{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | This provides a variety of optics for traversing and
-- destructuring Pandoc documents.
-- Note that both 'Inline', 'Block', and 'MetaValue' have 'Plated' instances
-- which are useful for traversing the AST.

module Text.Pandoc.Lens
    ( -- * Documents
    , body
    , meta
      -- * Blocks
      -- | Prisms are provided for the constructors of 'Block'
      -- as well as a 'Plated' instance.
    , Block
    , blockInlines
    , _Plain
    , _Para
    , _CodeBlock
    , _BlockQuote
    , _OrderedList
    , _BulletList
    , _DefinitionList
    , _Header
    , _HorizontalRule
    , _Table
    , _Div
    , _Null
      -- * Inlines
      -- | Prisms are provided for the constructors of 'Inline'
      -- as well as a 'Plated' instance.
    , Inline
    , _Str
    , _Emph
    , _Strong
    , _Strikeout
    , _Superscript
    , _Subscript
    , _SmallCaps
    , _Quoted
    , _Cite
    , _Code
    , _Space
    , _LineBreak
    , _Math
    , _RawInline
    , _Link
    , _Image
    , _Note
    , _Span
    , inlinePrePlate
      -- * Metadata
      -- | Prisms are provided for the constructors of 'MetaValue'
      -- as well as a 'Plated' instance.
    , MetaValue
    , _MetaMap
    , _MetaList
    , _MetaBool
    , _MetaString
    , _MetaInlines
    , _MetaBlocks
      -- * Attributes
    , HasAttr(..)
    , attrIdentifier
    , attrClasses
    , attrs
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Data.Map (Map)

-- | The body of a pandoc document
body :: Lens' Pandoc [Block]
body = lens (\(Pandoc _ b)->b) (\(Pandoc m _) b->Pandoc m b)

-- | A traversal focusing on a particular metadata value of a document
meta :: String -> Traversal' Pandoc MetaValue
meta name = metaL . _Wrapped' . ix name
    metaL :: Lens' Pandoc Meta
    metaL = lens (\(Pandoc m _)->m) (\(Pandoc _ a) m->Pandoc m a)

instance Wrapped Meta where
    type Unwrapped Meta = Map String MetaValue
    _Wrapped' = iso unMeta Meta

type instance Index Meta = String
type instance IxValue Meta = MetaValue

instance Ixed Meta where
  ix k = _Wrapped' . ix k

instance At Meta where
  at k = _Wrapped' . at k

-- | A prism on a 'Plain' 'Block'
_Plain :: Prism' Block [Inline]
_Plain = prism' Plain f
    f (Plain x) = Just x
    f _         = Nothing

-- | A prism on a paragraph 'Block'
_Para :: Prism' Block [Inline]
_Para = prism' Para f
    f (Para x)  = Just x
    f _         = Nothing

-- | A prism on the text of a 'CodeBlock'
_CodeBlock :: Prism' Block String
_CodeBlock = prism' (CodeBlock nullAttr) f
    f (CodeBlock _ x)    = Just x
    f _                  = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'BlockQuote'
_BlockQuote :: Prism' Block [Block]
_BlockQuote = prism' BlockQuote f
    f (BlockQuote x)     = Just x
    f _                  = Nothing

-- | A prism on the items of a bullet list 'Block'
_OrderedList :: Prism' Block (ListAttributes, [[Block]])
_OrderedList = prism' (uncurry OrderedList) f
    f (OrderedList x y)  = Just (x, y)
    f _                  = Nothing

-- | A prism on the items of a bullet list 'Block'
_BulletList :: Prism' Block [[Block]]
_BulletList = prism' BulletList f
    f (BulletList x)     = Just x
    f _                  = Nothing

