module-management-0.17.3: Clean up module imports, split and merge modules

Safe HaskellNone




This package provides functions to clean import lists, to split up modules, and to merge modules. The important entry points are:

There are several features worth noting. The Params type in the state of MonadClean has a removeEmptyImports field, which is True by default. This determines whether imports that turn into empty lists are preserved or not - if your program needs instances from a such an import, you will either want to set this flag to False or (better) add an empty import list to the import.

These are the important entry points:

  • runCleanT - Sets up the environment for splitting and merging. These operations require updates to be made to all the modules that import the modules being split or merged, so this environment tracks the creation and removal of modules. This allows a sequence of splits and merges to be performed without forgetting to update newly created modules.
  • cleanImports - uses ghc's -ddump-minimal-imports flag to generate minimized and explicit imports and re-insert them into the module.
  • splitModule - Splits a module into two or more parts according to the argument function.
  • splitModuleDecls - Calls splitModule with a default first argument. Each declaration goes into a different module, and separate modules are created for instances and re-exports. Decls that were local to the original module go into a subdirectory named Internal. Symbols which can't be turned into valid module names go into OtherSymbols.
  • mergeModules - the inverse operation of splitModule, it merges two or more modules into a new or existing module, updating imports of the moduVerse elements as necessary.


findHsFiles ["Language", "Tests.hs", "Tests"] >>= runCleanT . cleanImports
  • Split the module Language.Haskell.Modules.Common, and then merge two of the declarations back in:
:m +Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
    findHsModules ["Language", "Tests.hs", "Tests"] >>= \ modules -> runCleanT $
      mapM putModule modules >>
      splitModuleDecls "Language/Haskell/Modules/Common.hs" >>
      mergeModules [ModuleName "Language.Haskell.Modules.Common.WithCurrentDirectory",
                    ModuleName "Language.Haskell.Modules.Common.Internal.ToEq"]
                   (ModuleName "Language.Haskell.Modules.Common")
  • Move two declarations from Internal to Common. The intermediate module Tmp is used because using existing modules for a split is not allowed. The exception to this is that you can leave declarations in the original module.
findHsModules ["Language", "Tests.hs", "Tests"] >>= \ modules -> runCleanT $
      mapM putModule modules >>
      splitModule (\ n -> if elem n [Just (Ident "ModuleResult"), Just (Ident "doResult")]
                          then ModuleName "Tmp"
                          else ModuleName "Language.Haskell.Modules.Internal")
                  (ModuleName "Language/Haskell/Modules/Internal.hs") >>
      mergeModules [ModuleName "Language.Haskell.Modules.Common", ModuleName "Tmp"]
                   (ModuleName "Language.Haskell.Modules.Common")
  • Split a module where one of the result modules needs to import the instances:
runCleanT $
      putModule (ModuleName "Main") >>
      extraImport (ModuleName "Main.GetPasteById") (ModuleName "Main.Instances") >>
      splitModuleDecls "Main.hs"


Entry points

cleanImports :: MonadClean m => [FilePath] -> m [ModuleResult]Source

Clean up the imports of a source file. This means:

  • All import lines get an explict list of symbols
  • Imports of unused symbols are removed
  • Imports of modules whose symbol list becomse empty are removed, unless the removeEmptyImports flag is set to False. However, imports that started out with an empty import list () are retained
  • Repeated imports are merged
  • Imports are alphabetized by module name
  • Imported symbols are alphabetized by symbol name
  • Imported constructors and field accessors are alphabetized



:: MonadClean m 
=> (Maybe Name -> ModuleName)

Map each symbol name to the module it will be moved to. The name Nothing is used for instance declarations.

-> FilePath

The file containing the input module.

-> m [ModuleResult] 

Split the declarations of the module in the input file into new modules as specified by the symToModule function, which maps symbol name's to module names. It is permissable for the output function to map one or more symbols to the original module. The modules will be written into files whose names are constructed from the module name in the usual way, but with a prefix taken from the first element of the list of directories in the SourceDirs list. This list is just [.] by default.



:: MonadClean m 
=> FilePath

The file containing the input module.

