{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- | Prime field with characteristic _q, over which the elliptic curve
-- is defined and the other finite field extensions.
--   * Fq
--   * Fq2 := Fq[u]/u^2 + 1
--   * Fq6 := Fq2[v]/v^3 - (9 + u)
--   * Fq12 := Fq6[w]/w^2 - v
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Pairing.Fq
  ( Fq
  , Fq2
  , Fq6
  , Fq12
  , fqSqrt
  , fq2Sqrt
  , fqYforX
  , fq2YforX
  , fqNqr
  , xi
  , mulXi
  , fq2Conj
  , fq2ScalarMul
  , construct
  , deconstruct
  , fq12Conj
  , fq12Frobenius
  ) where

import Protolude

import Data.ByteString as B (splitAt, length)
import ExtensionField (ExtensionField, IrreducibleMonic(..), fromField, fromList, t, x)
import GaloisField (GaloisField(..))
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Class (powMod)
import PrimeField (PrimeField, toInt)

import Pairing.ByteRepr
import Pairing.CyclicGroup
import Pairing.Modular
import Pairing.Params

-- Types

-- | Prime field @Fq@ with characteristic @_q@
type Fq = PrimeField 21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583

-- | Quadratic irreducible monic polynomial @f(u) = u^2 + 1@
data PolynomialU
instance IrreducibleMonic Fq PolynomialU where
  split _ = x^2 + 1

-- | Quadratic extension field of @Fq@ defined as @Fq2 = Fq[u]/<f(u)>@
type Fq2 = ExtensionField Fq PolynomialU

-- | Cubic irreducible monic polynomial @g(v) = v^3 - (9 + u)@
data PolynomialV
instance IrreducibleMonic Fq2 PolynomialV where
  split _ = x^3 - (9 + t x)

-- | Cubic extension field of @Fq2@ defined as @Fq6 = Fq2[v]/<g(v)>@
type Fq6 = ExtensionField Fq2 PolynomialV

-- | Quadratic irreducible monic polynomial @h(w) = w^2 - v@
data PolynomialW
instance IrreducibleMonic Fq6 PolynomialW where
  split _ = x^2 - t x

-- | Quadratic extension field of @Fq6@ defined as @Fq12 = Fq6[w]/<h(w)>@
type Fq12 = ExtensionField Fq6 PolynomialW

-- Instances

instance Ord Fq where
  compare = on compare toInt

instance Ord Fq2 where
  compare = on compare fromField

instance FromX Fq where
  yFromX = fqYforX
  isOdd y = odd (toInt y)

instance FromX Fq2 where
  yFromX = fq2YforX
  isOdd a = case fromField a of -- This is generalised from the MCL implementation where in Fq2 oddness is based on the first element
    (x : xs) -> isOdd x
    [] -> False -- Assume zero

instance ByteRepr Fq where
  mkRepr bo = toPaddedBytes bo <$> toInt
  fromRepr bo _ bs = Just (fromInteger (fromBytesToInteger (byteOrder bo) bs))
  calcReprLength _ n = n

instance ByteRepr Fq2 where
  mkRepr bo f2 = do
    bites <- fq2Bytes f2
    (foldl' (<>) mempty . map (mkRepr bo)) bites
  fromRepr bo fq2 bs = do
      blen = calcReprLength (1 :: Fq) $ lenPerElement bo
      (xbs, ybs) = B.splitAt blen bs
    x <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq) xbs
    y <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq) ybs
    return (fromList [x, y])
  calcReprLength _ n = 2 * calcReprLength (1 :: Fq) n

instance ByteRepr Fq6 where
  mkRepr bo f6 = do
    bites <- fq6Bytes f6
    (foldl' (<>) mempty . map (mkRepr bo)) bites
  fromRepr bo fq6 bs = do
      blen = calcReprLength (1 :: Fq2) $ lenPerElement bo
      (xbs, yzbs) = B.splitAt blen bs
      (ybs, zbs) = B.splitAt blen yzbs
    x <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq2) xbs
    y <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq2) ybs
    z <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq2) zbs
    return (fromList [x, y, z])
  calcReprLength _ n = 3 * calcReprLength (1 :: Fq2) n

instance ByteRepr Fq12 where
  mkRepr bo f12= do
    bites <- fq12Bytes f12
    (foldl' (<>) mempty . map (mkRepr bo)) bites
  fromRepr bo fq12 bs = do
      blen = calcReprLength (1 :: Fq6) $ lenPerElement bo
      (xbs, ybs) = B.splitAt blen bs
    x <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq6) xbs
    y <- fromRepr bo (1 :: Fq6) ybs
    return (fromList [x, y])
  calcReprLength _ n = 2 * calcReprLength (1 :: Fq6) n

