 -> T t2 -> T t3 -> Spec
specCanAndOr (T typeName1 ::T t1) (T typeName2 :: T t2) (T typeName3 :: T t3) =
  describe (printf "CanAndOr %s %s, CanAndOr %s %s" typeName1 typeName2 typeName2 typeName3) $ do
    it "has idempotent ||" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) -> (x || x) `scEquals` x
    it "has idempotent &&" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) -> (x && x) `scEquals` x
    it "has commutative ||" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) -> (x || y) `scEquals` (y || x)
    it "has commutative &&" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) -> (x && y) `scEquals` (y && x)
    it "has associative ||" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) (z :: t3) ->
                      (x || (y || z)) `scEquals` ((x || y) || z)
    it "has associative &&" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) (z :: t3) ->
                      (x && (y && z)) `scEquals` ((x && y) && z)
    it "distributes || over &&" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) (z :: t3) ->
                      (x || (y && z)) `scEquals` ((x || y) && (x || z))
    it "distributes && over ||" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) (z :: t3) ->
                      (x && (y || z)) `scEquals` ((x && y) || (x && z))
    it "distributes not over ||" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) -> (not (x || y)) `scEquals` ((not x) && (not y))
    it "distributes not over &&" $ do
      HSC.property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) -> (not (x && y)) `scEquals` ((not x) || (not y))

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanAndOr should satisfy.
specCanAndOrNotMixed ::
  (Show t, Show (AndOrType t t),
   Show (AndOrType t (AndOrType t t)),
   Show (AndOrType (AndOrType t t) t),
   Show (AndOrType (AndOrType t t) (AndOrType t t)),
   Show (NegType (AndOrType t t)),
   Show (AndOrType (NegType t) (NegType t)), SCS.Serial IO t,
   CanTestCertainly t, CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t t),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t (AndOrType t t)),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType (AndOrType t t) t),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType (AndOrType t t) (AndOrType t t)),
   CanTestCertainly (NegType (AndOrType t t)),
   CanTestCertainly (AndOrType (NegType t) (NegType t)), CanNeg t,
   CanNeg (AndOrType t t), CanAndOrAsymmetric t t,
   CanAndOrAsymmetric t (AndOrType t t),
   CanAndOrAsymmetric (AndOrType t t) t,
   CanAndOrAsymmetric (AndOrType t t) (AndOrType t t),
   CanAndOrAsymmetric (NegType t) (NegType t))
  T t -> Spec
specCanAndOrNotMixed t = specCanAndOr t t t

instance CanAndOrAsymmetric Bool Bool where
  type AndOrType Bool Bool = Bool
  and2 = (P.&&)
  or2 = (P.||)

instance (CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t2, CanTestCertainly t1, CanTestCertainly t2, CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t1 t2)) =>
  CanAndOrAsymmetric (Maybe t1) (Maybe t2)
  type AndOrType (Maybe t1) (Maybe t2) = Maybe (AndOrType t1 t2)
  and2 (Just b1) _ | isCertainlyFalse b1 = Just (convertExactly False)
  and2 _ (Just b2) | isCertainlyFalse b2 = Just (convertExactly False)
  and2 (Just b1) (Just b2) = Just (b1 && b2)
  and2 _ _ = Nothing
  or2 (Just b1) _ | isCertainlyTrue b1 = Just (convertExactly True)
  or2 _ (Just b2) | isCertainlyTrue b2 = Just (convertExactly True)
  or2 (Just b1) (Just b2) = Just (b1 || b2)
  or2 _ _ = Nothing

instance (CanAndOrAsymmetric Bool t2, CanTestCertainly t2, CanTestCertainly (AndOrType Bool t2)) =>
  CanAndOrAsymmetric Bool (Maybe t2)
  type AndOrType Bool (Maybe t2) = Maybe (AndOrType Bool t2)
  and2 False _ = Just (convertExactly False)
  and2 _ (Just b2) | isCertainlyFalse b2 = Just (convertExactly False)
  and2 b1 (Just b2) = Just (b1 && b2)
  and2 _ _ = Nothing
  or2 True _ = Just (convertExactly True)
  or2 _ (Just b2) | isCertainlyTrue b2 = Just (convertExactly True)
  or2 b1 (Just b2) = Just (b1 || b2)
  or2 _ _ = Nothing

instance (CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 Bool, CanTestCertainly t1, CanTestCertainly (AndOrType t1 Bool)) =>
  CanAndOrAsymmetric (Maybe t1) Bool
  type AndOrType (Maybe t1) Bool = Maybe (AndOrType t1 Bool)
  and2 _ False = Just (convertExactly False)
  and2 (Just b1) _ | isCertainlyFalse b1 = Just (convertExactly False)
  and2 (Just b1) b2 = Just (b1 && b2)
  and2 _ _ = Nothing
  or2 _ True = Just (convertExactly True)
  or2 (Just b1) _ | isCertainlyTrue b1 = Just (convertExactly True)
  or2 (Just b1) b2 = Just (b1 || b2)
  or2 _ _ = Nothing

_testAndOr1 :: Maybe Bool
_testAndOr1 = (Just True) && False

_testAndOr2 :: Maybe (Maybe Bool)
_testAndOr2 = (Just (Just True)) || False

_testAndOr3 :: Maybe Bool
_testAndOr3 = and [Just True, Nothing, Just False]

  (CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 t2, SuitableForCE es
  , CanEnsureCE es t1, CanEnsureCE es t2, CanEnsureCE es (AndOrType t1 t2))
  CanAndOrAsymmetric (CollectErrors es t1) (CollectErrors es t2)
  type AndOrType (CollectErrors es t1) (CollectErrors es t2) = EnsureCE es (AndOrType t1 t2)
  and2 = lift2CE and2
  or2 = lift2CE or2

  (CanAndOrAsymmetric t1 Bool, SuitableForCE es
  , CanEnsureCE es t1, CanEnsureCE es (AndOrType t1 Bool))
  CanAndOrAsymmetric (CollectErrors es t1) Bool
  type AndOrType (CollectErrors es t1) Bool = EnsureCE es (AndOrType t1 Bool)
  and2 = lift2TCE and2
  or2 = lift2TCE or2

  (CanAndOrAsymmetric Bool t2, SuitableForCE es
  , CanEnsureCE es t2, CanEnsureCE es (AndOrType Bool t2))
  CanAndOrAsymmetric Bool (CollectErrors es t2)
  type AndOrType Bool (CollectErrors es t2) = EnsureCE es (AndOrType Bool t2)
  and2 = lift2TLCE and2
  or2 = lift2TLCE or2

  A type constraint synonym that stipulates that the type behaves very
  much like Bool, except it does not necessarily satisfy the law of excluded middle,
  which means that the type can contain a "do-not-know" value.

  Examples: @Bool@, @Maybe Bool@, @Maybe (Maybe Bool)@, @CollectErrors Bool@
type IsBool t =
  (HasBools t, CanNegSameType t, CanAndOrSameType t)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of IsBool should satisfy.
specIsBool :: (IsBool t, CanTestCertainly t, Show t, SCS.Serial IO t) => T t -> Spec
specIsBool t@(T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "IsBool %s" typeName) $ do
    specCanTestCertainly t
    specCanNegBool t
    specCanAndOrNotMixed t

scEquals ::
  (Show t1, CanTestCertainly t1, Show t2, CanTestCertainly t2) =>
  t1 -> t2 -> Either String String
scEquals l r
  | l `stronglyEquivalentTo` r = Right "OK"
  | otherwise = Left $ printf "(%s) /= (%s)" (show l) (show r)