music-diatonic-0.0.1: Implementation of basic western musical theory objects.



The Scale module implements scales.



class Scl a whereSource


scale :: a -> ScaleSource


majorScale :: Note -> ScaleSource

Creates a Major diatonic Scale using the given Note as the tonic.

minorScale :: Note -> ScaleSource

Creates a Minor diatonic Scale using the given Note as the tonic.

majorPentatonicScale :: Note -> ScaleSource

Creates a Major pentatonic Scale using the given Note as the tonic.

minorPentatonicScale :: Note -> ScaleSource

Creates a Minor pentatonic Scale using the given Note as the tonic.

minorHarmonicScale :: Note -> ScaleSource

Creates a Minor harmonic Scale using the given Note as the tonic.

minorMelodicScale :: Note -> ScaleSource

Creates a Minor melodic Scale using the given Note as the tonic.

tetrachord :: Note -> [Note]Source

Returns a tetrachord using the given Note as the starting note.

 tetrachord G == [G,A,B,C]