{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{- |

NSGA-II. A Fast Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic
Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization.

Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S., & Meyarivan, T. A. M. T. (2002). A
fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm:
NSGA-II. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on, 6(2),

Functions to be used:

  'stepNSGA2', 'stepNSGA2bt',
  'stepConstrainedNSGA2', 'stepConstrainedNSGA2bt'

The other functions are exported for testing only.


module Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Multiobjective.NSGA2 where

import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Types
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Multiobjective.Types
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Random
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Utilities (doCrossovers)
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Selection (tournamentSelect)
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Constraints
import Moo.GeneticAlgorithm.Run (makeStoppable)

import Control.Monad (forM_, (<=<), when, liftM)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Data.Array (array, (!), elems, listArray)
import Data.Array.ST (STArray, runSTArray, newArray, readArray, writeArray, getElems, getBounds)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.STRef

-- | Returns @True@ if the first solution dominates the second one in
-- some sense.
type DominationCmp a = MultiPhenotype a -> MultiPhenotype a -> Bool

-- | A solution @p@ dominates another solution @q@ if at least one 'Objective'
-- values of @p@ is better than the respective value of @q@, and the other
-- are not worse.
domination :: [ProblemType] -- ^ problem types per every objective
           -> DominationCmp a
domination ptypes p q =
    let pvs = takeObjectiveValues p
        qvs = takeObjectiveValues q
        pqs = zip3 ptypes pvs qvs
        qps = zip3 ptypes qvs pvs
    in  (any better1 pqs) && (all (not . better1) qps)
    better1 :: (ProblemType, Objective, Objective) -> Bool
    better1 (Minimizing, pv, qv) = pv < qv
    better1 (Maximizing, pv, qv) = pv > qv

-- | A solution p is said to constrain-dominate a solution q, if any of the
-- following is true: 1) Solution p is feasible and q is not. 2) Solutions
-- p and q are both infeasible but solution p has a smaller overall constraint
-- violation. 3) Solutions p and q are feasible, and solution p dominates solution q.
-- Reference: (Deb, 2002).
constrainedDomination :: (Real b, Real c)
                      => [Constraint a b]  -- ^ constraints
                      -> ([Constraint a b] -> Genome a -> c)  -- ^ non-negative degree of violation
                      -> [ProblemType]     -- ^ problem types per every objective
                      -> DominationCmp a
constrainedDomination constraints violation ptypes p q =
    let pok = isFeasible constraints p
        qok = isFeasible constraints q
    in  case (pok, qok) of
          (True, True) -> domination ptypes p q
          (False, True) -> False
          (True, False) -> True
          (False, False) ->
              let pviolation = violation constraints (takeGenome p)
                  qviolation = violation constraints (takeGenome q)
              in  pviolation < qviolation

-- | Solution and its non-dominated rank and local crowding distance.
data RankedSolution a = RankedSolution {
      rs'phenotype :: MultiPhenotype a
    , rs'nondominationRank :: Int  -- ^ @0@ is the best
    , rs'localCrowdingDistnace :: Double  -- ^ @Infinity@ for less-crowded boundary points
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Fast non-dominated sort from (Deb et al. 2002).
-- It is should be O(m N^2), with storage requirements of O(N^2).
nondominatedSort :: DominationCmp a -> [MultiPhenotype a] -> [[MultiPhenotype a]]
nondominatedSort dominates = nondominatedSortFast dominates

