{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}

{-| This module provides a basic library API to @nix-delegate@'s functionality

module Nix.Delegate
    ( -- * Options
    , Command(..)
    , OperatingSystem(..)

      -- * Commands
    , delegate
    , delegateStream
    , main
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative       (empty, many, (<**>), (<|>))
import           Control.Exception         (SomeException)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class    (MonadIO)
import           Control.Monad.Managed     (MonadManaged)
import qualified Data.Foldable             as Foldable
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid               ((<>))
import           Data.Text                 (Text)
import           Prelude                   hiding (FilePath)
import           Turtle                    (ExitCode (..), FilePath, Line,
                                            Shell, d, fp, liftIO, s, (%), (</>))

import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Foldl             as Foldl
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified NeatInterpolation
import qualified Options.Applicative       as Options
import qualified Options.Applicative.Types as Options
import qualified Turtle
import qualified Turtle.Line

-- | @delegate@ options
data OptArgs = OptArgs
    { host    :: Text
    -- ^ Build host to add
    , os      :: [OperatingSystem]
    -- ^ Supported platform types (Default: @x86_64-linux@)
    , key     :: Maybe FilePath
    -- ^ SSH private key used to log in to build host (Default: @~/.ssh/id_rsa@)
    , cores   :: Maybe Integer
    -- ^ Number of cores available on the build host (Default: @1@)
    , feature :: [Text]
    -- ^ Supported system features for the build host
    , cmd     :: Command
    -- ^ Command to run with distributed builds enabled
    } deriving (Show)

-- | Operating system
data OperatingSystem
    = X86_64_Linux
    | X86_64_Darwin
    deriving (Show)

parseOptions :: Options.Parser OptArgs
parseOptions =
  <$> parseHost
  <*> many parseOS
  <*> parseKey
  <*> parseCores
  <*> many parseFeature
  <*> parseCommand

parseHost :: Options.Parser Text
parseHost = Data.Text.pack <$>
  (Options.option Options.str $
   ( Options.long "host"
  <> Options.help "Machine to use as a build slave"

parseKey :: Options.Parser (Maybe FilePath)
parseKey =
  (Options.optional $  (Turtle.fromText . Data.Text.pack) <$>
   (Options.option Options.str $
    ( Options.long "key"
   <> Options.help "Path to SSH private key (Default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa)"

parseCores :: Options.Parser (Maybe Integer)
parseCores =
   (Options.option ( Options.auto) $
    ( Options.long "cores"
   <> Options.help "Number of cores to use (Default: 1)"

parseFeature :: Options.Parser Text
parseFeature = Data.Text.pack <$>
  (Options.option Options.str $
   ( Options.long "feature"
  <> Options.help "Supported system features"

parseOS :: Options.Parser OperatingSystem
parseOS =
      Options.flag' X86_64_Linux  (Options.long "x86_64-linux" )
  <|> Options.flag' X86_64_Darwin (Options.long "x86_64-darwin")

renderOS :: OperatingSystem -> Text
renderOS X86_64_Linux  = "x86_64-linux"
renderOS X86_64_Darwin = "x86_64-darwin"

-- | Command to run
data Command = Command Text [Text]
  deriving (Show)

parseCommand :: Options.Parser Command
parseCommand = parseCmd <*> many (Data.Text.pack <$> Options.strArgument (Options.metavar "ARGS"))
    cmdP :: Options.ReadM ([Text] -> Command)
    cmdP = Command . Data.Text.pack <$> Options.readerAsk

    parseCmd =
      (Options.argument cmdP $
        ( Options.metavar "COMMAND"
       <> Options.help    "Command to delegate (if 'nix-build', sudo will be used if $NIX_REMOTE=daemon)"

renderCmd :: Command -> Text
renderCmd (Command cmd args) = Turtle.format (s%" "%s) cmd (Data.Text.intercalate " " args)

canSudo :: Command -> Bool
canSudo (Command command _) = Turtle.filename path == "nix-build"
    path = Turtle.fromText command

-- | @main@ used by the @delegate@ executable
main :: IO ()
main = do
    options <- do
            (Options.info (parseOptions <**> Options.helper)
                (   Options.fullDesc
                <>  Options.progDesc "Run a subcommand with distributed builds transiently enabled"
                <>  Options.noIntersperse
    delegate options

exchangeKeys :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
exchangeKeys key host = do
  let key' = Turtle.format fp key

