-- | Library for [bitwise operations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation).
module Bitwise
  ( -- * Basic Operations

    -- * Bit Shifts

import Basics (Int)
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
import qualified Data.Bits
import qualified Prelude

-- | Bitwise AND
and :: Int -> Int -> Int
and = (.&.)

-- | Bitwise OR
or :: Int -> Int -> Int
or = (.|.)

-- | Bitwise XOR
xor :: Int -> Int -> Int
xor = Data.Bits.xor

-- | Flip each bit individually, often called bitwise NOT
complement :: Int -> Int
complement = Data.Bits.complement

-- | Shift bits to the left by a given offset, filling new bits with zeros.
-- This can be used to multiply numbers by powers of two.
-- > shiftLeftBy 1 5 == 10
-- > shiftLeftBy 5 1 == 32
shiftLeftBy :: Int -> Int -> Int
shiftLeftBy offset value =
  Data.Bits.shift value (Prelude.fromIntegral offset)

-- | Shift bits to the right by a given offset, filling new bits with
-- whatever is the topmost bit. This can be used to divide numbers by powers of two.
-- > shiftRightBy 1  32 == 16
-- > shiftRightBy 2  32 == 8
-- > shiftRightBy 1 -32 == -16
-- This is called an [arithmetic right shift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation#Arithmetic_shift), often written @>>@, and sometimes called a sign-propagating right shift because it fills empty spots with copies of the highest bit.
shiftRightBy :: Int -> Int -> Int
shiftRightBy offset value =
  Data.Bits.shiftR value (Prelude.fromIntegral offset)

-- | Shift bits to the right by a given offset, filling new bits with zeros.
-- > shiftRightZfBy 1  32 == 16
-- > shiftRightZfBy 2  32 == 8
-- > shiftRightZfBy 1 -32 == 9223372036854775792
-- This is called an [logical right shift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation#Logical_shift), often written @>>>@, and sometimes called a zero-fill right shift because it fills empty spots with zeros.
shiftRightZfBy :: Int -> Int -> Int
shiftRightZfBy offset value =
  -- For some reason Data.Bits does not implement this function. The general idea is:
  -- 1. Generate a mask that will clear the leftmost n bits when ANDed with the result.
  -- 2. Shift right by n bits.
  -- 3. Bitwise AND the mask.
  let n = Prelude.fromIntegral offset
      oneBits = Data.Bits.complement Data.Bits.zeroBits :: Int
      shiftedValue = Data.Bits.shiftR value n
      shiftedMask = Data.Bits.rotateR (Data.Bits.shiftL oneBits n) n
   in and shiftedValue shiftedMask