-- | This is a direct translation of the pseudocode from (Deb et al. 2002).
nondominatedSortFast :: DominationCmp a -> [MultiPhenotype a] -> [[MultiPhenotype a]]
nondominatedSortFast dominates gs =
    let n = length gs   -- number of genomes
        garray = listArray (0, n-1) gs
        fronts = runSTArray $ do
                     -- structure of sp array:
                     -- sp [pi][0]    -- n_p, number of genomes dominating pi-th genome
                     -- sp [pi][1]    -- size of S_p, how many genomes pi-th genome dominates
                     -- sp [pi][2..]  -- indices of the genomes dominated by pi-th genome
                     --               -- where pi in [0..n-1]
                     -- structure of the fronts array:
                     -- fronts [0][i]        -- size of the i-th front
                     -- fronts [1][start..start+fsizes[i]-1] -- indices of the elements of the i-th front
                     --                                      -- where start = sum (take (i-1) fsizes)
                     -- domination table
                     sp <- newArray ((0,0), (n-1, (n+2)-1)) 0 :: ST s (STArray s (Int,Int) Int)
                     -- at most n fronts with 1 element each
                     fronts <- newArray ((0,0), (1,n-1)) 0 :: ST s (STArray s (Int,Int) Int)
                     forM_ (zip gs [0..]) $ \(p, pi) -> do  -- for each p in P
                       forM_ (zip gs [0..]) $ \(q, qi) -> do  -- for each q in P
                         when ( p `dominates` q ) $
                              -- if p dominates q, include q in S_p
                              includeInSp sp pi qi
                         when ( q `dominates` p) $
                              -- if q dominates p, increment n_p
                              incrementNp sp pi
                       np <- readArray sp (pi, 0)
                       when (np == 0) $
                            addToFront 0 fronts pi
                     buildFronts sp fronts 0
        frontSizes = takeWhile (>0) . take n $ elems fronts
        frontElems = map (\i -> garray ! i) . drop n $ elems fronts
    in  splitAll frontSizes frontElems


    includeInSp sp pi qi = do
      oldspsize <- readArray sp (pi, 1)
      writeArray sp (pi, 2 + oldspsize) qi
      writeArray sp (pi, 1) (oldspsize + 1)

    incrementNp sp pi = do
      oldnp <- readArray sp (pi, 0)
      writeArray sp (pi, 0) (oldnp + 1)

    -- size of the i-th front
    frontSize fronts i =
        readArray fronts (0, i)

    frontStartIndex fronts frontno = do
      -- start = sum (take (frontno-1) fsizes)
      startref <- newSTRef 0
      forM_ [0..(frontno-1)] $ \i -> do
          oldstart <- readSTRef startref
          l <- frontSize fronts i
          writeSTRef startref (oldstart + l)
      readSTRef startref

    -- adjust fronts array by updating frontno-th front size and appending
    -- pi to its elements; frontno should be the last front!
    addToFront frontno fronts pi = do
      -- update i-th front size and write an index in the correct position
      start <- frontStartIndex fronts frontno
      sz <- frontSize fronts frontno
      writeArray fronts (1, start + sz) pi
      writeArray fronts (0, frontno) (sz + 1)

    -- elements of the i-th front
    frontElems fronts i = do
      start <- frontStartIndex fronts i
      sz <- frontSize fronts i
      felems <- newArray (0, sz-1) (-1) :: ST s (STArray s Int Int)
      forM_ [0..sz-1] $ \elix ->
          readArray fronts (1, start+elix) >>= writeArray felems elix
      getElems felems

    -- elements which are dominated by the element pi
    dominatedSet sp pi = do
      sz <- readArray sp (pi, 1)
      delems <- newArray (0, sz-1) (-1) :: ST s (STArray s Int Int)
      forM_ [0..sz-1] $ \elix ->
          readArray sp (pi, 2+elix) >>= writeArray delems elix
      getElems delems

    buildFronts sp fronts i = do
      maxI <- (snd . snd) `liftM` getBounds fronts
      if (i >= maxI || i < 0) -- all fronts are singletons and the last is already built
         then return fronts
         else do

      fsz <- frontSize fronts i
      if fsz <= 0
         then return fronts
         else do

      felems <- frontElems fronts i
      forM_ felems $ \pi -> do   -- for each member p in F_i
          dominated <- dominatedSet sp pi
          forM_ dominated $ \qi -> do  -- modify each member from the set S_p
               nq <- liftM (+ (-1::Int)) $ readArray sp (qi, 0)  -- decrement n_q by one
               writeArray sp (qi, 0) nq
               when (nq <= 0) $  -- if n_q is zero, q is a member of the next front
                    addToFront (i+1) fronts qi
      buildFronts sp fronts (i+1)

    splitAll [] _ = []
    splitAll _ [] = []
    splitAll (sz:szs) els =
        let (front, rest) = splitAt sz els
        in  front : (splitAll szs rest)