-- | A prism on the items of a definition list 'Block'
_DefinitionList :: Prism' Block [([Inline], [[Block]])]
_DefinitionList = prism' DefinitionList f
    f (DefinitionList x) = Just x
    f _                  = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Header' 'Block'
_Header :: Prism' Block (Int, [Inline])
_Header = prism' (\(a,b) -> Header a nullAttr b) f
    f (Header a _ b)   = Just (a, b)
    f _                = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'HorizontalRule' 'Block'
_HorizontalRule :: Prism' Block ()
_HorizontalRule = prism' (const HorizontalRule) f
    f HorizontalRule     = Just ()
    f _                  = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Table' 'Block'
_Table :: Prism' Block ([Inline], [Alignment], [Double], [TableCell], [[TableCell]])
_Table = prism' (\(a, b, c, d, e) -> Table a b c d e) f
    f (Table a b c d e) = Just (a, b, c, d, e)
    f _                 = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Div' 'Block'
_Div :: Prism' Block [Block]
_Div = prism' (Div nullAttr) f
    f (Div _ a)    = Just a
    f _            = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Null' 'Block'
_Null :: Prism' Block ()
_Null = prism' (const Null) f
    f Null = Just ()
    f _    = Nothing

instance Plated Block where
    plate f blk =
      case blk of
        BlockQuote blks        -> BlockQuote <$> traverse f blks
        OrderedList attrs blks -> OrderedList attrs <$> traverseOf (each . each) f blks
        BulletList blks        -> BulletList <$> traverseOf (each . each) f blks
        DefinitionList blks    -> DefinitionList <$> traverseOf (each . _2 . each . each) f blks
        Table a b c hdrs rows  -> Table a b c <$> traverseOf (each . each) f hdrs
                                              <*> traverseOf (each . each . each) f rows
        Div attrs blks         -> Div attrs <$> traverseOf each f blks
        _                      -> pure blk

-- | Traverse over the 'Inline' children of a 'Block'
blockInlines :: Traversal' Block Inline
blockInlines f blk =
    case blk of
      Plain inls         -> Plain <$> traverse f inls
      Para inls          -> Para <$> traverse f inls
      DefinitionList xs  -> DefinitionList <$> traverseOf (each . _1 . each) f xs
      Header n attr inls -> Header n attr <$> traverse f inls
      Table capt a b c d -> Table <$> traverse f capt
                                  <*> pure a <*> pure b <*> pure c <*> pure d
      _                  -> pure blk

-- | A prism on a 'Str' 'Inline'
_Str :: Prism' Inline String
_Str = prism' Str f
    f (Str s) = Just s
    f _       = Nothing

-- | A prism on an 'Emph' 'Inline'
_Emph :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_Emph = prism' Emph f
    f (Emph s) = Just s
    f _        = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Strong' 'Inline'
_Strong :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_Strong = prism' Strong f
    f (Strong s) = Just s
    f _          = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Strikeout' 'Inline'
_Strikeout :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_Strikeout = prism' Strikeout f
    f (Strikeout s) = Just s
    f _             = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Superscript' 'Inline'
_Superscript :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_Superscript = prism' Superscript f
    f (Superscript s) = Just s
    f _               = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Subscript' 'Inline'
_Subscript :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_Subscript = prism' Subscript f
    f (Subscript s) = Just s
    f _             = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'SmallCaps' 'Inline'
_SmallCaps :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_SmallCaps = prism' SmallCaps f
    f (SmallCaps s) = Just s
    f _             = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Quoted' 'Inline'
_Quoted :: Prism' Inline (QuoteType, [Inline])
_Quoted = prism' (uncurry Quoted) f
    f (Quoted a b)  = Just (a,b)
    f _             = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Cite' 'Inline'
_Cite :: Prism' Inline ([Citation], [Inline])
_Cite = prism' (uncurry Cite) f
    f (Cite a b)  = Just (a,b)
    f _           = Nothing

-- | A prism on the body of a 'Code' 'Inline'
_Code :: Prism' Inline String
_Code = prism' (Code nullAttr) f
    f (Code _ s) = Just s
    f _          = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Space' 'Inline'
_Space :: Prism' Inline ()
_Space = prism' (const Space) f
    f Space = Just ()
    f _     = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'LineBreak' 'Inline'
_LineBreak :: Prism' Inline ()
_LineBreak = prism' (const LineBreak) f
    f LineBreak = Just ()
    f _         = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Math' 'Inline'
_Math :: Prism' Inline (MathType, String)
_Math = prism' (uncurry Math) f
    f (Math a b) = Just (a, b)
    f _          = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'RawInline' 'Inline'
_RawInline :: Prism' Inline (Format, String)
_RawInline = prism' (uncurry RawInline) f
    f (RawInline a b) = Just (a, b)
    f _               = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Link' 'Inline'
_Link :: Prism' Inline ([Inline], Target)
_Link = prism' (uncurry $ Link nullAttr) f
    f (Link _ a b) = Just (a, b)
    f _            = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Image' 'Inline'
_Image :: Prism' Inline ([Inline], Target)
_Image = prism' (uncurry $ Image nullAttr) f
    f (Image _ a b) = Just (a, b)
    f _             = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Note' 'Inline'
_Note :: Prism' Inline [Block]
_Note = prism' Note f
    f (Note s) = Just s
    f _        = Nothing