-- Y for X

fqSqrt :: (Fq -> Fq -> Fq) -> Fq -> Maybe Fq
fqSqrt ysel a = case withQM (modUnOpMTup (toInt a) bothSqrtOf) of
  Just (y1, y2) -> Just (ysel (fromInteger y1) (fromInteger y2))
  Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Square root of Fq2 are specified by https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/685.pdf,
-- Algorithm 9 with lots of help from https://docs.rs/pairing/0.14.1/src/pairing/bls12_381/fq2.rs.html#162-222
-- This implementation appears to return the larger square root so check the
-- return value and negate as necessary
fq2Sqrt :: Fq2 -> Maybe Fq2
fq2Sqrt a = do
  let a1 = pow a qm3by4
  let alpha = pow a1 2 * a
  let a0 = pow alpha _q * alpha
  if a0 == -1 then Nothing else do
    let x0 = a1 * a
    if alpha == -1 then Just (a1 * fromList [0, 1]) else do
      let b = pow (alpha + 1) qm1by2
      Just (b * x0)
    qm3by4 = withQ (modBinOp (_q -3) 4 (/))
    qm1by2 = withQ (modBinOp (_q -1) 2 (/))

fqYforX :: Fq -> (Fq -> Fq -> Fq) -> Maybe Fq
fqYforX x ysel = fqSqrt ysel (pow x 3 + fromInteger _b)

-- https://docs.rs/pairing/0.14.1/src/pairing/bls12_381/ec.rs.html#102-124
fq2YforX :: Fq2 -> (Fq2 -> Fq2 -> Fq2) -> Maybe Fq2
fq2YforX x ly = do
  y <- newy
  pure (ly y (negate y))
    newy = fq2Sqrt (pow x 3 + fromInteger _b / xi)

-- Non-residues

-- | Quadratic non-residue
fqNqr :: Fq
fqNqr = fromInteger _nqr
{-# INLINE fqNqr #-}

-- | Cubic non-residue in @Fq2@
xi :: Fq2
xi = fromList [fromInteger _xiA, fromInteger _xiB]

-- | Multiply by @xi@ (cubic nonresidue in @Fq2@) and reorder coefficients
mulXi :: Fq6 -> Fq6
mulXi w = case fromField w of
  [x, y, z] -> fromList [z * xi, x, y]
  [x, y]    -> fromList [0, x, y]
  [x]       -> fromList [0, x]
  []        -> fromList []
  _         -> panic "mulXi not exhaustive."
{-# INLINE mulXi #-}

-- Byte lists

fq2Bytes :: Fq2 -> Maybe [Fq]
fq2Bytes w = case fromField w of
  [x, y] -> Just [x, y]
  [x]    -> Just [x, 0]
  []     -> Just [0, 0]
  _      -> Nothing

fq6Bytes :: Fq6 -> Maybe [Fq2]
fq6Bytes w = case fromField w of
  [x, y, z] -> Just [x, y, z]
  [x, y]    -> Just [x, y, 0]
  [x]       -> Just [x, 0, 0]
  []        -> Just [0, 0, 0]
  _         -> Nothing

fq12Bytes :: Fq12 -> Maybe [Fq6]
fq12Bytes w = case fromField w of
  [x, y] -> Just [x, y]
  [x]    -> Just [x, 0]
  []     -> Just [0, 0]
  _      -> Nothing

-- Fq2 and Fq12

-- | Conjugation
fq2Conj :: Fq2 -> Fq2
fq2Conj x = case fromField x of
  [y, z] -> fromList [y, -z]
  [y]    -> fromList [y]
  []     -> 0
  _      -> panic "fq2Conj not exhaustive."

-- | Multiplication by a scalar in @Fq@
fq2ScalarMul :: Fq -> Fq2 -> Fq2
fq2ScalarMul a x = fromList [a] * x

-- | Conjugation
fq12Conj :: Fq12 -> Fq12
fq12Conj x = case fromField x of
  [y, z] -> fromList [y, -z]
  [y]    -> fromList [y]
  []     -> 0
  _      -> panic "fq12Conj not exhaustive."

-- | Create a new value in @Fq12@ by providing a list of twelve coefficients
-- in @Fq@, should be used instead of the @Fq12@ constructor.
construct :: [Fq] -> Fq12
construct [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l] = fromList
  [ fromList [fromList [a, b], fromList [c, d], fromList [e, f]]
  , fromList [fromList [g, h], fromList [i, j], fromList [k, l]] ]
construct _ = panic "Invalid arguments to fq12"

-- | Deconstruct a value in @Fq12@ into a list of twelve coefficients in @Fq@.
deconstruct :: Fq12 -> [Fq]
deconstruct = concatMap fromField . concatMap fromField . fromField

-- | Iterated Frobenius automorphism
fq12Frobenius :: Int -> Fq12 -> Fq12
fq12Frobenius i a
  | i == 0 = a
  | i == 1 = fastFrobenius a
  | i > 1 = let prev = fq12Frobenius (i - 1) a
            in fastFrobenius prev
  | otherwise = panic "fq12Frobenius not defined for negative values of i"

-- | Fast Frobenius automorphism
fastFrobenius :: Fq12 -> Fq12
fastFrobenius = collapse . convert [[0,2,4],[1,3,5]] . conjugate
    conjugate :: Fq12 -> [[Fq2]]
    conjugate = map (map fq2Conj . fromField) . fromField
    convert :: [[Integer]] -> [[Fq2]] -> [[Fq2]]
    convert = zipWith (zipWith (\x y -> pow xi ((x * (_q - 1)) `div` 6) * y))
    collapse :: [[Fq2]] -> Fq12
    collapse = fromList . map fromList