-- | Implementation of the optimal Ate pairing on the curve BN128

module Pairing.Pairing
  ( reducedPairing
  , atePairing
  , finalExponentiation
  , finalExponentiationNaive
  , frobeniusNaive
  , ateLoopCountBinary
  ) where

import Protolude

import Data.List ((!!))
import Pairing.Point
import Pairing.Group
import Pairing.Jacobian
import Pairing.Fq (Fq)
import qualified Pairing.Fq as Fq
import Pairing.Fq2 (Fq2)
import qualified Pairing.Fq2 as Fq2
import Pairing.Fq6 as Fq6
import Pairing.Fq12 (Fq12)
import qualified Pairing.Fq12 as Fq12
import Pairing.Params

-- G2, but using Jacobian coordinates
type JG2 = JPoint Fq2

-- ell0, ellVW, ellVV
data EllCoeffs
  = EllCoeffs Fq2 Fq2 Fq2
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Optimal Ate pairing (including final exponentiation step)
reducedPairing :: G1 -> G2 -> GT
reducedPairing p@(Point _ _) q@(Point _ _)
  = finalExponentiation $ atePairing p q
reducedPairing _ _
  = Fq12.fq12one

-- Miller loop

-- | Optimal Ate pairing without the final exponentiation step
atePairing :: G1 -> G2 -> Fq12
atePairing p@(Point _ _) q@(Point _ _)
  = ateMillerLoop p (atePrecomputeG2 q)
atePairing _ _
  = Fq12.fq12one

-- | Binary expansion (missing the most-significant bit) representing
-- the number 6 * _t + 2.
-- > 29793968203157093288
-- > = 0b11001110101111001011100000011100110111110011101100011101110101000
ateLoopCountBinary :: [Bool]
  = [ t, f, f, t, t, t, f, t, f, t, t, t, t, f, f, t
    , f, t, t, t, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, t, t, f, f, t
    , t, f, t, t, t, t, t, f, f, t, t, t, f, t, t, f
    , f, f, t, t, t, f, t, t, t, f, t, f, t, f, f, f
      t = True
      f = False

-- | Miller loop with precomputed values for G2
ateMillerLoop :: G1 -> [EllCoeffs] -> GT
ateMillerLoop p coeffs  = let
  (postLoopIx, postLoopF) = foldl' (ateLoopBody p coeffs) (0, Fq12.fq12one) ateLoopCountBinary
  almostF = mulBy024 postLoopF (prepareCoeffs coeffs p postLoopIx)
  finalF = mulBy024 almostF (prepareCoeffs coeffs p (postLoopIx + 1))
  in finalF

ateLoopBody :: G1 -> [EllCoeffs] -> (Int, Fq12) -> Bool -> (Int, Fq12)
ateLoopBody p coeffs (oldIx, oldF) currentBit
  = let
  fFirst = mulBy024 (oldF^2) (prepareCoeffs coeffs p oldIx)
  (nextIx, nextF) = if currentBit
          then (oldIx + 2, mulBy024 fFirst (prepareCoeffs coeffs p (oldIx + 1)))
          else (oldIx + 1, fFirst)
  in (nextIx, nextF)

prepareCoeffs :: [EllCoeffs] -> G1 -> Int -> EllCoeffs
prepareCoeffs _ Infinity _ = panic "prepareCoeffs: received trivial point"
prepareCoeffs coeffs (Point px py) ix =
  let (EllCoeffs ell0 ellVW ellVV) = coeffs !! ix
  in EllCoeffs ell0 (Fq2.fq2scalarMul py ellVW) (Fq2.fq2scalarMul px ellVV)

{-# INLINEABLE mulBy024 #-}
mulBy024 :: Fq12 -> EllCoeffs -> Fq12
mulBy024 this (EllCoeffs ell0 ellVW ellVV)
  = let a = Fq12.Fq12
            (Fq6.Fq6 ell0 Fq2.fq2zero ellVV)
            (Fq6.Fq6 Fq2.fq2zero ellVW Fq2.fq2zero)
    in this * a

-- Precomputation on G2

-- | Iterated frobenius morphisms on fields of characteristic _q,
-- implemented naively
{-# SPECIALISE frobeniusNaive :: Int -> Fq2 -> Fq2 #-}
frobeniusNaive :: Num a => Int -> a -> a
frobeniusNaive i a
  | i == 0 = a
  | i == 1 = a ^ _q
  | i > 1 = let prev = frobeniusNaive (i - 1) a
            in prev ^ _q
  | otherwise = panic "frobeniusNaive: received negative input"

{-# INLINEABLE mulByQ  #-}
mulByQ :: JG2 -> JG2
mulByQ (x, y, z)
  = ( twistMulX * frobeniusNaive 1 x
    , twistMulY * frobeniusNaive 1 y
    , frobeniusNaive 1 z

-- xi ^ ((_q - 1) `div` 3)
twistMulX :: Fq2
twistMulX = Fq2.xi ^ ((_q - 1) `div` 3) -- Fq2
--  21575463638280843010398324269430826099269044274347216827212613867836435027261
--  10307601595873709700152284273816112264069230130616436755625194854815875713954