-- | A prism on a 'Span' 'Inline'
_Span :: Prism' Inline [Inline]
_Span = prism' (Span nullAttr) f
    f (Span _ s) = Just s
    f _          = Nothing

-- | An affine traversal over the '[Inline]' in the last argument of an 'Inline' constructor
inlinePrePlate :: Traversal' Inline [Inline]
inlinePrePlate f inl =
  case inl of
    Emph cs        -> Emph <$> f cs
    Strong cs      -> Strong <$> f cs
    Strikeout cs   -> Strikeout <$> f cs
    Superscript cs -> Superscript <$> f cs
    Subscript cs   -> Subscript <$> f cs
    SmallCaps cs   -> SmallCaps <$> f cs
    Quoted q cs    -> Quoted q <$> f cs
    Cite cit cs    -> Cite cit <$> f cs
    Span attrs cs  -> Span attrs <$> f cs
    _              -> pure inl

instance Plated Inline where
    plate = inlinePrePlate . each

-- | A prism on a piece of 'MetaMap' metadata
_MetaMap :: Prism' MetaValue (Map String MetaValue)
_MetaMap = prism' MetaMap f
    f (MetaMap x) = Just x
    f _           = Nothing

-- | A prism on a piece of 'MetaList' metadata
_MetaList :: Prism' MetaValue [MetaValue]
_MetaList = prism' MetaList f
    f (MetaList x) = Just x
    f _            = Nothing

-- | A prism on a piece of 'MetaBool' metadata
_MetaBool :: Prism' MetaValue Bool
_MetaBool = prism' MetaBool f
    f (MetaBool x) = Just x
    f _            = Nothing

-- | A prism on a piece of 'MetaString' metadata
_MetaString :: Prism' MetaValue String
_MetaString = prism' MetaString f
    f (MetaString x) = Just x
    f _              = Nothing

-- | A prism on a piece of 'MetaInlines' metadata
_MetaInlines :: Prism' MetaValue [Inline]
_MetaInlines = prism' MetaInlines f
    f (MetaInlines x) = Just x
    f _               = Nothing

-- | A prism on a piece of 'MetaBlocks' metadata
_MetaBlocks :: Prism' MetaValue [Block]
_MetaBlocks = prism' MetaBlocks f
    f (MetaBlocks x) = Just x
    f _              = Nothing

instance Plated MetaValue where
    plate f inl =
      case inl of
        MetaMap cs  -> MetaMap <$> traverseOf each f cs
        MetaList cs -> MetaList <$> traverseOf each f cs
        _           -> pure inl

-- | An object that has attributes
class HasAttr a where
    -- | A traversal over the attributes of an object
    attributes :: Traversal' a Attr

instance HasAttr Block where
    attributes f (CodeBlock a s) = fmap (\a'->CodeBlock a' s) (f a)
    attributes f (Header n a s)  = fmap (\a'->Header n a' s) (f a)
    attributes f (Div a s)       = fmap (\a'->Div a' s) (f a)
    attributes _ x = pure x

instance HasAttr Inline where
    attributes f (Code a s) = fmap (\a'->Code a' s) (f a)
    attributes f (Span a s) = fmap (\a'->Span a' s) (f a)
    attributes _ x = pure x

-- | A lens onto identifier of an 'Attr'
attrIdentifier :: Lens' Attr String
attrIdentifier = _1

-- | A lens onto classes of an 'Attr'
attrClasses :: Lens' Attr [String]
attrClasses = _2

-- | A lens onto the key-value pairs of an 'Attr'
attrs :: Lens' Attr [(String, String)]
attrs = _3