monad-finally- Guard monadic computations with cleanup actions

Safe HaskellNone




A generalization of Control.Exception from the IO monad to MonadRecover SomeException.


Throwing exceptions

exception :: Exception e => e -> α Source #

Throw an exception from pure code.

throw :: (MonadAbort SomeException μ, Exception e) => e -> μ α Source #

Throw an exception from monadic code. An alias for abort . toException.

throwIO :: (MonadBase IO μ, Exception e) => e -> μ α Source #

Thow an exception from the IO monad.

ioError :: MonadBase IO μ => IOError -> μ α Source #

Raise an IOError in the IO monad.

throwTo :: (MonadBase IO μ, Exception e) => ThreadId -> e -> μ () Source #

Raise an exception in the target thread. See throwTo.

Catching exceptions

catch :: (MonadRecover SomeException μ, Exception e) => μ α -> (e -> μ α) -> μ α Source #

Recover from the specified type of exceptions.

handle :: (MonadRecover SomeException μ, Exception e) => (e -> μ α) -> μ α -> μ α Source #

An alias for flip catch.

catchJust Source #


:: (MonadRecover SomeException μ, Exception e) 
=> (e -> Maybe β)

Exception predicate

-> μ α

Main computation

-> (β -> μ α)

Exception handler

-> μ α 

Recover from exceptions that satisfy the provided predicate.

handleJust :: (MonadRecover SomeException μ, Exception e) => (e -> Maybe β) -> (β -> μ α) -> μ α -> μ α Source #

An alias for flip . catchJust.

data Handler μ α Source #

Exception handler.


Exception e => Handler (e -> μ α) 


Functor μ => Functor (Handler * μ) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Handler * μ a -> Handler * μ b #

(<$) :: a -> Handler * μ b -> Handler * μ a #

catches :: MonadRecover SomeException μ => μ α -> [Handler μ α] -> μ α Source #

Recover from exceptions by sequentually trying to apply the provided handlers.

handles :: MonadRecover SomeException μ => [Handler μ α] -> μ α -> μ α Source #

An alias for flip catches.

try :: (MonadRecover SomeException μ, Exception e) => μ α -> μ (Either e α) Source #

Recover from exceptions of the spesified type, wrapping them into Left.

tryJust Source #


:: (MonadRecover SomeException μ, Exception e) 
=> (e -> Maybe β)

Exception predicate

-> μ α

Main compuration

-> μ (Either β α) 

Recover from exceptions that satisfy the provided predicate, wrapping them into Left.

evaluateIO :: MonadBase IO μ => α -> μ α Source #

Evalute the argument to weak head normal form.

Asynchronous exception control

class (Applicative μ, Monad μ) => MonadMask μ where Source #

A class of monads that support masking of asynchronous exceptions.


getMaskingState :: μ MaskingState Source #

Get the current masking state.

getMaskingState :: (MonadMask η, MonadTrans t, μ ~ t η) => μ MaskingState Source #

Get the current masking state.

withMaskingState :: MaskingState -> μ α -> μ α Source #

Run the provided computation with the specified MaskingState.

withMaskingState :: (MonadMask η, MonadTransControl t, μ ~ t η) => MaskingState -> μ α -> μ α Source #

Run the provided computation with the specified MaskingState.


MonadMask IO Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (ListT μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (MaybeT μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (FinishT β μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (AbortT e μ) Source # 
(MonadMask μ, Monoid w) => MonadMask (WriterT w μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (StateT s μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (ExceptT e μ) Source # 
(MonadMask μ, Error e) => MonadMask (ErrorT e μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (StateT s μ) Source # 
(MonadMask μ, Monoid w) => MonadMask (WriterT w μ) Source # 
MonadMask μ => MonadMask (ReaderT * r μ) Source # 
(MonadMask μ, Monoid w) => MonadMask (RWST r w s μ) Source # 


getMaskingState :: RWST r w s μ MaskingState Source #

withMaskingState :: MaskingState -> RWST r w s μ α -> RWST r w s μ α Source #

(MonadMask μ, Monoid w) => MonadMask (RWST r w s μ) Source # 


getMaskingState :: RWST r w s μ MaskingState Source #

withMaskingState :: MaskingState -> RWST r w s μ α -> RWST r w s μ α Source #

liftGetMaskingState :: (MonadMask μ, MonadTrans t) => t μ MaskingState Source #

Lift getMaskingState through a monad transformer.

liftWithMaskingState :: (MonadTransControl t, MonadMask μ, Monad (t μ)) => MaskingState -> t μ α -> t μ α Source #

Lift withMaskingState through a monad transformer.

mask :: forall μ α. MonadMask μ => ((forall η β. MonadMask η => η β -> η β) -> μ α) -> μ α Source #

Prevents asynchronous exceptions from being raised within the provided computation. Blocking operations can still be interrupted. Supplies the computation with withMaskingState s, where s is the current masking state.

mask_ :: forall μ α. MonadMask μ => μ α -> μ α Source #

An alias for mask . const.

uninterruptibleMask :: MonadMask μ => ((forall η β. MonadMask η => η β -> η β) -> μ α) -> μ α Source #

Prevents asynchronous exceptions from being raised within the provided computation. Also prevents blocking operations from being interrupted. Supplies the computation with withMaskingState s, where s is the current masking state.

uninterruptibleMask_ :: MonadMask μ => μ α -> μ α Source #

An alias for uninterruptibleMask . const.

interruptible :: MonadMask μ => μ α -> μ α Source #

Allow asynchronous exceptions to be raised within the provided computation, even if the current masking state is MaskedInterruptible (but not in MaskedUninterruptible state).

allowInterrupt :: MonadMask μ => μ () Source #

An alias for interruptible (return ()).