module Lorentz.ADT
  ( HasField
  , HasFieldOfType
  , HasFieldsOfType
  , NamedField (..)
  , (:=)
  , toField
  , toFieldNamed
  , getField
  , getFieldNamed
  , setField
  , modifyField
  , construct
  , constructT
  , fieldCtor
  , wrap_
  , case_
  , caseT
  , (/->)

    -- * Useful re-exports
  , Rec (..)
  , (:!)
  , (:?)
  , arg
  ) where

import Data.Constraint (Dict(..))
import qualified Data.Kind as Kind
import Data.Vinyl.Core (RMap(..), Rec(..))
import Data.Vinyl.Derived (Label)
import GHC.TypeLits (AppendSymbol, Symbol)
import Named ((:!), (:?), arg)

import Lorentz.Base
import Lorentz.Coercions
import Lorentz.Instr
import Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr
import Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value
import Util.TypeTuple

-- | Allows field access and modification.
type HasField dt fname =
  ( InstrGetFieldC dt fname
  , InstrSetFieldC dt fname

-- | Like 'HasField', but allows constrainting field type.
type HasFieldOfType dt fname fieldTy =
  ( HasField dt fname
  , GetFieldType dt fname ~ fieldTy

-- | A pair of field name and type.
data NamedField = NamedField Symbol Kind.Type
type n := ty = 'NamedField n ty

-- | Shortcut for multiple 'HasFieldOfType' constraints.
type family HasFieldsOfType (dt :: Kind.Type) (fs :: [NamedField])
             :: Constraint where
  HasFieldsOfType _ '[] = ()
  HasFieldsOfType dt ((n := ty) ': fs) =
    (HasFieldOfType dt n ty, HasFieldsOfType dt fs)

-- | Extract a field of a datatype replacing the value of this
-- datatype with the extracted field.
-- For this and the following functions you have to specify field name
-- which is either record name or name attached with @(:!)@ operator.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrGetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> dt & st :-> GetFieldType dt name & st
toField = I . instrGetField @dt

-- | Like 'toField', but leaves field named.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrGetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> dt & st :-> (name :! GetFieldType dt name) & st
toFieldNamed l = toField l # coerce_

-- | Extract a field of a datatype, leaving the original datatype on stack.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrGetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> dt & st :-> GetFieldType dt name & dt ': st
getField l = dup # toField @dt l

-- | Like 'getField', but leaves field named.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrGetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> dt & st :-> (name :! GetFieldType dt name) & dt ': st
getFieldNamed l = getField l # coerce_

-- | Set a field of a datatype.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrSetFieldC dt name
  => Label name -> (GetFieldType dt name ': dt ': st) :-> (dt ': st)
setField = I . instrSetField @dt

-- | Apply given modifier to a datatype field.
  :: forall dt name st.
     ( InstrGetFieldC dt name
     , InstrSetFieldC dt name
  => Label name
  -> (forall st0. (GetFieldType dt name ': st0) :-> (GetFieldType dt name ': st0))
  -> dt & st :-> dt & st
modifyField l i = getField @dt l # i # setField @dt l

-- | Make up a datatype. You provide a pack of individual fields constructors.
-- Each element of the accepted record should be an instruction wrapped with
-- 'fieldCtor' function. This instruction will have access to the stack at
-- the moment of calling @construct@.
-- Instructions have to output fields of the built datatype, one per instruction;
-- instructions order is expected to correspond to the order of fields in the
-- datatype.
  :: forall dt st.
     ( InstrConstructC dt
     , RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
  => Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
  -> st :-> dt & st
construct fctors =
  I $ instrConstruct @dt $
  rmap (\(FieldConstructor i) -> FieldConstructor i) fctors

-- | Version of 'construct' which accepts tuple of field constructors.
  :: forall dt fctors st.
     ( InstrConstructC dt
     , RMap (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
     , fctors ~ Rec (FieldConstructor st) (ConstructorFieldTypes dt)
     , RecFromTuple fctors
  => IsoRecTuple fctors
  -> st :-> dt & st
constructT = construct . recFromTuple

-- | Lift an instruction to field constructor.
fieldCtor :: (st :-> f & st) -> FieldConstructor st f
fieldCtor (I i) = FieldConstructor i

-- | Wrap entry in constructor. Useful for sum types.
  :: forall dt name st.
     InstrWrapC dt name
  => Label name -> (AppendCtorField (GetCtorField dt name) st) :-> dt & st
wrap_ =
  case appendCtorFieldAxiom @(GetCtorField dt name) @st of
    Dict -> I . instrWrap @dt

-- | Lorentz analogy of 'CaseClause', it works on plain 'Kind.Type' types.
data CaseClauseL (inp :: [Kind.Type]) (out :: [Kind.Type]) (param :: CaseClauseParam) where
  CaseClauseL :: AppendCtorField x inp :-> out -> CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)

-- | Lift an instruction to case clause.
-- You should write out constructor name corresponding to the clause
-- explicitly. Prefix constructor name with "c" letter, otherwise
-- your label will not be recognized by Haskell parser.
-- Passing constructor name can be circumvented but doing so is not recomended
-- as mentioning contructor name improves readability and allows avoiding
-- some mistakes.
  :: Label ("c" `AppendSymbol` ctor)
  -> AppendCtorField x inp :-> out
  -> CaseClauseL inp out ('CaseClauseParam ctor x)
(/->) _ = CaseClauseL
infixr 0 /->

-- | Pattern match on the given sum type.
-- You have to provide a 'Rec' containing case branches.
-- To construct a case branch use '/->' operator.
  :: forall dt out inp.
     ( InstrCaseC dt inp out
     , RMap (CaseClauses dt)
  => Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt) -> dt & inp :-> out
case_ = I . instrCase @dt . rmap coerceCaseClause
      :: forall clauses.
         CaseClauseL inp out clauses -> CaseClause (ToTs inp) (ToTs out) clauses
    coerceCaseClause (CaseClauseL (I cc)) =
      CaseClause $ case Proxy @clauses of
        (_ :: Proxy ('CaseClauseParam ctor cc)) ->
          case appendCtorFieldAxiom @cc @inp of Dict -> cc

-- | Like 'case_', accepts a tuple of clauses, which may be more convenient.
  :: forall dt out inp clauses.
     ( InstrCaseC dt inp out
     , RMap (CaseClauses dt)
     , RecFromTuple clauses
     , clauses ~ Rec (CaseClauseL inp out) (CaseClauses dt)
  => IsoRecTuple clauses -> dt & inp :-> out
caseT = case_ @dt . recFromTuple