nvim-hs- Haskell plugin backend for neovim
Copyright(c) Sebastian Witte
Safe HaskellNone





debug :: env -> Neovim env a -> IO (Either (Doc AnsiStyle) a) Source #

Run a Neovim function.

This function connects to the socket pointed to by the environment variable $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS and executes the command. It does not register itself as a real plugin provider, you can simply call neovim-functions from the module Neovim.API.String this way.

Tip: If you run a terminal inside a neovim instance, then this variable is automatically set.

debug' :: Neovim () a -> IO (Either (Doc AnsiStyle) a) Source #

Run a Neovim' function.

debug' = debug ()

See documentation for debug.

data NvimHSDebugInstance Source #

Simple datatype storing neccessary information to start, stop and reload a set of plugins. This is passed to most of the functions in this module for storing state even when the ghci-session has been reloaded.

develMain :: NeovimConfig -> IO (Maybe NvimHSDebugInstance) Source #

This function is intended to be run _once_ in a ghci session that to give a REPL based workflow when developing a plugin.

Note that the dyre-based reload mechanisms, i.e. the Neovim.Plugin.ConfigHelper plugin, is not started this way.

To use this in ghci, you simply bind the results to some variables. After each reload of ghci, you have to rebind those variables.


λ di <- develMain Nothing

λ runNeovim' di $ vim_call_function "getqflist" []
Right (Right (ObjectArray []))

λ :r

λ di <- develMain Nothing

You can also create a GHCI alias to get rid of most the busy-work: :def! x \_ -> return ":reload\nJust di <- develMain defaultConfig{ plugins = [ myDebugPlugin ] }"

quitDevelMain :: NvimHSDebugInstance -> IO () Source #

Quit a previously started plugin provider.

restartDevelMain :: NvimHSDebugInstance -> IO (Maybe NvimHSDebugInstance) Source #

Restart the development plugin provider.

printGlobalFunctionMap :: NvimHSDebugInstance -> IO () Source #

Print the global function map to the console.

runNeovim :: NFData a => Config env -> Neovim env a -> IO (Either (Doc AnsiStyle) a) Source #

Initialize a Neovim context by supplying an InternalEnvironment.

runNeovim' :: NFData a => NvimHSDebugInstance -> Neovim () a -> IO (Either (Doc AnsiStyle) a) Source #

Convenience function to run a stateless Neovim function.

module Neovim