  -- When performing a distributed build you need to share a key pair
  -- (both the public and private key) with the machine you're
  -- deploying to (or from). Both machines must store the same private
  -- key at `/etc/nix/signing-key.sec` and the same public key at
  -- `/etc/nix/signing-key.pub`. The private must also be only
  -- user-readable and not group- or world-readable (i.e. `400`
  -- permissions using `chmod` notation).
  -- By default, neither machine will have a key pair installed.  This script
  -- will first ensure that the remote machine has a key pair (creating one if
  -- if missing) and copy the remote key pair to the local machine.  We
  -- install the remote key pair locally on every run of this script because we
  -- do not assume that all remote machines share the same key pair.  Quite the
  -- opposite: every production machine should have a unique signing key pair.
  let privateKey = "/etc/nix/signing-key.sec"
  let publicKey  = "/etc/nix/signing-key.pub"

  let handler0 :: SomeException -> IO ()
      handler0 e = do
          let exceptionText = Data.Text.pack (show e)
          let msg           = [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] Could not ensure that the remote machine has signing keys installed

    Debugging tips:

    1. Check if you can log into the remote machine by running:

        $ ssh -i $key' $host

    2. If you can log in, then check if you have permission to `sudo` without a
       password by running the following command on the remote machine:

        $ sudo -n true
        $ echo $?

    Original error: $exceptionText
          Turtle.die msg

  let openssl :: Turtle.Format a a
      openssl =
          "$(nix-build --no-out-link \"<nixpkgs>\" -A libressl)/bin/openssl"
  let fmt = "ssh -i "%fp%" "%s%" '"
              % "test -e "%fp%" || "
              % "sudo sh -c \""
                  % "(umask 277 && "%openssl%" genrsa -out "%fp%" 2048) && "
                  % openssl%" rsa -in "%fp%" -pubout > "%fp
              % "\""
          % "'"
  let cmd = Turtle.format fmt key host privateKey privateKey privateKey publicKey
  Control.Exception.handle handler0 (Turtle.shells cmd empty)

  let mirror path = Turtle.runManaged $ do
          let message = Turtle.format ("[+] Downloading: "%fp) path
          mapM_ Turtle.err (Turtle.Line.textToLines message)

          localPath <- Turtle.mktempfile "/tmp" "signing-key"
          let download =
                  Turtle.procs "rsync"
                      [ "--archive"
                      , "--checksum"
                      , "--rsh", Turtle.format ("ssh -i "%fp) key
                      , "--rsync-path", "sudo rsync"
                      , Turtle.format (s%":"%fp) host path
                      , Turtle.format fp localPath
          let handler1 :: SomeException -> IO ()
              handler1 e = do
                  let pathText      = Turtle.format fp path
                  let exceptionText = Data.Text.pack (show e)
                  let msg           = [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] Could not download: $pathText

    Debugging tips:

    1. Check if you can log into the remote machine by running:

        $ ssh -i $key' $host

    2. If you can log in, then check if you have permission to `sudo` without a
       password by running the following command on the remote machine:

        $ sudo -n true
        $ echo $?

    3. If you can `sudo` without a password, then check if the file exists by
       running the following command on the remote machine:

        $ test -e $pathText
        $ echo $?

    Original error: $exceptionText
                  Turtle.die msg

          liftIO (Control.Exception.handle handler1 download)

          new <- liftIO . Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile . Data.Text.unpack $
            Turtle.format fp localPath

          old <- liftIO . Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile . Data.Text.unpack $
            Turtle.format fp path

          if new == old
              then do
                  let same = Turtle.format ("[+] Unchanged: "%fp) path
                  mapM_ Turtle.err (Turtle.Line.textToLines same)
              else do
                  -- NB: path shouldn't is a FilePath and won't have any
                  -- newlines, so this should be okay
                  Turtle.err (Turtle.unsafeTextToLine $ Turtle.format ("[+] Installing: "%fp) path)


                  let install =
                          Turtle.procs "sudo"
                              [ "mv"
                              , Turtle.format fp localPath
                              , Turtle.format fp path
                  let handler2 :: SomeException -> IO ()
                      handler2 e = do
                          let pathText      = Turtle.format fp path
                          let exceptionText = Data.Text.pack (show e)
                          let msg           = [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] Could not install: $pathText

    Debugging tips:

    1. Check to see that you have permission to `sudo` by running:

        $ sudo true
        $ echo $?

    Original error: $exceptionText
                          Turtle.die msg

                  liftIO (Control.Exception.handle handler2 install)

  mirror privateKey
  mirror publicKey

    :: MonadManaged managed => OptArgs -> managed (Text, SomeException -> IO a)
delegateShared OptArgs{..}  = do
    home <- Turtle.home
    let key'      = fromMaybe (home </> ".ssh/id_rsa") key
    let os'       = case os of [] -> [X86_64_Linux]; _ -> os
    let os''      = Data.Text.intercalate "," (Foldable.toList (fmap renderOS os'))
    let feature'  = Data.Text.intercalate "," feature
    let cores'    = fromMaybe 1 cores

    isDaemon <- maybe False (== "daemon") <$> Turtle.need "NIX_REMOTE"

    let sudo | isDaemon && canSudo cmd = "sudo"
             | otherwise               = ""

    host' <-
      if isDaemon && not (Data.Text.any (== '@') host)
      then do
        mUser <- Turtle.need "USER"
        case mUser of
            Nothing   -> Turtle.die [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] You must set the `USER` environment variable in order for `nix-delegate` to
    work in a multi-user Nix installation
            Just user -> return (user <> "@" <> host)
      else return host

