{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}

module Data.Morpheus.Validation.Document.Validation
  ( validatePartialDocument

import           Data.Maybe

-- Morpheus
import           Data.Morpheus.Error.Document.Interface
                                                ( ImplementsError(..)
                                                , partialImplements
                                                , unknownInterface
import           Data.Morpheus.Rendering.RenderGQL
                                                ( RenderGQL(..) )
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.AST
                                                ( DataField(..)
                                                , DataType(..)
                                                , DataObject
                                                , DataTyCon(..)
                                                , Key
                                                , RawDataType(..)
                                                , TypeAlias(..)
                                                , isWeaker
                                                , isWeaker
import           Data.Morpheus.Types.Internal.Resolving
                                                ( Validation
                                                , Failure(..)

validatePartialDocument :: [(Key, RawDataType)] -> Validation [(Key, DataType)]
validatePartialDocument lib = catMaybes <$> traverse validateType lib
  validateType :: (Key, RawDataType) -> Validation (Maybe (Key, DataType))
  validateType (name, FinalDataType x) = pure $ Just (name, x)
  validateType (name, Implements interfaces object) =
    asTuple name <$> object `mustImplement` interfaces
  validateType _ = pure Nothing
  asTuple name x = Just (name, x)
  mustImplement :: DataObject -> [Key] -> Validation DataType
  mustImplement object interfaceKey = do
    interface <- traverse getInterfaceByKey interfaceKey
    case concatMap (mustBeSubset object) interface of
      []     -> pure $ DataObject object
      errors -> failure $ partialImplements (typeName object) errors
  mustBeSubset :: DataObject -> DataObject -> [(Key, Key, ImplementsError)]
  mustBeSubset DataTyCon { typeData = objFields } DataTyCon { typeName, typeData = interfaceFields }
    = concatMap checkField interfaceFields
    checkField :: (Key, DataField) -> [(Key, Key, ImplementsError)]
    checkField (key, DataField { fieldType = interfaceT@TypeAlias { aliasTyCon = interfaceTypeName, aliasWrappers = interfaceWrappers } })
      = case lookup key objFields of
        Just DataField { fieldType = objT@TypeAlias { aliasTyCon, aliasWrappers } }
          | aliasTyCon == interfaceTypeName && not
            (isWeaker aliasWrappers interfaceWrappers)
          -> []
          | otherwise
          -> [ ( typeName
               , key
               , UnexpectedType { expectedType = render interfaceT
                                , foundType    = render objT
        Nothing -> [(typeName, key, UndefinedField)]
  getInterfaceByKey :: Key -> Validation DataObject
  getInterfaceByKey key = case lookup key lib of
    Just (Interface x) -> pure x
    _                  -> failure $ unknownInterface key