{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module NumHask.Data.Complex where

import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
import Data.Data (Data)

import NumHask.Algebra.Additive
import NumHask.Algebra.Multiplicative
import NumHask.Algebra.Ring
import NumHask.Algebra.Distribution
import NumHask.Algebra.Field
import NumHask.Algebra.Metric

import Prelude hiding (Num(..), negate, sin, cos, sqrt, (/), atan, pi, exp, log, recip, (**))
import qualified Prelude as P ( (&&), (>), (<=), (<), (==), otherwise, Ord(..) )

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- The Complex type

infix  6  :+

-- | Complex numbers are an algebraic type.
-- For a complex number @z@, @'abs' z@ is a number with the magnitude of @z@,
-- but oriented in the positive real direction, whereas @'sign' z@
-- has the phase of @z@, but unit magnitude.
-- The 'Foldable' and 'Traversable' instances traverse the real part first.
data Complex a
  = !a :+ !a    -- ^ forms a complex number from its real and imaginary
                -- rectangular components.
        deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data, Generic, Generic1
                , Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Extracts the real part of a complex number.
realPart :: Complex a -> a
realPart (x :+ _) =  x

-- | Extracts the imaginary part of a complex number.
imagPart :: Complex a -> a
imagPart (_ :+ y) =  y

instance (AdditiveMagma a) => AdditiveMagma (Complex a) where
  (rx :+ ix) `plus` (ry :+ iy) = (rx `plus` ry) :+ (ix `plus` iy)

instance (AdditiveUnital a) => AdditiveUnital (Complex a) where
  zero = zero :+ zero  

instance (AdditiveAssociative a) => AdditiveAssociative (Complex a)

instance (AdditiveCommutative a) => AdditiveCommutative (Complex a)

instance (Additive a) => Additive (Complex a)

instance (AdditiveInvertible a) => AdditiveInvertible (Complex a) where
  negate (rx :+ ix) = negate rx :+ negate ix

instance (AdditiveGroup a) => AdditiveGroup (Complex a)

instance (Distribution a, AdditiveGroup a) => Distribution (Complex a)

instance (AdditiveUnital a, AdditiveGroup a, MultiplicativeUnital a) => MultiplicativeUnital (Complex a) where
  one = one :+ zero

instance (MultiplicativeMagma a, AdditiveGroup a) => MultiplicativeMagma (Complex a) where
  (rx :+ ix) `times` (ry :+ iy) =
    (rx `times` ry - ix `times` iy) :+ (ix `times` ry + iy `times` rx)

instance (MultiplicativeMagma a, AdditiveGroup a) => MultiplicativeCommutative (Complex a)

instance (MultiplicativeUnital a, MultiplicativeAssociative a, AdditiveGroup a) => Multiplicative (Complex a)

instance (AdditiveGroup a, MultiplicativeInvertible a) => MultiplicativeInvertible (Complex a) where
  recip (rx :+ ix) = (rx `times` d) :+ (negate ix `times` d)
      d = recip ((rx `times` rx) `plus` (ix `times` ix))

instance (MultiplicativeUnital a, MultiplicativeAssociative a, MultiplicativeInvertible a, AdditiveGroup a) => MultiplicativeGroup (Complex a)    

instance (AdditiveGroup a, MultiplicativeAssociative a) =>
         MultiplicativeAssociative (Complex a)

instance (Semiring a, AdditiveGroup a) => Semiring (Complex a)

instance (Semiring a, AdditiveGroup a) => Ring (Complex a)

instance (Semiring a, AdditiveGroup a) => InvolutiveRing (Complex a)

instance (MultiplicativeAssociative a, MultiplicativeUnital a, AdditiveGroup a, Semiring a) =>
   CRing (Complex a)

instance (MultiplicativeGroup a, AdditiveGroup a, Semiring a) => Field (Complex a) 

instance (Multiplicative a, ExpField a, Normed a a) =>
         Normed (Complex a) a where
  normL1 (rx :+ ix) = normL1 rx + normL1 ix
  normL2 (rx :+ ix) = sqrt (rx * rx + ix * ix)
  normLp p (rx :+ ix) = (normL1 rx ** p + normL1 ix ** p) ** (one / p)

instance (Multiplicative a, ExpField a, Normed a a) => Metric (Complex a) a where
  distanceL1 a b = normL1 (a - b)
  distanceL2 a b = normL2 (a - b)
  distanceLp p a b = normLp p (a - b)

-- | todo: bottom is here somewhere???
instance (P.Ord a, TrigField a, ExpField a) => ExpField (Complex a) where
  exp (rx :+ ix) = exp rx * cos ix :+ exp rx * sin ix
  log (rx :+ ix) = log (sqrt (rx * rx + ix * ix)) :+ atan2' ix rx
      atan2' y x
        | x P.> zero = atan (y / x)
        | x P.== zero P.&& y P.> zero = pi / (one + one)
        | x P.< one P.&& y P.> one = pi + atan (y / x)
        | (x P.<= zero P.&& y P.< zero) || (x P.< zero) =
          negate (atan2' (negate y) x)
        | y P.== zero = pi -- must be after the previous test on zero y
        | x P.== zero P.&& y P.== zero = y -- must be after the other double zero tests
        | P.otherwise = x + y -- x or y is a NaN, return a NaN (via +)

-- * Helpers from Data.Complex 

mkPolar :: TrigField a => a -> a -> Complex a
mkPolar r theta  =  r * cos theta :+ r * sin theta

-- | @'cis' t@ is a complex value with magnitude @1@
-- and phase @t@ (modulo @2*'pi'@).
{-# SPECIALISE cis :: Double -> Complex Double #-}
cis              :: TrigField a => a -> Complex a
cis theta        =  cos theta :+ sin theta

-- | The function 'polar' takes a complex number and
-- returns a (magnitude, phase) pair in canonical form:
-- the magnitude is nonnegative, and the phase in the range @(-'pi', 'pi']@;
-- if the magnitude is zero, then so is the phase.
{-# SPECIALISE polar :: Complex Double -> (Double,Double) #-}
polar            :: (RealFloat a, ExpField a) => Complex a -> (a,a)
polar z          =  (magnitude z, phase z)

-- | The nonnegative magnitude of a complex number.
{-# SPECIALISE magnitude :: Complex Double -> Double #-}
magnitude :: (ExpField a, RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
magnitude (x :+ y) =  scaleFloat k (sqrt (sqr (scaleFloat mk x) + sqr (scaleFloat mk y)))
                    where k  = max (exponent x) (exponent y)
                          mk = - k
                          sqr z = z * z

-- | The phase of a complex number, in the range @(-'pi', 'pi']@.
-- If the magnitude is zero, then so is the phase.
{-# SPECIALISE phase :: Complex Double -> Double #-}
phase :: (RealFloat a) => Complex a -> a
phase (0 :+ 0)   = 0            -- SLPJ July 97 from John Peterson
phase (x :+ y)   = atan2 y x