-> m [ModuleResult] 

Split each of a module's declarations into a new module. Update the imports of all the modules in the moduVerse to reflect the split. For example, if you have a module like

 module Start (a, b, (.+.)) where
 a = 1 + a
 b = 2
 c = 3
 c' = 4
 (.+.) = b + c

After running splitModuleDecls Start.hs the Start module will be gone. The a and b symbols will be in new modules named Start.A and Start.B. Because they were not exported by Start, the c and c' symbols will both be in a new module named Start.Internal.C. And the .+. symbol will be in a module named Start.OtherSymbols. Note that this module needs to import new Start.A and Start.Internal.C modules.

If we had imported and then re-exported a symbol in Start it would go into a module named Start.ReExported. Any instance declarations would go into Start.Instances.



:: ModuleInfo

Parent module name

-> Maybe Name 
-> ModuleName 

This can be used to build the function parameter of splitModule, it determines which module should a symbol be moved to.

mergeModules :: MonadClean m => [ModuleName] -> ModuleName -> m [ModuleResult]Source

Merge the declarations from several modules into a single new one, updating the imports of the modules in the moduVerse to reflect the change. It *is* permissable to use one of the input modules as the output module. Note that circular imports can be created by this operation.

Runtime environment

class (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, Functor m) => MonadClean m Source


(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, Functor m) => MonadClean (CleanT m) 

type CleanT m = StateT Params mSource

An instance of MonadClean.

runCleanT :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => CleanT m a -> m aSource

Create the environment required to do import cleaning and module splitting/merging. This environment, StateT Params m a, is an instance of MonadClean.

modifyDryRun :: MonadClean m => (Bool -> Bool) -> m ()Source

Controls whether file updates will actually be performed. Default is False. (I recommend running in a directory controlled by a version control system so you don't have to worry about this.)

modifyHsFlags :: MonadClean m => ([String] -> [String]) -> m ()Source

Modify the list of extra flags passed to GHC. Default is [].

modifyRemoveEmptyImports :: MonadClean m => (Bool -> Bool) -> m ()Source

If this flag is set, imports that become empty are removed. Sometimes this will lead to errors, specifically when an instance in the removed import that was required is no longer be available. (Note that this reflects a limitation of the -ddump-minimal-imports option of GHC.) If this happens this flag should be set. Note that an import that is already empty when cleanImports runs will never be removed, on the assumption that it was placed there only to import instances. Default is True.

modifyExtensions :: ModuVerse m => ([Extension] -> [Extension]) -> m ()Source

Modify the list of extensions passed to GHC when dumping the minimal imports. Note that GHC will also use the extensions in the module's LANGUAGE pragma, so this can usually be left alone.

modifyTestMode :: MonadClean m => (Bool -> Bool) -> m ()Source

If TestMode is turned on no import cleaning will occur after a split or cat. Default is False. Note that the modules produced with this option will often fail to compile to to circular imports. (Does this seem counterintuitive to anyone else?)

modifyDirs :: SourceDirs m => ([FilePath] -> [FilePath]) -> m ()Source

Modify the list of directories that will be searched for imported modules.

putDirs :: SourceDirs m => [FilePath] -> m ()Source

Set the list of directories that will be searched for imported modules. Similar to the Hs-Source-Dirs field in the cabal file.

extraImport :: MonadClean m => ModuleName -> ModuleName -> m ()Source

When we write module m, insert an extra line that imports the instances (only) from module i.

Progress reporting

noisily :: MonadVerbosity m => m a -> m aSource

Increase the amount of progress reporting during an action.

quietly :: MonadVerbosity m => m a -> m aSource

Decrease the amount of progress reporting during an action.

Re-Exports from haskell-src-exts

newtype ModuleName

The name of a Haskell module.


ModuleName String 

data Name

This type is used to represent variables, and also constructors.


Ident String

varid or conid.

Symbol String

varsym or consym

Helper functions

findHsModules :: [FilePath] -> IO [ModuleName]Source

Convenience function for building the moduVerse, searches for modules in a directory hierarchy. FIXME: This should be in MonadClean and use the value of sourceDirs to remove prefixes from the module paths. And then it should look at the module text to see what the module name really is.

findHsFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]Source

Find the paths of all the files below the directory top.

withCurrentDirectory :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => FilePath -> m a -> m aSource

Perform an action with the working directory set to path.