pandoc-builder-monadic-1.1.1: A monadic DSL for building pandoc documents
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module exports a 1:1 monadic version of pandoc-types' Builder.



type Builder el = BuilderM el () Source #

Pandoc element builder. Stores written pandoc elements.

type URL = Text Source #

Type alias for URLs.

type Title = Text Source #

Type alias for Titles.

type Raw = Text Source #

Type alias for raw output.


doc :: Builder Block -> Pandoc Source #

Build a pandoc document from a Builder of top-level elements.

setTitle :: Builder Inline -> Pandoc -> Pandoc Source #

Set the document's title in the metadata.

setAuthors :: [Builder Inline] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc Source #

Set the document's authors in the metadata.

setDate :: Builder Inline -> Pandoc -> Pandoc Source #

Set the document's date in the metadata.

setMeta :: (HasMeta a, ToMetaValue b) => Text -> b -> a -> a Source #

Set a value in the document's metadata.

Inline builders

text :: Text -> Builder Inline Source #

Convert a Text to a Builder Inline, treating interword spaces as Spaces or SoftBreaks. If you want a Str with literal spaces, use str.

str :: Text -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a string.

emph :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build an emphasized (usually italicized) inline.

underline :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build an underlined inline.

strong :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a strong (bold) inline.

strikeout :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a strikeout (crossed out) inline.

superscript :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a superscripted inline.

subscript :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a subscripted inline.

smallcaps :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a smallcaps inline. See the example in the font-family MDN page.

singleQuoted :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a single-quoted inline.

doubleQuoted :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a double-quoted inline.

code :: Text -> Builder Inline Source #

Build some inline code.

codeWith :: Attr -> Text -> Builder Inline Source #

Build some inline code with attributes.

space :: Builder Inline Source #

Build an inter-word space.

softbreak :: Builder Inline Source #

Build a soft line-break.

linebreak :: Builder Inline Source #

Build a hard line-break.

math :: Text -> Builder Inline Source #

Build some inline TeX math.

displayMath :: Text -> Builder Inline Source #

Build some display-mode TeX math. Display mode is for math that is set apart from the main text.

rawInline :: Format -> Raw -> Builder Inline Source #

Embed some of the output directly. This is useful to gain access to features of the underlying output which aren't supported by pandoc directly.

link :: URL -> Title -> Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a link from a URL, a title, and some inline pandoc.

linkWith :: Attr -> URL -> Title -> Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a link from some attributes, a URL, a title, and some inline pandoc.

image :: URL -> Title -> Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build an image from a URL, a title, and some inline pandoc.

imageWith :: Attr -> Text -> Text -> Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build an image from some attributes, a URL, a title, and some inline pandoc.

note :: Builder Block -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a footnote or endnote from some pandoc blocks.

spanWith :: Attr -> Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Build a generic inline container from attributes and more inline pandoc.

trimInlines :: Builder Inline -> Builder Inline Source #

Trim leading and trailing spaces and softbreaks from some inline pandoc.

Block builders

para :: Builder Inline -> Builder Block Source #

Build a paragraph.

plain :: Builder Inline -> Builder Block Source #

Build some plain text (not a paragraph).

lineBlock :: [Builder Inline] -> Builder Block Source #

Build multiple non-breaking lines.

codeBlockWith :: Attr -> Text -> Builder Block Source #

Build a code block with attributes.

codeBlock :: Text -> Builder Block Source #

Build a code block.

rawBlock :: Format -> Raw -> Builder Block Source #

Embed some of the output directly. This is useful to gain access to features of the underlying output which aren't supported by pandoc directly.

blockQuote :: Builder Block -> Builder Block Source #

Build a block quote.

bulletList :: [Builder Block] -> Builder Block Source #

Build a bullet list.

orderedListWith :: ListAttributes -> [Builder Block] -> Builder Block Source #

Build an ordered list with attributes.

orderedList :: [Builder Block] -> Builder Block Source #

Build an ordered list.

definitionList :: [(Builder Inline, [Builder Block])] -> Builder Block Source #

Build an definition list given a list of tuples, where the first element of each tuple is a term, and the second element is the definition.

header :: Int -> Builder Inline -> Builder Block Source #

Build a header, given a level and some inline pandoc. You may consider using h1 and friends, for a more concise API.

headerWith :: Attr -> Int -> Builder Inline -> Builder Block Source #

Build a header from some attributes, a level and some inline pandoc.

horizontalRule :: Builder Block Source #

Build a horizontal rule.

cell :: Alignment -> RowSpan -> ColSpan -> Builder Block -> Cell Source #

Build a cell of a table, full API excluding attributes.

simpleCell :: Builder Block -> Cell Source #

Build a 1x1 cell with default alignment, given some pandoc.

emptyCell :: Cell Source #

Build a 1x1 empty cell.

