{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable,DeriveLift, DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
  Module      : Language.Pads.Syntax
  Description : The concrete syntax of Pads in Haskell
  Copyright   : (c) 2011
                Kathleen Fisher <kathleen.fisher@gmail.com>
                John Launchbury <john.launchbury@gmail.com>
  License     : MIT
  Maintainer  : Karl Cronburg <karl@cs.tufts.edu>
  Stability   : experimental

  Haskell data types, instances, and helper functions over these types for the
  syntax of Pads.

module Language.Pads.Syntax where

import Data.Generics (Data(..), Typeable(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift (Lift(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic(..))

instance Lift Pat
instance Lift Exp

-- | AST form of a pads declaration with four flavors.
data PadsDecl
    -- | A pads type declaration e.g.:
    -- > [pads| type           Foo     x y z   (foo :: Int) = (x, y, z, foo) generator <|gen|> |]
             =  PadsDeclType   String [String] (Maybe Pat) PadsTy            (Maybe Exp)

    -- | A pads data declaration e.g.:
    -- > [pads| data           Foo     x y z   (foo :: Int) = Foo (x, y, z, foo) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) |]
             |  PadsDeclData   String [String] (Maybe Pat)    PadsData                    [QString]

    -- | A pads newtype declaration e.g.:
    -- > [pads| newtype        Foo     x y z   (foo :: Int) = Foo (x, y, z, foo) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) |]
             |  PadsDeclNew    String [String] (Maybe Pat)    BranchInfo                  [QString]

    -- | A pads declaration for obtaining one type after parsing it from another, e.g.:
    -- > [pads| obtain         Foo     x y z   from   Int    using <|(fncn,inverse)|> generator <|gen|> |]
             |  PadsDeclObtain String [String]        PadsTy          Exp                       (Maybe Exp)
   deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show, Lift, Generic)

-- | AST form of a pads type, as notably used to the right hand side of an
-- equals sign in a @'PadsDecl'@ pads declaration.
data PadsTy
  -- | AST form of "constrain @'Pat'@ :: @'PadsTy'@ where @'Exp'@" e.g.:
  -- > [pads| constrain x :: Digit where <|x `mod` 2|> == 0|> |]
    = PConstrain Pat PadsTy Exp

  -- | AST form of "transform @'PadsTy'@ => @'PadsTy'@ using @'Exp'@" e.g.:
  -- > [pads| transform StringFW 1 => Char using <|(head, list1)|> |]
    | PTransform PadsTy PadsTy Exp (Maybe Exp)

  -- | AST form of a list of some @'PadsTy'@ type, comes with two optional attributes e.g.:
  -- "[ @'PadsTy'@ | @'PadsTy'@ ] terminator @'TermCond'@"
  -- The following @'PadsTy'@ describes a comma-separated list of integers
  -- terminated by the EOF symbol:
  -- > [pads| [Int | ','] terminator EOF |]
    | PList PadsTy (Maybe PadsTy) (Maybe TermCond)

  -- | AST form of a partitioned type "partition @'PadsTy'@ using @'Exp'@" e.g.:
  -- > [pads| partition Entries using <| bytes 6 |> |]
  -- A partitioned type allows for parser extensions to make use of the state of
  -- the PADS parser in deciding how to divide up (partition) the input.
    | PPartition PadsTy Exp

  -- | AST form of a value constructor "value @'Exp'@ :: @'PadsTy'@" e.g.:
  -- > [pads| data Foo = Foo { x :: Int, xIsEven = value <| even x |> :: Bool } |]
  -- This allows you to do the opposite of what @'BConstr'@ does: bring names into
  -- scope which get stored in the output of the parser (rather than having them
  -- disappear after the parser finishes.
    | PValue Exp PadsTy

  -- | A pads type application like "@'PadsTy'@ @'PadsTy'@ @'PadsTy'@ ... @'Exp'@" e.g.
  -- > [pads| data Foo      = Foo { x :: Int, Bar x <| x + 1 |> |]
    | PApp [PadsTy] (Maybe Exp)