-- | Crowding distance of a point @p@, as defined by Deb et
-- al. (2002), is an estimate (the sum of dimensions in their
-- pseudocode) of the largest cuboid enclosing the point without
-- including any other point in the population.
crowdingDistances :: [[Objective]] -> [Double]
crowdingDistances [] = []
crowdingDistances pop@(objvals:_) =
    let m = length objvals  -- number of objectives
        n = length pop      -- number of genomes
        inf = 1.0/0.0 :: Double
        -- (genome-idx, objective-idx) -> objective value
        ovTable = array ((0,0), (n-1, m-1))
                  [ ((i, objid), (pop !! i) !! objid)
                  | i <- [0..(n-1)], objid <- [0..(m-1)] ]
        -- calculate crowding distances
        distances = runSTArray $ do
          ss <- newArray (0, n-1) 0.0  -- initialize distances
          forM_ [0..(m-1)] $ \objid -> do    -- for every objective
            let ixs = sortByObjective objid pop
              -- for all inner points
            forM_ (zip3 ixs (drop 1 ixs) (drop 2 ixs)) $ \(iprev, i, inext) -> do
              sum_of_si <- readArray ss i
              let si = (ovTable ! (inext, objid)) - (ovTable ! (iprev, objid))
              writeArray ss i (sum_of_si + si)
            writeArray ss (head ixs) inf   -- boundary points have infinite cuboids
            writeArray ss (last ixs) inf
          return ss
    in elems distances
    sortByObjective :: Int -> [[Objective]] -> [Int]
    sortByObjective i pop = sortIndicesBy (compare `on` (!! i)) pop

-- | Given there is non-domination rank @rank_i@, and local crowding
-- distance @distance_i@ assigned to every individual @i@, the partial
-- order between individuals @i@ and @q@ is defined by relation
-- @i ~ j@ if @rank_i < rank_j@ or (@rank_i = rank_j@ and @distance_i@
-- @>@ @distance_j@).
crowdedCompare :: RankedSolution a -> RankedSolution a -> Ordering
crowdedCompare (RankedSolution _ ranki disti) (RankedSolution _ rankj distj) =
    case (ranki < rankj, ranki == rankj, disti > distj) of
      (True, _, _) -> LT
      (_, True, True) -> LT
      (_, True, False) -> if disti == distj
                          then EQ
                          else GT
      _  -> GT

-- | Assign non-domination rank and crowding distances to all solutions.
-- Return a list of non-domination fronts.
rankAllSolutions :: DominationCmp a -> [MultiPhenotype a] -> [[RankedSolution a]]
rankAllSolutions dominates genomes =
    let -- non-dominated fronts
        fronts = nondominatedSort dominates genomes
        -- for every non-dominated front
        frontsDists = map (crowdingDistances . map snd) fronts
        ranks = iterate (+1) 1
    in  map rankedSolutions1 (zip3 fronts ranks frontsDists)
    rankedSolutions1 :: ([MultiPhenotype a], Int, [Double]) -> [RankedSolution a]
    rankedSolutions1 (front, rank, dists) =
        zipWith (\g d -> RankedSolution g rank d) front dists

-- | To every genome in the population, assign a single objective
-- value according to its non-domination rank. This ranking is
-- supposed to be used once in the beginning of the NSGA-II algorithm.
-- Note: 'nondominatedRanking' reorders the genomes.
    :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
    => DominationCmp a
    -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn     -- ^ list of @problems@
    -> [Genome a]                   -- ^ a population of raw @genomes@
    -> [(Genome a, Objective)]
nondominatedRanking dominates problems genomes =
    let egs = evalAllObjectives problems genomes
        fronts = nondominatedSort dominates egs
        ranks = concatMap assignRanks (zip fronts (iterate (+1) 1))
    in  ranks
    assignRanks :: ([MultiPhenotype a], Int) -> [(Genome a, Objective)]
    assignRanks (gs, r) = map (\(eg, rank) -> (fst eg, fromIntegral rank)) $ zip gs (repeat r)

