network-2.0: Networking-related facilitiesContentsIndex
Host names
Low level functionality
Service names
Low level functionality
Protocol names
Low level functionality
Port numbers
Network names
Low level functionality
The Network.BSD module defines Haskell bindings to network programming functionality provided by BSD Unix derivatives.
type HostName = String
getHostName :: IO HostName
data HostEntry = HostEntry {
hostName :: HostName
hostAliases :: [HostName]
hostFamily :: Family
hostAddresses :: [HostAddress]
getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
hostAddress :: HostEntry -> HostAddress
getHostEntries :: Bool -> IO [HostEntry]
setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
endHostEntry :: IO ()
data ServiceEntry = ServiceEntry {
serviceName :: ServiceName
serviceAliases :: [ServiceName]
servicePort :: PortNumber
serviceProtocol :: ProtocolName
type ServiceName = String
getServiceByName :: ServiceName -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
getServiceByPort :: PortNumber -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
getServicePortNumber :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
getServiceEntries :: Bool -> IO [ServiceEntry]
getServiceEntry :: IO ServiceEntry
setServiceEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
endServiceEntry :: IO ()
type ProtocolName = String
type ProtocolNumber = CInt
data ProtocolEntry = ProtocolEntry {
protoName :: ProtocolName
protoAliases :: [ProtocolName]
protoNumber :: ProtocolNumber
getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
defaultProtocol :: ProtocolNumber
getProtocolEntries :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry
endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
data PortNumber
type NetworkName = String
type NetworkAddr = CULong
data NetworkEntry = NetworkEntry {
networkName :: NetworkName
networkAliases :: [NetworkName]
networkFamily :: Family
networkAddress :: NetworkAddr
getNetworkByName :: NetworkName -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkByAddr :: NetworkAddr -> Family -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkEntries :: Bool -> IO [NetworkEntry]
setNetworkEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
getNetworkEntry :: IO NetworkEntry
endNetworkEntry :: IO ()
Host names
type HostName = String
getHostName :: IO HostName
Calling getHostName returns the standard host name for the current processor, as set at boot time.
data HostEntry
hostName :: HostName
hostAliases :: [HostName]
hostFamily :: Family
hostAddresses :: [HostAddress]
show/hide Instances
getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
Resolve a HostName to IPv4 address.
getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
Get a HostEntry corresponding to the given address and family. Note that only IPv4 is currently supported.
hostAddress :: HostEntry -> HostAddress
getHostEntries :: Bool -> IO [HostEntry]
Low level functionality
setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
endHostEntry :: IO ()
Service names
data ServiceEntry
serviceName :: ServiceName
serviceAliases :: [ServiceName]
servicePort :: PortNumber
serviceProtocol :: ProtocolName
show/hide Instances
type ServiceName = String
getServiceByName :: ServiceName -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
Get service by name.
getServiceByPort :: PortNumber -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
Get the service given a PortNumber and ProtocolName.
getServicePortNumber :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
Get the PortNumber corresponding to the ServiceName.
getServiceEntries :: Bool -> IO [ServiceEntry]
Low level functionality
getServiceEntry :: IO ServiceEntry
setServiceEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
endServiceEntry :: IO ()
Protocol names
type ProtocolName = String
type ProtocolNumber = CInt
data ProtocolEntry
protoName :: ProtocolName
protoAliases :: [ProtocolName]
protoNumber :: ProtocolNumber
show/hide Instances
getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
defaultProtocol :: ProtocolNumber
This is the default protocol for the given service.
getProtocolEntries :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
Low level functionality
setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry
endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
Port numbers
data PortNumber
show/hide Instances
Network names
type NetworkName = String
type NetworkAddr = CULong
data NetworkEntry
networkName :: NetworkName
networkAliases :: [NetworkName]
networkFamily :: Family
networkAddress :: NetworkAddr
show/hide Instances
getNetworkByName :: NetworkName -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkByAddr :: NetworkAddr -> Family -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkEntries :: Bool -> IO [NetworkEntry]
Get the list of network entries.
Low level functionality
setNetworkEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
Open the network name database. The parameter specifies whether a connection is maintained open between various networkEntry calls
getNetworkEntry :: IO NetworkEntry
endNetworkEntry :: IO ()
Close the connection to the network name database.
Produced by Haddock version 0.8