cellWith :: Attr -> Alignment -> RowSpan -> ColSpan -> Builder Block -> Cell Source #

Build a cell of a table, full API including attributes.

table :: Caption -> [ColSpec] -> TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Builder Block Source #

Build a table, full API excluding attributes.

simpleTable :: [Builder Block] -> [[Builder Block]] -> Builder Block Source #

Build a table, given a list of header cells, and a list of rows.

tableWith :: Attr -> Caption -> [ColSpec] -> TableHead -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot -> Builder Block Source #

Build a table, full API including attributes.

figure :: Caption -> Builder Block -> Builder Block Source #

Build a captioned figure. This is available in pandoc-types >= 1.23, which corresponds to pandoc >= 3.0.

figureWith :: Attr -> Caption -> Builder Block -> Builder Block Source #

Build a captioned figure, with attributes. This is available in pandoc-types >= 1.23, which corresponds to pandoc >= 3.0.

caption :: Maybe ShortCaption -> Builder Block -> Caption Source #

Make a caption, with an optional short version.

simpleCaption :: Builder Block -> Caption Source #

Make a caption, without a short version.

emptyCaption :: Caption Source #

Make an empty caption

simpleFigureWith :: Attr -> Builder Inline -> URL -> Title -> Builder Block Source #

Build a captioned figure containing an image, with attributes. This is available in pandoc-types >= 1.22.1, which corresponds to pandoc >= 2.15.

simpleFigure :: Builder Inline -> Text -> Text -> Builder Block Source #

Build a captioned figure, containing an image. This is available in pandoc-types >= 1.22.1, which corresponds to pandoc >= 2.15.

divWith :: Attr -> Builder Block -> Builder Block Source #

Build a generic block container with attributes.

Table processing

normalizeTableHead :: Int -> TableHead -> TableHead #

Normalize the TableHead with clipRows and placeRowSection so that when placed on a grid with the given width and a height equal to the number of rows in the initial TableHead, there will be no empty spaces or overlapping cells, and the cells will not protrude beyond the grid.

normalizeTableBody :: Int -> TableBody -> TableBody #

Normalize the intermediate head and body section of a TableBody, as in normalizeTableHead, but additionally ensure that row head cells do not go beyond the row head inside the intermediate body.

placeRowSection #


:: [RowSpan]

The overhang of the previous grid row

-> [Cell]

The cells to lay on the grid row

-> ([RowSpan], [Cell], [Cell])

The overhang of the current grid row, the normalized cells that fit on the current row, and the remaining unmodified cells

Normalize the given list of cells so that they fit on a single grid row. The RowSpan values of the cells are assumed to be valid (clamped to lie between 1 and the remaining grid height). The cells in the list are also assumed to be able to fill the entire grid row. These conditions can be met by appending repeat emptyCell to the [Cell] list and using clipRows on the entire table section beforehand.

Normalization follows the principle that cells are placed on a grid row in order, each at the first available grid position from the left, having their ColSpan reduced if they would overlap with a previous cell, stopping once the row is filled. Only the dimensions of cells are changed, and only of those cells that fit on the row.

Possible overlap is detected using the given [RowSpan], which is the "overhang" of the previous grid row, a list of the heights of cells that descend through the previous row, reckoned only from the previous row. Its length should be the width (number of columns) of the current grid row.

For example, the numbers in the following headerless grid table represent the overhang at each grid position for that table:

    1   1   1   1
  | 1 | 2   2 | 3 |
  +---+       +   +
  | 1 | 1   1 | 2 |
  +---+---+---+   +
  | 1   1 | 1 | 1 |

In any table, the row before the first has an overhang of replicate tableWidth 1, since there are no cells to descend into the table from there. The overhang of the first row in the example is [1, 2, 2, 3].

So if after clipRows the unnormalized second row of that example table were

r = [("a", 1, 2),("b", 2, 3)] -- the cells displayed as (label, RowSpan, ColSpan) only

a correct invocation of placeRowSection to normalize it would be

>>> placeRowSection [1, 2, 2, 3] $ r ++ repeat emptyCell
([1, 1, 1, 2], [("a", 1, 1)], [("b", 2, 3)] ++ repeat emptyCell) -- wouldn't stop printing, of course

and if the third row were only [("c", 1, 2)], then the expression would be

>>> placeRowSection [1, 1, 1, 2] $ [("c", 1, 2)] ++ repeat emptyCell
([1, 1, 1, 1], [("c", 1, 2), emptyCell], repeat emptyCell)

clipRows :: [Row] -> [Row] #

Ensure that the height of each cell in a table section lies between 1 and the distance from its row to the end of the section. So if there were four rows in the input list, the cells in the second row would have their height clamped between 1 and 3.

Orphan instances

IsString (Builder Block) Source # 
Instance details

IsString (Builder Inline) Source # 
Instance details