-- | To every genome in the population, assign a single objective value
-- equal to its non-domination rank, and sort genomes by the decreasing
-- local crowding distance within every rank
-- (i.e. sort the population with NSGA-II crowded comparision
-- operator)
    :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
    => DominationCmp a
    -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn    -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> Int                          -- ^ @n@, number of top-ranked genomes to select
    -> [Genome a]                   -- ^ a population of raw @genomes@
    -> [(MultiPhenotype a, Double)] -- ^ selected genomes with their non-domination ranks
nsga2Ranking dominates problems n genomes =
    let evaledGenomes = evalAllObjectives problems genomes
        fronts = rankAllSolutions dominates evaledGenomes
        frontSizes = map length fronts
        nFullFronts = length . takeWhile (< n) $ scanl1 (+) frontSizes
        partialSize = n - (sum (take nFullFronts frontSizes))
        (frontsFull, frontsPartial) = splitAt nFullFronts fronts
        fromFullFronts = concatMap (map assignRank) frontsFull
        fromPartialFront = concatMap (map assignRank
                                      . take partialSize
                                      . sortBy crowdedCompare) $
                           take 1 frontsPartial
    in  fromFullFronts ++ fromPartialFront
    assignRank eg =
        let r = fromIntegral $ rs'nondominationRank eg
            phenotype = rs'phenotype $ eg
        in  (phenotype, r)

sortIndicesBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [Int]
sortIndicesBy cmp xs = map snd $ sortBy (cmp `on` fst) (zip xs (iterate (+1) 0))

-- | A single step of the NSGA-II algorithm (Non-Dominated Sorting
-- Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization).
-- The next population is selected from a common pool of parents and
-- their children minimizing the non-domination rank and maximizing
-- the crowding distance within the same rank.
-- The first generation of children is produced without taking
-- crowding into account.
-- Every solution is assigned a single objective value which is its
-- sequence number after sorting with the crowded comparison operator.
-- The smaller value corresponds to solutions which are not worse
-- the one with the bigger value. Use 'evalAllObjectives' to restore
-- individual objective values.
-- Reference:
-- Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S., & Meyarivan, T. A. M. T. (2002). A
-- fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm:
-- NSGA-II. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on, 6(2),
-- 182-197.
-- Deb et al. used a binary tournament selection, base on crowded
-- comparison operator. To achieve the same effect, use
-- 'stepNSGA2bt' (or 'stepNSGA2' with 'tournamentSelect'
-- @Minimizing 2 n@, where @n@ is the size of the population).
    :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
    => MultiObjectiveProblem fn    -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> SelectionOp a
    -> CrossoverOp a
    -> MutationOp a
    -> StepGA Rand a
stepNSGA2 problems select crossover mutate stop input = do
  let dominates = domination (map fst problems)
  case input of
    (Left _) ->  -- raw genomes => it's the first generation
        stepNSGA2'firstGeneration dominates problems select crossover mutate stop input
    (Right _) ->  -- ranked genomes => it's the second or later generation
        stepNSGA2'nextGeneration dominates problems select crossover mutate stop input

-- | A single step of NSGA-II algorithm with binary tournament selection.
-- See also 'stepNSGA2'.
    :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
    => MultiObjectiveProblem fn    -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> CrossoverOp a
    -> MutationOp a
    -> StepGA Rand a
stepNSGA2bt problems crossover mutate stop popstate =
    let n = either length length popstate
        select = tournamentSelect Minimizing 2 n
    in  stepNSGA2 problems select crossover mutate stop popstate

