{-# Language OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, GADTs, DataKinds #-}
Module: MQTT.Encoding
Copyright: Lukas Braun 2014
License: GPL-3
Maintainer: koomi+mqtt@hackerspace-bamberg.de

Binary encoding for MQTT messages.

module Network.MQTT.Encoding where

import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>), mconcat, mempty)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import System.IO (Handle)

import Network.MQTT.Types

-- | Directly write a 'Message' to the buffer of a 'Handle'.
writeTo :: Handle -> Message t -> IO ()
writeTo h msg = hPutBuilder h (putMessage msg)

-- | Generate a 'Builder' for any 'Message'.
putMessage :: Message t -> Builder
putMessage Message{..} = mconcat
    [ putMqttHeader header (msgType body)
    , encodeRemaining remaining
    , lazyByteString bodyBS
    -- the header contains the length of the remaining message, so we have
    -- to build the body to determine the length in bytes
    bodyBS = toLazyByteString (putBody body)
    remaining = BSL.length bodyBS

-- * Fixed Header

-- | Build a 'MqttHeader' for the given message type.
putMqttHeader :: MqttHeader -> Word8 -> Builder
putMqttHeader (Header dup qos retain) msgType =
    word8 $ shiftL msgType 4 .|.
            shiftL (toBit dup) 3 .|.
            shiftL (fromQoS qos) 1 .|.
            toBit retain

-- | Encode the remaining length field.
encodeRemaining :: Int64 -> Builder
encodeRemaining n =
    let (n', digit) = n `quotRem` 128
        digit' = fromIntegral digit
    in if n' > 0
         -- set top bit to indicate more digits are following
         then word8 (digit' .|. 0x80) <> encodeRemaining n'
         else word8 digit'

-- * Body

-- | Build the 'MessageBody' for any message type.
putBody :: MessageBody t -> Builder
putBody (m@Connect{})      = putConnect m
putBody (m@ConnAck {})     = putConnAck m
putBody (m@Publish{})      = putPublish m
putBody (PubAck m)         = putMsgID m
putBody (PubRec m)         = putMsgID m
putBody (PubRel m)         = putMsgID m
putBody (PubComp m)        = putMsgID m
putBody (m@Subscribe{})    = putSubscribe m
putBody (m@SubAck{})       = putSubAck m
putBody (m@Unsubscribe{})  = putUnsubscribe m
putBody (UnsubAck m)       = putMsgID m
putBody PingReq            = mempty
putBody PingResp           = mempty
putBody Disconnect         = mempty

putConnect :: MessageBody 'CONNECT -> Builder
putConnect Connect{..} = mconcat
    [ putMqttText "MQIsdp" -- protocol
    , word8 3 -- version
    , word8 flags
    , word16BE keepAlive
    , putMqttText clientID
    , maybe mempty putTopic (fmap wTopic will)
    , maybePut (fmap wMsg will)
    , maybePut username
    , maybePut password
    maybePut = maybe mempty putMqttText
    flags = shiftL (toBit (isJust username)) 7 .|.
            shiftL (toBit (isJust password)) 6 .|.
            shiftL (maybe 0 (toBit . wRetain) will) 5 .|.
            shiftL (maybe 0 (fromQoS . wQoS) will) 3 .|.
            shiftL (toBit (isJust will)) 2 .|.
            shiftL (toBit cleanSession) 1

putConnAck :: MessageBody 'CONNACK -> Builder
putConnAck ConnAck{..} = word8 0 {- reserved -} <> word8 returnCode

putPublish :: MessageBody 'PUBLISH -> Builder
putPublish Publish{..} = mconcat
    [ putTopic topic
    , maybe mempty putMsgID pubMsgID
    , byteString payload

putSubscribe :: MessageBody 'SUBSCRIBE -> Builder
putSubscribe Subscribe{..} = mconcat
    [ putMsgID subscribeMsgID
    , foldMap (\(txt, qos) -> putTopic txt <> word8 (fromQoS qos)) subTopics

putSubAck :: MessageBody 'SUBACK -> Builder
putSubAck SubAck{..} = mconcat
    [ putMsgID subAckMsgID
    , foldMap (word8 . fromQoS) granted

putUnsubscribe :: MessageBody 'UNSUBSCRIBE -> Builder
putUnsubscribe Unsubscribe{..} = mconcat
    [ putMsgID unsubMsgID
    , foldMap putTopic unsubTopics

-- * Utility functions

-- | Build a 'MsgID'.
putMsgID :: MsgID -> Builder
putMsgID = word16BE

-- | Build a length-prefixed 'MqttText'.
putMqttText :: MqttText -> Builder
putMqttText (MqttText text) = let utf = encodeUtf8 text in
    word16BE (fromIntegral (BS.length utf)) <> byteString utf

-- | Build a 'Topic'.
putTopic :: Topic -> Builder
putTopic = putMqttText . fromTopic

-- | Encode a 'QoS'.
fromQoS :: (Num a) => QoS -> a
fromQoS NoConfirm = 0
fromQoS Confirm   = 1
fromQoS Handshake = 2

-- | Convert a 'Bool' to 0 or 1.
toBit :: (Num a) => Bool -> a
toBit False = 0
toBit True = 1

-- | Encode the type of a 'MessageBody'.
msgType :: (Num a) => MessageBody t -> a
msgType (Connect{})     = 1
msgType (ConnAck{})     = 2
msgType (Publish{})     = 3
msgType (PubAck{})      = 4
msgType (PubRec{})      = 5
msgType (PubRel{})      = 6
msgType (PubComp{})     = 7
msgType (Subscribe{})   = 8
msgType (SubAck{})      = 9
msgType (Unsubscribe{}) = 10
msgType (UnsubAck{})    = 11
msgType PingReq         = 12
msgType PingResp        = 13
msgType Disconnect      = 14