{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Types.GQLType
  ( GQLType(..)
  ) where

import           Data.Proxy                        (Proxy (..))
import           Data.Set                          (Set)
import           Data.Text                         (Text, intercalate, pack)
import           Data.Typeable                     (TyCon, TypeRep, Typeable, splitTyConApp, tyConFingerprint,
                                                    tyConName, typeRep)

import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Custom        (MapKind, Pair)
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Data (DataFingerprint (..))
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Resolver      (Resolver)

resolverCon :: TyCon
resolverCon = fst $ splitTyConApp $ typeRep $ Proxy @(Resolver Maybe)

-- | replaces typeName (A,B) with Pair_A_B
replacePairCon :: TyCon -> TyCon
replacePairCon x
  | hsPair == x = gqlPair
    hsPair = fst $ splitTyConApp $ typeRep $ Proxy @(Int, Int)
    gqlPair = fst $ splitTyConApp $ typeRep $ Proxy @(Pair Int Int)
replacePairCon x = x

-- Ignores Resolver name  from typeName
ignoreResolver :: (TyCon, [TypeRep]) -> [TyCon]
ignoreResolver (con, _)
  | con == resolverCon = []
ignoreResolver (con, args) = con : concatMap (ignoreResolver . splitTyConApp) args

-- | GraphQL type, every graphQL type should have an instance of 'GHC.Generics.Generic' and 'GQLType'.
--  @
--    ... deriving (Generic, GQLType)
--  @
-- if you want to add description
--  @
--       ... deriving (Generic)
--     instance GQLType ... where
--       description = const "your description ..."
--  @
class GQLType a where
  description :: Proxy a -> Text
  description _ = ""
  __typeName :: Proxy a -> Text
  default __typeName :: (Typeable a) =>
    Proxy a -> Text
  __typeName _ = intercalate "_" (getName $ Proxy @a)
      getName = fmap (map (pack . tyConName)) (map replacePairCon . ignoreResolver . splitTyConApp . typeRep)
  __typeFingerprint :: Proxy a -> DataFingerprint
  default __typeFingerprint :: (Typeable a) =>
    Proxy a -> DataFingerprint
  __typeFingerprint _ = TypeableFingerprint $ conFingerprints (Proxy @a)
      conFingerprints = fmap (map tyConFingerprint) (ignoreResolver . splitTyConApp . typeRep)

instance GQLType Int

instance GQLType Float

instance GQLType Text where
  __typeName = const "String"

instance GQLType Bool where
  __typeName = const "Boolean"

instance GQLType a => GQLType (Maybe a) where
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance GQLType a => GQLType [a] where
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance GQLType a => GQLType (Set a) where
  __typeName _ = __typeName (Proxy @a)
  __typeFingerprint _ = __typeFingerprint (Proxy @a)

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, GQLType a, GQLType b) => GQLType (a, b) where
  __typeName _ = __typeName $ Proxy @(Pair a b)

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, GQLType a, GQLType b) => GQLType (Pair a b)

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable m, GQLType a, GQLType b) => GQLType (MapKind a b m)