-- | A single step of the constrained NSGA-II algorithm, which uses a
-- constraint-domination rule:
-- “A solution @i@ is said to constrain-dominate a solution @j@, if any of the
-- following is true: 1) Solution @i@ is feasible and @j@ is not. 2) Solutions
-- @i@ and @j@ are both infeasible but solution @i@ has a smaller overall constraint
-- violation. 3) Solutions @i@ and @j@ are feasible, and solution @i@ dominates solution @j@.”
-- Reference: (Deb, 2002).
    :: forall fn a b c . (ObjectiveFunction fn a, Real b, Real c)
    => [Constraint a b]                     -- ^ constraints
    -> ([Constraint a b] -> Genome a -> c)  -- ^ non-negative degree of violation
    -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn             -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> SelectionOp a
    -> CrossoverOp a
    -> MutationOp a
    -> StepGA Rand a
stepConstrainedNSGA2 constraints violation problems select crossover mutate stop input = do
  let dominates = constrainedDomination constraints violation (map fst problems)
  case input of
    (Left _) ->
        stepNSGA2'firstGeneration dominates problems select crossover mutate stop input
    (Right _) ->
        stepNSGA2'nextGeneration dominates problems select crossover mutate stop input

-- | A single step of the constrained NSGA-II algorithm with binary tournament
-- selection. See also 'stepConstrainedNSGA2'.
    :: forall fn a b c . (ObjectiveFunction fn a, Real b, Real c)
    => [Constraint a b]                     -- ^ constraints
    -> ([Constraint a b] -> Genome a -> c)  -- ^ non-negative degree of violation
    -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn             -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> CrossoverOp a
    -> MutationOp a
    -> StepGA Rand a
stepConstrainedNSGA2bt constraints violation problems crossover mutate stop popstate =
  let n = either length length popstate
      tournament = tournamentSelect Minimizing 2 n
  in  stepConstrainedNSGA2 constraints violation problems tournament crossover mutate stop popstate

    :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
    => DominationCmp a
    -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn    -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> SelectionOp a
    -> CrossoverOp a
    -> MutationOp a
    -> StepGA Rand a
stepNSGA2'firstGeneration dominates problems select crossover mutate = do
  let objective = nondominatedRanking dominates problems
  makeStoppable objective $ \phenotypes -> do
    let popsize = length phenotypes
    let genomes = map takeGenome phenotypes
    selected <- liftM (map takeGenome) $ (shuffle <=< select) phenotypes
    newgenomes <- (mapM mutate) <=< (flip doCrossovers crossover) $ selected
    let pool = newgenomes ++ genomes
    return $ stepNSGA2'poolSelection dominates problems popsize pool

-- | Use normal selection, crossover, mutation to produce new
-- children.  Select from a common pool of parents and children the
-- best according to the least non-domination rank and crowding.
     :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
     => DominationCmp a
     -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn   -- ^ a list of objective functions
     -> SelectionOp a
     -> CrossoverOp a
     -> MutationOp a
     -> StepGA Rand a
stepNSGA2'nextGeneration dominates problems select crossover mutate = do
  -- nextGeneration is never called with raw genomes,
  -- => dummyObjective is never evaluated;
  -- nondominatedRanking is required to type-check
  let dummyObjective = nondominatedRanking dominates problems
  makeStoppable dummyObjective $ \rankedgenomes -> do
    let popsize = length rankedgenomes
    selected <- liftM (map takeGenome) $ select rankedgenomes
    newgenomes <- (mapM mutate) <=< flip doCrossovers crossover <=< shuffle $ selected
    let pool = (map takeGenome rankedgenomes) ++ newgenomes
    return $ stepNSGA2'poolSelection dominates problems popsize pool

-- | Take a pool of phenotypes of size 2N, ordered by the crowded
-- comparison operator, and select N best.
    :: forall fn a . ObjectiveFunction fn a
    => DominationCmp a
    -> MultiObjectiveProblem fn    -- ^ a list of @objective@ functions
    -> Int                         -- ^ @n@, the number of solutions to select
    -> [Genome a]                  -- ^ @pool@ of genomes to select from
    -> [Phenotype a]               -- ^ @n@ best phenotypes
stepNSGA2'poolSelection dominates problems n pool =
    -- nsga2Ranking returns genomes properly sorted already
    let rankedgenomes = let grs = nsga2Ranking dominates problems n pool
                        in  map (\(mp,r) -> (takeGenome mp, r)) grs
        selected = take n rankedgenomes  -- :: [Phenotype a]
    in  selected