-- |Netrium is Copyright Anthony Waite, Dave Hetwett, Shaun Laurens 2009-2015, and files herein are licensed
-- |under the MIT license,  the text of which can be found in license.txt
module UnitsDB where

import Control.Monad              (liftM, liftM2)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Namespaces  (localName)
import Text.XML.HaXml.Types       (QName(..))
import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent

import XmlUtils

newtype UnitsDB = UnitsDB { unUnitsDB :: [UnitDecl] }
  deriving (Show, Read)

data UnitDecl = CommodityDecl    String
              | UnitDecl         String
              | LocationDecl     String
              | CurrencyDecl     String
              | CashFlowTypeDecl String
  deriving (Show, Read)

instance HTypeable UnitsDB where
  toHType _ = Defined "UnitsDB" [] []

instance XmlContent UnitsDB where
  parseContents = inElement "UnitsDB" (liftM UnitsDB parseContents)
  toContents (UnitsDB ds) = [mkElemC "UnitsDB" (toContents ds)]

instance HTypeable UnitDecl where
  toHType _ = Defined "UnitDecl" [] []

instance XmlContent UnitDecl where
  parseContents = do
    e@(Elem t _ _) <- element ["CommodityDecl", "CashFlowTypeDecl",
                               "LocationDecl", "CurrencyDecl"]
    commit $ interior e $ case localName t of
      "CashFlowTypeDecl"  -> liftM CashFlowTypeDecl  (attrStr (N "name") e)
      "CommodityDecl"     -> liftM CommodityDecl     (attrStr (N "name") e)
      "UnitDecl"          -> liftM UnitDecl          (attrStr (N "name") e)
      "LocationDecl"      -> liftM LocationDecl      (attrStr (N "name") e)
      "CurrencyDecl"      -> liftM CurrencyDecl      (attrStr (N "name") e)

  toContents (CommodityDecl n) =
    [mkElemAC (N "CommodityDecl") [(N "name", str2attr n)] []]
  toContents (CashFlowTypeDecl n) =
    [mkElemAC (N "CashFlowTypeDecl") [(N "name", str2attr n)] []]
  toContents (UnitDecl n) =
    [mkElemAC (N "UnitDecl") [(N "name", str2attr n)] []]
  toContents (LocationDecl n) =
    [mkElemAC (N "LocationDecl") [(N "name", str2attr n)] []]
  toContents (CurrencyDecl n) =
    [mkElemAC (N "CurrencyDecl") [(N "name", str2attr n)] []]

compileUnitsDB :: UnitsDB -> String
compileUnitsDB = unlines . map compileUnit . unUnitsDB
    compileUnit (CashFlowTypeDecl n) =
      n ++ " :: CashFlowType\n" ++
      n ++ " = CashFlowType " ++ show n
    compileUnit (CommodityDecl n) =
      n ++ " :: Commodity\n" ++
      n ++ " = Commodity " ++ show n
    compileUnit (UnitDecl n) =
      n ++ " :: Unit\n" ++
      n ++ " = Unit " ++ show n
    compileUnit (LocationDecl n) =
      n ++ " :: Location\n" ++
      n ++ " = Location " ++ show n
    compileUnit (CurrencyDecl n) =
      n ++ " :: Currency\n" ++
      n ++ " = Currency " ++ show n