{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module      :  Neovim.Test
Description :  Testing functions
Copyright   :  (c) Sebastian Witte
License     :  Apache-2.0

Maintainer  :  woozletoff@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  GHC

module Neovim.Test (
    ) where

import           Neovim
import qualified Neovim.Context.Internal                   as Internal
import           Neovim.RPC.Common                         (RPCConfig,
import           Neovim.RPC.EventHandler                   (runEventHandler)
import           Neovim.RPC.SocketReader                   (runSocketReader)

import           Control.Monad.Reader                      (runReaderT)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource              (runResourceT)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc                 (annotate, vsep)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal (Color (..), color,
import           GHC.IO.Exception                          (ioe_filename)
import           System.Directory
import           System.Exit                               (ExitCode (..))
import           System.IO                                 (Handle)
import           System.Process
import           UnliftIO.Async                            (async, cancel)
import           UnliftIO.Concurrent                       (threadDelay)
import           UnliftIO.Exception
import           UnliftIO.STM                              (atomically,

-- | Type synonym for 'Word'.
newtype Seconds = Seconds Word

-- | Run the given 'Neovim' action according to the given parameters.
-- The embedded neovim instance is started without a config (i.e. it is passed
-- @-u NONE@).
-- If you want to run your tests purely from haskell, you have to setup
-- the desired state of neovim with the help of the functions in
-- "Neovim.API.String".
    :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Optional path to a file that should be opened
    -> Seconds        -- ^ Maximum time (in seconds) that a test is allowed to run
    -> env            -- ^ Read-only configuration
    -> Neovim env a   -- ^ Test case
    -> IO ()
testWithEmbeddedNeovim file timeout r (Internal.Neovim a) =
    runTest `catch` catchIfNvimIsNotOnPath
    runTest = do
        (_, _, ph, cfg, cleanUp) <- startEmbeddedNvim file timeout

        let testCfg = Internal.retypeConfig r cfg

        void $ runReaderT (runResourceT a) testCfg

        -- vim_command isn't asynchronous, so we need to avoid waiting for the
        -- result of the operation since neovim cannot send a result if it
        -- has quit.
        let Internal.Neovim q = vim_command "qa!"
        testRunner <- async . void $ runReaderT (runResourceT q) testCfg

        waitForProcess ph >>= \case
            ExitFailure i ->
                fail $ "Neovim returned with an exit status of: " ++ show i

            ExitSuccess ->
                return ()
        cancel testRunner

catchIfNvimIsNotOnPath :: IOException -> IO ()
catchIfNvimIsNotOnPath e = case ioe_filename e of
    Just "nvim" ->
        putDoc . annotate (color Red) $ vsep
            [ "The neovim executable 'nvim' is not on the PATH."
            , "You may not be testing fully!"

    _           ->
        throwIO e

    :: Maybe FilePath
    -> Seconds
    -> IO (Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle, Internal.Config RPCConfig, IO ())
startEmbeddedNvim file (Seconds timeout) = do
    args <- case file of
                Nothing ->
                    return []

                Just f -> do
                    -- 'fail' should work with most testing frameworks. In case
                    -- it doesn't, please file a bug report!
                    unlessM (doesFileExist f) . fail $ "File not found: " ++ f
                    return [f]

    (Just hin, Just hout, _, ph) <-
        createProcess (proc "nvim" (["-n","-u","NONE","--embed"] ++ args))
            { std_in = CreatePipe
            , std_out = CreatePipe

    cfg <- Internal.newConfig (pure Nothing) newRPCConfig

    socketReader <- async . void $ runSocketReader
                    (cfg { Internal.pluginSettings = Nothing })

    eventHandler <- async . void $ runEventHandler
                    (cfg { Internal.pluginSettings = Nothing })

    atomically $ putTMVar
                    (Internal.globalFunctionMap cfg)
                    (Internal.mkFunctionMap [])

    timeoutAsync <- async . void $ do
        threadDelay $ (fromIntegral timeout) * 1000 * 1000
        getProcessExitCode ph >>= maybe (terminateProcess ph) (\_ -> return ())

    let cleanUp = mapM_ cancel [socketReader, eventHandler, timeoutAsync]

    return (hin, hout, ph, cfg, cleanUp)