  -- | AST form of a pads tuple "( @'PadsTy@', @'PadsTy@', ... )" e.g.
  -- > [pads| (Int, "+", Int) |]
    | PTuple [PadsTy]

  -- | An arbitrary Haskell expression as used in a @'PApp'@ pads type application
  -- and in a @'PSwitch'@ pads switch/case type.
    | PExpression Exp

  -- | Pads type constructor with a qualified name
    | PTycon QString

  -- | Pads type variable with a name
    | PTyvar String
   deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show, Lift, Generic)

-- | Parser terminator condition
data TermCond
  -- | Lexical terminator type: any @'PadsTy'@ signaling termination
    = LTerm PadsTy

  -- | Lexical length: arbitrary Haskell @'Exp@'
    | LLen Exp
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show, Lift, Generic)

-- | Right-hand side of a pads data type declaration
data PadsData
  -- | A pads union data type declaration.
  -- Syntax: "@'BranchInfo'@ | @'BranchInfo'@ | ..."
    = PUnion [BranchInfo]

  -- | A pads switch-case 'statement'.
  -- Syntax:
  -- @
  --    case 'Exp' of
  --      'Pat' -> 'BranchInfo'
  --    | 'Pat' -> 'BranchInfo'
  --    ...
  -- @
  -- > [pads| case <| tag + 1 |> of
  -- >          2 -> Foo
  -- >        | 3 -> Bar
  -- > |]
    | PSwitch Exp [(Pat,BranchInfo)]
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show, Lift, Generic)

-- | An individual branch of some pads data type, either defining a Haskell record
-- parser or a Haskell constructor parser.
data BranchInfo
  -- | Branch record with a constructor name, list of record fields, and maybe a boolean 'where' clause.
  -- Syntax: @'String'@ { @'FieldInfo'@, @'FieldInfo'@, ... } where @'Exp@'
  -- > [pads| Foo { x :: Int, y :: Char } where <| x == ord y |>
    = BRecord String [FieldInfo] (Maybe Exp)

  -- | Branch constructor with a constructor name, a list of argument types, and maybe a boolean 'where' clause:
  -- Syntax: @'String'@ @'ConstrArg'@ @'ConstrArg'@ ... where @'Exp@'
  -- > [pads| Foo (x :: Int) (y :: Char) where <| x == ord y |>
  -- Note that this lets you bring variables into scope during parsing (`x` and
  -- `y` in the above) *without* saving them into the parse result, effectively
  -- making them operate as temporary variables that can be referenced by the
  -- Haskell predicates.
    | BConstr String [ConstrArg] (Maybe Exp)
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show, Lift, Generic)

-- | Individual field of a pads record, "@'String'@ :: @'ConstrArg'@ where @'Exp'@"
type FieldInfo = (Maybe String, ConstrArg, Maybe Exp, Maybe Exp)
type ConstrArg = (PadsStrict, PadsTy)

-- | A hold-over resulting from a deprecation moving from an older version of template-haskell.
data PadsStrict = IsStrict | NotStrict | Unpacked
  deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show, Lift, Generic)

-- | Qualified names where ["Foo", "Bar"] means "Foo.Bar"
type QString = [String]

-- | Whether or not a @'PadsTy'@ has an underlying Haskell representation
hasRep :: PadsTy -> Bool
hasRep (PExpression l)   = False
hasRep (PTycon ["EOF"])  = False
hasRep (PTycon ["EOR"])  = False
hasRep (PTycon ["Void"]) = False
hasRep (PApp [PTycon ["Try"], t] _) = hasRep t
hasRep ty                 = True

-- | > ["Foo", "Bar"] -> "Foo.Bar"
qName :: QString -> String
qName [n] = n
qName (n:ms) = n ++ "." ++ qName ms