    {-  Do a test @ssh@ command in order to prompt the user to recognize the
        host if the host is not known

        Use @sudo@ if we are in multi-user mode since the @root@ user will be
        initiating the build and therefore the @root@ user needs to authorize
        the known host
    Turtle.err "[+] Testing SSH access"
    if sudo == "sudo" then warnSudo else return ()
    let testSSH = s%" ssh -i "%fp%" "%s%" :"
    Turtle.shells (Turtle.format testSSH sudo key' host') Turtle.stdin

    liftIO (exchangeKeys key' host')

    let debuggingTips = [NeatInterpolation.text|
    Debugging tips:

    1.  Make sure that you have installed Nix:

        $ nix-build --version

    2.  Make sure that you log into a new shell after installing Nix

    remoteSystemsFile <- Turtle.mktempfile "/tmp" "remote-systems.conf"
    let line =
                (s%" "%s%" "%fp%" "%d%" 1 "%s)

    case Turtle.textToLine line of
      Just line' ->
        Turtle.output remoteSystemsFile (pure line')
      Nothing ->
        Turtle.die [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] The generated 'remote-systems.conf' file content contains a newline (it should not)


    loadDirectory <- Turtle.mktempdir "/tmp" "build-remote-load"

    mNixPath <- Turtle.need "NIX_PATH"
    nixPath  <- case mNixPath of
            Just nixPath -> return nixPath
            Nothing      -> Turtle.die [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] Your NIX_PATH environment variable is unset


    let configFile = home </> ".ssh/config"

    configExists <- Turtle.testfile configFile
    let sshConfigFile
          | configExists = Turtle.format ("ssh-config-file="%fp%":") configFile
          | otherwise    = ""

    mAuthSock <- Turtle.need "SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
    let sshAuthSock = maybe "" (Turtle.format ("ssh-auth-sock="%s%":")) mAuthSock
    let nixpkgpath  = Turtle.inproc "nix-build" [ "--no-out-link", "--realise", "<nixpkgs>", "--attr", "nix" ] empty

    hook <- Turtle.fold nixpkgpath Foldl.head >>= \case
      Just nixpkgpath' -> do
        let nixpkgfp = Turtle.fromText $ Turtle.lineToText nixpkgpath'
        return $ Turtle.format fp (nixpkgfp </> "libexec/nix/build-remote.pl")
      Nothing ->
        Turtle.die [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] The 'build-remote.pl' script could not be found on your system!


    let renderedCmd = renderCmd cmd
    let pfxcmd = Turtle.format
          (s %
           " NIX_BUILD_HOOK="%s%
           " NIX_PATH="%s%
           " NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS="%s%
           " NIX_CURRENT_LOAD="%s%" "%s)
          (sshConfigFile <> sshAuthSock <> nixPath)
          (Turtle.format fp remoteSystemsFile)
          (Turtle.format fp loadDirectory)

    let handler2 :: SomeException -> IO a
        handler2 e = do
            let exceptionText = Data.Text.pack (show e)
            let msg           = [NeatInterpolation.text|
[x] The subcommand you specified exited with a non-zero exit code:

    Original error: $exceptionText
            Turtle.die msg

    -- NB: path shouldn't is a FilePath and won't have any
    -- newlines, so this should be okay
    Turtle.err (Turtle.unsafeTextToLine $ Turtle.format ("[+] Running command: "%s%" "%s) sudo renderedCmd)
    Turtle.err (Turtle.unsafeTextToLine $ Turtle.format ("[+] Full command context: "%s) pfxcmd)
    return (pfxcmd, handler2)

{-| Run a command with distributed builds transiently enabled

    This version outputs a helpful error message if the command fails
delegate :: OptArgs -> IO ()
delegate options = Turtle.runManaged $ do
    (command, handler) <- delegateShared options
    let build = Turtle.shells command empty
    liftIO (Control.Exception.handle handler build)

{-| Run a command with distributed builds transiently enabled

    This version captures the output as a stream
delegateStream :: OptArgs -> Shell Line
delegateStream options = do
    (command, _) <- delegateShared options
    Turtle.inshell command empty

warnSudo :: MonadIO io => io ()
warnSudo = do
    exitCode <- Turtle.shell "sudo -n true 2>/dev/null" empty

    case exitCode of
        ExitFailure _ -> do
            Turtle.err ""
            Turtle.err "    This will prompt you for your `sudo` password"
        _             -> do
            return ()