-- xi ^ ((_q - 1) `div` 2)
twistMulY :: Fq2
twistMulY = Fq2.xi ^ ((_q - 1) `div` 2) -- Fq2
--  2821565182194536844548159561693502659359617185244120367078079554186484126554
--  3505843767911556378687030309984248845540243509899259641013678093033130930403

mirrorY :: JG2 -> JG2
mirrorY (x,y,z) = (x,-y,z)

atePrecomputeG2 :: G2 -> [EllCoeffs]
atePrecomputeG2 Infinity = []
atePrecomputeG2 origPt@(Point _ _)
  = let
  bigQ = toJacobian origPt
  (postLoopR, postLoopCoeffs)
    = runLoop bigQ
  bigQ1 = mulByQ bigQ
  bigQ2 = mirrorY $ mulByQ bigQ1

  (newR, coeffs1) = mixedAdditionStepForFlippedMillerLoop bigQ1 postLoopR
  (_, coeffs2) = mixedAdditionStepForFlippedMillerLoop bigQ2 newR
  finalCoeffs = postLoopCoeffs ++ [coeffs1, coeffs2]
  in finalCoeffs
      -- Assumes q to have z coordinate to be 1
      runLoop q = foldl' (loopBody q) (q, []) ateLoopCountBinary

      loopBody :: JG2 -> (JG2, [EllCoeffs]) -> Bool -> (JG2, [EllCoeffs])
      loopBody q (oldR, oldCoeffs) currentBit
        = let
        (currentR, currentCoeff) = doublingStepForFlippedMillerLoop oldR
        currentCoeffs = oldCoeffs ++ [currentCoeff]
        (nextR, nextCoeffs) = if currentBit
                                let (resultR, resultCoeff)
                                      = mixedAdditionStepForFlippedMillerLoop q currentR
                                in (resultR, currentCoeffs ++ [resultCoeff])
                              else (currentR, currentCoeffs)
        in (nextR, nextCoeffs)

twoInv :: Fq
twoInv = Fq.fqInv $ Fq.new 2

twistCoeffB :: Fq2
twistCoeffB = Fq2.fq2scalarMul (Fq.new _b) (Fq2.fq2inv Fq2.xi)

doublingStepForFlippedMillerLoop :: JG2 -> (JG2, EllCoeffs)
doublingStepForFlippedMillerLoop (oldX, oldY, oldZ)
  = let
  a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, eSquared :: Fq2.Fq2

  a = Fq2.fq2scalarMul twoInv (oldX * oldY)
  b = oldY * oldY
  c = oldZ * oldZ
  d = c + c + c
  e = twistCoeffB * d
  f = e + e + e
  g = Fq2.fq2scalarMul twoInv (b + f)
  h = (oldY + oldZ) * (oldY + oldZ) - (b + c)
  i = e - b
  j = oldX * oldX
  eSquared = e * e

  newX = a * (b - f)
  newY = g * g - (eSquared + eSquared + eSquared)
  newZ = b * h

  ell0 = Fq2.xi * i
  ellVV = j + j + j
  ellVW = - h

  in ( (newX, newY, newZ)
     , EllCoeffs ell0 ellVW ellVV

mixedAdditionStepForFlippedMillerLoop :: JG2 -> JG2 -> (JG2, EllCoeffs)
mixedAdditionStepForFlippedMillerLoop _base@(x2, y2, _z2) _current@(x1, y1, z1)
  = let
  d, e, f, g, h, i, j :: Fq2.Fq2
  d = x1 - (x2 * z1)
  e = y1 - (y2 * z1)
  f = d * d
  g = e * e
  h = d * f
  i = x1 * f
  j = h + z1 * g - (i + i)

  newX = d * j
  newY = e * (i - j) - (h * y1)
  newZ = z1 * h

  ell0 = Fq2.xi * (e * x2 - d * y2)
  ellVV = - e
  ellVW = d

  in ( (newX, newY, newZ)
     , EllCoeffs ell0 ellVW ellVV

-- Final exponentiation

-- | Naive implementation of the final exponentiation step
finalExponentiationNaive :: Fq12 -> GT
finalExponentiationNaive f = f ^ expVal
    expVal :: Integer
    expVal = (_q ^ _k - 1) `div` _r

-- | A faster way of performing the final exponentiation step
finalExponentiation :: Fq12 -> GT
finalExponentiation f = finalExponentiationFirstChunk f ^ expVal
    expVal = (_q ^ 4 - _q ^ 2 + 1) `div` _r

finalExponentiationFirstChunk :: Fq12 -> GT
finalExponentiationFirstChunk f
  | f == Fq12.fq12zero = Fq12.fq12zero
  | otherwise = let
  f1 = Fq12.fq12conj f
  f2 = Fq12.fq12inv f
  newf0 = f1 * f2 -- == f^(_q ^6 - 1)
  in Fq12.fq12frobenius 2 newf0 * newf0 -- == f^((_q ^ 6 - 1) * (_q ^ 2 + 1))